Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur syvw mhlu pweIAY jgu duqru qrIAY ]2] (400-1)
gur sayvaa mahal paa-ee-ai jag dutar taree-ai. ||2||
Serving the Guru, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is obtained, and the impassable world-ocean is crossed over. ||2||

idRsit qyrI suKu pweIAY mn mwih inDwnw ] (400-1)
darisat tayree sukh paa-ee-ai man maahi niDhaanaa.
By Your Glance of Grace, peace is obtained, and the treasure fills the mind.

jw kau qum ikrpwl Bey syvk sy prvwnw ]3] (400-2)
jaa ka-o tum kirpaal bha-ay sayvak say parvaanaa. ||3||
That servant, unto whom You bestow Your Mercy, is approved and accepted. ||3||

AMimRq rsu hir kIrqno ko ivrlw pIvY ] (400-2)
amrit ras har keertano ko virlaa peevai.
How rare is that person who drinks in the Ambrosial Essence of the Lord's Kirtan.

vjhu nwnk imlY eyku nwmu ird jip jip jIvY ]4]14]116] (400-2)
vajahu naanak milai ayk naam rid jap jap jeevai. ||4||14||116||
Nanak has obtained the commodity of the One Name; he lives by chanting and meditating on it within his heart. ||4||14||116||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-3)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jw pRB kI hau cyrulI so sB qy aUcw ] (400-3)
jaa parabh kee ha-o chayrulee so sabh tay oochaa.
I am God's maid-servant; He is the highest of all.

sBu ikCu qw kw kWFIAY Qorw Aru mUcw ]1] (400-4)
sabh kichh taa kaa kaaNdhee-ai thoraa ar moochaa. ||1||
All things, big and small, are said to belong to Him. ||1||

jIA pRwn myrw Dno swihb kI mnIAw ] (400-4)
jee-a paraan mayraa Dhano saahib kee manee-aa.
I surrender my soul, my breath of life, and my wealth, to my Lord Master.

nwim ijsY kY aUjlI iqsu dwsI gnIAw ]1] rhwau ] (400-5)
naam jisai kai oojlee tis daasee ganee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through His Name, I become radiant; I am known as His slave. ||1||Pause||

vyprvwhu Anµd mY nwau mwxk hIrw ] (400-5)
vayparvaahu anand mai naa-o maanak heeraa.
You are Carefree, the Embodiment of Bliss. Your Name is a gem, a jewel.

rjI DweI sdw suKu jw kw qUM mIrw ]2] (400-6)
rajee Dhaa-ee sadaa sukh jaa kaa tooN meeraa. ||2||
One who has You as her Master, is satisfied, satiated and happy forever. ||2||

sKI shyrI sMg kI sumiq idRVwvau ] (400-6)
sakhee sahayree sang kee sumat darirhaava-o.
O my companions and fellow maidens, please implant that balanced understanding within me.

syvhu swDU Bwau kir qau iniD hir pwvau ]3] (400-6)
sayvhu saaDhoo bhaa-o kar ta-o niDh har paava-o. ||3||
Serve the Holy Saints lovingly, and find the treasure of the Lord. ||3||

sglI dwsI TwkurY sB khqI myrw ] (400-7)
saglee daasee thaakurai sabh kahtee mayraa.
All are servants of the Lord Master, and all call Him their own.

ijsih sIgwry nwnkw iqsu suKih bsyrw ]4]15]117] (400-7)
jisahi seegaaray naankaa tis sukheh basayraa. ||4||15||117||
She alone dwells in peace, O Nanak, whom the Lord adorns. ||4||15||117||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-8)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

sMqw kI hoie dwsrI eyhu Acwrw isKu rI ] (400-8)
santaa kee ho-ay daasree ayhu achaaraa sikh ree.
Become the servant of the Saints, and learn this way of life.

sgl guxw gux aUqmo Brqw dUir n ipKu rI ]1] (400-8)
sagal gunaa gun ootmo bhartaa door na pikh ree. ||1||
Of all virtues, the most sublime virtue is to see your Husband Lord near at hand. ||1||

iehu mnu suMdir Awpxw hir nwim mjITY rMig rI ] (400-9)
ih man sundar aapnaa har naam majeethai rang ree.
So, dye this mind of yours with the color of the Lord's Love.

iqAwig isAwxp cwqurI qUM jwxu gupwlih sMig rI ]1] rhwau ] (400-10)
ti-aag si-aanap chaaturee tooN jaan gupaaleh sang ree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Renounce cleverness and cunning, and know that the Sustainer of the world is with you. ||1||Pause||

Brqw khY su mwnIAY eyhu sIgwru bxwie rI ] (400-10)
bhartaa kahai so maanee-ai ayhu seegaar banaa-ay ree.
Whatever your Husband Lord says, accept that, and make it your decoration.

dUjw Bwau ivswrIAY eyhu qMbolw Kwie rI ]2] (400-11)
doojaa bhaa-o visaaree-ai ayhu tambolaa khaa-ay ree. ||2||
Forget the love of duality, and chew upon this betel leaf. ||2||

gur kw sbdu kir dIpko ieh sq kI syj ibCwie rI ] (400-11)
gur kaa sabad kar deepko ih sat kee sayj bichhaa-ay ree.
Make the Word of the Guru's Shabad your lamp, and let your bed be Truth.

AwT phr kr joiV rhu qau BytY hir rwie rI ]3] (400-12)
aath pahar kar jorh rahu ta-o bhaytai har raa-ay ree. ||3||
Twenty-four hours a day, stand with your palms pressed together, and the Lord, your King, shall meet you. ||3||

iqs hI cju sIgwru sBu sweI rUip Apwir rI ] (400-12)
tis hee chaj seegaar sabh saa-ee roop apaar ree.
She alone is cultured and embellished, and she alone is of incomparable beauty.

sweI suohwgix nwnkw jo BwxI krqwir rI ]4]16]118] (400-13)
saa-ee sohagan naankaa jo bhaanee kartaar ree. ||4||16||118||
She alone is the happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who is pleasing to the Creator Lord. ||4||16||118||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

fIgn folw qaU lau jau mn ky Brmw ] (400-14)
deegan dolaa ta-oo la-o ja-o man kay bharmaa.
As long as there are doubts in the mind, the mortal staggers and falls.

BRm kwty guir AwpxY pwey ibsrwmw ]1] (400-14)
bharam kaatay gur aapnai paa-ay bisraamaa. ||1||
The Guru removed my doubts, and I have obtained my place of rest. ||1||

Eie ibKwdI doKIAw qy gur qy hUty ] (400-15)
o-ay bikhaadee dokhee-aa tay gur tay hootay.
Those quarrelsome enemies have been overcome, through the Guru.

hm CUty Ab aun@w qy Eie hm qy CUty ]1] rhwau ] (400-15)
ham chhootay ab unHaa tay o-ay ham tay chhootay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have now escaped from them, and they have run away from me. ||1||Pause||

myrw qyrw jwnqw qb hI qy bMDw ] (400-15)
mayraa tayraa jaantaa tab hee tay banDhaa.
He is concerned with 'mine and yours', and so he is held in bondage.

guir kwtI AigAwnqw qb Cutky PMDw ]2] (400-16)
gur kaatee agi-aantaa tab chhutkay fanDhaa. ||2||
When the Guru dispelled my ignorance, then the noose of death was cut away from my neck. ||2||

jb lgu hukmu n bUJqw qb hI lau duKIAw ] (400-16)
jab lag hukam na boojh-taa tab hee la-o dukhee-aa.
As long as he does not understand the Command of God's Will, he remains miserable.

gur imil hukmu pCwixAw qb hI qy suKIAw ]3] (400-17)
gur mil hukam pachhaani-aa tab hee tay sukhee-aa. ||3||
Meeting with the Guru, he comes to recognize God's Will, and then, he becomes happy. ||3||

nw ko dusmnu doKIAw nwhI ko mMdw ] (400-17)
naa ko dusman dokhee-aa naahee ko mandaa.
I have no enemies and no adversaries; no one is wicked to me.

gur kI syvw syvko nwnk KsmY bMdw ]4]17]119] (400-18)
gur kee sayvaa sayvko naanak khasmai bandaa. ||4||17||119||
That servant, who performs the Lord's service, O Nanak, is the slave of the Lord Master. ||4||17||119||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (400-18)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

sUK shj Awndu Gxw hir kIrqnu gwau ] (400-18)
sookh sahj aanad ghanaa har keertan gaa-o.
Peace, celestial poise and absolute bliss are obtained, singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

grh invwry siqgurU dy Apxw nwau ]1] (400-19)
garah nivaaray satguroo day apnaa naa-o. ||1||
Bestowing His Name, the True Guru removes the evil omens. ||1||

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd sd bil jwau ] (400-19)
balihaaree gur aapnay sad sad bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD