Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ipRau shj suBweI Coif n jweI min lwgw rMgu mjITw ] (454-1)
pari-o sahj subhaa-ee chhod na jaa-ee man laagaa rang majeethaa.
My Beloved shall not leave me to go anywhere - this is His natural way; my mind is imbued with the lasting color of the Lord's Love.

hir nwnk byDy crn kml ikCu Awn n mITw ]1] (454-2)
har naanak bayDhay charan kamal kichh aan na meethaa. ||1||
The Lotus Feet of the Lord have pierced Nanak's mind, and now, nothing else seems sweet to him. ||1||

ijau rwqI jil mwCulI iqau rwm ris mwqy rwm rwjy ] (454-2)
ji-o raatee jal maachhulee ti-o raam ras maatay raam raajay.
Just like the fish which revels in water, I am intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord, my Lord King.

gur pUrY aupdyisAw jIvn giq Bwqy rwm rwjy ] (454-3)
gur poorai updaysi-aa jeevan gat bhaatay raam raajay.
The Perfect Guru has instructed me, and blessed me with salvation in my life; I love the Lord, my King.

jIvn giq suAwmI AMqrjwmI Awip lIey liV lwey ] (454-3)
jeevan gat su-aamee antarjaamee aap lee-ay larh laa-ay.
The Lord Master, the Searcher of hearts, blesses me with salvation in my life; He Himself attaches me to His Love.

hir rqn pdwrQo prgto pUrno Coif n kqhU jwey ] (454-4)
har ratan padaaratho pargato poorno chhod na kathoo jaa-ay.
The Lord is the treasure of jewels, the perfect manifestation; He shall not forsake us to go anywhere else.

pRBu suGru srUpu sujwnu suAwmI qw kI imtY n dwqy ] (454-4)
parabh sughar saroop sujaan su-aamee taa kee mitai na daatay.
God, the Lord Master, is so accomplished, beauteous, and all-knowing; His gifts are never exhausted.

jl sMig rwqI mwCulI nwnk hir mwqy ]2] (454-5)
jal sang raatee maachhulee naanak har maatay. ||2||
As the fish is enraptured by the water, so is Nanak intoxicated by the Lord. ||2||

cwiqRku jwcY bUMd ijau hir pRwn ADwrw rwm rwjy ] (454-5)
chaatrik jaachai boond ji-o har paraan aDhaaraa raam raajay.
As the song-bird yearns for the rain-drop, the Lord, the Lord my King, is the Support of my breath of life.

mwlu KjInw suq BRwq mIq sBhUM qy ipAwrw rwm rwjy ] (454-6)
maal khajeenaa sut bharaat meet sabhahooN tay pi-aaraa raam raajay.
My Lord King is more beloved than all wealth, treasure, children, siblings and friends.

sBhUM qy ipAwrw purKu inrwrw qw kI giq nhI jwxIAY ] (454-6)
sabhahooN tay pi-aaraa purakh niraaraa taa kee gat nahee jaanee-ai.
The absolute Lord, the Primal Being, is more beloved than all; His condition cannot be known.

hir swis igrwis n ibsrY kbhUM gur sbdI rMgu mwxIAY ] (454-7)
har saas giraas na bisrai kabahooN gur sabdee rang maanee-ai.
I shall never forget the Lord, for an instant, for a single breath; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I enjoy His Love.

pRBu purKu jgjIvno sMq rsu pIvno jip Brm moh duK fwrw ] (454-8)
parabh purakh jagjeevano sant ras peevno jap bharam moh dukh daaraa.
The Primal Lord God is the Life of the Universe; His Saints drink in the Lord's sublime essence. Meditating on Him, doubts, attachments and pains are shaken off.

cwiqRku jwcY bUMd ijau nwnk hir ipAwrw ]3] (454-8)
chaatrik jaachai boond ji-o naanak har pi-aaraa. ||3||
As the song-bird yearns for the rain-drop, so does Nanak love the Lord. ||3||

imly nrwiex Awpxy mwnorQo pUrw rwm rwjy ] (454-9)
milay naraa-in aapnay maanoratho pooraa raam raajay.
Meeting the Lord, my Lord King, my desires are fulfilled.

FwTI BIiq BrMm kI Bytq guru sUrw rwm rwjy ] (454-9)
dhaathee bheet bharamm kee bhaytat gur sooraa raam raajay.
The walls of doubt have been torn down, meeting the Brave Guru, O Lord King.

pUrn gur pwey purib ilKwey sB iniD dIn dieAwlw ] (454-10)
pooran gur paa-ay purab likhaa-ay sabh niDh deen da-i-aalaa.
The Perfect Guru is obtained by perfect pre-ordained destiny; God is the Giver of all treasures - He is merciful to the meek.

Awid miD AMiq pRBu soeI suMdr gur gopwlw ] (454-10)
aad maDh ant parabh so-ee sundar gur gopaalaa.
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, is God, the most beautiful Guru, the Sustainer of the World.

sUK shj Awnµd Gnyry piqq pwvn swDU DUrw ] (454-11)
sookh sahj aanand ghanayray patit paavan saaDhoo Dhooraa.
The dust of the feet of the Holy purifies sinners, and brings great joy, bliss and ecstasy.

hir imly nrwiex nwnkw mwnorQuo pUrw ]4]1]3] (454-11)
har milay naraa-in naankaa maanoratho pooraa. ||4||1||3||
The Lord, the Infinite Lord, has met with Nanak, and his desires are fulfilled. ||4||1||3||

Awsw mhlw 5 CMq Gru 6 (454-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5 chhant ghar 6
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Chhant, Sixth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (454-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sloku ] (454-14)

jw kau Bey ik®pwl pRB hir hir syeI jpwq ] (454-14)
jaa ka-o bha-ay kirpaal parabh har har say-ee japaat.
Those beings, unto whom the Lord God shows His Mercy, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har.

nwnk pRIiq lgI iqn@ rwm isau Bytq swD sMgwq ]1] (454-14)
naanak pareet lagee tinH raam si-o bhaytat saaDh sangaat. ||1||
O Nanak, they embrace love for the Lord, meeting the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||

CMqu ] (454-15)

jl duD inAweI rIiq Ab duD Awc nhI mn AYsI pRIiq hry ] (454-15)
jal duDh ni-aa-ee reet ab duDh aach nahee man aisee pareet haray.
Just like water, which loves milk so much that it will not let it burn - O my mind, so love the Lord.

Ab auriJE Ail kmlyh bwsn mwih mgn ieku iKnu BI nwih trY ] (454-16)
ab urjhi-o al kamlayh baasan maahi magan ik khin bhee naahi tarai.
The bumble bee becomes enticed by the lotus, intoxicated by its fragrance, and does not leave it, even for a moment.

iKnu nwih trIAY pRIiq hrIAY sIgwr hiB rs ArpIAY ] (454-16)
khin naahi taree-ai pareet haree-ai seegaar habh ras arpee-ai.
Do not let up your love for the Lord, even for an instant; dedicate all your decorations and pleasures to Him.

jh dUKu suxIAY jm pMQu BxIAY qh swDsMig n frpIAY ] (454-17)
jah dookh sunee-ai jam panth bhanee-ai tah saaDhsang na darpee-ai.
Where painful cries are heard, and the Way of Death is shown, there, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall not be afraid.

kir kIriq goivMd guxIAY sgl pRwCq duK hry ] (454-18)
kar keerat govind gunee-ai sagal paraachhat dukh haray.
Sing the Kirtan, the Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and all sins and sorrows shall depart.

khu nwnk CMq goivMd hir ky mn hir isau nyhu kryhu AYsI mn pRIiq hry ]1] (454-18)
kaho naanak chhant govind har kay man har si-o nayhu karayhu aisee man pareet haray. ||1||
Says Nanak, chant the Hymns of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, O mind, and enshrine love for the Lord; love the Lord this way in your mind. ||1||

jYsI mCulI nIr ieku iKnu BI nw DIry mn AYsw nyhu kryhu ] (454-19)
jaisee machhulee neer ik khin bhee naa Dheeray man aisaa nayhu karayhu.
As the fish loves the water, and is not content even for an instant outside it, O my mind, love the Lord in this way.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD