Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AprwDI miqhInu inrgunu AnwQu nIcu ] (458-1)
apraaDhee matiheen nirgun anaath neech.
I am a sinner, devoid of wisdom, worthless, destitute and vile.

sT kToru kulhInu ibAwpq moh kIcu ] (458-1)
sath kathor kulheen bi-aapat moh keech.
I am deceitful, hard-hearted, lowly and entangled in the mud of emotional attachment.

ml Brm krm AhM mmqw mrxu cIiq n Awvey ] (458-1)
mal bharam karam ahaN mamtaa maran cheet na aav-ay.
I am stuck in the filth of doubt and egotistical actions, and I try not to think of death.

binqw ibnod Anµd mwieAw AigAwnqw lptwvey ] (458-2)
banitaa binod anand maa-i-aa agi-aantaa laptaav-ay.
In ignorance, I cling to the pleasures of woman and the joys of Maya.

iKsY jobnu bDY jrUAw idn inhwry sMig mIcu ] (458-3)
khisai joban baDhai jaroo-aa din nihaaray sang meech.
My youth is wasting away, old age is approaching, and Death, my companion, is counting my days.

ibnvMiq nwnk Aws qyrI srix swDU rwKu nIcu ]2] (458-3)
binvant naanak aas tayree saran saaDhoo raakh neech. ||2||
Prays Nanak, my hope is in You, Lord; please preserve me, the lowly one, in the Sanctuary of the Holy. ||2||

Brmy jnm Anyk sMkt mhw jon ] (458-4)
bharmay janam anayk sankat mahaa jon.
I have wandered through countless incarnations, suffering terrible pain in these lives.

lpit rihE iqh sMig mITy Bog son ] (458-4)
lapat rahi-o tih sang meethay bhog son.
I am entangled in sweet pleasures and gold.

BRmq Bwr Agnq AwieE bhu pRdysh DwieE ] (458-4)
bharmat bhaar agnat aa-i-o baho pardayseh Dhaa-i-o.
After wandering around with such great loads of sin, I have come, after wandering through so many foreign lands.

Ab Et DwrI pRB murwrI srb suK hir nwieE ] (458-5)
ab ot Dhaaree parabh muraaree sarab sukh har naa-i-o.
Now, I have taken the protection of God, and I have found total peace in the Name of the Lord.

rwKnhwry pRB ipAwry muJ qy kCU n hoAw hon ] (458-5)
raakhanhaaray parabh pi-aaray mujh tay kachhoo na ho-aa hon.
God, my Beloved, is my protector; nothing was done, or will ever be done, by myself alone.

sUK shj Awnµd nwnk ik®pw qyrI qrY Baun ]3] (458-6)
sookh sahj aanand naanak kirpaa tayree tarai bha-un. ||3||
I have found peace, poise and bliss, O Nanak; by Your mercy, I swim across the world-ocean. ||3||

nwm DwrIk auDwry Bgqh sMsw kaun ] (458-6)
naam Dhaareek uDhaaray bhagtah sansaa ka-un.
You saved those who only pretended to believe, so what doubts should Your true devotees have?

jyn kyn prkwry hir hir jsu sunhu sRvn ] (458-7)
jayn kayn parkaaray har har jas sunhu sarvan.
By every means possible, listen to the Praises of the Lord with your ears.

suin sRvn bwnI purK igAwnI min inDwnw pwvhy ] (458-7)
sun sarvan baanee purakh gi-aanee man niDhaanaa paavhay.
Listen with your ears to the Word of the Lord's Bani, the hymns of spiritual wisdom; thus you shall obtain the treasure in your mind.

hir rMig rwqy pRB ibDwqy rwm ky gux gwvhy ] (458-8)
har rang raatay parabh biDhaatay raam kay gun gaavhay.
Attuned to the Love of the Lord God, the Architect of Destiny, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

bsuD kwgd bnrwj klmw ilKx kau jy hoie pvn ] (458-8)
basuDh kaagad banraaj kalmaa likhan ka-o jay ho-ay pavan.
The earth is the paper, the forest is the pen and the wind is the writer,

byAMq AMqu n jwie pwieAw ghI nwnk crx srn ]4]5]8] (458-9)
bay-ant ant na jaa-ay paa-i-aa gahee naanak charan saran. ||4||5||8||
but still, the end of the endless Lord cannot be found. O Nanak, I have taken to the Sanctuary of His lotus feet. ||4||5||8||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (458-10)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

purK pqy Bgvwn qw kI srix ghI ] (458-10)
purakh patay bhagvaan taa kee saran gahee.
The Primal Lord is the Lord God of all beings. I have taken to His Sanctuary.

inrBau Bey prwn icMqw sgl lhI ] (458-10)
nirbha-o bha-ay paraan chintaa sagal lahee.
My life has become fearless, and all my anxieties have been removed.

mwq ipqw suq mIq suirjn iest bMDp jwixAw ] (458-11)
maat pitaa sut meet surijan isat banDhap jaani-aa.
I know the Lord as my mother, father, son, friend, well-wisher and close relative.

gih kMiT lwieAw guir imlwieAw jsu ibml sMq vKwixAw ] (458-11)
geh kanth laa-i-aa gur milaa-i-aa jas bimal sant vakhaani-aa.
The Guru has led me to embrace Him; the Saints chant His Pure Praises.

byAMq gux Anyk mihmw kImiq kCU n jwie khI ] (458-12)
bay-ant gun anayk mahimaa keemat kachhoo na jaa-ay kahee.
His Glorious Virtues are infinite, and His greatness is unlimited. His value cannot be described at all.

pRB eyk Aink AlK Twkur Et nwnk iqsu ghI ]1] (458-12)
parabh ayk anik alakh thaakur ot naanak tis gahee. ||1||
God is the One and only, the Unseen Lord and Master; O Nanak, I have grasped His protection. ||1||

AMimRq bnu sMswru shweI Awip Bey ] (458-13)
amrit ban sansaar sahaa-ee aap bha-ay.
The world is a pool of nectar, when the Lord becomes our helper.

rwm nwmu aur hwru ibKu ky idvs gey ] (458-13)
raam naam ur haar bikh kay divas ga-ay.
One who wears the necklace of the Lord's Name - his days of suffering are ended.

gqu Brm moh ibkwr ibnsy join Awvx sB rhy ] (458-14)
gat bharam moh bikaar binsay jon aavan sabh rahay.
His state of doubt, attachment and sin is erased, and the cycle of reincarnation into the womb is totally ended.

Agin swgr Bey sIql swD AMcl gih rhy ] (458-14)
agan saagar bha-ay seetal saaDh anchal geh rahay.
The ocean of fire becomes cool, when one grasps the hem of the robe of the Holy Saint.

goivMd gupwl dieAwl sMimRQ boil swDU hir jY jey ] (458-15)
govind gupaal da-i-aal sammrith bol saaDhoo har jai ja-ay.
The Lord of the Universe, the Sustainer of the World, the merciful all-powerful Lord - the Holy Saints proclaim the victory of the Lord.

nwnk nwmu iDAwie pUrn swDsMig pweI prm gqy ]2] (458-15)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay pooran saaDhsang paa-ee param gatay. ||2||
O Nanak, meditating on the Naam, in the perfect Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have obtained the supreme status. ||2||

jh dyKau qh sMig eyko riv rihAw ] (458-16)
jah daykh-a-u tah sang ayko rav rahi-aa.
Wherever I look, there I find the One Lord permeating and pervading all.

Gt Gt vwsI Awip ivrlY iknY lihAw ] (458-16)
ghat ghat vaasee aap virlai kinai lahi-aa.
In each and every heart, He Himself dwells, but how rare is that person who realizes this.

jil Qil mhIAil pUir pUrn kIt hsiq smwinAw ] (458-17)
jal thal mahee-al poor pooran keet hasat samaani-aa.
The Lord is permeating and pervading the water, the land and the sky; He is contained in the ant and the elephant.

Awid AMqy miD soeI gur pRswdI jwinAw ] (458-17)
aad antay maDh so-ee gur parsaadee jaani-aa.
In the beginning, in the middle and in the end, He exists. By Guru's Grace, He is known.

bRhmu psirAw bRhm lIlw goivMd gux iniD jin kihAw ] (458-18)
barahm pasri-aa barahm leelaa govind gun niDh jan kahi-aa.
God created the expanse of the universe, God created the play of the world. His humble servants call Him the Lord of the Universe, the treasure of virtue.

ismir suAwmI AMqrjwmI hir eyku nwnk riv rihAw ]3] (458-19)
simar su-aamee antarjaamee har ayk naanak rav rahi-aa. ||3||
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord Master, the Searcher of hearts; O Nanak, He is the One, pervading and permeating all. ||3||

idnu rYix suhwvVI AweI ismrq nwmu hry ] (458-19)
din rain suhaavarhee aa-ee simrat naam haray.
Day and night, become beauteous by remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD