Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AwswvrI mhlw 5 Gru 3 (431-1)
aasaavaree mehlaa 5 ghar 3
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (431-2)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

myry mn hir isau lwgI pRIiq ] (431-2)
mayray man har si-o laagee pareet.
My mind is in love with the Lord.

swDsMig hir hir jpq inrml swcI rIiq ]1] rhwau ] (431-2)
saaDhsang har har japat nirmal saachee reet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har; my lifestyle is pure and true. ||1||Pause||

drsn kI ipAws GxI icqvq Aink pRkwr ] (431-3)
darsan kee pi-aas ghanee chitvat anik parkaar.
I have such a great thirst for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; I think of him in so many ways.

krhu AnugRhu pwrbRhm hir ikrpw Dwir murwir ]1] (431-3)
karahu anoograhu paarbarahm har kirpaa Dhaar muraar. ||1||
So be Merciful, O Supreme Lord; shower Your Mercy upon me, O Lord, Destroyer of pride. ||1||

mnu prdysI AwieAw imilE swD kY sMig ] (431-4)
man pardaysee aa-i-aa mili-o saaDh kai sang.
My stranger soul has come to join the Saadh Sangat.

ijsu vKr kau cwhqw so pwieE nwmih rMig ]2] (431-4)
jis vakhar ka-o chaahtaa so paa-i-o naameh rang. ||2||
That commodity, which I longed for, I have found in the Love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

jyqy mwieAw rMg rs ibnis jwih iKn mwih ] (431-5)
jaytay maa-i-aa rang ras binas jaahi khin maahi.
There are so many pleasures and delights of Maya, but they pass away in an instant.

Bgq rqy qyry nwm isau suKu BuMcih sB Twie ]3] (431-5)
bhagat ratay tayray naam si-o sukh bhuNcheh sabh thaa-ay. ||3||
Your devotees are imbued with Your Name; they enjoy peace everywhere. ||3||

sBu jgu clqau pyKIAY inhclu hir ko nwau ] (431-6)
sabh jag chalta-o paykhee-ai nihchal har ko naa-o.
The entire world is seen to be passing away; only the Lord's Name is lasting and stable.

kir imqRweI swD isau inhclu pwvih Twau ]4] (431-6)
kar mitraa-ee saaDh si-o nihchal paavahi thaa-o. ||4||
So make friends with the Holy Saints, so that you may obtain a lasting place of rest. ||4||

mIq swjn suq bMDpw koaU hoq n swQ ] (431-7)
meet saajan sut banDhpaa ko-oo hot na saath.
Friends, acquaintances, children and relatives - none of these shall be your companion.

eyku invwhU rwm nwm dInw kw pRBu nwQ ]5] (431-7)
ayk nivaahoo raam naam deenaa kaa parabh naath. ||5||
The Lord's Name alone shall go with you; God is the Master of the meek. ||5||

crn kml boihQ Bey lig swgru qirE qyh ] (431-8)
charan kamal bohith bha-ay lag saagar tari-o tayh.
The Lord's Lotus Feet are the Boat; attached to Them, you shall cross over the world-ocean.

ByitE pUrw siqgurU swcw pRB isau nyh ]6] (431-8)
bhayti-o pooraa satguroo saachaa parabh si-o nayh. ||6||
Meeting with the Perfect True Guru, I embrace True Love for God. ||6||

swD qyry kI jwcnw ivsru n swis igrwis ] (431-9)
saaDh tayray kee jaachnaa visar na saas giraas.
The prayer of Your Holy Saints is, "May I never forget You, for even one breath or morsel of food."

jo quDu BwvY so Blw qyrY BwxY kwrj rwis ]7] (431-9)
jo tuDh bhaavai so bhalaa tayrai bhaanai kaaraj raas. ||7||
Whatever is pleasing to Your Will is good; by Your Sweet Will, my affairs are adjusted. ||7||

suK swgr pRIqm imly aupjy mhw Anµd ] (431-10)
sukh saagar pareetam milay upjay mahaa anand.
I have met my Beloved, the Ocean of Peace, and Supreme Bliss has welled up within me.

khu nwnk sB duK imty pRB Byty prmwnµd ]8]1]2] (431-10)
kaho naanak sabh dukh mitay parabh bhaytay parmaanand. ||8||1||2||
Says Nanak, all my pains have been eradicated, meeting with God, the Lord of Supreme Bliss. ||8||1||2||

Awsw mhlw 5 ibrhVy Gru 4 CMqw kI jiq (431-11)
aasaa mehlaa 5 birharhay ghar 4 chhantaa kee jat
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Birharray ~ Songs Of Separation, To Be Sung In The Tune Of The Chhants. Fourth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (431-12)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pwrbRhmu pRBu ismrIAY ipAwry drsn kau bil jwau ]1] (431-12)
paarbarahm parabh simree-ai pi-aaray darsan ka-o bal jaa-o. ||1||
Remember the Supreme Lord God, O Beloved, and make yourself a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||

ijsu ismrq duK bIsrih ipAwry so ikau qjxw jwie ]2] (431-12)
jis simrat dukh beesrahi pi-aaray so ki-o tajnaa jaa-ay. ||2||
Remembering Him, sorrows are forgotten, O Beloved; how can one forsake Him? ||2||

iehu qnu vycI sMq pih ipAwry pRIqmu dyie imlwie ]3] (431-13)
ih tan vaychee sant peh pi-aaray pareetam day-ay milaa-ay. ||3||
I would sell this body to the Saint, O Beloved, if he would lead me to my Dear Lord. ||3||

suK sIgwr ibiKAw ky PIky qij Cofy myrI mwie ]4] (431-14)
sukh seegaar bikhi-aa kay feekay taj chhoday mayree maa-ay. ||4||
The pleasures and adornments of corruption are insipid and useless; I have forsaken and abandoned them, O my Mother. ||4||

kwmu k®oDu loBu qij gey ipAwry siqgur crnI pwie ]5] (431-14)
kaam kroDh lobh taj ga-ay pi-aaray satgur charnee paa-ay. ||5||
Lust, anger and greed left me, O Beloved, when I fell at the Feet of the True Guru. ||5||

jo jn rwqy rwm isau ipAwry Anq n kwhU jwie ]6] (431-15)
jo jan raatay raam si-o pi-aaray anat na kaahoo jaa-ay. ||6||
Those humble beings who are imbued with the Lord, O Beloved, do not go anywhere else. ||6||

hir rsu ijn@I cwiKAw ipAwry iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]7] (431-15)
har ras jinHee chaakhi-aa pi-aaray taripat rahay aaghaa-ay. ||7||
Those who have tasted the Lord's sublime essence, O Beloved, remain satisfied and satiated. ||7||

AMclu gihAw swD kw nwnk BY swgru pwir prwie ]8]1]3] (431-16)
anchal gahi-aa saaDh kaa naanak bhai saagar paar paraa-ay. ||8||1||3||
One who grasps the Hem of the Gown of the Holy Saint, O Nanak, crosses over the terrible world-ocean. ||8||1||3||

jnm mrx duKu ktIAY ipAwry jb BytY hir rwie ]1] (431-17)
janam maran dukh katee-ai pi-aaray jab bhaytai har raa-ay. ||1||
The pains of birth and death are removed, O Beloved, when the mortal meets with the Lord, the King. ||1||

suMdru suGru sujwxu pRBu myrw jIvnu drsu idKwie ]2] (431-17)
sundar sughar sujaan parabh mayraa jeevan daras dikhaa-ay. ||2||
God is so Beautiful, so Refined, so Wise - He is my very life! Reveal to me Your Darshan! ||2||

jo jIA quJ qy bICury ipAwry jnim mrih ibKu Kwie ]3] (431-18)
jo jee-a tujh tay beechhuray pi-aaray janam mareh bikh khaa-ay. ||3||
Those beings who are separated from You, O Beloved, are born only to die; they eat the poison of corruption. ||3||

ijsu qUM mylih so imlY ipAwry iqs kY lwgau pwie ]4] (431-18)
jis tooN mayleh so milai pi-aaray tis kai laaga-o paa-ay. ||4||
He alone meets You, whom You cause to meet, O Beloved; I fall at his feet. ||4||

jo suKu drsnu pyKqy ipAwry muK qy khxu n jwie ]5] (431-19)
jo sukh darsan paykh-tay pi-aaray mukh tay kahan na jaa-ay. ||5||
That happiness which one receives by beholding Your Darshan, O Beloved, cannot be described in words. ||5||

swcI pRIiq n quteI ipAwry jugu jugu rhI smwie ]6] (431-19)
saachee pareet na tut-ee pi-aaray jug jug rahee samaa-ay. ||6||
True Love cannot be broken, O Beloved; throughout the ages, it remains. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD