Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibKmo ibKmu AKwVw mY gur imil jIqw rwm ] (453-1)
bikhmo bikham akhaarhaa mai gur mil jeetaa raam.
Meeting the Guru, I have won the most arduous battle in the arena of life.

gur imil jIqw hir hir kIqw qUtI BIqw Brm gVw ] (453-1)
gur mil jeetaa har har keetaa tootee bheetaa bharam garhaa.
Meeting the Guru, I am victorious; praising the Lord, Har, Har, the walls of the fortress of doubt have been destroyed.

pwieAw Kjwnw bhuqu inDwnw swxQ myrI Awip KVw ] (453-2)
paa-i-aa khajaanaa bahut niDhaanaa saanath mayree aap kharhaa.
I have obtained the wealth of so many treasures; the Lord Himself has stood by my side.

soeI suigAwnw so prDwnw jo pRiB Apnw kIqw ] (453-2)
so-ee sugi-aanaa so parDhaanaa jo parabh apnaa keetaa.
He is the man of spiritual wisdom, and he is the leader, whom God has made His own.

khu nwnk jW vil suAwmI qw srsy BweI mIqw ]4]1] (453-3)
kaho naanak jaaN val su-aamee taa sarsay bhaa-ee meetaa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak, when the Lord and Master is on my side, then my brothers and friends rejoice. ||4||1||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (453-4)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AkQw hir AkQ kQw ikCu jwie n jwxI rwm ] (453-4)
akthaa har akath kathaa kichh jaa-ay na jaanee raam.
Inexpressible is the sermon of the inexpressible Lord; it cannot be known at all.

suir nr suir nr muin jn shij vKwxI rwm ] (453-4)
sur nar sur nar mun jan sahj vakhaanee raam.
The demi-gods, mortal beings, angels and silent sages express it in their peaceful poise.

shjy vKwxI Aimau bwxI crx kml rMgu lwieAw ] (453-5)
sehjay vakhaanee ami-o banee charan kamal rang laa-i-aa.
In their poise, they recite the Ambrosial Bani of the Lord's Word; they embrace love for the Lord's Lotus Feet.

jip eyku AlKu pRBu inrMjnu mn icMidAw Plu pwieAw ] (453-5)
jap ayk alakh parabh niranjan man chindi-aa fal paa-i-aa.
Meditating on the One incomprehensible and immaculate Lord, they obtain the fruits of their heart's desires.

qij mwnu mohu ivkwru dUjw joqI joiq smwxI ] (453-6)
taj maan moh vikaar doojaa jotee jot samaanee.
Renouncing self-conceit, emotional attachment, corruption and duality, their light merges into the Light.

ibnvMiq nwnk gur pRswdI sdw hir rMgu mwxI ]1] (453-6)
binvant naanak gur parsaadee sadaa har rang maanee. ||1||
Prays Nanak, by Guru's Grace, one enjoys the Lord's Love forever. ||1||

hir sMqw hir sMq sjn myry mIq shweI rwm ] (453-7)
har santaa har sant sajan mayray meet sahaa-ee raam.
The Lord's Saints - the Lord's Saints are my friends, my best friends and helpers.

vfBwgI vfBwgI sqsMgiq pweI rwm ] (453-7)
vadbhaagee vadbhaagee satsangat paa-ee raam.
By great good fortune, by great good fortune, I have obtained the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

vfBwgI pwey nwmu iDAwey lwQy dUK sMqwpY ] (453-8)
vadbhaagee paa-ay naam Dhi-aa-ay laathay dookh santaapai.
By great good fortune, I obtained it, and I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; my pains and sufferings have been taken away.

gur crxI lwgy BRm Bau Bwgy Awpu imtwieAw AwpY ] (453-8)
gur charnee laagay bharam bha-o bhaagay aap mitaa-i-aa aapai.
I have grasped the Guru's Feet, and my doubts and fears are gone. He Himself has erased my self-conceit.

kir ikrpw myly pRiB ApunY ivCuiV kqih n jweI ] (453-9)
kar kirpaa maylay parabh apunai vichhurh kateh na jaa-ee.
Granting His Grace, God has united me with Himself; no longer do I suffer the pains of separation, and I shall not have to go anywhere.

ibnvMiq nwnk dwsu qyrw sdw hir srxweI ]2] (453-9)
binvant naanak daas tayraa sadaa har sarnaa-ee. ||2||
Prays Nanak, I am forever Your slave, Lord; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||

hir dry hir dir sohin qyry Bgq ipAwry rwm ] (453-10)
har daray har dar sohan tayray bhagat pi-aaray raam.
The Lord's Gate - at the Lord's Gate, Your beloved devotees look beautiful.

vwrI iqn vwrI jwvw sd bilhwry rwm ] (453-10)
vaaree tin vaaree jaavaa sad balihaaray raam.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, again and again a sacrifice to them.

sd bilhwry kir nmskwry ijn Bytq pRBu jwqw ] (453-11)
sad balihaaray kar namaskaaray jin bhaytat parabh jaataa.
I am forever a sacrifice, and I humbly bow to them; meeting them, I know God.

Git Git riv rihAw sB QweI pUrn purKu ibDwqw ] (453-11)
ghat ghat rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee pooran purakh biDhaataa.
The Perfect and All-powerful Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is contained in each and every heart, everywhere.

guru pUrw pwieAw nwmu iDAwieAw jUAY jnmu n hwry ] (453-12)
gur pooraa paa-i-aa naam Dhi-aa-i-aa joo-ai janam na haaray.
Meeting the Perfect Guru, we meditate on the Naam, and do not lose this life in the gamble.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix qyrI rwKu ikrpw Dwry ]3] (453-13)
binvant naanak saran tayree raakh kirpaa Dhaaray. ||3||
Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary; please, shower Your Mercy upon me, and protect me. ||3||

byAMqw byAMq gux qyry kyqk gwvw rwm ] (453-13)
bay-antaa bay-ant gun tayray kaytak gaavaa raam.
Innumerable - innumerable are Your Glorious Virtues; how many of them can I sing?

qyry crxw qyry crx DUiV vfBwgI pwvw rwm ] (453-13)
tayray charnaa tayray charan Dhoorh vadbhaagee paavaa raam.
The dust of Your feet, of Your feet, I have obtained, by great good fortune.

hir DUVI n@weIAY mYlu gvweIAY jnm mrx duK lwQy ] (453-14)
har Dhoorhee nHaa-ee-ai mail gavaa-ee-ai janam maran dukh laathay.
Bathing in the Lord's dust, my filth has been washed away, and the pains of birth and death have departed.

AMqir bwhir sdw hdUry prmysru pRBu swQy ] (453-15)
antar baahar sadaa hadooray parmaysar parabh saathay.
Inwardly and outwardly, the Transcendent Lord God is ever-present, always with us.

imty dUK kilAwx kIrqn bhuiV join n pwvw ] (453-15)
mitay dookh kali-aan keertan bahurh jon na paavaa.
Suffering departs, and there is peace; singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, one is not consigned to reincarnation again.

ibnvMiq nwnk gur srix qrIAY Awpxy pRB Bwvw ]4]2] (453-16)
binvant naanak gur saran taree-ai aapnay parabh bhaavaa. ||4||2||
Prays Nanak, in the Guru's Sanctuary, one swims across, and is pleasing to God. ||4||2||

Awsw CMq mhlw 5 Gru 4 (453-17)
aasaa chhant mehlaa 5 ghar 4
Aasaa, Chhant, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (453-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir crn kml mnu byiDAw ikCu Awn n mITw rwm rwjy ] (453-18)
har charan kamal man bayDhi-aa kichh aan na meethaa raam raajay.
My mind is pierced by the Lord's Lotus Feet; He alone is sweet to my mind, the Lord King.

imil sMqsMgiq AwrwiDAw hir Git Gty fITw rwm rwjy ] (453-18)
mil santsangat aaraaDhi-aa har ghat ghatay deethaa raam raajay.
Joining the Society of the Saints, I meditate on the Lord in adoration; I behold the Lord King in each and every heart.

hir Git Gty fITw AMimRquo vUTw jnm mrn duK nwTy ] (453-19)
har ghat ghatay deethaa amrito voothaa janam maran dukh naathay.
I behold the Lord in each and every heart, and the Ambrosial Nectar rains down upon me; the pains of birth and death are gone.

gux iniD gwieAw sB dUK imtwieAw haumY ibnsI gwTy ] (453-19)
gun niDh gaa-i-aa sabh dookh mitaa-i-aa ha-umai binsee gaathay.
Singing the Praises of the Lord, the treasure of virtue, all my pains are erased, and the knot of ego has been untied.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD