Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AwpxY hiQ vifAweIAw dy nwmy lwey ] (425-1)
aapnai hath vadi-aa-ee-aa day naamay laa-ay.
Glory is in His Hands; He bestows His Name, and attaches us to it.

nwnk nwmu inDwnu min visAw vifAweI pwey ]8]4]26] (425-1)
naanak naam niDhaan man vasi-aa vadi-aa-ee paa-ay. ||8||4||26||
O Nanak, the treasure of the Naam abides within the mind, and glory is obtained. ||8||4||26||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (425-2)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

suix mn mMin vswie qUM Awpy Awie imlY myry BweI ] (425-2)
sun man man vasaa-ay tooN aapay aa-ay milai mayray bhaa-ee.
Listen, O mortal: enshrine His Name within your mind; He shall come to meet with you, O my Sibling of Destiny.

Anidnu scI Bgiq kir scY icqu lweI ]1] (425-2)
an-din sachee bhagat kar sachai chit laa-ee. ||1||
Night and day, center your consciousness on true devotional worship of the True Lord. ||1||

eyko nwmu iDAwie qUM suKu pwvih myry BweI ] (425-3)
ayko naam Dhi-aa-ay tooN sukh paavahi mayray bhaa-ee.
Meditate on the One Naam, and you shall find peace, O my Siblings of Destiny.

haumY dUjw dUir kir vfI vifAweI ]1] rhwau ] (425-3)
ha-umai doojaa door kar vadee vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Eradicate egotism and duality, and your glory shall be glorious. ||1||Pause||

iesu BgqI no suir nr muin jn locdy ivxu siqgur pweI n jwie ] (425-4)
is bhagtee no sur nar mun jan lochday vin satgur paa-ee na jaa-ay.
The angels, humans and silent sages long for this devotional worship, but without the True Guru, it cannot be attained.

pMifq pVdy joiqkI iqn bUJ n pwie ]2] (425-5)
pandit parh-day jotikee tin boojh na paa-ay. ||2||
The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the astrologers read their books, but they do not understand. ||2||

AwpY QY sBu riKEnu ikCu khxu n jweI ] (425-5)
aapai thai sabh rakhi-on kichh kahan na jaa-ee.
He Himself keeps all in His Hand; nothing else can be said.

Awpy dyie su pweIAY guir bUJ buJweI ]3] (425-5)
aapay day-ay so paa-ee-ai gur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||3||
Whatever He gives, is received. The Guru has imparted this understanding to me. ||3||

jIA jMq siB iqs dy sBnw kw soeI ] (425-6)
jee-a jant sabh tis day sabhnaa kaa so-ee.
All beings and creatures are His; He belongs to all.

mMdw iks no AwKIAY jy dUjw hoeI ]4] (425-6)
mandaa kis no aakhee-ai jay doojaa ho-ee. ||4||
So who can we call bad, since there is no other? ||4||

ieko hukmu vrqdw eykw isir kwrw ] (425-7)
iko hukam varatdaa aykaa sir kaaraa.
The Command of the One Lord is pervading throughout; duty to the One Lord is upon the heads of all.

Awip BvwlI idqIAnu AMqir loBu ivkwrw ]5] (425-7)
aap bhavaalee ditee-an antar lobh vikaaraa. ||5||
He Himself has led them astray, and placed greed and corruption within their hearts. ||5||

iek Awpy gurmuiK kIiqAnu bUJin vIcwrw ] (425-8)
ik aapay gurmukh keeti-an boojhan veechaaraa.
He has sanctified those few Gurmukhs who understand Him, and reflect upon Him.

Bgiq BI Enw no bKsIAnu AMqir BMfwrw ]6] (425-8)
bhagat bhee onaa no bakhsee-an antar bhandaaraa. ||6||
He grants devotional worship to them, and within them is the treasure. ||6||

igAwnIAw no sBu scu hY scu soJI hoeI ] (425-9)
gi-aanee-aa no sabh sach hai sach sojhee ho-ee.
The spiritual teachers know nothing but the Truth; they obtain true understanding.

Eie Bulwey iksY dy n Buln@I scu jwxin soeI ]7] (425-9)
o-ay bhulaa-ay kisai day na bhulnHee sach jaanan so-ee. ||7||
They are led astray by Him, but they do not go astray, because they know the True Lord. ||7||

Gr mih pMc vrqdy pMcy vIcwrI ] (425-9)
ghar meh panch varatday panchay veechaaree.
Within the homes of their bodies, the five passions are pervading, but here, the five are well-behaved.

nwnk ibnu siqgur vis n Awvn@I nwim haumY mwrI ]8]5]27] (425-10)
naanak bin satgur vas na aavnHee naam ha-umai maaree. ||8||5||27||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, they are not overcome; through the Naam, the ego is conquered. ||8||5||27||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (425-11)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

GrY AMdir sBu vQu hY bwhir ikCu nwhI ] (425-11)
gharai andar sabh vath hai baahar kichh naahee.
Everything is within the home of your own self; there is nothing beyond it.

gur prswdI pweIAY AMqir kpt KulwhI ]1] (425-11)
gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai antar kapat khulaahee. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, it is obtained, and the doors of the inner heart are opened wide. ||1||

siqgur qy hir pweIAY BweI ] (425-12)
satgur tay har paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee.
From the True Guru, the Lord's Name is obtained, O Siblings of Destiny.

AMqir nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY siqguir dIAw idKweI ]1] rhwau ] (425-12)
antar naam niDhaan hai poorai satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The treasure of the Naam is within; the Perfect True Guru has shown this to me. ||1||Pause||

hir kw gwhku hovY so ley pwey rqnu vIcwrw ] (425-13)
har kaa gaahak hovai so la-ay paa-ay ratan veechaaraa.
One who is a buyer of the Lord's Name, finds it, and obtains the jewel of contemplation.

AMdru KolY idb idsit dyKY mukiq BMfwrw ]2] (425-13)
andar kholai dib disat daykhai mukat bhandaaraa. ||2||
He opens the doors deep within, and through the Eyes of Divine Vision, beholds the treasure of liberation. ||2||

AMdir mhl Anyk hih jIau kry vsyrw ] (425-14)
andar mahal anayk heh jee-o karay vasayraa.
There are so many mansions within the body; the soul dwells within them.

mn icMidAw Plu pwiesI iPir hoie n Pyrw ]3] (425-14)
man chindi-aa fal paa-isee fir ho-ay na fayraa. ||3||
He obtains the fruits of his mind's desires, and he shall not have to go through reincarnation again. ||3||

pwrKIAw vQu smwil leI gur soJI hoeI ] (425-15)
paarkhee-aa vath samaal la-ee gur sojhee ho-ee.
The appraisers cherish the commodity of the Name; they obtain understanding from the Guru.

nwmu pdwrQu Amulu sw gurmuiK pwvY koeI ]4] (425-15)
naam padaarath amul saa gurmukh paavai ko-ee. ||4||
The wealth of the Naam is priceless; how few are the Gurmukhs who obtain it. ||4||

bwhru Bwly su ikAw lhY vQu GrY AMdir BweI ] (425-16)
baahar bhaalay so ki-aa lahai vath gharai andar bhaa-ee.
Searching outwardly, what can anyone find? The commodity is deep within the home of the self, O Siblings of Destiny.

Brmy BUlw sBu jgu iPrY mnmuiK piq gvweI ]5] (425-16)
bharmay bhoolaa sabh jag firai manmukh pat gavaa-ee. ||5||
The entire world is wandering around, deluded by doubt; the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor. ||5||

Gru dru Cofy Awpxw pr Gir JUTw jweI ] (425-17)
ghar dar chhoday aapnaa par ghar jhoothaa jaa-ee.
The false one leaves his own hearth and home, and goes out to another's home.

corY vWgU pkVIAY ibnu nwvY cotw KweI ]6] (425-17)
chorai vaaNgoo pakrhee-ai bin naavai chotaa khaa-ee. ||6||
Like a thief, he is caught, and without the Naam, he is beaten and struck down. ||6||

ijn@I Gru jwqw Awpxw sy suKIey BweI ] (425-17)
jinHee ghar jaataa aapnaa say sukhee-ay bhaa-ee.
Those who know their own home, are happy, O Siblings of Destiny.

AMqir bRhmu pCwixAw gur kI vifAweI ]7] (425-18)
antar barahm pachhaani-aa gur kee vadi-aa-ee. ||7||
They realize God within their own hearts, through the glorious greatness of the Guru. ||7||

Awpy dwnu kry iksu AwKIAY Awpy dyie buJweI ] (425-18)
aapay daan karay kis aakhee-ai aapay day-ay bujhaa-ee.
He Himself gives gifts, and He Himself bestows understanding; unto whom can we complain?

nwnk nwmu iDAwie qUM dir scY soBw pweI ]8]6]28] (425-19)
naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay tooN dar sachai sobhaa paa-ee. ||8||6||28||
O Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you shall obtain glory in the True Court. ||8||6||28||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD