Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


shjy nwmu iDAweIAY igAwnu prgtu hoie ]1] (429-1)
sehjay naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai gi-aan pargat ho-ay. ||1||
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with intuitive ease and poise, spiritual wisdom is revealed. ||1||

ey mn mq jwxih hir dUir hY sdw vyKu hdUir ] (429-1)
ay man mat jaaneh har door hai sadaa vaykh hadoor.
O my mind, do not think of the Lord as being far away; behold Him ever close at hand.

sd suxdw sd vyKdw sbid rihAw BrpUir ]1] rhwau ] (429-2)
sad sundaa sad vaykh-daa sabad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is always listening, and always watching over us; the Word of His Shabad is all-pervading everywhere. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK Awpu pCwixAw iqn@I iek min iDAwieAw ] (429-2)
gurmukh aap pachhaani-aa tinHee ik man Dhi-aa-i-aa.
The Gurmukhs understand their own selves; they meditate single-mindedly on the Lord.

sdw rvih ipru Awpxw scY nwim suKu pwieAw ]2] (429-3)
sadaa raveh pir aapnaa sachai naam sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
They enjoy their Husband Lord continually; through the True Name, they find peace. ||2||

ey mn qyrw ko nhI kir vyKu sbid vIcwru ] (429-3)
ay man tayraa ko nahee kar vaykh sabad veechaar.
O my mind, no one belongs to you; contemplate the Shabad, and see this.

hir srxweI Bij pau pwieih moK duAwru ]3] (429-4)
har sarnaa-ee bhaj pa-o paa-ihi mokh du-aar. ||3||
So run to the Lord's Sanctuary, and find the gate of salvation. ||3||

sbid suxIAY sbid buJIAY sic rhY ilv lwie ] (429-4)
sabad sunee-ai sabad bujhee-ai sach rahai liv laa-ay.
Listen to the Shabad, and understand the Shabad, and lovingly focus your consciousness on the True One.

sbdy haumY mwrIAY scY mhil suKu pwie ]4] (429-5)
sabday ha-umai maaree-ai sachai mahal sukh paa-ay. ||4||
Through the Shabad, conquer your ego, and in the True Mansion of the Lord's Presence, you shall find peace. ||4||

iesu jug mih soBw nwm kI ibnu nwvY soB n hoie ] (429-5)
is jug meh sobhaa naam kee bin naavai sobh na ho-ay.
In this age, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glory; without the Name, there is no glory.

ieh mwieAw kI soBw cwir idhwVy jwdI iblmu n hoie ]5] (429-6)
ih maa-i-aa kee sobhaa chaar dihaarhay jaadee bilam na ho-ay. ||5||
The glory of this Maya lasts for only a few days; it disappears in an instant. ||5||

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy muey mir jwih ] (429-6)
jinee naam visaari-aa say mu-ay mar jaahi.
Those who forget the Naam are already dead, and they continue dying.

hir rs swdu n AwieE ibstw mwih smwih ]6] (429-7)
har ras saad na aa-i-o bistaa maahi samaahi. ||6||
They do not enjoy the sublime essence of the Lord's taste; they sink into the manure. ||6||

ieik Awpy bKis imlwieAnu Anidnu nwmy lwie ] (429-7)
ik aapay bakhas milaa-i-an an-din naamay laa-ay.
Some are forgiven by the Lord; He unites them with Himself, and keeps them attached to the Naam, night and day.

scu kmwvih sic rhih scy sic smwih ]7] (429-8)
sach kamaaveh sach raheh sachay sach samaahi. ||7||
They practice Truth, and abide in Truth; being truthful, they merge into Truth. ||7||

ibnu sbdY suxIAY n dyKIAY jgu bolw AMn@w Brmwie ] (429-8)
bin sabdai sunee-ai na daykhee-ai jag bolaa anHaa bharmaa-ay.
Without the Shabad, the world does not hear, and does not see; deaf and blind, it wanders around.

ibnu nwvY duKu pwiesI nwmu imlY iqsY rjwie ]8] (429-9)
bin naavai dukh paa-isee naam milai tisai rajaa-ay. ||8||
Without the Naam, it obtains only misery; the Naam is received only by His Will. ||8||

ijn bwxI isau icqu lwieAw sy jn inrml prvwxu ] (429-9)
jin banee si-o chit laa-i-aa say jan nirmal parvaan.
Those persons who link their consciousness with the Word of His Bani, are immaculately pure, and approved by the Lord.

nwnk nwmu iqn@w kdy n vIsrY sy dir scy jwxu ]9]13]35] (429-10)
naanak naam tinHaa kaday na veesrai say dar sachay jaan. ||9||13||35||
O Nanak, they never forget the Naam, and in the Court of the Lord, they are known as true. ||9||13||35||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (429-11)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

sbdO hI Bgq jwpdy ijn@ kI bwxI scI hoie ] (429-11)
sabdou hee bhagat jaapday jinH kee banee sachee ho-ay.
Through the Word of the Shabad, the devotees are known; their words are true.

ivchu Awpu gieAw nwau mMinAw sic imlwvw hoie ]1] (429-11)
vichahu aap ga-i-aa naa-o mani-aa sach milaavaa ho-ay. ||1||
They eradicate ego from within themselves; they surrender to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and meet with the True One. ||1||

hir hir nwmu jn kI piq hoie ] (429-12)
har har naam jan kee pat ho-ay.
Through the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, His humble servants obtain honor.

sPlu iqn@w kw jnmu hY iqn@ mwnY sBu koie ]1] rhwau ] (429-12)
safal tinHaa kaa janam hai tinH maanai sabh ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How blessed is their coming into the world! Everyone adores them. ||1||Pause||

haumY myrw jwiq hY Aiq k®oDu AiBmwnu ] (429-13)
ha-umai mayraa jaat hai at kroDh abhimaan.
Ego, self-centeredness, excessive anger and pride are the lot of mankind.

sbid mrY qw jwiq jwie joqI joiq imlY Bgvwnu ]2] (429-13)
sabad marai taa jaat jaa-ay jotee jot milai bhagvaan. ||2||
If one dies in the Word of the Shabad, then he is rid of this, and his light is merged into the Light of the Lord God. ||2||

pUrw siqguru ByitAw sPl jnmu hmwrw ] (429-14)
pooraa satgur bhayti-aa safal janam hamaaraa.
Meeting with the Perfect True Guru, my life has been blessed.

nwmu nvY iniD pwieAw Bry AKut BMfwrw ]3] (429-14)
naam navai niDh paa-i-aa bharay akhut bhandaaraa. ||3||
I have obtained the nine treasures of the Naam, and my storehouse is inexhaustible, filled to overflowing. ||3||

Awvih iesu rwsI ky vwpwrIey ijn@w nwmu ipAwrw ] (429-15)
aavahi is raasee kay vaapaaree-ay jinHaa naam pi-aaraa.
Those who love the Naam come as dealers in the merchandise of the Naam.

gurmuiK hovY so Dnu pwey iqn@w AMqir sbdu vIcwrw ]4] (429-15)
gurmukh hovai so Dhan paa-ay tinHaa antar sabad veechaaraa. ||4||
Those who become Gurmukh obtain this wealth; deep within, they contemplate the Shabad. ||4||

BgqI swr n jwxn@I mnmuK AhMkwrI ] (429-16)
bhagtee saar na jaananHee manmukh ahaNkaaree.
The egotistical, self-willed manmukhs do not appreciate the value of devotional worship.

Durhu Awip KuAwieAnu jUAY bwjI hwrI ]5] (429-16)
Dharahu aap khu-aa-i-an joo-ai baajee haaree. ||5||
The Primal Lord Himself has beguiled them; they lose their lives in the gamble. ||5||

ibnu ipAwrY Bgiq n hoveI nw suKu hoie srIir ] (429-17)
bin pi-aarai bhagat na hova-ee naa sukh ho-ay sareer.
Without loving affection, devotional worship is not possible, and the body cannot be at peace.

pRym pdwrQu pweIAY gur BgqI mn DIir ]6] (429-17)
paraym padaarath paa-ee-ai gur bhagtee man Dheer. ||6||
The wealth of love is obtained from the Guru; through devotion, the mind becomes steady. ||6||

ijs no Bgiq krwey so kry gur sbd vIcwir ] (429-18)
jis no bhagat karaa-ay so karay gur sabad veechaar.
He alone performs devotional worship, whom the Lord so blesses; he contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ihrdY eyko nwmu vsY haumY duibDw mwir ]7] (429-18)
hirdai ayko naam vasai ha-umai dubiDhaa maar. ||7||
The One Name abides in his heart, and he conquers his ego and duality. ||7||

Bgqw kI jiq piq eykuo nwmu hY Awpy ley svwir ] (429-19)
bhagtaa kee jat pat ayko naam hai aapay la-ay savaar.
The One Name is the social status and honor of the devotees; the Lord Himself adorns them.

sdw srxweI iqs kI ijau BwvY iqau kwrju swir ]8] (429-19)
sadaa sarnaa-ee tis kee ji-o bhaavai ti-o kaaraj saar. ||8||
They remain forever in the Protection of His Sanctuary. As it pleases His Will, He arranges their affairs. ||8||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD