Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Bgiq inrwlI Alwh dI jwpY gur vIcwir ] (430-1)
bhagat niraalee alaah dee jaapai gur veechaar.
The worship of the Lord is unique - it is known only by reflecting upon the Guru.

nwnk nwmu ihrdY vsY BY BgqI nwim svwir ]9]14]36] (430-1)
naanak naam hirdai vasai bhai bhagtee naam savaar. ||9||14||36||
O Nanak, one whose mind is filled with the Naam, through the Lord's Fear and devotion, is embellished with the Naam. ||9||14||36||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (430-2)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

An rs mih BolwieAw ibnu nwmY duK pwie ] (430-2)
an ras meh bholaa-i-aa bin naamai dukh paa-ay.
He wanders around, engrossed in other pleasures, but without the Naam, he suffers in pain.

siqguru purKu n ByitE ij scI bUJ buJwie ]1] (430-3)
satgur purakh na bhayti-o je sachee boojh bujhaa-ay. ||1||
He does not meet the True Guru, the Primal Being, who imparts true understanding. ||1||

ey mn myry bwvly hir rsu ciK swdu pwie ] (430-3)
ay man mayray baavlay har ras chakh saad paa-ay.
O my insane mind, drink in the sublime essence of the Lord, and savor its taste.

An ris lwgw qUM iPrih ibrQw jnmu gvwie ]1] rhwau ] (430-4)
an ras laagaa tooN fireh birthaa janam gavaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Attached to other pleasures, you wander around, and your life wastes away uselessly. ||1||Pause||

iesu jug mih gurmuK inrmly sic nwim rhih ilv lwie ] (430-4)
is jug meh gurmukh nirmalay sach naam raheh liv laa-ay.
In this age, the Gurmukhs are pure; they remain absorbed in the love of the True Name.

ivxu krmw ikCu pweIAY nhI ikAw kir kihAw jwie ]2] (430-5)
vin karmaa kichh paa-ee-ai nahee ki-aa kar kahi-aa jaa-ay. ||2||
Without the destiny of good karma, nothing can be obtained; what can we say or do? ||2||

Awpu pCwxih sbid mrih mnhu qij ivkwr ] (430-5)
aap pachhaaneh sabad mareh manhu taj vikaar.
He understands his own self, and dies in the Word of the Shabad; he banishes corruption from his mind.

gur srxweI Bij pey bKsy bKsxhwr ]3] (430-6)
gur sarnaa-ee bhaj pa-ay bakhsay bakhsanhaar. ||3||
He hurries to the Guru's Sanctuary, and is forgiven by the Forgiving Lord. ||3||

ibnu nwvY suKu n pweIAY nw duKu ivchu jwie ] (430-6)
bin naavai sukh na paa-ee-ai naa dukh vichahu jaa-ay.
Without the Name, peace is not obtained, and pain does not depart from within.

iehu jgu mwieAw moih ivAwipAw dUjY Brim Bulwie ]4] (430-7)
ih jag maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapi-aa doojai bharam bhulaa-ay. ||4||
This world is engrossed in attachment to Maya; it has gone astray in duality and doubt. ||4||

dohwgxI ipr kI swr n jwxhI ikAw kir krih sIgwru ] (430-7)
duhaaganee pir kee saar na jaanhee ki-aa kar karahi seegaar.
The forsaken soul-brides do not know the value of their Husband Lord; how can they decorate themselves?

Anidnu sdw jldIAw iPrih syjY rvY n Bqwru ]5] (430-8)
an-din sadaa jaldee-aa fireh sayjai ravai na bhataar. ||5||
Night and day, they continually burn, and they do not enjoy the Bed of their Husband Lord. ||5||

sohwgxI mhlu pwieAw ivchu Awpu gvwie ] (430-9)
sohaaganee mahal paa-i-aa vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
The happy soul-brides obtain the Mansion of His Presence, eradicating their self-conceit from within.

gur sbdI sIgwrIAw Apxy sih leIAw imlwie ]6] (430-9)
gur sabdee seegaaree-aa apnay seh la-ee-aa milaa-ay. ||6||
They decorate themselves with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and their Husband Lord unites them with Himself. ||6||

mrxw mnhu ivswirAw mwieAw mohu gubwru ] (430-10)
marnaa manhu visaari-aa maa-i-aa moh gubaar.
He has forgotten death, in the darkness of attachment to Maya.

mnmuK mir mir jMmih BI mrih jm dir hoih KuAwru ]7] (430-10)
manmukh mar mar jameh bhee mareh jam dar hohi khu-aar. ||7||
The self-willed manmukhs die again and again, and are reborn; they die again, and are miserable at the Gate of Death. ||7||

Awip imlwieAnu sy imly gur sbid vIcwir ] (430-11)
aap milaa-i-an say milay gur sabad veechaar.
They alone are united, whom the Lord unites with Himself; they contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk nwim smwxy muK aujly iqqu scY drbwir ]8]22]15]37] (430-11)
naanak naam samaanay mukh ujlay tit sachai darbaar. ||8||22||15||37||
O Nanak, they are absorbed in the Naam; their faces are radiant, in that True Court. ||8||22||15||37||

Awsw mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 2 (430-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa ghar 2
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (430-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pMc mnwey pMc ruswey ] pMc vswey pMc gvwey ]1] (430-13)
panch manaa-ay panch rusaa-ay. panch vasaa-ay panch gavaa-ay. ||1||
When the five virtues were reconciled, and the five passions were estranged, I enshrined the five within myself, and cast out the other five. ||1||

ien@ ibiD ngru vuTw myry BweI ] (430-14)
inH biDh nagar vuthaa mayray bhaa-ee.
In this way, the village of my body became inhabited, O my Siblings of Destiny.

durqu gieAw guir igAwnu idRVweI ]1] rhwau ] (430-14)
durat ga-i-aa gur gi-aan darirhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Vice departed, and the Guru's spiritual wisdom was implanted within me. ||1||Pause||

swc Drm kI kir dInI vwir ] (430-15)
saach Dharam kee kar deenee vaar.
The fence of true Dharmic religion has been built around it.

Prhy muhkm gur igAwnu bIcwir ]2] (430-15)
farhay muhkam gur gi-aan beechaar. ||2||
The spiritual wisdom and reflective meditation of the Guru has become its strong gate. ||2||

nwmu KyqI bIjhu BweI mIq ] (430-15)
naam khaytee beejahu bhaa-ee meet.
So plant the seed of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O friends, O Siblings of Destiny.

saudw krhu guru syvhu nIq ]3] (430-16)
sa-udaa karahu gur sayvhu neet. ||3||
Deal only in the constant service of the Guru. ||3||

sWiq shj suK ky siB hwt ] (430-16)
saaNt sahj sukh kay sabh haat.
With intuitive peace and happiness, all the shops are filled.

swh vwpwrI eykY Qwt ]4] (430-16)
saah vaapaaree aykai thaat. ||4||
The Banker and the dealers dwell in the same place. ||4||

jyjIAw fMnu ko ley n jgwiq ] (430-17)
jayjee-aa dann ko la-ay na jagaat.
There is no tax on non-believers, nor any fines or taxes at death.

siqguir kir dInI Dur kI Cwp ]5] (430-17)
satgur kar deenee Dhur kee chhaap. ||5||
The True Guru has set the Seal of the Primal Lord upon these goods. ||5||

vKru nwmu lid Kyp clwvhu ] (430-17)
vakhar naam lad khayp chalaavahu.
So load the merchandise of the Naam, and set sail with your cargo.

lY lwhw gurmuiK Gir Awvhu ]6] (430-18)
lai laahaa gurmukh ghar aavhu. ||6||
Earn your profit, as Gurmukh, and you shall return to your own home. ||6||

siqguru swhu isK vxjwry ] (430-18)
satgur saahu sikh vanjaaray.
The True Guru is the Banker, and His Sikhs are the traders.

pUMjI nwmu lyKw swcu smHwry ]7] (430-18)
poonjee naam laykhaa saach samHaaray. ||7||
Their merchandise is the Naam, and meditation on the True Lord is their account. ||7||

so vsY iequ Gir ijsu guru pUrw syv ] (430-19)
so vasai it ghar jis gur pooraa sayv.
One who serves the True Guru dwells in this house.

Aibcl ngrI nwnk dyv ]8]1] (430-19)
abichal nagree naanak dayv. ||8||1||
O Nanak, the Divine City is eternal. ||8||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD