Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jYsy mITY swid loBwey JUT DMiD durgwDy ]2] (403-1)
jaisay meethai saad lobhaa-ay jhooth DhanDh durgaaDhay. ||2||
The sweet flavors tempt you, and you are occupied by your false and filthy business. ||2||

kwm k®oD Aru loB moh ieh ieMdRI ris lptwDy ] (403-1)
kaam kroDh ar lobh moh ih indree ras laptaaDhay.
Your senses are beguiled by sensual pleasures of sex, by anger, greed and emotional attachment.

dIeI BvwrI puriK ibDwqY bhuir bhuir jnmwDy ]3] (403-2)
dee-ee bhavaaree purakh biDhaatai bahur bahur janmaaDhay. ||3||
The All-powerful Architect of Destiny has ordained that you shall be reincarnated over and over again. ||3||

jau BieE ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjnu qau gur imil sB suK lwDy ] (403-2)
ja-o bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan ta-o gur mil sabh sukh laaDhay.
When the Destroyer of the pains of the poor becomes merciful, then, as Gurmukh, you shall find absolute peace.

khu nwnk idnu rYin iDAwvau mwir kwFI sgl aupwDy ]4] (403-3)
kaho naanak din rain Dhi-aava-o maar kaadhee sagal upaaDhay. ||4||
Says Nanak, meditate on the Lord, day and night, and all your sickness shall be banished. ||4||

ieau jipE BweI purKu ibDwqy ] (403-4)
i-o japi-o bhaa-ee purakh biDhaatay.
Meditate in this way, O Siblings of Destiny, on the Lord, the Architect of Destiny.

BieE ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjnu jnm mrx duK lwQy ]1] rhwau dUjw ]4]4]126] (403-4)
bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan janam maran dukh laathay. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||4||4||126||
The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful; He has removed the pains of birth and death. ||1||Second Pause||4||4||126||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (403-5)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

inmK kwm suAwd kwrix koit idns duKu pwvih ] (403-5)
nimakh kaam su-aad kaaran kot dinas dukh paavahi.
For a moment of sexual pleasure, you shall suffer in pain for millions of days.

GrI muhq rMg mwxih iPir bhuir bhuir pCuqwvih ]1] (403-6)
gharee muhat rang maaneh fir bahur bahur pachhutaavahi. ||1||
For an instant, you may savor pleasure, but afterwards, you shall regret it, again and again. ||1||

AMDy cyiq hir hir rwieAw ] (403-6)
anDhay chayt har har raa-i-aa.
O blind man, meditate on the Lord, the Lord, your King.

qyrw so idnu nyVY AwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (403-7)
tayraa so din nayrhai aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your day is drawing near. ||1||Pause||

plk idRsit dyiK BUlo Awk nIm ko qUMmru ] (403-7)
palak darisat daykh bhoolo aak neem ko tooNmar.
You are deceived, beholding with your eyes, the bitter melon and swallow-wort.

jYsw sMgu ibsIAr isau hY ry qYso hI iehu pr igRhu ]2] (403-7)
jaisaa sang bisee-ar si-o hai ray taiso hee ih par garihu. ||2||
But, like the companionship of a poisonous snake, so is the desire for another's spouse. ||2||

bYrI kwrix pwp krqw bsqu rhI Amwnw ] (403-8)
bairee kaaran paap kartaa basat rahee amaanaa.
For the sake of your enemy, you commit sins, while you neglect the reality of your faith.

Coif jwih iqn hI isau sMgI swjn isau bYrwnw ]3] (403-9)
chhod jaahi tin hee si-o sangee saajan si-o bairaanaa. ||3||
Your friendship is with those who abandon you, and you are angry with your friends. ||3||

sgl sMswru iehY ibiD ibAwipE so aubirE ijsu guru pUrw ] (403-9)
sagal sansaar ihai biDh bi-aapi-o so ubri-o jis gur pooraa.
The entire world is entangled in this way; he alone is saved, who has the Perfect Guru.

khu nwnk Bv swgru qirE Bey punIq srIrw ]4]5]127] (403-10)
kaho naanak bhav saagar tari-o bha-ay puneet sareeraa. ||4||5||127||
Says Nanak, I have crossed over the terrifying world-ocean; my body has become sanctified. ||4||5||127||

Awsw mhlw 5 dupdy ] (403-10)
aasaa mehlaa 5 dupday.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl Dupadas:

lUik kmwno soeI qum@ pyiKE mUV mugD mukrwnI ] (403-11)
look kamaano so-ee tumH paykhi-o moorh mugaDh mukraanee.
O Lord, You behold whatever we do in secrecy; the fool may stubbornly deny it.

Awp kmwny kau ly bWDy iPir pwCY pCuqwnI ]1] (403-11)
aap kamaanay ka-o lay baaNDhay fir paachhai pachhutaanee. ||1||
By his own actions, he is tied down, and in the end, he regrets and repents. ||1||

pRB myry sB ibiD AwgY jwnI ] (403-12)
parabh mayray sabh biDh aagai jaanee.
My God knows, ahead of time, all things.

BRm ky mUsy qUM rwKq prdw pwCY jIA kI mwnI ]1] rhwau ] (403-12)
bharam kay moosay tooN raakhat pardaa paachhai jee-a kee maanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Deceived by doubt, you may hide your actions, but in the end, you shall have to confess the secrets of your mind. ||1||Pause||

ijqu ijqu lwey iqqu iqqu lwgy ikAw ko krY prwnI ] (403-13)
jit jit laa-ay tit tit laagay ki-aa ko karai paraanee.
Whatever they are attached to, they remain joined to that. What can any mere mortal do?

bKis lYhu pwrbRhm suAwmI nwnk sd kurbwnI ]2]6]128] (403-13)
bakhas laihu paarbarahm su-aamee naanak sad kurbaanee. ||2||6||128||
Please, forgive me, O Supreme Lord Master. Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. ||2||6||128||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (403-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Apuny syvk kI Awpy rwKY Awpy nwmu jpwvY ] (403-14)
apunay sayvak kee aapay raakhai aapay naam japaavai.
He Himself preserves His servants; He causes them to chant His Name.

jh jh kwj ikriq syvk kI qhw qhw auiT DwvY ]1] (403-14)
jah jah kaaj kirat sayvak kee tahaa tahaa uth Dhaavai. ||1||
Wherever the business and affairs of His servants are, there the Lord hurries to be. ||1||

syvk kau inktI hoie idKwvY ] (403-15)
sayvak ka-o niktee ho-ay dikhaavai.
The Lord appears near at hand to His servant.

jo jo khY Twkur pih syvku qqkwl hoie AwvY ]1] rhwau ] (403-15)
jo jo kahai thaakur peh sayvak tatkaal ho-ay aavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever the servant asks of his Lord and Master, immediately comes to pass. ||1||Pause||

iqsu syvk kY hau bilhwrI jo Apny pRB BwvY ] (403-16)
tis sayvak kai ha-o balihaaree jo apnay parabh bhaavai.
I am a sacrifice to that servant, who is pleasing to his God.

iqs kI soie suxI mnu hirAw iqsu nwnk prsix AwvY ]2]7]129] (403-16)
tis kee so-ay sunee man hari-aa tis naanak parsan aavai. ||2||7||129||
Hearing of his glory, the mind is rejuvenated; Nanak comes to touch his feet. ||2||7||129||

Awsw Gru 11 mhlw 5 (403-18)
aasaa ghar 11 mehlaa 5
Aasaa, Eleventh House, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (403-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ntUAw ByK idKwvY bhu ibiD jYsw hY Ehu qYsw ry ] (403-19)
natoo-aa bhaykh dikhaavai baho biDh jaisaa hai oh taisaa ray.
The actor displays himself in many disguises, but he remains just as he is.

Aink join BRimE BRm BIqir suKih nwhI prvysw ry ]1] (403-19)
anik jon bharmi-o bharam bheetar sukheh naahee parvaysaa ray. ||1||
The soul wanders through countless incarnations in doubt, but it does not come to dwell in peace. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD