Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gupq pRgt jw kau ArwDih paux pwxI idnsu rwiq ] (456-1)
gupat pargat jaa ka-o araaDheh pa-un paanee dinas raat.
The invisible and visible beings worship Him in adoration, along with wind and water, day and night.

niKAqR ssIAr sUr iDAwvih bsuD ggnw gwvey ] (456-1)
nakhi-atar sasee-ar soor Dhi-aavahi basuDh gagnaa gaav-ay.
The stars, the moon and the sun meditate on Him; the earth and the sky sing to Him.

sgl KwxI sgl bwxI sdw sdw iDAwvey ] (456-2)
sagal khaanee sagal banee sadaa sadaa Dhi-aav-ay.
All the sources of creation, and all languages meditate on Him, forever and ever.

isimRiq purwx cqur bydh Ktu swsqR jw kau jpwiq ] (456-3)
simrit puraan chatur baydah khat saastar jaa ka-o japaat.
The Simritees, the Puraanas, the four Vedas and the six Shaastras meditate on Him.

piqq pwvn Bgiq vCl nwnk imlIAY sMig swiq ]3] (456-3)
patit paavan bhagat vachhal naanak milee-ai sang saat. ||3||
He is the Purifier of sinners, the Lover of His Saints; O Nanak, He is met in the Society of the Saints. ||3||

jyqI pRBU jnweI rsnw qyq BnI ] (456-4)
jaytee parabhoo janaa-ee rasnaa tayt bhanee.
As much as God has revealed to us, that much we can speak with our tongues.

Anjwnq jo syvY qyqI nh jwie gnI ] (456-4)
anjaanat jo sayvai taytee nah jaa-ay ganee.
Those unknown ones who serve You cannot be counted.

Aivgq Agnq AQwh Twkur sgl mMJy bwhrw ] (456-4)
avigat agnat athaah thaakur sagal manjhay baahraa.
Imperishable, incalculable, and unfathomable is the Lord and Master; He is everywhere, inside and out.

srb jwick eyku dwqw nh dUir sMgI jwhrw ] (456-5)
sarab jaachik ayk daataa nah door sangee jaahraa.
We are all beggars, He is the One and only Giver; He is not far away, but is with us, ever-present.

vis Bgq QIAw imly jIAw qw kI aupmw ikq gnI ] (456-5)
vas bhagat thee-aa milay jee-aa taa kee upmaa kit ganee.
He is in the power of His devotees; those whose souls are united with Him - how can their praises be sung?

iehu dwnu mwnu nwnku pwey sIsu swDh Dir crnI ]4]2]5] (456-6)
ih daan maan naanak paa-ay sees saaDhah Dhar charnee. ||4||2||5||
May Nanak receive this gift and honor, of placing his head on the feet of the Holy Saints. ||4||2||5||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (456-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl,

slok ] (456-7)

audmu krhu vfBwgIho ismrhu hir hir rwie ] (456-7)
udam karahu vadbhaageeho simrahu har har raa-ay.
Make the effort, O very fortunate ones, and meditate on the Lord, the Lord King.

nwnk ijsu ismrq sB suK hovih dUKu drdu BRmu jwie ]1] (456-7)
naanak jis simrat sabh sukh hoveh dookh darad bharam jaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, remembering Him in meditation, you shall obtain total peace, and your pains and troubles and doubts shall depart. ||1||

CMqu ] (456-8)

nwmu jpq goibMd nh AlsweIAY ] (456-8)
naam japat gobind nah alsaa-ee-ai.
Chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe; don't be lazy.

Bytq swDU sMg jm puir nh jweIAY ] (456-8)
bhaytat saaDhoo sang jam pur nah jaa-ee-ai.
Meeting with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall not have to go to the City of Death.

dUK drd n Bau ibAwpY nwmu ismrq sd suKI ] (456-9)
dookh darad na bha-o bi-aapai naam simrat sad sukhee.
Pain, trouble and fear will not afflict you; meditating on the Naam, a lasting peace is found.

swis swis ArwiD hir hir iDAwie so pRBu min muKI ] (456-9)
saas saas araaDh har har Dhi-aa-ay so parabh man mukhee.
With each and every breath, worship the Lord in adoration; meditate on the Lord God in your mind and with your mouth.

ik®pwl dieAwl rswl gux iniD kir dieAw syvw lweIAY ] (456-10)
kirpaal da-i-aal rasaal gun niDh kar da-i-aa sayvaa laa-ee-ai.
O kind and compassionate Lord, O treasure of sublime essence, treasure of excellence, please link me to Your service.

nwnku pieAMpY crx jMpY nwmu jpq goibMd nh AlsweIAY ]1] (456-11)
naanak pa-i-ampai charan jampai naam japat gobind nah alsaa-ee-ai. ||1||
Prays Nanak: may I meditate on the Lord's lotus feet, and not be lazy in chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||

pwvn piqq punIq nwm inrMjnw ] (456-11)
paavan patit puneet naam niranjanaa.
The Purifier of sinners is the Naam, the Pure Name of the Immaculate Lord.

Brm AMDyr ibnws igAwn gur AMjnw ] (456-12)
bharam anDhayr binaas gi-aan gur anjnaa.
The darkness of doubt is removed by the healing ointment of the Guru's spiritual wisdom.

gur igAwn AMjn pRB inrMjn jil Qil mhIAil pUirAw ] (456-12)
gur gi-aan anjan parabh niranjan jal thal mahee-al poori-aa.
By the healing ointment of the Guru's spiritual wisdom, one meets the Immaculate Lord God, who is totally pervading the water, the land and the sky.

iek inmK jw kY irdY visAw imty iqsih ivsUirAw ] (456-13)
ik nimakh jaa kai ridai vasi-aa mitay tiseh visoori-aa.
If He dwells within the heart, for even an instant, sorrows are forgotten.

AgwiD boD smrQ suAwmI srb kw Bau BMjnw ] (456-13)
agaaDh boDh samrath su-aamee sarab kaa bha-o bhanjnaa.
The wisdom of the all-powerful Lord and Master is incomprehensible; He is the Destroyer of the fears of all.

nwnku pieAMpY crx jMpY pwvn piqq punIq nwm inrMjnw ]2] (456-14)
naanak pa-i-ampai charan jampai paavan patit puneet naam niranjanaa. ||2||
Prays Nanak, I meditate on the Lord's lotus feet. The Purifier of sinners is the Naam, the Pure Name of the Immaculate Lord. ||2||

Et ghI gopwl dieAwl ik®pw inDy ] (456-15)
ot gahee gopaal da-i-aal kirpaa niDhay.
I have grasped the protection of the merciful Lord, the Sustainer of the Universe, the treasure of grace.

moih Awsr quA crn qumwrI srin isDy ] (456-15)
mohi aasar tu-a charan tumaaree saran siDhay.
I take the support of Your lotus feet, and in the protection of Your Sanctuary, I attain perfection.

hir crn kwrn krn suAwmI piqq auDrn hir hry ] (456-15)
har charan kaaran karan su-aamee patit uDhran har haray.
The Lord's lotus feet are the cause of causes; the Lord Master saves even the sinners.

swgr sMswr Bv auqwr nwmu ismrq bhu qry ] (456-16)
saagar sansaar bhav utaar naam simrat baho taray.
So many are saved; they cross over the terrifying world-ocean, contemplating the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Awid AMiq byAMq Kojih sunI auDrn sMqsMg ibDy ] (456-16)
aad ant bay-ant khojeh sunee uDhran satsang biDhay.
In the beginning and in the end, countless are those who seek the Lord. I have heard that the Society of the Saints is the way to salvation.

nwnku pieAMpY crn jMpY Et ghI gopwl dieAwl ik®pw inDy ]3] (456-17)
naanak pa-i-ampai charan jampai ot gahee gopaal da-i-aal kirpaa niDhay. ||3||
Prays Nanak, I meditate on the Lord's lotus feet, and grasp the protection of the Lord of the Universe, the merciful, the ocean of kindness. ||3||

Bgiq vClu hir ibrdu Awip bnwieAw ] (456-18)
bhagat vachhal har birad aap banaa-i-aa.
The Lord is the Lover of His devotees; this is His natural way.

jh jh sMq ArwDih qh qh pRgtwieAw ] (456-18)
jah jah sant araaDheh tah tah paragtaa-i-aa.
Wherever the Saints worship the Lord in adoration, there He is revealed.

pRiB Awip lIey smwie shij suBwie Bgq kwrj swirAw ] (456-19)
parabh aap lee-ay samaa-ay sahj subhaa-ay bhagat kaaraj saari-aa.
God blends Himself with His devotees in His natural way, and resolves their affairs.

Awnµd hir js mhw mMgl srb dUK ivswirAw ] (456-19)
aanand har jas mahaa mangal sarab dookh visaari-aa.
In the ecstasy of the Lord's Praises, they obtain supreme joy, and forget all their sorrows.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD