Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jn nwnk kau hir bKisAw hir Bgiq BMfwrw ]2] (450-1)
jan naanak ka-o har bakhsi-aa har bhagat bhandaaraa. ||2||
The Lord has given the treasure of His devotional worship to servant Nanak. ||2||

hm ikAw gux qyry ivQrh suAwmI qUM Apr Apwro rwm rwjy ] (450-2)
ham ki-aa gun tayray vithreh su-aamee tooN apar apaaro raam raajay.
What Glorious Virtues of Yours can I describe, O Lord and Master? You are the most infinite of the infinite, O Lord King.

hir nwmu swlwhh idnu rwiq eyhw Aws AwDwro ] (450-2)
har naam saalaahah din raat ayhaa aas aaDhaaro.
I praise the Lord's Name, day and night; this alone is my hope and support.

hm mUrK ikCUA n jwxhw ikv pwvh pwro ] (450-3)
ham moorakh kichhoo-a na jaanhaa kiv paavah paaro.
I am a fool, and I know nothing. How can I find Your limits?

jnu nwnku hir kw dwsu hY hir dws pinhwro ]3] (450-3)
jan naanak har kaa daas hai har daas panihaaro. ||3||
Servant Nanak is the slave of the Lord, the water-carrier of the slaves of the Lord. ||3||

ijau BwvY iqau rwiK lY hm srix pRB Awey rwm rwjy ] (450-4)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakh lai ham saran parabh aa-ay raam raajay.
As it pleases You, You save me; I have come seeking Your Sanctuary, O God, O Lord King.

hm BUil ivgwVh idnsu rwiq hir lwj rKwey ] (450-4)
ham bhool vigaarhah dinas raat har laaj rakhaa-ay.
I am wandering around, ruining myself day and night; O Lord, please save my honor!

hm bwirk qUM guru ipqw hY dy miq smJwey ] (450-5)
ham baarik tooN gur pitaa hai day mat samjhaa-ay.
I am just a child; You, O Guru, are my father. Please give me understanding and instruction.

jnu nwnku dwsu hir kWiFAw hir pYj rKwey ]4]10]17] (450-5)
jan naanak daas har kaaNdhi-aa har paij rakhaa-ay. ||4||10||17||
Servant Nanak is known as the Lord's slave; O Lord, please preserve his honor! ||4||10||17||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (450-6)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

ijn msqik Duir hir iliKAw iqnw siqguru imilAw rwm rwjy ] (450-6)
jin mastak Dhur har likhi-aa tinaa satgur mili-aa raam raajay.
Those who have the blessed pre-ordained destiny of the Lord written on their foreheads, meet the True Guru, the Lord King.

AigAwnu AMDyrw kitAw gur igAwnu Git bilAw ] (450-7)
agi-aan anDhayraa kati-aa gur gi-aan ghat bali-aa.
The Guru removes the darkness of ignorance, and spiritual wisdom illuminates their hearts.

hir lDw rqnu pdwrQo iPir bhuiV n cilAw ] (450-7)
har laDhaa ratan padaaratho fir bahurh na chali-aa.
They find the wealth of the jewel of the Lord, and then, they do not wander any longer.

jn nwnk nwmu AwrwiDAw AwrwiD hir imilAw ]1] (450-8)
jan naanak naam aaraaDhi-aa aaraaDh har mili-aa. ||1||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and in meditation, he meets the Lord. ||1||

ijnI AYsw hir nwmu n cyiqE sy kwhy jig Awey rwm rwjy ] (450-8)
jinee aisaa har naam na chayti-o say kaahay jag aa-ay raam raajay.
Those who have not kept the Lord's Name in their consciousness - why did they bother to come into the world, O Lord King?

iehu mwxs jnmu dulµBu hY nwm ibnw ibrQw sBu jwey ] (450-9)
ih maanas janam dulambh hai naam binaa birthaa sabh jaa-ay.
It is so difficult to obtain this human incarnation, and without the Naam, it is all futile and useless.

huix vqY hir nwmu n bIijE AgY BuKw ikAw Kwey ] (450-9)
hun vatai har naam na beeji-o agai bhukhaa ki-aa khaa-ay.
Now, in this most fortunate season, he does not plant the seed of the Lord's Name; what will the hungry soul eat, in the world hereafter?

mnmuKw no iPir jnmu hY nwnk hir Bwey ]2] (450-10)
manmukhaa no fir janam hai naanak har bhaa-ay. ||2||
The self-willed manmukhs are born again and again. O Nanak, such is the Lord's Will. ||2||

qUM hir qyrw sBu ko siB quDu aupwey rwm rwjy ] (450-10)
tooN har tayraa sabh ko sabh tuDh upaa-ay raam raajay.
You, O Lord, belong to all, and all belong to You. You created all, O Lord King.

ikCu hwiQ iksY dY ikCu nwhI siB clih clwey ] (450-11)
kichh haath kisai dai kichh naahee sabh chaleh chalaa-ay.
Nothing is in anyone's hands; all walk as You cause them to walk.

ijn@ qUM mylih ipAwry sy quDu imlih jo hir min Bwey ] (450-11)
jinH tooN mayleh pi-aaray say tuDh mileh jo har man bhaa-ay.
They alone are united with You, O Beloved, whom You cause to be so united; they alone are pleasing to Your Mind.

jn nwnk siqguru ByitAw hir nwim qrwey ]3] (450-12)
jan naanak satgur bhayti-aa har naam taraa-ay. ||3||
Servant Nanak has met the True Guru, and through the Lord's Name, he has been carried across. ||3||

koeI gwvY rwgI nwdI bydI bhu Bwiq kir nhI hir hir BIjY rwm rwjy ] (450-12)
ko-ee gaavai raagee naadee baydee baho bhaat kar nahee har har bheejai raam raajay.
Some sing of the Lord, through musical Ragas and the sound current of the Naad, through the Vedas, and in so many ways. But the Lord, Har, Har, is not pleased by these, O Lord King.

ijnw AMqir kptu ivkwru hY iqnw roie ikAw kIjY ] (450-13)
jinaa antar kapat vikaar hai tinaa ro-ay ki-aa keejai.
Those who are filled with fraud and corruption within - what good does it do for them to cry out?

hir krqw sBu ikCu jwxdw isir rog hQu dIjY ] (450-14)
har kartaa sabh kichh jaandaa sir rog hath deejai.
The Creator Lord knows everything, although they may try to hide their sins and the causes of their diseases.

ijnw nwnk gurmuiK ihrdw suDu hY hir Bgiq hir lIjY ]4]11]18] (450-14)
jinaa naanak gurmukh hirdaa suDh hai har bhagat har leejai. ||4||11||18||
O Nanak, those Gurmukhs whose hearts are pure, obtain the Lord, Har, Har, by devotional worship. ||4||11||18||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (450-15)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

ijn AMqir hir hir pRIiq hY qy jn suGV isAwxy rwm rwjy ] (450-15)
jin antar har har pareet hai tay jan sugharh si-aanay raam raajay.
Those whose hearts are filled with the love of the Lord, Har, Har, are the wisest and most clever people, O Lord King.

jy bwhrhu Buil cuik boldy BI Kry hir Bwxy ] (450-16)
jay baahrahu bhul chuk bolday bhee kharay har bhaanay.
Even if they misspeak outwardly, they are still very pleasing to the Lord.

hir sMqw no horu Qwau nwhI hir mwxu inmwxy ] (450-16)
har santaa no hor thaa-o naahee har maan nimaanay.
The Lord's Saints have no other place. The Lord is the honor of the dishonored.

jn nwnk nwmu dIbwxu hY hir qwxu sqwxy ]1] (450-17)
jan naanak naam deebaan hai har taan sataanay. ||1||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Royal Court for servant Nanak; the Lord's power is his only power. ||1||

ijQY jwie bhY myrw siqgurU so Qwnu suhwvw rwm rwjy ] (450-17)
jithai jaa-ay bahai mayraa satguroo so thaan suhaavaa raam raajay.
Wherever my True Guru goes and sits, that place is beautiful, O Lord King.

gurisKˆØI so Qwnu BwilAw lY DUir muiK lwvw ] (450-18)
gusikheeN so thaan bhaali-aa lai Dhoor mukh laavaa.
The Guru's Sikhs seek out that place; they take the dust and apply it to their faces.

gurisKw kI Gwl Qwie peI ijn hir nwmu iDAwvw ] (450-18)
gursikhaa kee ghaal thaa-ay pa-ee jin har naam Dhi-aavaa.
The works of the Guru's Sikhs, who meditate on the Lord's Name, are approved.

ijn@ nwnku siqguru pUijAw iqn hir pUj krwvw ]2] (450-19)
jinH naanak satgur pooji-aa tin har pooj karaavaa. ||2||
Those who worship the True Guru, O Nanak - the Lord causes them to be worshipped in turn. ||2||

gurisKw min hir pRIiq hY hir nwm hir qyrI rwm rwjy ] (450-19)
gursikhaa man har pareet hai har naam har tayree raam raajay.
The Guru's Sikh keeps the Love of the Lord, and the Name of the Lord, in his mind. He loves You, O Lord, O Lord King.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD