Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijs no mMny Awip soeI mwnIAY ] (398-1)
jis no mannay aap so-ee maanee-ai.
Those whom You approve, are approved.

pRgt purKu prvwxu sB TweI jwnIAY ]3] (398-1)
pargat purakh parvaan sabh thaa-ee jaanee-ai. ||3||
Such a celebrated and honored person is known everywhere. ||3||

idnsu rYix AwrwiD sm@wly swh swh ] (398-1)
dinas rain aaraaDh samHaalay saah saah.
Day and night, with every breath to worship and adore the Lord

nwnk kI locw pUir scy pwiqswh ]4]6]108] (398-2)
naanak kee lochaa poor sachay paatisaah. ||4||6||108||
- please, O True Supreme King, fulfill this, Nanak's desire. ||4||6||108||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (398-2)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

pUir rihAw sRb Twie hmwrw Ksmu soie ] (398-2)
poor rahi-aa sarab thaa-ay hamaaraa khasam so-ay.
He, my Lord Master, is fully pervading all places.

eyku swihbu isir Cqu dUjw nwih koie ]1] (398-3)
ayk saahib sir chhat doojaa naahi ko-ay. ||1||
He is the One Lord Master, the roof over our heads; there is no other than Him. ||1||

ijau BwvY iqau rwKu rwKxhwirAw ] (398-3)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakh raakhanhaari-aa.
As it pleases Your Will, please save me, O Savior Lord.

quJ ibnu Avru n koie ndir inhwirAw ]1] rhwau ] (398-4)
tujh bin avar na ko-ay nadar nihaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without You, my eyes see no other at all. ||1||Pause||

pRiqpwly pRBu Awip Git Git swrIAY ] (398-4)
partipaalay parabh aap ghat ghat saaree-ai.
God Himself is the Cherisher; He takes care of each and every heart.

ijsu min vuTw Awip iqsu n ivswrIAY ]2] (398-5)
jis man vuthaa aap tis na visaaree-ai. ||2||
That person, within whose mind You Yourself dwell, never forgets You. ||2||

jo ikCu kry su Awip Awpx BwixAw ] (398-5)
jo kichh karay so aap aapan bhaani-aa.
He does that which is pleasing to Himself.

Bgqw kw shweI juig juig jwixAw ]3] (398-6)
bhagtaa kaa sahaa-ee jug jug jaani-aa. ||3||
He is known as the help and support of His devotees, throughout the ages. ||3||

jip jip hir kw nwmu kdy n JUrIAY ] (398-6)
jap jap har kaa naam kaday na jhooree-ai.
Chanting and meditating upon the Lord's Name, the mortal never comes to regret anything.

nwnk drs ipAws locw pUrIAY ]4]7]109] (398-7)
naanak daras pi-aas lochaa pooree-ai. ||4||7||109||
O Nanak, I thirst for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; please, fulfill my desire, O Lord. ||4||7||109||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (398-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ikAw sovih nwmu ivswir gwPl gihilAw ] (398-7)
ki-aa soveh naam visaar gaafal gahili-aa.
Why are you sleeping, and forgetting the Name, O careless and foolish mortal?

ikqˆØI iequ drIAwie vM\in@ vhidAw ]1] (398-8)
kiteeN it daree-aa-ay vaNnjniH vehdi-aa. ||1||
So many have been washed away and carried off by this river of life. ||1||

boihQVw hir crx mn ciV lµGIAY ] (398-8)
bohithrhaa har charan man charh langhee-ai.
O mortal, get aboard the boat of the Lord's Lotus Feet, and cross over.

AwT phr gux gwie swDU sMgIAY ]1] rhwau ] (398-9)
aath pahar gun gaa-ay saaDhoo sangee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||

Bogih Bog Anyk ivxu nwvY suMi\Aw ] (398-9)
bhogeh bhog anayk vin naavai sunji-aa.
You may enjoy various pleasures, but they are useless without the Name.

hir kI Bgiq ibnw mir mir ruMinAw ]2] (398-10)
har kee bhagat binaa mar mar runni-aa. ||2||
Without devotion to the Lord, you shall die in sorrow, again and again. ||2||

kpV Bog sugMD qin mrdn mwlxw ] (398-10)
kaparh bhog suganDh tan mardan maalnaa.
You may dress and eat and apply scented oils to your body,

ibnu ismrn qnu Cwru srpr cwlxw ]3] (398-10)
bin simran tan chhaar sarpar chaalnaa. ||3||
but without the meditative remembrance of the Lord, your body shall surely turn to dust, and you shall have to depart. ||3||

mhw ibKmu sMswru ivrlY pyiKAw ] (398-11)
mahaa bikham sansaar virlai paykhi-aa.
How very treacherous is this world-ocean; how very few realize this!

CUtnu hir kI srix lyKu nwnk lyiKAw ]4]8]110] (398-11)
chhootan har kee saran laykh naanak laykhi-aa. ||4||8||110||
Salvation rests in the Lord's Sanctuary; O Nanak, this is your pre-ordained destiny. ||4||8||110||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (398-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

koie n iks hI sMig kwhy grbIAY ] (398-12)
ko-ay na kis hee sang kaahay garbee-ai.
No one is anyone's companion; why take any pride in others?

eyku nwmu AwDwru Baujlu qrbIAY ]1] (398-12)
ayk naam aaDhaar bha-ojal tarbee-ai. ||1||
With the Support of the One Name, this terrible world-ocean is crossed over. ||1||

mY grIb scu tyk qUM myry siqgur pUry ] (398-13)
mai gareeb sach tayk tooN mayray satgur pooray.
You are the True Support of me, the poor mortal, O my Perfect True Guru.

dyiK qum@wrw drsno myrw mnu DIry ]1] rhwau ] (398-13)
daykh tumHaaraa darsano mayraa man Dheeray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, my mind is encouraged. ||1||Pause||

rwju mwlu jMjwlu kwij n ikqY gnuo ] (398-14)
raaj maal janjaal kaaj na kitai gano.
Royal powers, wealth, and worldly involvements are of no use at all.

hir kIrqnu AwDwru inhclu eyhu Dnuo ]2] (398-14)
har keertan aaDhaar nihchal ayhu Dhano. ||2||
The Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is my Support; this wealth is everlasting. ||2||

jyqy mwieAw rMg qyq pCwivAw ] (398-15)
jaytay maa-i-aa rang tayt pachhaavi-aa.
As many as are the pleasures of Maya, so many are the shadows they leave.

suK kw nwmu inDwnu gurmuiK gwivAw ]3] (398-15)
sukh kaa naam niDhaan gurmukh gaavi-aa. ||3||
The Gurmukhs sing of the Naam, the treasure of peace. ||3||

scw guxI inDwnu qUM pRB gihr gMBIry ] (398-15)
sachaa gunee niDhaan tooN parabh gahir gambheeray.
You are the True Lord, the treasure of excellence; O God, You are deep and unfathomable.

Aws Brosw Ksm kw nwnk ky jIAry ]4]9]111] (398-16)
aas bharosaa khasam kaa naanak kay jee-aray. ||4||9||111||
The Lord Master is the hope and support of Nanak's mind. ||4||9||111||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (398-16)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ijsu ismrq duKu jwie shj suKu pweIAY ] (398-16)
jis simrat dukh jaa-ay sahj sukh paa-ee-ai.
Remembering Him, suffering is removed, and celestial peace is obtained.

rYix idnsu kr joiV hir hir iDAweIAY ]1] (398-17)
rain dinas kar jorh har har Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1||
Night and day, with your palms pressed together, meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

nwnk kw pRBu soie ijs kw sBu koie ] (398-17)
naanak kaa parabh so-ay jis kaa sabh ko-ay.
He alone is Nanak's God, unto whom all beings belong.

srb rihAw BrpUir scw scu soie ]1] rhwau ] (398-18)
sarab rahi-aa bharpoor sachaa sach so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is totally pervading everywhere, the Truest of the True. ||1||Pause||

AMqir bwhir sMig shweI igAwn jogu ] (398-18)
antar baahar sang sahaa-ee gi-aan jog.
Inwardly and outwardly, He is my companion and my helper; He is the One to be realized.

iqsih ArwiD mnw ibnwsY sgl rogu ]2] (398-19)
tiseh araaDh manaa binaasai sagal rog. ||2||
Adoring Him, my mind is cured of all its ailments. ||2||

rwKnhwru Apwru rwKY Agin mwih ] (398-19)
raakhanhaar apaar raakhai agan maahi.
The Savior Lord is infinite; He saves us from the fire of the womb.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD