Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ey mn rUV@y rMguly qUM scw rMgu cVwie ] (427-1)
ay man roorhHai rangulay tooN sachaa rang charhaa-ay.
O beauteous and joyful mind, imbue yourself with your true color.

rUVI bwxI jy rpY nw iehu rMgu lhY n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (427-1)
roorhee banee jay rapai naa ih rang lahai na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If you imbue yourself with the Beauteous Word of the Guru's Bani, then this color shall never fade away. ||1||Pause||

hm nIc mYly Aiq AiBmwnI dUjY Bwie ivkwr ] (427-2)
ham neech mailay at abhimaanee doojai bhaa-ay vikaar.
I am lowly, filthy, and totally egotistical; I am attached to the corruption of duality.

guir pwris imilAY kMcnu hoey inrml joiq Apwr ]2] (427-2)
gur paaras mili-ai kanchan ho-ay nirmal jot apaar. ||2||
But meeting with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone, I am transformed into gold; I am blended with the Pure Light of the Infinite Lord. ||2||

ibnu gur koie n rMgIAY guir imilAY rMgu cVwau ] (427-3)
bin gur ko-ay na rangee-ai gur mili-ai rang charhaa-o.
Without the Guru, no one is imbued with the color of the Lord's Love; meeting with the Guru, this color is applied.

gur kY BY Bwie jo rqy isPqI sic smwau ]3] (427-3)
gur kai bhai bhaa-ay jo ratay siftee sach samaa-o. ||3||
Those who are imbued with the Fear, and the Love of the Guru, are absorbed in the Praise of the True Lord. ||3||

BY ibnu lwig n lgeI nw mnu inrmlu hoie ] (427-4)
bhai bin laag na lag-ee naa man nirmal ho-ay.
Without fear, the cloth is not dyed, and the mind is not rendered pure.

ibnu BY krm kmwvxy JUTy Twau n koie ]4] (427-4)
bin bhai karam kamaavnay jhoothay thaa-o na ko-ay. ||4||
Without fear, the performance of rituals is false, and one finds no place of rest. ||4||

ijs no Awpy rMgy su rpsI sqsMgiq imlwie ] (427-5)
jis no aapay rangay so rapsee satsangat milaa-ay.
Only those whom the Lord imbues, are so imbued; they join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

pUry gur qy sqsMgiq aUpjY shjy sic suBwie ]5] (427-5)
pooray gur tay satsangat oopjai sehjay sach subhaa-ay. ||5||
From the Perfect Guru, the Sat Sangat emanates, and one easily merges into the Love of the True One. ||5||

ibnu sMgqI siB AYsy rhih jYsy psu For ] (427-6)
bin sangtee sabh aisay raheh jaisay pas dhor.
Without the Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all remain like beasts and animals.

ijin@ kIqy iqsY n jwxn@I ibnu nwvY siB cor ]6] (427-6)
jiniH keetay tisai na jaananHee bin naavai sabh chor. ||6||
They do not know the One who created them; without the Name, all are thieves. ||6||

ieik gux ivhwJih Aaugx ivkxih gur kY shij suBwie ] (427-7)
ik gun vihaajheh a-ugan viknahi gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
Some purchase merits and sell off their demerits; through the Guru, they obtain peace and poise.

gur syvw qy nwau pwieAw vuTw AMdir Awie ]7] (427-7)
gur sayvaa tay naa-o paa-i-aa vuthaa andar aa-ay. ||7||
Serving the Guru, they obtain the Name, which comes to dwell deep within. ||7||

sBnw kw dwqw eyku hY isir DMDY lwie ] (427-8)
sabhnaa kaa daataa ayk hai sir DhanDhai laa-ay.
The One Lord is the Giver of all; He assigns tasks to each and every person.

nwnk nwmy lwie svwirAnu sbdy ley imlwie ]8]9]31] (427-8)
naanak naamay laa-ay savaari-an sabday la-ay milaa-ay. ||8||9||31||
O Nanak, the Lord embellishes us with the Name; attached to the Word of the Shabad, we are merged into Him. ||8||9||31||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (427-9)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

sB nwvY no locdI ijsu ik®pw kry so pwey ] (427-9)
sabh naavai no lochdee jis kirpaa karay so paa-ay.
Everyone longs for the Name, but he alone receives it, unto whom the Lord shows His Mercy.

ibnu nwvY sBu duKu hY suKu iqsu ijsu mMin vswey ]1] (427-10)
bin naavai sabh dukh hai sukh tis jis man vasaa-ay. ||1||
Without the Name, there is only pain; he alone obtains peace, whose mind is filled with the Name. ||1||

qUM byAMqu dieAwlu hY qyrI srxweI ] (427-10)
tooN bay-ant da-i-aal hai tayree sarnaa-ee.
You are infinite and merciful; I seek Your Sanctuary.

gur pUry qy pweIAY nwmy vifAweI ]1] rhwau ] (427-11)
gur pooray tay paa-ee-ai naamay vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
From the Perfect Guru, the glorious greatness of the Naam is obtained. ||1||Pause||

AMqir bwhir eyku hY bhu ibiD isRsit aupweI ] (427-11)
antar baahar ayk hai baho biDh sarisat upaa-ee.
Inwardly and outwardly, there is only the One Lord. He has created the world, with its many varieties.

hukmy kwr krwiedw dUjw iksu khIAY BweI ]2] (427-12)
hukmay kaar karaa-idaa doojaa kis kahee-ai bhaa-ee. ||2||
According to the Order of His Will, He makes us act. What else can we talk about, O Siblings of Destiny? ||2||

buJxw AbuJxw quDu kIAw ieh qyrI isir kwr ] (427-12)
bujh-naa abujh-naa tuDh kee-aa ih tayree sir kaar.
Knowledge and ignorance are all your making; You have control over these.

iekn@w bKisih myil lYih ieik drgh mwir kFy kUiVAwr ]3] (427-13)
iknHaa bakhsihi mayl laihi ik dargeh maar kadhay koorhi-aar. ||3||
Some, You forgive, and unite with Yourself; while others, the wicked, you strike down and drive out of Your Court. ||3||

ieik Duir pivq pwvn hih quDu nwmy lwey ] (427-13)
ik Dhur pavit paavan heh tuDh naamay laa-ay.
Some, from the very beginning, are pure and pious; You attach them to Your Name.

gur syvw qy suKu aUpjY scY sbid buJwey ]4] (427-14)
gur sayvaa tay sukh oopjai sachai sabad bujhaa-ay. ||4||
Serving the Guru, peace wells up; through the True Word of the Shabad, one comes to understand. ||4||

ieik kucl kucIl ivKlI pqy nwvhu Awip KuAwey ] (427-14)
ik kuchal kucheel vikhlee patay naavhu aap khu-aa-ay.
Some are crooked, filthy and vicious; the Lord Himself has led them astray from the Name.

nw En isiD n buiD hY n sMjmI iPrih auqvqwey ]5] (427-15)
naa on siDh na buDh hai na sanjmee fireh utvataa-ay. ||5||
They have no intuition, no understanding and no self-discipline; they wander around delirious. ||5||

ndir kry ijsu AwpxI iqs no BwvnI lwey ] (427-15)
nadar karay jis aapnee tis no bhaavnee laa-ay.
He grants faith to those whom He has blessed with His Glance of Grace.

squ sMqoKu ieh sMjmI mnu inrmlu sbdu suxwey ]6] (427-16)
sat santokh ih sanjmee man nirmal sabad sunaa-ay. ||6||
This mind finds truth, contentment and self-discipline, hearing the Immaculate Word of the Shabad. ||6||

lyKw piV n phUcIAY kiQ khxY AMqu n pwie ] (427-16)
laykhaa parh na pahoochee-ai kath kahnai ant na paa-ay.
By reading books, one cannot reach Him; by speaking and talking, His limits cannot be found.

gur qy kImiq pweIAY sic sbid soJI pwie ]7] (427-17)
gur tay keemat paa-ee-ai sach sabad sojhee paa-ay. ||7||
Through the Guru, His value is found; through the True Word of the Shabad, understanding is obtained. ||7||

iehu mnu dyhI soiD qUM gur sbid vIcwir ] (427-17)
ih man dayhee soDh tooN gur sabad veechaar.
So reform this mind and body, by contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk iesu dyhI ivic nwmu inDwnu hY pweIAY gur kY hyiq Apwir ]8]10]32] (427-18)
naanak is dayhee vich naam niDhaan hai paa-ee-ai gur kai hayt apaar. ||8||10||32||
O Nanak, within this body is the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it is found through the Love of the Infinite Guru. ||8||10||32||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (427-19)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

sic rqIAw sohwgxI ijnw gur kY sbid sIgwir ] (427-19)
sach ratee-aa sohaaganee jinaa gur kai sabad seegaar.
The happy soul-brides are imbued with Truth; they are adorned with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD