Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awsw mhlw 3 ] (426-1)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

AwpY Awpu pCwixAw swdu mITw BweI ] (426-1)
aapai aap pachhaani-aa saad meethaa bhaa-ee.
Those who recognize their own selves, enjoy the sweet flavor, O Siblings of Destiny.

hir ris cwiKAY mukqu Bey ijn@w swco BweI ]1] (426-1)
har ras chaakhi-ai mukat bha-ay jinHaa saacho bhaa-ee. ||1||
Those who drink in the sublime essence of the Lord are emancipated; they love the Truth. ||1||

hir jIau inrml inrmlw inrml min vwsw ] (426-2)
har jee-o nirmal nirmalaa nirmal man vaasaa.
The Beloved Lord is the purest of the pure; He comes to dwell in the pure mind.

gurmqI swlwhIAY ibiKAw mwih audwsw ]1] rhwau ] (426-2)
gurmatee salaahee-ai bikhi-aa maahi udaasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Praising the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings, one remains unaffected by corruption. ||1||Pause||

ibnu sbdY Awpu n jwpeI sB AMDI BweI ] (426-3)
bin sabdai aap na jaap-ee sabh anDhee bhaa-ee.
Without the Word of the Shabad, they do not understand themselves -they are totally blind, O Siblings of Destiny.

gurmqI Git cwnxw nwmu AMiq sKweI ]2] (426-3)
gurmatee ghat chaannaa naam ant sakhaa-ee. ||2||
Through the Guru's Teachings, the heart is illuminated, and in the end, only the Naam shall be your companion. ||2||

nwmy hI nwim vrqdy nwmy vrqwrw ] (426-4)
naamay hee naam varatday naamay vartaaraa.
They are occupied with the Naam, and only the Naam; they deal only in the Naam.

AMqir nwmu muiK nwmu hY nwmy sbid vIcwrw ]3] (426-4)
antar naam mukh naam hai naamay sabad veechaaraa. ||3||
Deep within their hearts is the Naam; upon their lips is the Naam; they contemplate the Word of God, and the Naam. ||3||

nwmu suxIAY nwmu mMnIAY nwmy vifAweI ] (426-5)
naam sunee-ai naam mannee-ai naamay vadi-aa-ee.
They listen to the Naam, believe in the Naam, and through the Naam, they obtain glory.

nwmu slwhy sdw sdw nwmy mhlu pweI ]4] (426-5)
naam salaahay sadaa sadaa naamay mahal paa-ee. ||4||
They praise the Naam, forever and ever, and through the Naam, they obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||4||

nwmy hI Git cwnxw nwmy soBw pweI ] (426-5)
naamay hee ghat chaannaa naamay sobhaa paa-ee.
Through the Naam, their hearts are illumined, and through the Naam, they obtain honor.

nwmy hI suKu aUpjY nwmy srxweI ]5] (426-6)
naamay hee sukh oopjai naamay sarnaa-ee. ||5||
Through the Naam, peace wells up; I seek the Sanctuary of the Naam. ||5||

ibnu nwvY koie n mMnIAY mnmuiK piq gvweI ] (426-6)
bin naavai ko-ay na mannee-ai manmukh pat gavaa-ee.
Without the Naam, no one is accepted; the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor.

jm puir bwDy mwrIAih ibrQw jnmu gvweI ]6] (426-7)
jam pur baaDhay maaree-ah birthaa janam gavaa-ee. ||6||
In the City of Death, they are tied down and beaten, and they lose their lives in vain. ||6||

nwmY kI sB syvw krY gurmuiK nwmu buJweI ] (426-7)
naamai kee sabh sayvaa karai gurmukh naam bujhaa-ee.
Those Gurmukhs who realize the Naam, all serve the Naam.

nwmhu hI nwmu mMnIAY nwmy vifAweI ]7] (426-8)
naamhu hee naam mannee-ai naamay vadi-aa-ee. ||7||
So believe in the Naam, and only the Naam; through the Naam, glorious greatness is obtained. ||7||

ijs no dyvY iqsu imlY gurmqI nwmu buJweI ] (426-8)
jis no dayvai tis milai gurmatee naam bujhaa-ee.
He alone receives it, unto whom it is given. Through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam is realized.

nwnk sB ikCu nwvY kY vis hY pUrY Bwig ko pweI ]8]7]29] (426-9)
naanak sabh kichh naavai kai vas hai poorai bhaag ko paa-ee. ||8||7||29||
O Nanak, everything is under the influence of the Naam; by perfect good destiny, a few obtain it. ||8||7||29||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (426-9)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

dohwgxI mhlu n pwien@I n jwxin ipr kw suAwau ] (426-10)
duhaaganee mahal na paa-inHee na jaanan pir kaa su-aa-o.
The deserted brides do not obtain the Mansion of their Husband's Presence, nor do they know His taste.

iPkw bolih nw invih dUjw Bwau suAwau ]1] (426-10)
fikaa boleh naa niveh doojaa bhaa-o su-aa-o. ||1||
They speak harsh words, and do not bow to Him; they are in love with another. ||1||

iehu mnUAw ikau kir vis AwvY ] (426-11)
ih manoo-aa ki-o kar vas aavai.
How can this mind come under control?

gur prswdI TwkIAY igAwn mqI Gir AwvY ]1] rhwau ] (426-11)
gur parsaadee thaakee-ai gi-aan matee ghar aavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, it is held in check; instructed in spiritual wisdom, it returns to its home. ||1||Pause||

sohwgxI Awip svwrIEnu lwie pRym ipAwru ] (426-12)
sohaaganee aap savaaree-on laa-ay paraym pi-aar.
He Himself adorns the happy soul-brides; they bear Him love and affection.

siqgur kY BwxY cldIAw nwmy shij sIgwru ]2] (426-12)
satgur kai bhaanai chaldee-aa naamay sahj seegaar. ||2||
They live in harmony with the Sweet Will of the True Guru, naturally adorned with the Naam. ||2||

sdw rwvih ipru Awpxw scI syj suBwie ] (426-13)
sadaa raaveh pir aapnaa sachee sayj subhaa-ay.
They enjoy their Beloved forever, and their bed is decorated with Truth.

ipr kY pRyim mohIAw imil pRIqm suKu pwie ]3] (426-13)
pir kai paraym mohee-aa mil pareetam sukh paa-ay. ||3||
They are fascinated with the Love of their Husband Lord; meeting their Beloved, they obtain peace. ||3||

igAwn Apwru sIgwru hY soBwvMqI nwir ] (426-13)
gi-aan apaar seegaar hai sobhaavantee naar.
Spiritual wisdom is the incomparable decoration of the happy soul-bride.

sw sBrweI suMdrI ipr kY hyiq ipAwir ]4] (426-14)
saa sabhraa-ee sundree pir kai hayt pi-aar. ||4||
She is so beautiful - she is the queen of all; she enjoys the love and affection of her Husband Lord. ||4||

sohwgxI ivic rMgu riKEnu scY AliK Apwir ] (426-14)
sohaaganee vich rang rakhi-on sachai alakh apaar.
The True Lord, the Unseen, the Infinite, has infused His Love among the happy soul-brides.

siqguru syvin Awpxw scY Bwie ipAwir ]5] (426-15)
satgur sayvan aapnaa sachai bhaa-ay pi-aar. ||5||
They serve their True Guru, with true love and affection. ||5||

sohwgxI sIgwru bxwieAw gux kw gil hwru ] (426-15)
sohaaganee seegaar banaa-i-aa gun kaa gal haar.
The happy soul-bride has adorned herself with the necklace of virtue.

pRym iprmlu qin lwvxw AMqir rqnu vIcwru ]6] (426-16)
paraym pirmal tan laavnaa antar ratan veechaar. ||6||
She applies the perfume of love to her body, and within her mind is the jewel of reflective meditation. ||6||

Bgiq rqy sy aUqmw jiq piq sbdy hoie ] (426-16)
bhagat ratay say ootmaa jat pat sabday ho-ay.
Those who are imbued with devotional worship are the most exalted. Their social standing and honor come from the Word of the Shabad.

ibnu nwvY sB nIc jwiq hY ibstw kw kIVw hoie ]7] (426-17)
bin naavai sabh neech jaat hai bistaa kaa keerhaa ho-ay. ||7||
Without the Naam, all are low class, like maggots in manure. ||7||

hau hau krdI sB iPrY ibnu sbdY hau n jwie ] (426-17)
ha-o ha-o kardee sabh firai bin sabdai ha-o na jaa-ay.
Everyone proclaims, "Me, me!"; but without the Shabad, the ego does not depart.

nwnk nwim rqy iqn haumY geI scY rhy smwie ]8]8]30] (426-18)
naanak naam ratay tin ha-umai ga-ee sachai rahay samaa-ay. ||8||8||30||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam lose their ego; they remain absorbed in the True Lord. ||8||8||30||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (426-19)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

scy rqy sy inrmly sdw scI soie ] (426-19)
sachay ratay say nirmalay sadaa sachee so-ay.
Those who are imbued with the True Lord are spotless and pure; their reputation is forever true.

AYQY Gir Gir jwpdy AwgY juig juig prgtu hoie ]1] (426-19)
aithai ghar ghar jaapday aagai jug jug pargat ho-ay. ||1||
Here, they are known in each and every home, and hereafter, they are famous throughout the ages. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD