Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qw ky rUp n jwhI lKxy ikAw kir AwiK vIcwrI ]2] (423-1)
taa kay roop na jaahee lakh-nay ki-aa kar aakh veechaaree. ||2||
His beauteous forms cannot be comprehended; what can anyone accomplish by discussing and debating? ||2||

qIin guxw qyry jug hI AMqir cwry qyrIAw KwxI ] (423-1)
teen gunaa tayray jug hee antar chaaray tayree-aa khaanee.
Throughout the ages, You are the three qualities, and the four sources of creation.

krmu hovY qw prm pdu pweIAY kQy AkQ khwxI ]3] (423-2)
karam hovai taa param pad paa-ee-ai kathay akath kahaanee. ||3||
If You show Your Mercy, then one obtains the supreme status, and speaks the Unspoken Speech. ||3||

qUM krqw kIAw sBu qyrw ikAw ko kry prwxI ] (423-3)
tooN kartaa kee-aa sabh tayraa ki-aa ko karay paraanee.
You are the Creator; all are created by You. What can any mortal being do?

jw kau ndir krih qUM ApxI sweI sic smwxI ]4] (423-3)
jaa ka-o nadar karahi tooN apnee saa-ee sach samaanee. ||4||
He alone, upon whom You shower Your Grace, is absorbed into the Truth. ||4||

nwmu qyrw sBu koeI lyqu hY jyqI Awvx jwxI ] (423-4)
naam tayraa sabh ko-ee layt hai jaytee aavan jaanee.
Everyone who comes and goes chants Your Name.

jw quDu BwvY qw gurmuiK bUJY hor mnmuiK iPrY ieAwxI ]5] (423-4)
jaa tuDh bhaavai taa gurmukh boojhai hor manmukh firai i-aanee. ||5||
When it is pleasing to Your Will, then the Gurmukh understands. Otherwise, the self-willed manmukhs wander in ignorance. ||5||

cwry vyd bRhmy kau dIey piV piV kry vIcwrI ] (423-5)
chaaray vayd barahmay ka-o dee-ay parh parh karay veechaaree.
You gave the four Vedas to Brahma, for him to read and read continually, and reflect upon.

qw kw hukmu n bUJY bpuVw nrik surig AvqwrI ]6] (423-5)
taa kaa hukam na boojhai bapurhaa narak surag avtaaree. ||6||
The wretched one does not understand His Command, and is reincarnated into heaven and hell. ||6||

jugh jugh ky rwjy kIey gwvih kir AvqwrI ] (423-6)
jugah jugah kay raajay kee-ay gaavahi kar avtaaree.
In each and every age, He creates the kings, who are sung of as His Incarnations.

iqn BI AMqu n pwieAw qw kw ikAw kir AwiK vIcwrI ]7] (423-6)
tin bhee ant na paa-i-aa taa kaa ki-aa kar aakh veechaaree. ||7||
Even they have not found His limits; what can I speak of and contemplate? ||7||

qUM scw qyrw kIAw sBu swcw dyih q swcu vKwxI ] (423-7)
tooN sachaa tayraa kee-aa sabh saachaa deh ta saach vakhaanee.
You are True, and all that You do is True. If You bless me with the Truth, I will speak on it.

jw kau scu buJwvih Apxw shjy nwim smwxI ]8]1]23] (423-8)
jaa ka-o sach bujhaaveh apnaa sehjay naam samaanee. ||8||1||23||
One whom You inspire to understand the Truth, is easily absorbed into the Naam. ||8||1||23||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (423-8)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

siqgur hmrw Brmu gvwieAw ] (423-9)
satgur hamraa bharam gavaa-i-aa.
The True Guru has dispelled my doubts.

hir nwmu inrMjnu mMin vswieAw ] (423-9)
har naam niranjan man vasaa-i-aa.
He has enshrined the Immaculate Name of the Lord within my mind.

sbdu cIin sdw suKu pwieAw ]1] (423-9)
sabad cheen sadaa sukh paa-i-aa. ||1||
Focusing on the Word of the Shabad, I have obtained lasting peace. ||1||

suix mn myry qqu igAwnu ] (423-10)
sun man mayray tat gi-aan.
Listen, O my mind, to the essence of spiritual wisdom.

dyvx vwlw sB ibiD jwxY gurmuiK pweIAY nwmu inDwnu ]1] rhwau ] (423-10)
dayvan vaalaa sabh biDh jaanai gurmukh paa-ee-ai naam niDhaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Great Giver knows our condition completely; the Gurmukh obtains the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

siqgur Byty kI vifAweI ] (423-11)
satgur bhaytay kee vadi-aa-ee.
The great glory of meeting the True Guru is

ijin mmqw Agin iqRsnw buJweI ] (423-11)
jin mamtaa agan tarisnaa bujhaa-ee.
that it has quenched the fire of possessiveness and desire;

shjy mwqw hir gux gweI ]2] (423-11)
sehjay maataa har gun gaa-ee. ||2||
imbued with peace and poise, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

ivxu gur pUry koie n jwxI ] (423-12)
vin gur pooray ko-ay na jaanee.
Without the Perfect Guru, no one knows the Lord.

mwieAw moih dUjY loBwxI ] (423-12)
maa-i-aa mohi doojai lobhaanee.
Attached to Maya, they are engrossed in duality.

gurmuiK nwmu imlY hir bwxI ]3] (423-12)
gurmukh naam milai har banee. ||3||
The Gurmukh receives the Naam, and the Bani of the Lord's Word. ||3||

gur syvw qpW isir qpu swru ] (423-13)
gur sayvaa tapaaN sir tap saar.
Service to the Guru is the most excellent and sublime penance of penances.

hir jIau min vsY sB dUK ivswrxhwru ] (423-13)
har jee-o man vasai sabh dookh visaaranhaar.
The Dear Lord dwells in the mind, and all suffering departs.

dir swcY dIsY sicAwru ]4] (423-13)
dar saachai deesai sachiaar. ||4||
Then, at the Gate of the True Lord, one appears truthful. ||4||

gur syvw qy iqRBvx soJI hoie ] (423-14)
gur sayvaa tay taribhavan sojhee ho-ay.
Serving the Guru, one comes to know the three worlds.

Awpu pCwix hir pwvY soie ] (423-14)
aap pachhaan har paavai so-ay.
Understanding his own self, he obtains the Lord.

swcI bwxI mhlu prwpiq hoie ]5] (423-14)
saachee banee mahal paraapat ho-ay. ||5||
Through the True Word of His Bani, we enter the Mansion of His Presence. ||5||

gur syvw qy sB kul auDwry ] (423-15)
gur sayvaa tay sabh kul uDhaaray.
Serving the Guru, all of one's generations are saved.

inrml nwmu rKY auir Dwry ] (423-15)
nirmal naam rakhai ur Dhaaray.
Keep the Immaculate Naam enshrined within your heart.

swcI soBw swic duAwry ]6] (423-15)
saachee sobhaa saach du-aaray. ||6||
In the Court of the True Lord, you shall be adorned with True Glory. ||6||

sy vfBwgI ij guir syvw lwey ] (423-16)
say vadbhaagee je gur sayvaa laa-ay.
How very fortunate are they, who are committed to the Guru's service.

Anidnu Bgiq scu nwmu idRVwey ] (423-16)
an-din bhagat sach naam drirh-aa-ay.
Night and day, they are engaged in devotional worship; the True Name is implanted within them.

nwmy auDry kul sbwey ]7] (423-16)
naamay uDhray kul sabaa-ay. ||7||
Through the Naam, all of one's generations are saved. ||7||

nwnku swcu khY vIcwru ] (423-17)
naanak saach kahai veechaar.
Nanak chants the true thought.

hir kw nwmu rKhu auir Dwir ] (423-17)
har kaa naam rakhahu ur Dhaar.
Keep the Name of the Lord enshrined within your heart.

hir BgqI rwqy moK duAwru ]8]2]24] (423-17)
har bhagtee raatay mokh du-aar. ||8||2||24||
Imbued with devotion to the Lord, the gate of salvation is found. ||8||2||24||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (423-18)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

Awsw Aws kry sBu koeI ] (423-18)
aasaa aas karay sabh ko-ee.
Everyone lives, hoping in hope.

hukmY bUJY inrwsw hoeI ] (423-18)
hukmai boojhai niraasaa ho-ee.
Understanding His Command, one becomes free of desire.

Awsw ivic suqy keI loeI ] (423-19)
aasaa vich sutay ka-ee lo-ee.
So many are asleep in hope.

so jwgY jwgwvY soeI ]1] (423-19)
so jaagai jaagaavai so-ee. ||1||
He alone wakes up, whom the Lord awakens. ||1||

siqguir nwmu buJwieAw ivxu nwvY BuK n jweI ] (423-19)
satgur naam bujhaa-i-aa vin naavai bhukh na jaa-ee.
The True Guru has led me to understand the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Naam, hunger does not go away.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD