Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jau lgu jIau prwx scu iDAweIAY ] (422-1)
ja-o lag jee-o paraan sach Dhi-aa-ee-ai.
As long as there is the breath of life, meditate on the True Lord.

lwhw hir gux gwie imlY suKu pweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (422-1)
laahaa har gun gaa-ay milai sukh paa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall receive the profit of singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and find peace. ||1||Pause||

scI qyrI kwr dyih dieAwl qUM ] (422-2)
sachee tayree kaar deh da-i-aal tooN.
True is Your Service; bless me with it, O Merciful Lord.

hau jIvw quDu swlwih mY tyk ADwru qUM ]2] (422-2)
ha-o jeevaa tuDh saalaahi mai tayk aDhaar tooN. ||2||
I live by praising You; You are my Anchor and Support. ||2||

dir syvku drvwnu drdu qUM jwxhI ] (422-3)
dar sayvak darvaan darad tooN jaanhee.
I am Your servant, the gate-keeper at Your Gate; You alone know my pain.

Bgiq qyrI hYrwnu drdu gvwvhI ]3] (422-3)
bhagat tayree hairaan darad gavaavhee. ||3||
How wonderful is Your devotional worship! It removes all pains. ||3||

drgh nwmu hdUir gurmuiK jwxsI ] (422-3)
dargeh naam hadoor gurmukh jaansee.
The Gurmukhs know that by chanting the Naam, they shall dwell in His Court, in His Presence.

vylw scu prvwxu sbdu pCwxsI ]4] (422-4)
vaylaa sach parvaan sabad pachhaansee. ||4||
True and acceptable is that time, when one recognizes the Word of the Shabad. ||4||

squ sMqoKu kir Bwau qosw hir nwmu syie ] (422-4)
sat santokh kar bhaa-o tosaa har naam say-ay.
Those who practice Truth, contentment and love, obtain the supplies of the Lord's Name.

mnhu Coif ivkwr scw scu dyie ]5] (422-5)
manhu chhod vikaar sachaa sach day-ay. ||5||
So banish corruption from your mind, and the True One will grant you Truth. ||5||

scy scw nyhu scY lwieAw ] (422-5)
sachay sachaa nayhu sachai laa-i-aa.
The True Lord inspires true love in the truthful.

Awpy kry inAwau jo iqsu BwieAw ]6] (422-5)
aapay karay ni-aa-o jo tis bhaa-i-aa. ||6||
He Himself administers justice, as it pleases His Will. ||6||

scy scI dwiq dyih dieAwlu hY ] (422-6)
sachay sachee daat deh da-i-aal hai.
True is the gift of the True, Compassionate Lord.

iqsu syvI idnu rwiq nwmu Amolu hY ]7] (422-6)
tis sayvee din raat naam amol hai. ||7||
Day and night, I serve the One whose Name is priceless. ||7||

qUM auqmu hau nIcu syvku kWFIAw ] (422-7)
tooN utam ha-o neech sayvak kaaNdhee-aa.
You are so sublime, and I am so lowly, but I am called Your slave.

nwnk ndir kryhu imlY scu vWFIAw ]8]21] (422-7)
naanak nadar karayhu milai sach vaaNdhee-aa. ||8||21||
Please, shower Nanak with Your Glance of Grace, that he, the separated one, may merge with You again, O Lord. ||8||21||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (422-8)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

Awvx jwxw ikau rhY ikau mylw hoeI ] (422-8)
aavan jaanaa ki-o rahai ki-o maylaa ho-ee.
How can coming and going, the cycle of reincarnation be ended? And how can one meet the Lord?

jnm mrx kw duKu Gxo inq shsw doeI ]1] (422-8)
janam maran kaa dukh ghano nit sahsaa do-ee. ||1||
The pain of birth and death is so great, in constant skepticism and duality. ||1||

ibnu nwvY ikAw jIvnw iPtu iDRgu cqurweI ] (422-9)
bin naavai ki-aa jeevnaa fit Dharig chaturaa-ee.
Without the Name, what is life? Cleverness is detestable and cursed.

siqgur swDu n syivAw hir Bgiq n BweI ]1] rhwau ] (422-9)
satgur saaDh na sayvi-aa har bhagat na bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who does not serve the Holy True Guru, is not pleased by devotion to the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Awvxu jwvxu qau rhY pweIAY guru pUrw ] (422-10)
aavan jaavan ta-o rahai paa-ee-ai gur pooraa.
Coming and going is ended only when one finds the True Guru.

rwm nwmu Dnu rwis dyie ibnsY BRmu kUrw ]2] (422-10)
raam naam Dhan raas day-ay binsai bharam kooraa. ||2||
He gives the wealth and capital of the Lord's Name, and false doubt is destroyed. ||2||

sMq jnw kau imil rhY Dnu Dnu jsu gwey ] (422-11)
sant janaa ka-o mil rahai Dhan Dhan jas gaa-ay.
Joining the humble Saintly beings, let us sing the blessed, blessed Praises of the Lord.

Awid purKu AprMprw gurmuiK hir pwey ]3] (422-11)
aad purakh apramparaa gurmukh har paa-ay. ||3||
The Primal Lord, the Infinite, is obtained by the Gurmukh. ||3||

ntUAY sWgu bxwieAw bwjI sMswrw ] (422-12)
natoo-ai saaNg banaa-i-aa baajee sansaaraa.
The drama of the world is staged like the show of a buffoon.

iKnu plu bwjI dyKIAY auJrq nhI bwrw ]4] (422-12)
khin pal baajee daykhee-ai ujhrat nahee baaraa. ||4||
For an instant, for a moment, the show is seen, but it disappears in no time at all. ||4||

haumY caupiV Kylxw JUTy AhMkwrw ] (422-13)
ha-umai cha-uparh khaylnaa jhoothay ahaNkaaraa.
The game of chance is played on the board of egotism, with the pieces of falsehood and ego.

sBu jgu hwrY so ijxY gur sbdu vIcwrw ]5] (422-13)
sabh jag haarai so jinai gur sabad veechaaraa. ||5||
The whole world loses; he alone wins, who reflects upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||5||

ijau AMDulY hiQ tohxI hir nwmu hmwrY ] (422-13)
ji-o anDhulai hath tohnee har naam hamaarai.
As is the cane in the hand of the blind man, so is the Lord's Name for me.

rwm nwmu hir tyk hY inis dauq svwrY ]6] (422-14)
raam naam har tayk hai nis da-ut savaarai. ||6||
The Lord's Name is my Support, night and day and morning. ||6||

ijau qUM rwKih iqau rhw hir nwm ADwrw ] (422-14)
ji-o tooN raakhahi ti-o rahaa har naam aDhaaraa.
As You keep me, Lord, I live; the Lord's Name is my only Support.

AMiq sKweI pwieAw jn mukiq duAwrw ]7] (422-15)
ant sakhaa-ee paa-i-aa jan mukat du-aaraa. ||7||
It is my only comfort in the end; the gate of salvation is found by His humble servants. ||7||

jnm mrx duK myitAw jip nwmu murwry ] (422-15)
janam maran dukh mayti-aa jap naam muraaray.
The pain of birth and death is removed, by chanting and meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY pUrw guru qwry ]8]22] (422-16)
naanak naam na veesrai pooraa gur taaray. ||8||22||
O Nanak, one who does not forget the Naam, is saved by the Perfect Guru. ||8||22||

Awsw mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Gru 2 (422-17)
aasaa mehlaa 3 asatpadee-aa ghar 2
Aasaa, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (422-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

swsqu bydu isMimRiq sru qyrw sursrI crx smwxI ] (422-18)
saasat bayd simrit sar tayraa sursaree charan samaanee.
The Shaastras, the Vedas and the Simritees are contained in the ocean of Your Name; the River Ganges is held in Your Feet.

swKw qIin mUlu miq rwvY qUM qW srb ivfwxI ]1] (422-18)
saakhaa teen mool mat raavai tooN taaN sarab vidaanee. ||1||
The intellect can understand the world of the three modes, but You, O Primal Lord, are totally astounding. ||1||

qw ky crx jpY jnu nwnku boly AMimRq bwxI ]1] rhwau ] (422-19)
taa kay charan japai jan naanak bolay amrit banee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Servant Nanak meditates on His Feet, and chants the Ambrosial Word of His Bani. ||1||Pause||

qyqIs kroVI dws qum@wry iriD isiD pRwx ADwrI ] (422-19)
taytees karorhee daas tumHaaray riDh siDh paraan aDhaaree.
Three hundred thirty million gods are Your servants. You bestow wealth, and the supernatural powers of the Siddhas; You are the Support of the breath of life.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD