Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


so CUtY mhw jwl qy ijsu gur sbdu inrMqir ]2] (397-1)
so chhootai mahaa jaal tay jis gur sabad nirantar. ||2||
They escape from the great noose of death; they are permeated with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||

gur kI mihmw ikAw khw guru ibbyk sq sru ] (397-1)
gur kee mahimaa ki-aa kahaa gur bibayk sat sar.
How can I chant the Glorious Praises of the Guru? The Guru is the ocean of Truth and clear understanding.

Ehu Awid jugwdI jugh jugu pUrw prmysru ]3] (397-2)
oh aad jugaadee jugah jug pooraa parmaysar. ||3||
He is the Perfect Transcendent Lord, from the very beginning, and throughout the ages. ||3||

nwmu iDAwvhu sd sdw hir hir mnu rMgy ] (397-2)
naam Dhi-aavahu sad sadaa har har man rangay.
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, forever and ever, my mind is filled with the Love of the Lord, Har, Har.

jIau pRwx Dnu gurU hY nwnk kY sMgy ]4]2]104] (397-3)
jee-o paraan Dhan guroo hai naanak kai sangay. ||4||2||104||
The Guru is my soul, my breath of life, and wealth; O Nanak, He is with me forever. ||4||2||104||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (397-3)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

sweI AlKu Apwru BorI min vsY ] (397-3)
saa-ee alakh apaar bhoree man vasai.
If the Invisible and Infinite Lord dwells within my mind, even for a moment,

dUKu drdu rogu mwie mYfw hBu nsY ]1] (397-4)
dookh darad rog maa-ay maidaa habh nasai. ||1||
then all my pains, troubles, and diseases vanish. ||1||

hau vM\w kurbwxu sweI Awpxy ] (397-4)
ha-o vanjaa kurbaan saa-ee aapnay.
I am a sacrifice to my Lord Master.

hovY Andu Gxw min qin jwpxy ]1] rhwau ] (397-4)
hovai anad ghanaa man tan jaapnay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating on Him, a great joy wells up within my mind and body. ||1||Pause||

ibMdk gwil@ suxI scy iqsu DxI ] (397-5)
bindak gaaleh sunee sachay tis Dhanee.
I have heard only a little bit of news about the True Lord Master.

sUKI hUM suKu pwie mwie n kIm gxI ]2] (397-5)
sookhee hooN sukh paa-ay maa-ay na keem ganee. ||2||
I have obtained the peace of all peace, O my mother; I cannot estimate its worth. ||2||

nYx psMdo soie pyiK musqwk BeI ] (397-6)
nain pasando so-ay paykh mustaak bha-ee.
He is so beautiful to my eyes; beholding Him, I have been bewitched.

mY inrguix myrI mwie Awip liV lwie leI ]3] (397-6)
mai nirgun mayree maa-ay aap larh laa-ay la-ee. ||3||
I am worthless, O my mother; He Himself has attached me to the hem of His robe. ||3||

byd kqyb sMswr hBw hUM bwhrw ] (397-7)
bayd katayb sansaar habhaa hooN baahraa.
He is beyond the world of the Vedas, the Koran and the Bible.

nwnk kw pwiqswhu idsY jwhrw ]4]3]105] (397-7)
naanak kaa paatisaahu disai jaahraa. ||4||3||105||
The Supreme King of Nanak is immanent and manifest. ||4||3||105||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (397-8)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

lwK Bgq AwrwDih jpqy pIau pIau ] (397-8)
laakh bhagat aaraaDheh japtay pee-o pee-o.
Tens of thousands of devotees worship and adore You, chanting, "Beloved, Beloved."

kvn jugiq mylwvau inrgux ibKeI jIau ]1] (397-8)
kavan jugat maylaava-o nirgun bikh-ee jee-o. ||1||
How shall You unite me, the worthless and corrupt soul, with Yourself. ||1||

qyrI tyk goivMd gupwl dieAwl pRB ] (397-9)
tayree tayk govind gupaal da-i-aal parabh.
You are my Support, O Merciful God, Lord of the Universe, Sustainer of the World.

qUM sBnw ky nwQ qyrI isRsit sB ]1] rhwau ] (397-9)
tooN sabhnaa kay naath tayree sarisat sabh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Master of all; the entire creation is Yours. ||1||Pause||

sdw shweI sMq pyKih sdw hjUir ] (397-10)
sadaa sahaa-ee sant paykheh sadaa hajoor.
You are the constant help and support of the Saints, who behold You Ever-present.

nwm ibhUniVAw sy mrin@ ivsUir ivsUir ]2] (397-10)
naam bihoonrhi-aa say marniH visoor visoor. ||2||
Those who lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall die, engulfed in sorrow and pain. ||2||

dws dwsqx Bwie imitAw iqnw gauxu ] (397-10)
daas daastan bhaa-ay miti-aa tinaa ga-on.
Those servants, who lovingly perform the Lord's service, are freed from the cycle of reincarnation.

ivsirAw ijn@w nwmu iqnwVw hwlu kauxu ]3] (397-11)
visri-aa jinHaa naam tinaarhaa haal ka-un. ||3||
What shall be the fate of those who forget the Naam? ||3||

jYsy psu hir@Awau qYsw sMswru sB ] (397-11)
jaisay pas hariH-aa-o taisaa sansaar sabh.
As are the cattle which have strayed, so is the entire world.

nwnk bMDn kwit imlwvhu Awip pRB ]4]4]106] (397-12)
naanak banDhan kaat milaavhu aap parabh. ||4||4||106||
O God, please cut away Nanak's bonds, and unite him with Yourself. ||4||4||106||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (397-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

hBy Qok ivswir ihko iKAwlu kir ] (397-12)
habhay thok visaar hiko khi-aal kar.
Forget all other things, and dwell upon the Lord alone.

JUTw lwih gumwnu mnu qnu Arip Dir ]1] (397-13)
jhoothaa laahi gumaan man tan arap Dhar. ||1||
Lay aside your false pride, and dedicate your mind and body to Him. ||1||

AwT phr swlwih isrjnhwr qUM ] (397-13)
aath pahar saalaahi sirjanhaar tooN.
Twenty-four hours a day, praise the Creator Lord.

jIvW qyrI dwiq ikrpw krhu mUM ]1] rhwau ] (397-14)
jeevaaN tayree daat kirpaa karahu mooN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I live by Your bountiful gifts - please, shower me with Your Mercy! ||1||Pause||

soeI kMmu kmwie ijqu muKu aujlw ] (397-14)
so-ee kamm kamaa-ay jit mukh ujlaa.
So, do that work, by which your face shall be made radiant.

soeI lgY sic ijsu qUM dyih Alw ]2] (397-15)
so-ee lagai sach jis tooN deh alaa. ||2||
He alone becomes attached to the Truth, O Lord, unto whom You give it. ||2||

jo n FhMdo mUil so Gru rwis kir ] (397-15)
jo na dhahando mool so ghar raas kar.
So build and adorn that house, which shall never be destroyed.

ihko iciq vswie kdy n jwie mir ]3] (397-15)
hiko chit vasaa-ay kaday na jaa-ay mar. ||3||
Enshrine the One Lord within your consciousness; He shall never die. ||3||

iqn@w ipAwrw rwmu jo pRB BwixAw ] (397-16)
tinHaa pi-aaraa raam jo parabh bhaani-aa.
The Lord is dear to those, who are pleasing to the Will of God.

gur prswid AkQu nwnik vKwixAw ]4]5]107] (397-16)
gur parsaad akath naanak vakhaani-aa. ||4||5||107||
By Guru's Grace, Nanak describes the indescribable. ||4||5||107||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (397-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ijn@w n ivsrY nwmu sy iknyihAw ] (397-17)
jinHaa na visrai naam say kinayhi-aa.
What are they like - those who do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord?

Bydu n jwxhu mUil sWeI jyihAw ]1] (397-17)
bhayd na jaanhu mool saaN-ee jayhi-aa. ||1||
Know that there is absolutely no difference; they are exactly like the Lord. ||1||

mnu qnu hoie inhwlu qum@ sMig ByitAw ] (397-18)
man tan ho-ay nihaal tumH sang bhayti-aa.
The mind and body are enraptured, meeting with You, O Lord.

suKu pwieAw jn prswid duKu sBu myitAw ]1] rhwau ] (397-18)
sukh paa-i-aa jan parsaad dukh sabh mayti-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Peace is obtained, by the favor of the Lord's humble servant; all pains are taken away. ||1||Pause||

jyqy KMf bRhmMf auDwry iqMn@ Ky ] (397-19)
jaytay khand barahmand uDhaaray tinH khay.
As many as are the continents of the world, so many have been saved.

ijn@ min vuTw Awip pUry Bgq sy ]2] (397-19)
jinH man vuthaa aap pooray bhagat say. ||2||
Those, in whose minds You Yourself dwell, O Lord, are the perfect devotees. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD