Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ipr riqAVy mYfy loiex myry ipAwry cwiqRk bUMd ijvY ] (452-1)
pir rati-arhay maiday lo-in mayray pi-aaray chaatrik boond jivai.
My eyes are drenched with the Love of my Husband Lord, O my dear beloved, like the song-bird with the rain drop.

mnu sIqlu hoAw myry ipAwry hir bUMd pIvY ] (452-1)
man seetal ho-aa mayray pi-aaray har boond peevai.
My mind is cooled and soothed, O my dear beloved, by drinking in the rain drops of the Lord.

qin ibrhu jgwvY myry ipAwry nId n pvY ikvY ] (452-2)
tan birahu jagaavai mayray pi-aaray need na pavai kivai.
Separation from my Lord keeps my body awake, O my dear beloved; I cannot sleep at all.

hir sjxu lDw myry ipAwry nwnk gurU ilvY ]3] (452-2)
har sajan laDhaa mayray pi-aaray naanak guroo livai. ||3||
Nanak has found the Lord, the True Friend, O my dear beloved, by loving the Guru. ||3||

ciV cyqu bsMqu myry ipAwry BlIA ruqy ] (452-3)
charh chayt basant mayray pi-aaray bhalee-a rutay.
In the month of Chayt, O my dear beloved, the pleasant season of spring begins.

ipr bwJiVAhu myry ipAwry AWgix DUiV luqy ] (452-3)
pir baajh-rhi-ahu mayray pi-aaray aaNgan Dhoorh lutay.
But without my Husband Lord, O my dear beloved, my courtyard is filled with dust.

min Aws aufIxI myry ipAwry duie nYn juqy ] (452-3)
man aas udeenee mayray pi-aaray du-ay nain jutay.
But my sad mind is still hopeful, O my dear beloved; my eyes are both fixed upon Him.

guru nwnku dyiK ivgsI myry ipAwry ijau mwq suqy ]4] (452-4)
gur naanak daykh vigsee mayray pi-aaray ji-o maat sutay. ||4||
Beholding the Guru, Nanak is filled with wondrous joy, like a child, gazing upon his mother. ||4||

hir kIAw kQw khwxIAw myry ipAwry siqgurU suxweIAw ] (452-4)
har kee-aa kathaa kahaanee-aa mayray pi-aaray satguroo sunaa-ee-aa.
The True Guru has preached the sermon of the Lord, O my dear beloved.

gur ivtiVAhu hau GolI myry ipAwry ijin hir mylweIAw ] (452-5)
gur vitrhi-ahu ha-o gholee mayray pi-aaray jin har maylaa-ee-aa.
I am a sacrifice to the Guru, O my dear beloved, who has united me with the Lord.

siB Awsw hir pUrIAw myry ipAwry min icMidAVw Plu pwieAw ] (452-6)
sabh aasaa har pooree-aa mayray pi-aaray man chindi-arhaa fal paa-i-aa.
The Lord has fulfilled all my hopes, O my dear beloved; I have obtained the fruits of my heart's desires.

hir quTVw myry ipAwry jnu nwnku nwim smwieAw ]5] (452-6)
har tuth-rhaa mayray pi-aaray jan naanak naam samaa-i-aa. ||5||
When the Lord is pleased, O my dear beloved, servant Nanak is absorbed into the Naam. ||5||

ipAwry hir ibnu pRymu n Kylsw ] (452-7)
pi-aaray har bin paraym na khaylsaa.
Without the Beloved Lord, there is no play of love.

ikau pweI guru ijqu lig ipAwrw dyKsw ] (452-7)
ki-o paa-ee gur jit lag pi-aaraa daykhsaa.
How can I find the Guru? Grasping hold of Him, I behold my Beloved.

hir dwqVy myil gurU muiK gurmuiK mylsw ] (452-8)
har daat-rhay mayl guroo mukh gurmukh maylsaa.
O Lord, O Great Giver, let me meet the Guru; as Gurmukh, may I merge with You.

guru nwnku pwieAw myry ipAwry Duir msqik lyKu sw ]6]14]21] (452-8)
gur naanak paa-i-aa mayray pi-aaray Dhur mastak laykh saa. ||6||14||21||
Nanak has found the Guru, O my dear beloved; such was the destiny inscribed upon his forehead. ||6||14||21||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (452-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu Awsw mhlw 5 CMq Gru 1 ] (452-10)
raag aasaa mehlaa 5 chhant ghar 1.
Raag Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Chhant, First House:

Ando Andu Gxw mY so pRBu fITw rwm ] (452-10)
ando anad ghanaa mai so parabh deethaa raam.
Joy - great joy! I have seen the Lord God!

cwiKAVw cwiKAVw mY hir rsu mITw rwm ] (452-11)
chaakhi-arhaa chaakhi-arhaa mai har ras meethaa raam.
Tasted - I have tasted the sweet essence of the Lord.

hir rsu mITw mn mih vUTw siqguru qUTw shju BieAw ] (452-11)
har ras meethaa man meh voothaa satgur toothaa sahj bha-i-aa.
The sweet essence of the Lord has rained down in my mind; by the pleasure of the True Guru, I have attained peaceful ease.

igRhu vis AwieAw mMglu gwieAw pMc dust Eie Bwig gieAw ] (452-12)
garihu vas aa-i-aa mangal gaa-i-aa panch dusat o-ay bhaag ga-i-aa.
I have come to dwell in the home of my own self, and I sing the songs of joy; the five villains have fled.

sIql AwGwxy AMimRq bwxy swjn sMq bsITw ] (452-13)
seetal aaghaanay amrit baanay saajan sant baseethaa.
I am soothed and satisfied with the Ambrosial Bani of His Word; the friendly Saint is my advocate.

khu nwnk hir isau mnu mwinAw so pRBu nYxI fITw ]1] (452-13)
kaho naanak har si-o man maani-aa so parabh nainee deethaa. ||1||
Says Nanak, my mind is in harmony with the Lord; I have seen God with my eyes. ||1||

soihAVy soihAVy myry bMk duAwry rwm ] (452-14)
sohi-arhay sohi-arhay mayray bank du-aaray raam.
Adorned - adorned are my beauteous gates, O Lord.

pwhunVy pwhunVy myry sMq ipAwry rwm ] (452-14)
paahunarhay paahunarhay mayray sant pi-aaray raam.
Guests - my guests are the Beloved Saints, O Lord.

sMq ipAwry kwrj swry nmskwr kir lgy syvw ] (452-14)
sant pi-aaray kaaraj saaray namaskaar kar lagay sayvaa.
The Beloved Saints have resolved my affairs; I humbly bowed to them, and committed myself to their service.

Awpy jw\I Awpy mw\I Awip suAwmI Awip dyvw ] (452-15)
aapay jaanjee aapay maanjee aap su-aamee aap dayvaa.
He Himself is the groom's party, and He Himself the bride's party; He Himself is the Lord and Master; He Himself is the Divine Lord.

Apxw kwrju Awip svwry Awpy Dwrn Dwry ] (452-15)
apnaa kaaraj aap savaaray aapay Dhaaran Dhaaray.
He Himself resolves His own affairs; He Himself sustains the Universe.

khu nwnk shu Gr mih bYTw sohy bMk duAwry ]2] (452-16)
kaho naanak saho ghar meh baithaa sohay bank du-aaray. ||2||
Says Nanak, my Bridegroom is sitting in my home; the gates of my body are beautifully adorned. ||2||

nv inDy nau inDy myry Gr mih AweI rwm ] (452-16)
nav niDhay na-o niDhay mayray ghar meh aa-ee raam.
The nine treasures - the nine treasures come into my home, Lord.

sBu ikCu mY sBu ikCu pwieAw nwmu iDAweI rwm ] (452-17)
sabh kichh mai sabh kichh paa-i-aa naam Dhi-aa-ee raam.
Everything - I obtain everything, meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

nwmu iDAweI sdw sKweI shj suBweI goivMdw ] (452-17)
naam Dhi-aa-ee sadaa sakhaa-ee sahj subhaa-ee govindaa.
Meditating on the Naam, the Lord of the Universe becomes the one's eternal companion, and he dwells in peaceful ease.

gxq imtweI cUkI DweI kdy n ivAwpY mn icMdw ] (452-18)
ganat mitaa-ee chookee Dhaa-ee kaday na vi-aapai man chindaa.
His calculations are ended, his wanderings cease, and his mind is no longer afflicted with anxiety.

goivMd gwjy Anhd vwjy Acrj soB bxweI ] (452-18)
govind gaajay anhad vaajay achraj sobh banaa-ee.
When the Lord of the Universe reveals Himself, and the unstruck melody of the sound current vibrates, the drama of wondrous splendor is enacted.

khu nwnk ipru myrY sMgy qw mY nv iniD pweI ]3] (452-19)
kaho naanak pir mayrai sangay taa mai nav niDh paa-ee. ||3||
Says Nanak, when my Husband Lord is with me, I obtain the nine treasures. ||3||

srisAVy srisAVy myry BweI sB mIqw rwm ] (452-19)
sarsi-arhay sarsi-arhay mayray bhaa-ee sabh meetaa raam.
Over-joyed - over-joyed are all my brothers and friends.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD