Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jYsI cwiqRk ipAws iKnu iKnu bUMd cvY brsu suhwvy myhu ] (455-1)
jaisee chaatrik pi-aas khin khin boond chavai baras suhaavay mayhu.
Like the song-bird, thirsting for the rain-drops, chirping each and every moment to the beautiful rain clouds.

hir pRIiq krIjY iehu mnu dIjY Aiq lweIAY icqu murwrI ] (455-1)
har pareet kareejai ih man deejai at laa-ee-ai chit muraaree.
So love the Lord, and give to Him this mind of yours; totally focus your consciousness on the Lord.

mwnu n kIjY srix prIjY drsn kau bilhwrI ] (455-2)
maan na keejai saran pareejai darsan ka-o balihaaree.
Do not take pride in yourself, but seek the Sanctuary of the Lord, and make yourself a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

gur supRsMny imlu nwh ivCuMny Dn dydI swcu snyhw ] (455-2)
gur suparsannay mil naah vichhunay Dhan daydee saach sanayhaa.
When the Guru is totally pleased, the separated soul-bride is re-united with her Husband Lord; she sends the message of her true love.

khu nwnk CMq Anµq Twkur ky hir isau kIjY nyhw mn AYsw nyhu kryhu ]2] (455-3)
kaho naanak chhant anant thaakur kay har si-o keejai nayhaa man aisaa nayhu karayhu. ||2||
Says Nanak, chant the Hymns of the Infinite Lord Master; O my mind, love Him and enshrine such love for Him. ||2||

ckvI sUr snyhu icqvY Aws GxI kid idnIAru dyKIAY ] (455-4)
chakvee soor sanayhu chitvai aas ghanee kad dinee-ar daykhee-ai.
The chakvi bird is in love with the sun, and thinks of it constantly; her greatest longing is to behold the dawn.

koikl AMb prIiq cvY suhwvIAw mn hir rMgu kIjIAY ] (455-4)
kokil amb pareet chavai suhaavee-aa man har rang keejee-ai.
The cuckoo is in love with the mango tree, and sings so sweetly. O my mind, love the Lord in this way.

hir pRIiq krIjY mwnu n kIjY iek rwqI ky hiB pwhuixAw ] (455-5)
har pareet kareejai maan na keejai ik raatee kay habh paahuni-aa.
Love the Lord, and do not take pride in yourself; everyone is a guest for a single night.

Ab ikAw rMgu lwieE mohu rcwieE nwgy Awvx jwvixAw ] (455-6)
ab ki-aa rang laa-i-o moh rachaa-i-o naagay aavan jaavani-aa.
Now, why are you entangled in pleasures, and engrossed in emotional attachment? Naked we come, and naked we go.

iQru swDU srxI pVIAY crxI Ab tUtis mohu ju ikqIAY ] (455-6)
thir saaDhoo sarnee parhee-ai charnee ab tootas moh jo kitee-ai.
Seek the eternal Sanctuary of the Holy and fall at their feet, and the attachments which you feel shall depart.

khu nwnk CMq dieAwl purK ky mn hir lwie prIiq kb idnIAru dyKIAY ]3] (455-7)
kaho naanak chhant da-i-aal purakh kay man har laa-ay pareet kab dinee-ar daykhee-ai. ||3||
Says Nanak, chant the Hymns of the Merciful Lord God, and enshrine love for the Lord, O my mind; otherwise, how will you come to behold the dawn? ||3||

inis kurMk jYsy nwd suix sRvxI hIau ifvY mn AYsI pRIiq kIjY ] (455-8)
nis kurank jaisay naad sun sarvanee hee-o divai man aisee pareet keejai.
Like the deer in the night, who hears the sound of the bell and gives his heart - O my mind, love the Lord in this way.

jYsI qruix Bqwr aurJI iprih isvY iehu mnu lwl dIjY ] (455-8)
jaisee tarun bhataar urjhee pireh sivai ih man laal deejai.
Like the wife, who is bound by love to her husband, and serves her beloved - like this, give your heart to the Beloved Lord.

mnu lwlih dIjY Bog krIjY hiB KusIAw rMg mwxy ] (455-9)
man laaleh deejai bhog kareejai habh khusee-aa rang maanay.
Give your heart to your Beloved Lord, and enjoy His bed, and enjoy all pleasure and bliss.

ipru Apnw pwieAw rMgu lwlu bxwieAw Aiq imilE imqR icrwxy ] (455-10)
pir apnaa paa-i-aa rang laal banaa-i-aa at mili-o mitar chiraanay.
I have obtained my Husband Lord, and I am dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love; after such a long time, I have met my Friend.

guru QIAw swKI qw ifTmu AwKI ipr jyhw Avru n dIsY ] (455-10)
gur thee-aa saakhee taa ditham aakhee pir jayhaa avar na deesai.
When the Guru became my advocate, then I saw the Lord with my eyes. No one else looks like my Beloved Husband Lord.

khu nwnk CMq dieAwl mohn ky mn hir crx ghIjY AYsI mn pRIiq kIjY ]4]1]4] (455-11)
kaho naanak chhant da-i-aal mohan kay man har charan gaheejai aisee man pareet keejai. ||4||1||4||
Says Nanak, chant the Hymns of the merciful and fascinating Lord, O mind. Grasp the lotus feet of the Lord, and enshrine such love for Him in your mind. ||4||1||4||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (455-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl||

sloku ] (455-12)

bnu bnu iPrqI KojqI hwrI bhu Avgwih ] (455-12)
ban ban firtee khojtee haaree baho avgaahi.
From forest to forest, I wandered searching; I am so tired of taking baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

nwnk Byty swD jb hir pwieAw mn mwih ]1] (455-13)
naanak bhaytay saaDh jab har paa-i-aa man maahi. ||1||
O Nanak, when I met the Holy Saint, I found the Lord within my mind. ||1||

CMq ] (455-13)

jw kau Kojih AsMK munI Anyk qpy ] (455-13)
jaa ka-o khojeh asaNkh munee anayk tapay.
Countless silent sages and innumerable ascetics seek Him;

bRhmy koit ArwDih igAwnI jwp jpy ] (455-14)
barahmay kot araaDheh gi-aanee jaap japay.
millions of Brahmas meditate and adore Him; the spiritual teachers meditate and chant His Name.

jp qwp sMjm ikirAw pUjw Aink soDn bMdnw ] (455-14)
jap taap sanjam kiri-aa poojaa anik soDhan bandnaa.
Through chanting, deep meditation, strict and austere self-discipline, religious rituals, sincere worship, endless purifications and humble salutations,

kir gvnu bsuDw qIrQh mjnu imln kau inrMjnw ] (455-15)
kar gavan basuDhaa teerthah majan milan ka-o niranjanaa.
wandering all over the earth and bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, people seek to meet the Pure Lord.

mwnuK bnu iqnu psU pMKI sgl quJih ArwDqy ] (455-15)
maanukh ban tin pasoo pankhee sagal tujheh araaDhatay.
Mortals, forests, blades of grass, animals and birds all meditate on You.

dieAwl lwl goibMd nwnk imlu swDsMgiq hoie gqy ]1] (455-16)
da-i-aal laal gobind naanak mil saaDhsangat ho-ay gatay. ||1||
The Merciful Beloved Lord, the Lord of the Universe is found; O Nanak, joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, salvation is attained. ||1||

koit ibsn Avqwr sMkr jtwDwr ] (455-16)
kot bisan avtaar sankar jataaDhaar.
Millions of incarnations of Vishnu and Shiva, with matted hair

cwhih quJih dieAwr min qin ruc Apwr ] (455-17)
chaaheh tujheh da-i-aar man tan ruch apaar.
yearn for You, O Merciful Lord; their minds and bodies are filled with infinite longing.

Apwr Agm goibMd Twkur sgl pUrk pRB DnI ] (455-17)
apaar agam gobind thaakur sagal poorak parabh Dhanee.
The Lord Master, the Lord of the Universe, is infinite and unapproachable; God is the all-pervading Lord of all.

sur isD gx gMDrb iDAwvih jK ikMnr gux BnI ] (455-18)
sur siDh gan ganDharab Dhi-aavahi jakh kinnar gun bhanee.
The angels, the Siddhas, the beings of spiritual perfection, the heavenly heralds and celestial singers meditate on You. The Yakhsha demons, the guards of the divine treasures, and the Kinnars, the dancers of the god of wealth chant Your Glorious Praises.

koit ieMdR Anyk dyvw jpq suAwmI jY jY kwr ] (455-18)
kot indar anayk dayvaa japat su-aamee jai jai kaar.
Millions of Indras and countless gods and super-human beings meditate on the Lord Master and celebrate His Praises.

AnwQ nwQ dieAwl nwnk swDsMgiq imil auDwr ]2] (455-19)
anaath naath da-i-aal naanak saaDhsangat mil uDhaar. ||2||
The Merciful Lord is the Master of the masterless, O Nanak; joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved. ||2||

koit dyvI jw kau syvih liKmI Aink Bwiq ] (455-19)
kot dayvee jaa ka-o sayveh lakhimee anik bhaat.
Millions of gods and goddesses of wealth serve Him in so many ways.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD