Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gurU ivthu hau vwirAw ijsu imil scu suAwau ]1] rhwau ] (401-1)
guroo vitahu ha-o vaari-aa jis mil sach su-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to the Guru; meeting Him, I am absorbed into the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

sgun Apsgun iqs kau lgih ijsu cIiq n AwvY ] (401-1)
sagun apasgun tis ka-o lageh jis cheet na aavai.
Good omens and bad omens affect those who do not keep the Lord in the mind.

iqsu jmu nyiV n AwveI jo hir pRiB BwvY ]2] (401-2)
tis jam nayrh na aavee jo har parabh bhaavai. ||2||
The Messenger of Death does not approach those who are pleasing to the Lord God. ||2||

puMn dwn jp qp jyqy sB aUpir nwmu ] (401-2)
punn daan jap tap jaytay sabh oopar naam.
Donations to charity, meditation and penance - above all of them is the Naam.

hir hir rsnw jo jpY iqsu pUrn kwmu ]3] (401-3)
har har rasnaa jo japai tis pooran kaam. ||3||
One who chants with his tongue the Name of the Lord, Har, Har - his works are brought to perfect completion. ||3||

BY ibnsy BRm moh gey ko idsY n bIAw ] (401-3)
bhai binsay bharam moh ga-ay ko disai na bee-aa.
His fears are removed, and his doubts and attachments are gone; he sees none other than God.

nwnk rwKy pwrbRhim iPir dUKu n QIAw ]4]18]120] (401-4)
naanak raakhay paarbarahm fir dookh na thee-aa. ||4||18||120||
O Nanak, the Supreme Lord God preserves him, and no pain or sorrow afflicts him any longer. ||4||18||120||

Awsw Gru 9 mhlw 5 (401-5)
aasaa ghar 9 mehlaa 5
Aasaa, Ninth House, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (401-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

icqvau icqiv srb suK pwvau AwgY Bwvau ik n Bwvau ] (401-6)
chitva-o chitav sarab sukh paava-o aagai bhaava-o ke na bhaava-o.
Contemplating Him within my consciousness, I obtain total peace; but hereafter, will I be pleasing to Him or not?

eyku dwqwru sgl hY jwick dUsr kY pih jwvau ]1] (401-6)
ayk daataar sagal hai jaachik doosar kai peh jaava-o. ||1||
There is only One Giver; all others are beggars. Who else can we turn to? ||1||

hau mwgau Awn ljwvau ] (401-7)
ha-o maaga-o aan lajaava-o.
When I beg from others, I am ashamed.

sgl CqRpiq eyko Twkuru kaunu smsir lwvau ]1] rhwau ] (401-7)
sagal chhatarpat ayko thaakur ka-un samsar laava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord Master is the Supreme King of all; who else is equal to Him? ||1||Pause||

aUTau bYsau rih iB n swkau drsnu Koij Kojwvau ] (401-8)
ooth-o baisa-o reh bhe na saaka-o darsan khoj khojaava-o.
Standing up and sitting down, I cannot live without Him. I search and search for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

bRhmwidk snkwidk snk snµdn snwqn snqkumwr iqn@ kau mhlu dulBwvau ]2] (401-8)
barahmaadik sankaadik sanak sanandan sanaatan sanatkumaar tinH ka-o mahal dulbhaava-o. ||2||
Even Brahma and the sages Sanak, Sanandan, Sanaatan and Sanat Kumar, find it difficult to obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||2||

Agm Agm AwgwiD boD kImiq prY n pwvau ] (401-9)
agam agam aagaaDh boDh keemat parai na paava-o.
He is unapproachable and unfathomable; His wisdom is deep and profound; His value cannot be appraised.

qwkI srix siq purK kI siqguru purKu iDAwvau ]3] (401-10)
taakee saran sat purakh kee satgur purakh Dhi-aava-o. ||3||
I have taken to the Sanctuary of the True Lord, the Primal Being, and I meditate on the True Guru. ||3||

BieE ik®pwlu dieAwlu pRBu Twkuru kwitE bMDu grwvau ] (401-10)
bha-i-o kirpaal da-i-aal parabh thaakur kaati-o banDh garaava-o.
God, the Lord Master, has become kind and compassionate; He has cut the noose of death away from my neck.

khu nwnk jau swDsMgu pwieE qau iPir jnim n Awvau ]4]1]121] (401-11)
kaho naanak ja-o saaDhsang paa-i-o ta-o fir janam na aava-o. ||4||1||121||
Says Nanak, now that I have obtained the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I shall not have to be reincarnated again. ||4||1||121||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (401-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AMqir gwvau bwhir gwvau gwvau jwig svwrI ] (401-12)
antar gaava-o baahar gaava-o gaava-o jaag savaaree.
Inwardly, I sing His Praises, and outwardly, I sing His Praises; I sing His Praises while awake and asleep.

sMig cln kau qosw dIn@w goibMd nwm ky ibauhwrI ]1] (401-12)
sang chalan ka-o tosaa deenHaa gobind naam kay bi-uhaaree. ||1||
I am a trader in the Name of the Lord of the Universe; He has given it to me as my supplies, to carry with me. ||1||

Avr ibswrI ibswrI ] (401-13)
avar bisaaree bisaaree.
I have forgotten and forsaken other things.

nwm dwnu guir pUrY dIE mY eyho AwDwrI ]1] rhwau ] (401-13)
naam daan gur poorai dee-o mai ayho aaDhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru has given me the Gift of the Naam; this alone is my Support. ||1||Pause||

dUKin gwvau suiK BI gwvau mwrig pMiQ sm@wrI ] (401-14)
dookhan gaava-o sukh bhee gaava-o maarag panth samHaaree.
I sing His Praises while suffering, and I sing His Praises while I am at peace as well. I contemplate Him while I walk along the Path.

nwm idRVu guir mn mih dIAw morI iqsw buJwrI ]2] (401-14)
naam darirh gur man meh dee-aa moree tisaa bujhaaree. ||2||
The Guru has implanted the Naam within my mind, and my thirst has been quenched. ||2||

idnu BI gwvau rYnI gwvau gwvau swis swis rsnwrI ] (401-15)
din bhee gaava-o rainee gaava-o gaava-o saas saas rasnaaree.
I sing His Praises during the day, and I sing His Praises during the night; I sing them with each and every breath.

sqsMgiq mih ibswsu hoie hir jIvq mrq sMgwrI ]3] (401-16)
satsangat meh bisaas ho-ay har jeevat marat sangaaree. ||3||
In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, this faith is established, that the Lord is with us, in life and in death. ||3||

jn nwnk kau iehu dwnu dyhu pRB pwvau sMq ryn auir DwrI ] (401-16)
jan naanak ka-o ih daan dayh parabh paava-o sant rayn ur Dhaaree.
Bless servant Nanak with this gift, O God, that he may obtain, and enshrine in his heart, the dust of the feet of the Saints.

sRvnI kQw nYn drsu pyKau msqku gur crnwrI ]4]2]122] (401-17)
sarvanee kathaa nain daras paykha-o mastak gur charnaaree. ||4||2||122||
Hear the Lord's Sermon with your ears, and behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan with your eyes; place your forehead upon the Guru's Feet. ||4||2||122||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (401-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Aasaa, Tenth House, Fifth Mehl:

Awsw Gru 10 mhlw 5 ] (401-19)
aasaa ghar 10 mehlaa 5.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Aasaa, Tenth House, Fifth Mehl:

ijs no qUM AsiQru kir mwnih qy pwhun do dwhw ] (401-19)
jis no tooN asthir kar maaneh tay paahun do daahaa.
That which you believe to be permanent, is a guest here for only a few days.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD