Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


puqR klqR igRh sgl smgRI sB imiQAw Asnwhw ]1] (402-1)
putar kaltar garih sagal samagree sabh mithi-aa asnaahaa. ||1||
Children, wives, homes, and all possessions - attachment to all of these is false. ||1||

ry mn ikAw krih hY hw hw ] (402-1)
ray man ki-aa karahi hai haa haa.
O mind, why do you burst out laughing?

idRsit dyKu jYsy hircMdaurI ieku rwm Bjnu lY lwhw ]1] rhwau ] (402-1)
darisat daykh jaisay harichand-uree ik raam bhajan lai laahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
See with your eyes, that these things are only mirages. So earn the profit of meditation on the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

jYsy bsqr dyh EFwny idn doie cwir Borwhw ] (402-2)
jaisay bastar dayh odhaanay din do-ay chaar bhoraahaa.
It is like the clothes which you wear on your body - they wear off in a few days.

BIiq aUpry kyqku DweIAY AMiq Erko Awhw ]2] (402-3)
bheet oopray kaytak Dhaa-ee-ai ant orko aahaa. ||2||
How long can you run upon a wall? Ultimately, you come to its end. ||2||

jYsy AMB kuMf kir rwiKE prq isMDu gil jwhw ] (402-3)
jaisay ambh kund kar raakhi-o parat sinDh gal jaahaa.
It is like salt, preserved in its container; when it is put into water, it dissolves.

Awvig AwigAw pwrbRhm kI auiT jwsI muhq cswhw ]3] (402-4)
aavag aagi-aa paarbarahm kee uth jaasee muhat chasaahaa. ||3||
When the Order of the Supreme Lord God comes, the soul arises, and departs in an instant. ||3||

ry mn lyKY cwlih lyKY bYsih lyKY lYdw swhw ] (402-4)
ray man laykhai chaaleh laykhai baiseh laykhai laidaa saahaa.
O mind, your steps are numbered, your moments spent sitting are numbered, and the breaths you are to take are numbered.

sdw kIriq kir nwnk hir kI aubry siqgur crx Etwhw ]4]1]123] (402-5)
sadaa keerat kar naanak har kee ubray satgur charan otaahaa. ||4||1||123||
Sing forever the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, and you shall be saved, under the Shelter of the Feet of the True Guru. ||4||1||123||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (402-6)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Apust bwq qy BeI sIDrI dUq dust sjneI ] (402-6)
apusat baat tay bha-ee seeDhree doot dusat sajna-ee.
That which was upside-down has been set upright; the deadly enemies and adversaries have become friends.

AMDkwr mih rqnu pRgwisE mlIn buiD hCneI ]1] (402-6)
anDhkaar meh ratan pargaasi-o maleen buDh hachhna-ee. ||1||
In the darkness, the jewel shines forth, and the impure understanding has become pure. ||1||

jau ikrpw goibMd BeI ] (402-7)
ja-o kirpaa gobind bha-ee.
When the Lord of the Universe became merciful,

suK sMpiq hir nwm Pl pwey siqgur imleI ]1] rhwau ] (402-7)
sukh sampat har naam fal paa-ay satgur mil-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I found peace, wealth and the fruit of the Lord's Name; I have met the True Guru. ||1||Pause||

moih ikrpn kau koie n jwnq sgl Bvn pRgteI ] (402-8)
mohi kirpan ka-o ko-ay na jaanat sagal bhavan pargata-ee.
No one knew me, the miserable miser, but now, I have become famous all over the world.

sMig bYTno khI n pwvq huix sgl crx syveI ]2] (402-8)
sang baithno kahee na paavat hun sagal charan sayv-ee. ||2||
Before, no one would even sit with me, but now, all worship my feet. ||2||

AwF AwF kau iPrq FUMFqy mn sgl iqRsn buiJ geI ] (402-9)
aadh aadh ka-o firat dhoondh-tay man sagal tarisan bujh ga-ee.
I used to wander in search of pennies, but now, all the desires of my mind are satisfied.

eyku bolu BI Kvqo nwhI swDsMgiq sIqleI ]3] (402-9)
ayk bol bhee khavto naahee saaDhsangat seetla-ee. ||3||
I could not bear even one criticism, but now, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am cooled and soothed. ||3||

eyk jIh gux kvn vKwnY Agm Agm AgmeI ] (402-10)
ayk jeeh gun kavan vakhaanai agam agam agma-ee.
What Glorious Virtues of the Inaccessible, Unfathomable, Profound Lord can one mere tongue describe?

dwsu dws dws ko krIAhu jn nwnk hir srxeI ]4]2]124] (402-10)
daas daas daas ko karee-ahu jan naanak har sarna-ee. ||4||2||124||
Please, make me the slave of the slave of Your slaves; servant Nanak seeks the Lord's Sanctuary. ||4||2||124||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (402-11)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ry mUVy lwhy kau qUM FIlw FIlw qoty kau byig DwieAw ] (402-11)
ray moorhay laahay ka-o tooN dheelaa dheelaa totay ka-o bayg Dhaa-i-aa.
O fool, you are so slow to earn your profits, and so quick to run up losses.

ssq vKru qUM iGMnih nwhI pwpI bwDw rynwieAw ]1] (402-12)
sasat vakhar tooN ghinneh naahee paapee baaDhaa raynaa-i-aa. ||1||
You do not purchase the inexpensive merchandise; O sinner, you are tied to your debts. ||1||

siqgur qyrI AwswieAw ] (402-13)
satgur tayree aasaa-i-aa.
O True Guru, You are my only hope.

piqq pwvnu qyro nwmu pwrbRhm mY eyhw EtwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (402-13)
patit paavan tayro naam paarbarahm mai ayhaa otaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Name is the Purifier of sinners, O Supreme Lord God; You are my only Shelter. ||1||Pause||

gMDx vYx suxih aurJwvih nwmu lYq AlkwieAw ] (402-14)
ganDhan vain suneh urjhaavahi naam lait alkaa-i-aa.
Listening to the evil talk, you are caught up in it, but you are hesitant to chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

inMd icMd kau bhuqu aumwihE bUJI aultwieAw ]2] (402-14)
nind chind ka-o bahut umaahi-o boojhee ultaa-i-aa. ||2||
You are delighted by slanderous talk; your understanding is corrupt. ||2||

pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw AKwiD Kwih hrkwieAw ] (402-15)
par Dhan par tan par tee nindaa akhaaDh khaahi harkaa-i-aa.
Others' wealth, others' wives and the slander of others - eating the uneatable, you have gone crazy.

swc Drm isau ruic nhI AwvY siq sunq CohwieAw ]3] (402-15)
saach Dharam si-o ruch nahee aavai sat sunat chhohaa-i-aa. ||3||
You have not enshrined love for the True Faith of Dharma; hearing the Truth, you are enraged. ||3||

dIn dieAwl ik®pwl pRB Twkur Bgq tyk hir nwieAw ] (402-16)
deen da-i-aal kirpaal parabh thaakur bhagat tayk har naa-i-aa.
O God, Merciful to the meek, Compassionate Lord Master, Your Name is the Support of Your devotees.

nwnk Awih srx pRB AwieE rwKu lwj ApnwieAw ]4]3]125] (402-16)
naanak aahi saran parabh aa-i-o raakh laaj apnaa-i-aa. ||4||3||125||
Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary; O God, make him Your Own, and preserve his honor. ||4||3||125||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (402-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl

imiQAw sMig sMig lptwey moh mwieAw kir bwDy ] (402-17)
mithi-aa sang sang laptaa-ay moh maa-i-aa kar baaDhay.
: They are attached to falsehood; clinging to the transitory, they are trapped in emotional attachment to Maya.

jh jwno so cIiq n AwvY AhMbuiD Bey AWDy ]1] (402-18)
jah jaano so cheet na aavai ahaN-buDh bha-ay aaNDhay. ||1||
Wherever they go, they do not think of the Lord; they are blinded by intellectual egotism. ||1||

mn bYrwgI ikau n ArwDy ] (402-18)
man bairaagee ki-o na araaDhay.
O mind, O renunciate, why don't you adore Him?

kwc koTrI mwih qUM bsqw sMig sgl ibKY kI ibAwDy ]1] rhwau ] (402-19)
kaach kothree maahi tooN bastaa sang sagal bikhai kee bi-aaDhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You dwell in that flimsy chamber, with all the sins of corruption. ||1||Pause||

myrI myrI krq idnu rYin ibhwvY plu iKnu CIjY ArjwDy ] (402-19)
mayree mayree karat din rain bihaavai pal khin chheejai arjaaDhay.
Crying out, "Mine, mine", your days and nights pass away; moment by moment, your life is running out.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD