Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jo quDu BwvY so Blw ipAwry qyrI Amru rjwie ]7] (432-1)
jo tuDh bhaavai so bhalaa pi-aaray tayree amar rajaa-ay. ||7||
Whatever pleases You is good, O Beloved; Your Will is Eternal. ||7||

nwnk rMig rqy nwrwiexY ipAwry mwqy shij suBwie ]8]2]4] (432-2)
naanak rang ratay naaraa-inai pi-aaray maatay sahj subhaa-ay. ||8||2||4||
Nanak, those who are imbued with the Love of the All-Pervading Lord, O Beloved, remain intoxicated with His Love, in natural ease. ||8||2||4||

sB ibiD qum hI jwnqy ipAwry iksu pih khau sunwie ]1] (432-2)
sabh biDh tum hee jaantay pi-aaray kis peh kaha-o sunaa-ay. ||1||
You know all about my condition, O Beloved; who can I speak to about it? ||1||

qUM dwqw jIAw sBnw kw qyrw idqw pihrih Kwie ]2] (432-3)
tooN daataa jee-aa sabhnaa kaa tayraa ditaa pahirahi khaa-ay. ||2||
You are the Giver of all beings; they eat and wear what You give them. ||2||

suKu duKu qyrI AwigAw ipAwry dUjI nwhI jwie ]3] (432-3)
sukh dukh tayree aagi-aa pi-aaray doojee naahee jaa-ay. ||3||
Pleasure and pain come by Your Will, O Beloved; they do not come from any other. ||3||

jo qUM krwvih so krI ipAwry Avru ikCu krxu n jwie ]4] (432-4)
jo tooN karaaveh so karee pi-aaray avar kichh karan na jaa-ay. ||4||
Whatever You cause me to do, that I do, O Beloved; I cannot do anything else. ||4||

idnu rYix sB suhwvxy ipAwry ijqu jpIAY hir nwau ]5] (432-5)
din rain sabh suhaavanay pi-aaray jit japee-ai har naa-o. ||5||
All my days and nights are blessed, O Beloved, when I chant and meditate on the Lord's Name. ||5||

sweI kwr kmwvxI ipAwry Duir msqik lyKu ilKwie ]6] (432-5)
saa-ee kaar kamaavnee pi-aaray Dhur mastak laykh likhaa-ay. ||6||
He does the deeds, O Beloved, which are pre-ordained, and inscribed upon his forehead. ||6||

eyko Awip vrqdw ipAwry Git Git rihAw smwie ]7] (432-6)
ayko aap varatdaa pi-aaray ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||7||
The One is Himself prevailing everywhere, O Beloved; He is pervading in each and every heart. ||7||

sMswr kUp qy auDir lY ipAwry nwnk hir srxwie ]8]3]22]15]2]42] (432-6)
sansaar koop tay uDhar lai pi-aaray naanak har sarnaa-ay. ||8||3||22||15||2||42||
Lift me up out of the deep pit of the world, O Beloved; Nanak has taken to Your Sanctuary. ||8||3||22||15||2||42||

rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 ptI ilKI (432-8)
raag aasaa mehlaa 1 patee likhee
Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Patee Likhee ~ The Poem Of The Alphabet:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (432-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ssY soie isRsit ijin swjI sBnw swihbu eyku BieAw ] (432-9)
sasai so-ay sarisat jin saajee sabhnaa saahib ayk bha-i-aa.
Sassa: He who created the world, is the One Lord and Master of all.

syvq rhy icqu ijn@ kw lwgw AwieAw iqn@ kw sPlu BieAw ]1] (432-9)
sayvat rahay chit jinH kaa laagaa aa-i-aa tinH kaa safal bha-i-aa. ||1||
Those whose consciousness remains committed to His Service - blessed is their birth and their coming into the world. ||1||

mn kwhy BUly mUV mnw ] (432-10)
man kaahay bhoolay moorh manaa.
O mind, why forget Him? You foolish mind!

jb lyKw dyvih bIrw qau piVAw ]1] rhwau ] (432-10)
jab laykhaa dayveh beeraa ta-o parhi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When your account is adjusted, O brother, only then shall you be judged wise. ||1||Pause||

eIvVI Awid purKu hY dwqw Awpy scw soeI ] (432-11)
eevrhee aad purakh hai daataa aapay sachaa so-ee.
Eevree: The Primal Lord is the Giver; He alone is True.

eynw AKrw mih jo gurmuiK bUJY iqsu isir lyKu n hoeI ]2] (432-11)
aynaa akhraa meh jo gurmukh boojhai tis sir laykh na ho-ee. ||2||
No accounting is due from the Gurmukh who understands the Lord through these letters. ||2||

aUVY aupmw qw kI kIjY jw kw AMqu n pwieAw ] (432-12)
oorhai upmaa taa kee keejai jaa kaa ant na paa-i-aa.
Ooraa: Sing the Praises of the One whose limit cannot be found.

syvw krih syeI Plu pwvih ijn@I scu kmwieAw ]3] (432-12)
sayvaa karahi say-ee fal paavahi jinHee sach kamaa-i-aa. ||3||
Those who perform service and practice truth, obtain the fruits of their rewards. ||3||

|M|Y i|Awnu bUJY jy koeI piVAw pMifqu soeI ] (432-13)
nyanyai nyi-aan boojhai jay ko-ee parhi-aa pandit so-ee.
Nganga: One who understands spiritual wisdom becomes a Pandit, a religious scholar.

srb jIAw mih eyko jwxY qw haumY khY n koeI ]4] (432-13)
sarab jee-aa meh ayko jaanai taa ha-umai kahai na ko-ee. ||4||
One who recognizes the One Lord among all beings does not talk of ego. ||4||

kkY kys puMfr jb hUey ivxu swbUxY aujilAw ] (432-14)
kakai kays pundar jab hoo-ay vin saaboonai ujli-aa.
Kakka: When the hair grows grey, then it shines without shampoo.

jm rwjy ky hyrU Awey mwieAw kY sMgil bMiD lieAw ]5] (432-14)
jam raajay kay hayroo aa-ay maa-i-aa kai sangal banDh la-i-aa. ||5||
The hunters of the King of Death come, and bind him in the chains of Maya. ||5||

KKY KuMdkwru swh Awlmu kir KrIid ijin Krcu dIAw ] (432-15)
khakhai khundkaar saah aalam kar khareed jin kharach dee-aa.
Khakha: The Creator is the King of the world; He enslaves by giving nourishment.

bMDin jw kY sBu jgu bwiDAw AvrI kw nhI hukmu pieAw ]6] (432-16)
banDhan jaa kai sabh jag baaDhi-aa avree kaa nahee hukam pa-i-aa. ||6||
By His Binding, all the world is bound; no other Command prevails. ||6||

ggY goie gwie ijin CofI glI goibdu grib BieAw ] (432-16)
gagai go-ay gaa-ay jin chhodee galee gobid garab bha-i-aa.
Gagga: One who renounces the singing of the songs of the Lord of the Universe, becomes arrogant in his speech.

GiV BWfy ijin AwvI swjI cwVx vwhY qeI kIAw ]7] (432-17)
gharh bhaaNday jin aavee saajee chaarhan vaahai ta-ee kee-aa. ||7||
One who has shaped the pots, and made the world the kiln, decides when to put them in it. ||7||

GGY Gwl syvku jy GwlY sbid gurU kY lwig rhY ] (432-17)
ghaghai ghaal sayvak jay ghaalai sabad guroo kai laag rahai.
Ghagha: The servant who performs service, remains attached to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

burw Blw jy sm kir jwxY ien ibiD swihbu rmqu rhY ]8] (432-18)
buraa bhalaa jay sam kar jaanai in biDh saahib ramat rahai. ||8||
One who recognizes bad and good as one and the same - in this way he is absorbed into the Lord and Master. ||8||

ccY cwir vyd ijin swjy cwry KwxI cwir jugw ] (432-19)
chachai chaar vayd jin saajay chaaray khaanee chaar jugaa.
Chacha: He created the four Vedas, the four sources of creation, and the four ages

jugu jugu jogI KwxI BogI piVAw pMifqu Awip QIAw ]9] (432-19)
jug jug jogee khaanee bhogee parhi-aa pandit aap thee-aa. ||9||
- through each and every age, He Himself has been the Yogi, the enjoyer, the Pandit and the scholar. ||9||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD