Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Gr hI so ipru pwieAw scY sbid vIcwir ]1] (428-1)
ghar hee so pir paa-i-aa sachai sabad veechaar. ||1||
They find their Husband Lord within their own home, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||

Avgx guxI bKswieAw hir isau ilv lweI ] (428-1)
avgan gunee bakhsaa-i-aa har si-o liv laa-ee.
Through merits, their demerits are forgiven, and they embrace love for the Lord.

hir vru pwieAw kwmxI guir myil imlweI ]1] rhwau ] (428-2)
har var paa-i-aa kaamnee gur mayl milaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The soul-bride then obtains the Lord as her Husband; meeting the Guru, this union comes about. ||1||Pause||

ieik ipru hdUir n jwxn@I dUjY Brim Bulwie ] (428-2)
ik pir hadoor na jaananHee doojai bharam bhulaa-ay.
Some do not know the Presence of their Husband Lord; they are deluded by duality and doubt.

ikau pwiein@ fohwgxI duKI rYix ivhwie ]2] (428-3)
ki-o paa-iniH dohaaganee dukhee rain vihaa-ay. ||2||
How can the forsaken brides meet Him? Their life night passes in pain. ||2||

ijn kY min scu visAw scI kwr kmwie ] (428-3)
jin kai man sach vasi-aa sachee kaar kamaa-ay.
Those whose minds are filled with the True Lord, perform truthful actions.

Anidnu syvih shj isau scy mwih smwie ]3] (428-4)
an-din sayveh sahj si-o sachay maahi samaa-ay. ||3||
Night and day, they serve the Lord with poise, and are absorbed in the True Lord. ||3||

dohwgxI Brim BulweIAw kUVu boil ibKu Kwih ] (428-4)
duhaaganee bharam bhulaa-ee-aa koorh bol bikh khaahi.
The forsaken brides wander around, deluded by doubt; telling lies, they eat poison.

ipru n jwxin Awpxw suM\I syj duKu pwih ]4] (428-5)
pir na jaanan aapnaa sunjee sayj dukh paahi. ||4||
They do not know their Husband Lord, and upon their deserted bed, they suffer in misery. ||4||

scw swihbu eyku hY mqu mn Brim Bulwih ] (428-5)
sachaa saahib ayk hai mat man bharam bhulaahi.
The True Lord is the One and only; do not be deluded by doubt, O my mind.

gur pUiC syvw krih scu inrmlu mMin vswih ]5] (428-6)
gur poochh sayvaa karahi sach nirmal man vasaahi. ||5||
Consult with the Guru, serve the True Lord, and enshrine the Immaculate Truth within your mind. ||5||

sohwgxI sdw ipru pwieAw haumY Awpu gvwie ] (428-6)
sohaaganee sadaa pir paa-i-aa ha-umai aap gavaa-ay.
The happy soul-bride always finds her Husband Lord; she banishes egotism and self-conceit.

ipr syqI Anidnu gih rhI scI syj suKu pwie ]6] (428-7)
pir saytee an-din geh rahee sachee sayj sukh paa-ay. ||6||
She remains attached to her Husband Lord, night and day, and she finds peace upon His Bed of Truth. ||6||

myrI myrI kir gey plY ikCu n pwie ] (428-7)
mayree mayree kar ga-ay palai kichh na paa-ay.
Those who shouted, "Mine, mine!" have departed, without obtaining anything.

mhlu nwhI fohwgxI AMiq geI pCuqwie ]7] (428-8)
mahal naahee dohaaganee ant ga-ee pachhutaa-ay. ||7||
The separated one does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and departs, repenting in the end. ||7||

so ipru myrw eyku hY eyksu isau ilv lwie ] (428-8)
so pir mayraa ayk hai aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
That Husband Lord of mine is the One and only; I am in love with the One alone.

nwnk jy suKu loVih kwmxI hir kw nwmu mMin vswie ]8]11]33] (428-9)
naanak jay sukh lorheh kaamnee har kaa naam man vasaa-ay. ||8||11||33||
O Nanak, if the soul-bride longs for peace, she should enshrine the Lord's Name within her mind. ||8||11||33||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (428-9)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

AMimRqu ijn@w cKwieEnu rsu AwieAw shij suBwie ] (428-9)
amrit jinHaa chhakhaa-i-on ras aa-i-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
Those whom the Lord has caused to drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, naturally, intuitively, enjoy the sublime essence.

scw vyprvwhu hY iqs no iqlu n qmwie ]1] (428-10)
sachaa vayparvaahu hai tis no til na tamaa-ay. ||1||
The True Lord is care-free; he does not have even an iota of greed. ||1||

AMimRqu scw vrsdw gurmuKw muiK pwie ] (428-10)
amrit sachaa varasdaa gurmukhaa mukh paa-ay.
The True Ambrosial Nectar rains down, and trickles into the mouths of the Gurmukhs.

mnu sdw hrIAwvlw shjy hir gux gwie ]1] rhwau ] (428-11)
man sadaa haree-aavlaa sehjay har gun gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Their minds are forever rejuvenated, and they naturally, intuitively, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

mnmuiK sdw dohwgxI dir KVIAw ibllwih ] (428-12)
manmukh sadaa duhaaganee dar kharhee-aa billaahi.
The self-willed manmukhs are forever forsaken brides; they cry out and bewail at the Lord's Gate.

ijn@w ipr kw suAwdu n AwieE jo Duir iliKAw suo kmwih ]2] (428-12)
jinHaa pir kaa su-aad na aa-i-o jo Dhur likhi-aa so kamaahi. ||2||
Those who do not enjoy the sublime taste of their Husband Lord, act according to their pre-ordained destiny. ||2||

gurmuiK bIjy scu jmY scu nwmu vwpwru ] (428-13)
gurmukh beejay sach jamai sach naam vaapaar.
The Gurmukh plants the seed of the True Name, and it sprouts. He deals in the True Name alone.

jo iequ lwhY lwieAnu BgqI dyie BMfwr ]3] (428-13)
jo it laahai laa-i-an bhagtee day-ay bhandaar. ||3||
Those whom the Lord has attached to this profitable venture, are granted the treasure of devotional worship. ||3||

gurmuiK sdw sohwgxI BY Bgiq sIgwir ] (428-14)
gurmukh sadaa sohaaganee bhai bhagat seegaar.
The Gurmukh is forever the true, happy soul-bride; she adorns herself with the fear of God and devotion to Him.

Anidnu rwvih ipru Awpxw scu rKih aur Dwir ]4] (428-14)
an-din raaveh pir aapnaa sach rakheh ur Dhaar. ||4||
Night and day, she enjoys her Husband Lord; she keeps Truth enshrined within her heart. ||4||

ijn@w ipru rwivAw Awpxw iqn@w ivthu bil jwau ] (428-15)
jinHaa pir raavi-aa aapnaa tinHaa vitahu bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to those who have enjoyed their Husband Lord.

sdw ipr kY sMig rhih ivchu Awpu gvwie ]5] (428-15)
sadaa pir kai sang raheh vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||5||
They dwell forever with their Husband Lord; they eradicate self-conceit from within. ||5||

qnu mnu sIqlu muK aujly ipr kY Bwie ipAwir ] (428-16)
tan man seetal mukh ujlay pir kai bhaa-ay pi-aar.
Their bodies and minds are cooled and soothed, and their faces are radiant, from the love and affection of their Husband Lord.

syj suKwlI ipru rvY haumY iqRsnw mwir ]6] (428-16)
sayj sukhaalee pir ravai ha-umai tarisnaa maar. ||6||
They enjoy their Husband Lord upon His cozy bed, having conquered their ego and desire. ||6||

kir ikrpw Gir AwieAw gur kY hyiq Apwir ] (428-17)
kar kirpaa ghar aa-i-aa gur kai hayt apaar.
Granting His Grace, He comes into our homes, through our infinite Love for the Guru.

vru pwieAw sohwgxI kyvl eyku murwir ]7] (428-17)
var paa-i-aa sohaaganee kayval ayk muraar. ||7||
The happy soul-bride obtains the One Lord as her Husband. ||7||

sBy gunh bKswie lieEnu myly mylxhwir ] (428-18)
sabhay gunah bakhsaa-ay la-i-on maylay maylanhaar.
All of her sins are forgiven; the Uniter unites her with Himself.

nwnk AwKxu AwKIAY jy suix Dry ipAwru ]8]12]34] (428-18)
naanak aakhan aakhee-ai jay sun Dharay pi-aar. ||8||12||34||
O Nanak, chant such chants, that hearing them, He may enshrine love for you. ||8||12||34||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (428-19)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

siqgur qy gux aUpjY jw pRBu mylY soie ] (428-19)
satgur tay gun oopjai jaa parabh maylai so-ay.
Merit is obtained from the True Guru, when God causes us to meet Him.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD