Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hukmI pYDw jwie drgh BwxIAY ] (420-1)
hukmee paiDhaa jaa-ay dargeh bhaanee-ai.
If it pleases the Commander, one goes to His Court, robed in honor.

hukmy hI isir mwr bMid rbwxIAY ]5] (420-1)
hukmay hee sir maar band rabaanee-ai. ||5||
By His Command, God's slaves are hit over the head. ||5||

lwhw scu inAwau min vsweIAY ] (420-1)
laahaa sach ni-aa-o man vasaa-ee-ai.
The profit is earned by enshrining Truth and justice in the mind.

iliKAw plY pwie grbu v\weIAY ]6] (420-2)
likhi-aa palai paa-ay garab vanjaa-ee-ai. ||6||
They obtain what is written in their destiny, and overcome pride. ||6||

mnmuKIAw isir mwr vwid KpweIAY ] (420-2)
manmukhee-aa sir maar vaad khapaa-ee-ai.
The self-willed manmukhs are hit over the head, and consumed by conflict.

Tig muTI kUiVAwr bMin@ clweIAY ]7] (420-2)
thag muthee koorhi-aar baneh chalaa-ee-ai. ||7||
The cheaters are plundered by falsehood; they are chained and led away. ||7||

swihbu irdY vswie n pCoqwvhI ] (420-3)
saahib ridai vasaa-ay na pachhotaavhee.
Enshrine the Lord Master in your mind, and you shall not have to repent.

gunhW bKsxhwru sbdu kmwvhI ]8] (420-3)
gunhaaN bakhsanhaar sabad kamaavahee. ||8||
He forgives our sins, when we practice the Teachings of the Guru's Word. ||8||

nwnku mMgY scu gurmuiK GwlIAY ] (420-4)
naanak mangai sach gurmukh ghaalee-ai.
Nanak begs for the True Name, which is obtained by the Gurmukh.

mY quJ ibnu Avru n koie ndir inhwlIAY ]9]16] (420-4)
mai tujh bin avar na ko-ay nadar nihaalee-ai. ||9||16||
Without You, I have no other at all; please, bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||9||16||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (420-5)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

ikAw jMglu FUFI jwie mY Gir bnu hrIAwvlw ] (420-5)
ki-aa jangal dhoodhee jaa-ay mai ghar ban haree-aavlaa.
Why should I go searching in the forests, when the woods of my home are so green?

sic itkY Gir Awie sbid auqwvlw ]1] (420-5)
sach tikai ghar aa-ay sabad utaavalaa. ||1||
The True Word of the Shabad has instantaneously come and settled in my heart. ||1||

jh dyKw qh soie Avru n jwxIAY ] (420-6)
jah daykhaa tah so-ay avar na jaanee-ai.
Wherever I look, there He is; I know no other.

gur kI kwr kmwie mhlu pCwxIAY ]1] rhwau ] (420-6)
gur kee kaar kamaa-ay mahal pachhaanee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Working for the Guru, one realizes the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||1||Pause||

Awip imlwvY scu qw min BwveI ] (420-7)
aap milaavai sach taa man bhaav-ee.
The True Lord blends us with Himself, when it is pleasing to His Mind.

clY sdw rjwie AMik smwveI ]2] (420-7)
chalai sadaa rajaa-ay ank samaava-ee. ||2||
One who ever walks in accordance with His Will, merges into His Being. ||2||

scw swihbu min vsY visAw min soeI ] (420-7)
sachaa saahib man vasai vasi-aa man so-ee.
When the True Lord dwells in the mind, that mind flourishes.

Awpy dy vifAweIAw dy qoit n hoeI ]3] (420-8)
aapay day vadi-aa-ee-aa day tot na ho-ee. ||3||
He Himself grants greatness; His Gifts are never exhausted. ||3||

Aby qby kI cwkrI ikau drgh pwvY ] (420-8)
abay tabay kee chaakree ki-o dargeh paavai.
Serving this and that person, how can one obtain the Lord's Court?

pQr kI byVI jy cVY Br nwil bufwvY ]4] (420-9)
pathar kee bayrhee jay charhai bhar naal budaavai. ||4||
If someone embarks on a boat of stone, he shall drown with its cargo. ||4||

AwpnVw mnu vycIAY isru dIjY nwly ] (420-9)
aapnarhaa man vaychee-ai sir deejai naalay.
So offer your mind, and surrender your head with it.

gurmuiK vsqu pCwxIAY Apnw Gru Bwly ]5] (420-10)
gurmukh vasat pachhaanee-ai apnaa ghar bhaalay. ||5||
The Gurmukh realizes the true essence, and finds the home of his own self. ||5||

jMmx mrxw AwKIAY iqin krqY kIAw ] (420-10)
jaman marnaa aakhee-ai tin kartai kee-aa.
People discuss birth and death; the Creator created this.

Awpu gvwieAw mir rhy iPir mrxu n QIAw ]6] (420-11)
aap gavaa-i-aa mar rahay fir maran na thee-aa. ||6||
Those who conquer their selfhood and remain dead, shall never have to die again. ||6||

sweI kwr kmwvxI Dur kI PurmweI ] (420-11)
saa-ee kaar kamaavnee Dhur kee furmaa-ee.
Do those deeds which the Primal Lord has ordered for you.

jy mnu siqgur dy imlY ikin kImiq pweI ]7] (420-12)
jay man satgur day milai kin keemat paa-ee. ||7||
If one surrenders his mind upon meeting the True Guru, who can estimate its value? ||7||

rqnw pwrKu so DxI iqin kImiq pweI ] (420-12)
ratnaa paarakh so Dhanee tin keemat paa-ee.
That Lord Master is the Assayer of the jewel of the mind; He places the value on it.

nwnk swihbu min vsY scI vifAweI ]8]17] (420-12)
naanak saahib man vasai sachee vadi-aa-ee. ||8||17||
O Nanak, True is the Glory of that one, in whose mind the Lord Master dwells. ||8||17||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (420-13)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw dUjY Brim BulweI ] (420-13)
jinHee naam visaari-aa doojai bharam bhulaa-ee.
Those who have forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are deluded by doubt and duality.

mUlu Coif fwlI lgy ikAw pwvih CweI ]1] (420-14)
mool chhod daalee lagay ki-aa paavahi chhaa-ee. ||1||
Those who abandon the roots and cling to the branches, shall obtain only ashes. ||1||

ibnu nwvY ikau CUtIAY jy jwxY koeI ] (420-14)
bin naavai ki-o chhootee-ai jay jaanai ko-ee.
Without the Name, how can one be emancipated? Who knows this?

gurmuiK hoie q CUtIAY mnmuiK piq KoeI ]1] rhwau ] (420-15)
gurmukh ho-ay ta chhootee-ai manmukh pat kho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who becomes Gurmukh is emancipated; the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor. ||1||Pause||

ijn@I eyko syivAw pUrI miq BweI ] (420-15)
jinHee ayko sayvi-aa pooree mat bhaa-ee.
Those who serve the One Lord become perfect in their understanding, O Siblings of Destiny.

Awid jugwid inrMjnw jn hir srxweI ]2] (420-15)
aad jugaad niranjanaa jan har sarnaa-ee. ||2||
The Lord's humble servant finds Sanctuary in Him, the Immaculate One, from the very beginning, and throughout the ages. ||2||

swihbu myrw eyku hY Avru nhI BweI ] (420-16)
saahib mayraa ayk hai avar nahee bhaa-ee.
My Lord and Master is the One; there is no other, O Siblings of Destiny.

ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw swcy prQweI ]3] (420-16)
kirpaa tay sukh paa-i-aa saachay parthaa-ee. ||3||
By the Grace of the True Lord, celestial peace is obtained. ||3||

gur ibnu iknY n pwieE kyqI khY khwey ] (420-17)
gur bin kinai na paa-i-o kaytee kahai kahaa-ay.
Without the Guru, no one has obtained Him, although many may claim to have done so.

Awip idKwvY vwtVIN scI Bgiq idRVwey ]4] (420-17)
aap dikhaavai vaatrheeN sachee bhagat drirh-aa-ay. ||4||
He Himself reveals the Way, and implants true devotion within. ||4||

mnmuKu jy smJweIAY BI auJiV jwey ] (420-18)
manmukh jay samjaa-ee-ai bhee ujharh jaa-ay.
Even if the self-willed manmukh is instructed, he stills goes into the wilderness.

ibnu hir nwm n CUtsI mir nrk smwey ]5] (420-18)
bin har naam na chhootsee mar narak samaa-ay. ||5||
Without the Lord's Name, he shall not be emancipated; he shall die, and sink into hell. ||5||

jnim mrY BrmweIAY hir nwmu n lyvY ] (420-19)
janam marai bharmaa-ee-ai har naam na layvai.
He wanders through birth and death, and never chants the Lord's Name.

qw kI kImiq nw pvY ibnu gur kI syvY ]6] (420-19)
taa kee keemat naa pavai bin gur kee sayvai. ||6||
He never realizes his own value, without serving the Guru. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD