Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir hir nwmu jipAw AwrwiDAw muiK msqik Bwgu sBwgw ] (447-1)
har har naam japi-aa aaraaDhi-aa mukh mastak bhaag sabhaagaa.
I chant and meditate in adoration upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, according to the good destiny written upon my forehead.

jn nwnk hir ikrpw DwrI min hir hir mITw lwie jIau ] (447-1)
jan naanak har kirpaa Dhaaree man har har meethaa laa-ay jee-o.
The Lord has showered His Mercy upon servant Nanak, and the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, seems so sweet to his mind.

hir dieAw pRB Dwrhu pwKx hm qwrhu kiF lyvhu sbid suBwie jIau ]4]5]12] (447-2)
har da-i-aa parabh Dhaarahu paakhan ham taarahu kadh layvhu sabad subhaa-ay jee-o. ||4||5||12||
O Lord God, shower Your Mercy upon me; I am just a stone. Please, carry me across, and lift me up with ease, through the Word of the Shabad. ||4||5||12||

Awsw mhlw 4 ] (447-3)
aasaa mehlaa 4.
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

min nwmu jpwnw hir hir min Bwnw hir Bgq jnw min cwau jIau ] (447-3)
man naam japaanaa har har man bhaanaa har bhagat janaa man chaa-o jee-o.
One who chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har in his mind - the Lord is pleasing to his mind. In the mind of the devotees there is a great yearning for the Lord.

jo jn mir jIvy iqn@ AMimRqu pIvy min lwgw gurmiq Bwau jIau ] (447-4)
jo jan mar jeevay tinH amrit peevay man laagaa gurmat bhaa-o jee-o.
Those humble beings who remain dead while yet alive, drink in the Ambrosial Nectar; through the Guru's Teachings, their minds embrace love for the Lord.

min hir hir Bwau guru kry pswau jIvn mukqu suKu hoeI ] (447-4)
man har har bhaa-o gur karay pasaa-o jeevan mukat sukh ho-ee.
Their minds love the Lord, Har, Har, and the Guru is Merciful to them. They are Jivan Mukta - liberated while yet alive, and they are at peace.

jIvix mrix hir nwim suhyly min hir hir ihrdY soeI ] (447-5)
jeevan maran har naam suhaylay man har har hirdai so-ee.
Their birth and death, through the Name of the Lord, are illustrious, and in their hearts and minds, the Lord, Har, Har, abides.

min hir hir visAw gurmiq hir risAw hir hir rs gtwk pIAwau jIau ] (447-6)
man har har vasi-aa gurmat har rasi-aa har har ras gataak pee-aa-o jee-o.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, abides in their minds, and through the Guru's Teachings, they savor the Lord, Har, Har; they drink in the sublime essence of the Lord with abandon.

min nwmu jpwnw hir hir min Bwnw hir Bgq jnw min cwau jIau ]1] (447-6)
man naam japaanaa har har man bhaanaa har bhagat janaa man chaa-o jee-o. ||1||
One who chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in his mind - the Lord is pleasing to his mind. In the mind of the devotees there is such a great yearning for the Lord. ||1||

jig mrxu n BwieAw inq Awpu lukwieAw mq jmu pkrY lY jwie jIau ] (447-7)
jag maran na bhaa-i-aa nit aap lukaa-i-aa mat jam pakrai lai jaa-ay jee-o.
The people of the world do not like death; they try to hide from it. They are afraid that the Messenger of Death may catch them and take them away.

hir AMqir bwhir hir pRBu eyko iehu jIAVw riKAw n jwie jIau ] (447-8)
har antar baahar har parabh ayko ih jee-arhaa rakhi-aa na jaa-ay jee-o.
Inwardly and outwardly, the Lord God is the One and Only; this soul cannot be concealed from Him.

ikau jIau rKIjY hir vsqu loVIjY ijs kI vsqu so lY jwie jIau ] (447-9)
ki-o jee-o rakheejai har vasat lorheejai jis kee vasat so lai jaa-ay jee-o.
How can one keep one's soul, when the Lord wishes to have it? All things belong to Him, and He shall take them away.

mnmuK krx plwv kir Brmy siB AauKD dwrU lwie jIau ] (447-9)
manmukh karan palaav kar bharmay sabh a-ukhaDh daaroo laa-ay jee-o.
The self-willed manmukhs wander around in pathetic lamentation, trying all medicines and remedies.

ijs kI vsqu pRBu ley suAwmI jn aubry sbdu kmwie jIau ] (447-10)
jis kee vasat parabh la-ay su-aamee jan ubray sabad kamaa-ay jee-o.
God, the Master, unto whom all things belong, shall take them away; the Lord's servant is redeemed by living the Word of the Shabad.

jig mrxu n BwieAw inq Awpu lukwieAw mq jmu pkrY lY jwie jIau ]2] (447-10)
jag maran na bhaa-i-aa nit aap lukaa-i-aa mat jam pakrai lai jaa-ay jee-o. ||2||
The people of the world do not like death; they try to hide from it. They are afraid that the Messenger of Death may catch them and take them away. ||2||

Duir mrxu ilKwieAw gurmuiK sohwieAw jn aubry hir hir iDAwin jIau ] (447-11)
Dhur maran likhaa-i-aa gurmukh sohaa-i-aa jan ubray har har Dhi-aan jee-o.
Death is pre-ordained; the Gurmukhs look beauteous, and the humble beings are saved, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har.

hir soBw pweI hir nwim vifAweI hir drgh pYDy jwin jIau ] (447-12)
har sobhaa paa-ee har naam vadi-aa-ee har dargeh paiDhay jaan jee-o.
Through the Lord they obtain honor, and through the Lord's Name, glorious greatness. In the Court of the Lord, they are robed in honor.

hir drgh pYDy hir nwmY sIDy hir nwmY qy suKu pwieAw ] (447-13)
har dargeh paiDhay har naamai seeDhay har naamai tay sukh paa-i-aa.
Robed in honor in the Court of the Lord, in the perfection of the Lord's Name, they obtain peace through the Lord's Name.

jnm mrx dovY duK myty hir rwmY nwim smwieAw ] (447-13)
janam maran dovai dukh maytay har raamai naam samaa-i-aa.
The pains of both birth and death are eliminated, and they merge into the Name of the Lord.

hir jn pRBu ril eyko hoey hir jn pRBu eyk smwin jIau ] (447-14)
har jan parabh ral ayko ho-ay har jan parabh ayk samaan jee-o.
The Lord's servants meet with God and merge into Oneness. The Lord's servant and God are one and the same.

Duir mrxu ilKwieAw gurmuiK sohwieAw jn aubry hir hir iDAwin jIau ]3] (447-15)
Dhur maran likhaa-i-aa gurmukh sohaa-i-aa jan ubray har har Dhi-aan jee-o. ||3||
Death is pre-ordained; the Gurmukhs look beauteous, and the humble beings are saved, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

jgu aupjY ibnsY ibnis ibnwsY lig gurmuiK AsiQru hoie jIau ] (447-15)
jag upjai binsai binas binaasai lag gurmukh asthir ho-ay jee-o.
The people of the world are born, only to perish, and perish, and perish again. Only by attaching oneself to the Lord as Gurmukh, does one become permanent.

guru mMqRü idRVwey hir rsik rswey hir AMimRqu hir muiK coie jIau ] (447-16)
gur mantar drirh-aa-ay har rasak rasaa-ay har amrit har mukh cho-ay jee-o.
The Guru implants His Mantra within the heart, and one savors the sublime essence of the Lord; the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord trickles into his mouth.

hir AMimRq rsu pwieAw muAw jIvwieAw iPir bwhuiV mrxu n hoeI ] (447-17)
har amrit ras paa-i-aa mu-aa jeevaa-i-aa fir baahurh maran na ho-ee.
Obtaining the Ambrosial Essence of the Lord, the dead are restored to life, and do not die again.

hir hir nwmu Amr pdu pwieAw hir nwim smwvY soeI ] (447-17)
har har naam amar pad paa-i-aa har naam samaavai so-ee.
Through the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, one obtains the immortal status, and merges into the Lord's Name.

jn nwnk nwmu ADwru tyk hY ibnu nwvY Avru n koie jIau ] (447-18)
jan naanak naam aDhaar tayk hai bin naavai avar na ko-ay jee-o.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the only Support and Anchor of servant Nanak; without the Naam, there is nothing else at all.

jgu aupjY ibnsY ibnis ibnwsY lig gurmuiK AsiQru hoie jIau ]4]6]13] (447-19)
jag upjai binsai binas binaasai lag gurmukh asthir ho-ay jee-o. ||4||6||13||
The people of the world are born, only to perish, and perish, and perish again. Only by attaching oneself to the Lord as Gurmukh, does one become permanent. ||4||6||13||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD