Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jnu nwnku musik JkoilAw sBu jnmu Dnu DMnw ]1] (449-1)
jan naanak musak jhakoli-aa sabh janam Dhan Dhannaa. ||1||
Servant Nanak is drenched with His Fragrance; blessed, blessed is his entire life. ||1||

hir pRym bwxI mnu mwirAw AxIAwly AxIAw rwm rwjy ] (449-1)
har paraym banee man maari-aa anee-aalay anee-aa raam raajay.
The Bani of the Lord's Love is the pointed arrow, which has pierced my mind, O Lord King.

ijsu lwgI pIr iprMm kI so jwxY jrIAw ] (449-2)
jis laagee peer piramm kee so jaanai jaree-aa.
Only those who feel the pain of this love, know how to endure it.

jIvn mukiq so AwKIAY mir jIvY mrIAw ] (449-2)
jeevan mukat so aakhee-ai mar jeevai maree-aa.
Those who die, and remain dead while yet alive, are said to be Jivan Mukta, liberated while yet alive.

jn nwnk siqguru myil hir jgu duqru qrIAw ]2] (449-3)
jan naanak satgur mayl har jag dutar taree-aa. ||2||
O Lord, unite servant Nanak with the True Guru, that he may cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

hm mUrK mugD srxwgqI imlu goivMd rMgw rwm rwjy ] (449-3)
ham moorakh mugaDh sarnaagatee mil govind rangaa raam raajay.
I am foolish and ignorant, but I have taken to His Sanctuary; may I merge in the Love of the Lord of the Universe, O Lord King.

guir pUrY hir pwieAw hir Bgiq iek mMgw ] (449-4)
gur poorai har paa-i-aa har bhagat ik mangaa.
Through the Perfect Guru, I have obtained the Lord, and I beg for the one blessing of devotion to the Lord.

myrw mnu qnu sbid ivgwisAw jip Anq qrMgw ] (449-4)
mayraa man tan sabad vigaasi-aa jap anat tarangaa.
My mind and body blossom forth through the Word of the Shabad; I meditate on the Lord of infinite waves.

imil sMq jnw hir pwieAw nwnk sqsMgw ]3] (449-5)
mil sant janaa har paa-i-aa naanak satsangaa. ||3||
Meeting with the humble Saints, Nanak finds the Lord, in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||3||

dIn dieAwl suix bynqI hir pRB hir rwieAw rwm rwjy ] (449-5)
deen da-i-aal sun bayntee har parabh har raa-i-aa raam raajay.
O Merciful to the meek, hear my prayer, O Lord God; You are my Master, O Lord King.

hau mwgau srix hir nwm kI hir hir muiK pwieAw ] (449-6)
ha-o maaga-o saran har naam kee har har mukh paa-i-aa.
I beg for the Sanctuary of the Lord's Name, Har, Har; please, place it in my mouth.

Bgiq vClu hir ibrdu hY hir lwj rKwieAw ] (449-6)
bhagat vachhal har birad hai har laaj rakhaa-i-aa.
It is the Lord's natural way to love His devotees; O Lord, please preserve my honor!

jnu nwnku srxwgqI hir nwim qrwieAw ]4]8]15] (449-7)
jan naanak sarnaagatee har naam taraa-i-aa. ||4||8||15||
Servant Nanak has entered His Sanctuary, and has been saved by the Name of the Lord. ||4||8||15||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (449-8)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

gurmuiK FUMiF FUFyidAw hir sjxu lDw rwm rwjy ] (449-8)
gurmukh dhoondh dhoodhaydi-aa har sajan laDhaa raam raajay.
As Gurmukh, I searched and searched, and found the Lord, my Friend, my Sovereign Lord King.

kMcn kwieAw kot gV ivic hir hir isDw ] (449-8)
kanchan kaa-i-aa kot garh vich har har siDhaa.
Within the walled fortress of my golden body, the Lord, Har, Har, is revealed.

hir hir hIrw rqnu hY myrw mnu qnu ivDw ] (449-9)
har har heeraa ratan hai mayraa man tan viDhaa.
The Lord, Har, Har, is a jewel, a diamond; my mind and body are pierced through.

Duir Bwg vfy hir pwieAw nwnk ris guDw ]1] (449-9)
Dhur bhaag vaday har paa-i-aa naanak ras guDhaa. ||1||
By the great good fortune of pre-ordained destiny, I have found the Lord. Nanak is permeated with His sublime essence. ||1||

pMQu dswvw inq KVI muMD jobin bwlI rwm rwjy ] (449-10)
panth dasaavaa nit kharhee munDh joban baalee raam raajay.
I stand by the roadside, and ask the way; I am just a youthful bride of the Lord King.

hir hir nwmu cyqwie gur hir mwrig cwlI ] (449-10)
har har naam chaytaa-ay gur har maarag chaalee.
The Guru has caused me to remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; I follow the Path to Him.

myrY min qin nwmu AwDwru hY haumY ibKu jwlI ] (449-11)
mayrai man tan naam aaDhaar hai ha-umai bikh jaalee.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Support of my mind and body; I have burnt away the poison of ego.

jn nwnk siqguru myil hir hir imilAw bnvwlI ]2] (449-11)
jan naanak satgur mayl har har mili-aa banvaalee. ||2||
O True Guru, unite me with the Lord, unite me with the Lord, adorned with garlands of flowers. ||2||

gurmuiK ipAwry Awie imlu mY icrI ivCuMny rwm rwjy ] (449-12)
gurmukh pi-aaray aa-ay mil mai chiree vichhunay raam raajay.
O my Love, come and meet me as Gurmukh; I have been separated from You for so long, Lord King.

myrw mnu qnu bhuqu bYrwigAw hir nYx ris iBMny ] (449-12)
mayraa man tan bahut bairaagi-aa har nain ras bhinnay.
My mind and body are sad; my eyes are wet with the Lord's sublime essence.

mY hir pRBu ipAwrw dis guru imil hir mnu mMny ] (449-13)
mai har parabh pi-aaraa das gur mil har man mannay.
Show me my Lord God, my Love, O Guru; meeting the Lord, my mind is pleased.

hau mUrKu kwrY lweIAw nwnk hir kMmy ]3] (449-13)
ha-o moorakh kaarai laa-ee-aa naanak har kammay. ||3||
I am just a fool, O Nanak, but the Lord has appointed me to perform His service. ||3||

gur AMimRq iBMnI dyhurI AMimRqu burky rwm rwjy ] (449-14)
gur amrit bhinnee dayhuree amrit burkay raam raajay.
The Guru's body is drenched with Ambrosial Nectar; He sprinkles it upon me, O Lord King.

ijnw gurbwxI min BweIAw AMimRiq Cik Cky ] (449-14)
jinaa gurbaanee man bhaa-ee-aa amrit chhak chhakay.
Those whose minds are pleased with the Word of the Guru's Bani, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar again and again.

gur quTY hir pwieAw cUky Dk Dky ] (449-15)
gur tuthai har paa-i-aa chookay Dhak Dhakay.
As the Guru is pleased, the Lord is obtained, and you shall not be pushed around any more.

hir jnu hir hir hoieAw nwnku hir ieky ]4]9]16] (449-15)
har jan har har ho-i-aa naanak har ikay. ||4||9||16||
The Lord's humble servant becomes the Lord, Har, Har; O Nanak, the Lord and His servant are one and the same. ||4||9||16||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (449-16)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

hir AMimRq Bgiq BMfwr hY gur siqgur pwsy rwm rwjy ] (449-16)
har amrit bhagat bhandaar hai gur satgur paasay raam raajay.
The treasure of Ambrosial Nectar, the Lord's devotional service, is found through the Guru, the True Guru, O Lord King.

guru siqguru scw swhu hY isK dyie hir rwsy ] (449-17)
gur satgur sachaa saahu hai sikh day-ay har raasay.
The Guru, the True Guru, is the True Banker, who gives to His Sikh the capital of the Lord.

Dnu DMnu vxjwrw vxju hY guru swhu swbwsy ] (449-17)
Dhan Dhan vanjaaraa vanaj hai gur saahu saabaasay.
Blessed, blessed is the trader and the trade; how wonderful is the Banker, the Guru!

jnu nwnku guru iqn@I pwieAw ijn Duir ilKqu illwit ilKwsy ]1] (449-18)
jan naanak gur tinHee paa-i-aa jin Dhur likhat lilaat likhaasay. ||1||
O servant Nanak, they alone obtain the Guru, who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads. ||1||

scu swhu hmwrw qUM DxI sBu jgqu vxjwrw rwm rwjy ] (449-18)
sach saahu hamaaraa tooN Dhanee sabh jagat vanjaaraa raam raajay.
You are my True Banker, O Lord; the whole world is Your trader, O Lord King.

sB BWfy quDY swijAw ivic vsqu hir Qwrw ] (449-19)
sabh bhaaNday tuDhai saaji-aa vich vasat har thaaraa.
You fashioned all vessels, O Lord, and that which dwells within is also Yours.

jo pwvih BWfy ivic vsqu sw inklY ikAw koeI kry vycwrw ] (449-19)
jo paavahi bhaaNday vich vasat saa niklai ki-aa ko-ee karay vaychaaraa.
Whatever You place in that vessel, that alone comes out again. What can the poor creatures do?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD