Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sIqlu hir hir nwmu ismrq qpiq jwie ]3] (399-1)
seetal har har naam simrat tapat jaa-ay. ||3||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is soothing and cool; remembering it in meditation, the inner fire is quenched. ||3||

sUK shj Awnµd Gxw nwnk jn DUrw ] (399-1)
sookh sahj aanand ghanaa naanak jan Dhooraa.
Peace, poise, and immense bliss, O Nanak, are obtained, when one becomes the dust of the feet of the humble servants of the Lord.

kwrj sgly isiD Bey ByitAw guru pUrw ]4]10]112] (399-2)
kaaraj saglay siDh bha-ay bhayti-aa gur pooraa. ||4||10||112||
All of one's affairs are perfectly resolved, meeting with the Perfect Guru. ||4||10||112||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (399-2)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

goibMdu guxI inDwnu gurmuiK jwxIAY ] (399-2)
gobind gunee niDhaan gurmukh jaanee-ai.
The Lord of the Universe is the treasure of excellence; He is known only to the Gurmukh.

hoie ik®pwlu dieAwlu hir rMgu mwxIAY ]1] (399-3)
ho-ay kirpaal da-i-aal har rang maanee-ai. ||1||
When He shows His Mercy and Kindness, we revel in the Lord's Love. ||1||

Awvhu sMq imlwh hir kQw khwxIAw ] (399-3)
aavhu sant milaah har kathaa kahaanee-aa.
Come, O Saints - let us join together and speak the Sermon of the Lord.

Anidnu ismrh nwmu qij lwj lokwxIAw ]1] rhwau ] (399-4)
an-din simreh naam taj laaj lokaanee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and ignore the criticism of others. ||1||Pause||

jip jip jIvw nwmu hovY Andu Gxw ] (399-4)
jap jap jeevaa naam hovai anad ghanaa.
I live by chanting and meditating on the Naam, and so I obtain immense bliss.

imiQAw mohu sMswru JUTw ivxsxw ]2] (399-5)
mithi-aa moh sansaar jhoothaa vinsanaa. ||2||
Attachment to the world is useless and vain; it is false, and perishes in the end. ||2||

crx kml sMig nyhu iknY ivrlY lwieAw ] (399-5)
charan kamal sang nayhu kinai virlai laa-i-aa.
How rare are those who embrace love for the Lord's Lotus Feet.

DMnu suhwvw muKu ijin hir iDAwieAw ]3] (399-6)
Dhan suhaavaa mukh jin har Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||3||
Blessed and beautiful is that mouth, which meditates on the Lord. ||3||

jnm mrx duK kwl ismrq imit jwveI ] (399-6)
janam maran dukh kaal simrat mit jaav-ee.
The pains of birth, death and reincarnation are erased by meditating on the Lord.

nwnk kY suKu soie jo pRB BwveI ]4]11]113] (399-6)
naanak kai sukh so-ay jo parabh bhaav-ee. ||4||11||113||
That alone is Nanak's joy, which is pleasing to God. ||4||11||113||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (399-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Awvhu mIq iekqR hoie rs ks siB BuMch ] (399-7)
aavhu meet ikatar ho-ay ras kas sabh bhunchah.
Come, O friends: let us meet together and enjoy all the tastes and flavors.

AMimRq nwmu hir hir jph imil pwpw muMch ]1] (399-8)
amrit naam har har japah mil paapaa munchah. ||1||
Let us join together and chant the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and so wipe away our sins. ||1||

qqu vIcwrhu sMq jnhu qw qy ibGnu n lwgY ] (399-8)
tat veechaarahu sant janhu taa tay bighan na laagai.
Reflect upon the essence of reality, O Saintly beings, and no troubles shall afflict you.

KIn Bey siB qskrw gurmuiK jnu jwgY ]1] rhwau ] (399-9)
kheen bha-ay sabh taskaraa gurmukh jan jaagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All of the thieves shall be destroyed, as the Gurmukhs remain wakeful. ||1||Pause||

buiD grIbI Krcu lYhu haumY ibKu jwrhu ] (399-9)
buDh gareebee kharach laihu ha-umai bikh jaarahu.
Take wisdom and humility as your supplies, and burn away the poison of pride.

swcw htu pUrw saudw vKru nwmu vwpwrhu ]2] (399-10)
saachaa hat pooraa sa-udaa vakhar naam vaapaarahu. ||2||
True is that shop, and perfect the transaction; deal only in the merchandise of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

jIau ipMfu Dnu AripAw syeI piqvMqy ] (399-10)
jee-o pind Dhan arpi-aa say-ee pativantay.
They alone are accepted and approved, who dedicate their souls, bodies and wealth.

AwpnVy pRB BwixAw inq kyl krMqy ]3] (399-11)
aapnarhay parabh bhaani-aa nit kayl karantay. ||3||
Those who are pleasing to their God, celebrate in happiness. ||3||

durmiq mdu jo pIvqy ibKlI piq kmlI ] (399-11)
durmat mad jo peevtay bikhlee pat kamlee.
Those fools, who drink in the wine of evil-mindedness, become the husbands of prostitutes.

rwm rswieix jo rqy nwnk sc AmlI ]4]12]114] (399-11)
raam rasaa-in jo ratay naanak sach amlee. ||4||12||114||
But those who are imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, O Nanak, are intoxicated with the Truth. ||4||12||114||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (399-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

audmu kIAw krwieAw AwrMBu rcwieAw ] (399-12)
udam kee-aa karaa-i-aa aarambh rachaa-i-aa.
I made the effort; I did it, and made a beginning.

nwmu jpy jip jIvxw guir mMqRü idRVwieAw ]1] (399-13)
naam japay jap jeevnaa gur mantar drirh-aa-i-aa. ||1||
I live by chanting and meditating on the Naam. The Guru has implanted this Mantra within me. ||1||

pwie prh siqgurU kY ijin Brmu ibdwirAw ] (399-13)
paa-ay parah satguroo kai jin bharam bidaari-aa.
I fall at the Feet of the True Guru, who has dispelled my doubts.

kir ikrpw pRiB AwpxI scu swij svwirAw ]1] rhwau ] (399-14)
kar kirpaa parabh aapnee sach saaj savaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestowing His Mercy, God has dressed me, and decorated me with the Truth. ||1||Pause||

kru gih lIny Awpxy scu hukim rjweI ] (399-14)
kar geh leenay aapnay sach hukam rajaa-ee.
Taking me by the hand, He made me His own, through the True Order of His Command.

jo pRiB idqI dwiq sw pUrn vifAweI ]2] (399-15)
jo parabh ditee daat saa pooran vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
That gift which God gave to me, is perfect greatness. ||2||

sdw sdw gux gweIAih jip nwmu murwrI ] (399-15)
sadaa sadaa gun gaa-ee-ah jap naam muraaree.
Forever and ever, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and chant the Name of the Destroyer of ego.

nymu inbwihE siqgurU pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]3] (399-16)
naym nibaahi-o satguroo parabh kirpaa Dhaaree. ||3||
My vows have been honored, by the Grace of God and the True Guru, who has showered His Mercy. ||3||

nwmu Dnu gux gwau lwBu pUrY guir idqw ] (399-16)
naam Dhan gun gaa-o laabh poorai gur ditaa.
The Perfect Guru has given the wealth of the Naam, and the profit of singing the Lord's Glorious Praises.

vxjwry sMq nwnkw pRBu swhu Aimqw ]4]13]115] (399-17)
vanjaaray sant naankaa parabh saahu amitaa. ||4||13||115||
The Saints are the traders, O Nanak, and the Infinite Lord God is their Banker. ||4||13||115||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (399-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jw kw Twkuru quhI pRB qw ky vfBwgw ] (399-17)
jaa kaa thaakur tuhee parabh taa kay vadbhaagaa.
One who has You as His Master, O God, is blessed with great destiny.

Ehu suhylw sd suKI sBu BRmu Bau Bwgw ]1] (399-18)
oh suhaylaa sad sukhee sabh bharam bha-o bhaagaa. ||1||
He is happy, and forever at peace; his doubts and fears are all dispelled. ||1||

hm cwkr goibMd ky Twkuru myrw Bwrw ] (399-18)
ham chaakar gobind kay thaakur mayraa bhaaraa.
I am the slave of the Lord of the Universe; my Master is the greatest of all.

krn krwvn sgl ibiD so siqgurU hmwrw ]1] rhwau ] (399-19)
karan karaavan sagal biDh so satguroo hamaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Creator, the Cause of causes; He is my True Guru. ||1||Pause||

dUjw nwhI Aauru ko qw kw Bau krIAY ] (399-19)
doojaa naahee a-or ko taa kaa bha-o karee-ai.
There is no other whom I should fear.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD