Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


guru nwnk jw kau BieAw dieAwlw ] so jnu hoAw sdw inhwlw ]4]6]100] (396-1)
gur naanak jaa ka-o bha-i-aa da-i-aalaa. so jan ho-aa sadaa nihaalaa. ||4||6||100||
That humble being, O Nanak, unto whom the Guru grants His Mercy, is forever enraptured. ||4||6||100||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (396-2)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

siqgur swcY dIAw Byij ] (396-2)
satgur saachai dee-aa bhayj.
The True Guru has truly given a child.

icru jIvnu aupijAw sMjoig ] (396-2)
chir jeevan upji-aa sanjog.
The long-lived one has been born to this destiny.

audrY mwih Awie kIAw invwsu ] (396-2)
udrai maahi aa-ay kee-aa nivaas.
He came to acquire a home in the womb,

mwqw kY min bhuqu ibgwsu ]1] (396-3)
maataa kai man bahut bigaas. ||1||
and his mother's heart is so very glad. ||1||

jMimAw pUqu Bgqu goivMd kw ] (396-3)
jammi-aa poot bhagat govind kaa.
A son is born - a devotee of the Lord of the Universe.

pRgitAw sB mih iliKAw Dur kw ] rhwau ] (396-3)
pargati-aa sabh meh likhi-aa Dhur kaa. rahaa-o.
This pre-ordained destiny has been revealed to all. ||Pause||

dsI mwsI hukim bwlk jnmu lIAw ] (396-4)
dasee maasee hukam baalak janam lee-aa.
In the tenth month, by the Lord's Order, the baby has been born.

imitAw sogu mhw Anµdu QIAw ] (396-4)
miti-aa sog mahaa anand thee-aa.
Sorrow is dispelled, and great joy has ensued.

gurbwxI sKI Anµdu gwvY ] (396-5)
gurbaanee sakhee anand gaavai.
The companions blissfully sing the songs of the Guru's Bani.

swcy swihb kY min BwvY ]2] (396-5)
saachay saahib kai man bhaavai. ||2||
This is pleasing to the Lord Master. ||2||

vDI vyil bhu pIVI cwlI ] (396-5)
vaDhee vayl baho peerhee chaalee.
The vine has grown, and shall last for many generations.

Drm klw hir bMiD bhwlI ] (396-6)
Dharam kalaa har banDh bahaalee.
The Power of the Dharma has been firmly established by the Lord.

mn icMidAw siqgurU idvwieAw ] (396-6)
man chindi-aa satguroo divaa-i-aa.
That which my mind wishes for, the True Guru has granted.

Bey AicMq eyk ilv lwieAw ]3] (396-6)
bha-ay achint ayk liv laa-i-aa. ||3||
I have become carefree, and I fix my attention on the One Lord. ||3||

ijau bwlku ipqw aUpir kry bhu mwxu ] (396-7)
ji-o baalak pitaa oopar karay baho maan.
As the child places so much faith in his father,

bulwieAw bolY gur kY Bwix ] (396-7)
bulaa-i-aa bolai gur kai bhaan.
I speak as it pleases the Guru to have me speak.

guJI CMnI nwhI bwq ] (396-7)
gujhee chhannee naahee baat.
This is not a hidden secret;

guru nwnku quTw kInI dwiq ]4]7]101] (396-8)
gur naanak tuthaa keenee daat. ||4||7||101||
Guru Nanak, greatly pleased, has bestowed this gift. ||4||7||101||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (396-8)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

gur pUry rwiKAw dy hwQ ] (396-8)
gur pooray raakhi-aa day haath.
Giving His Hand, the Perfect Guru has protected the child.

pRgtu BieAw jn kw prqwpu ]1] (396-9)
pargat bha-i-aa jan kaa partaap. ||1||
The glory of His servant has become manifest. ||1||

guru guru jpI gurU guru iDAweI ] (396-9)
gur gur japee guroo gur Dhi-aa-ee.
I contemplate the Guru, the Guru; I meditate on the Guru, the Guru.

jIA kI Ardwis gurU pih pweI ] rhwau ] (396-9)
jee-a kee ardaas guroo peh paa-ee. rahaa-o.
I offer my heart-felt prayer to the Guru, and it is answered. ||Pause||

srin pry swcy gurdyv ] (396-10)
saran paray saachay gurdayv.
I have taken to the Sanctuary of the True Divine Guru.

pUrn hoeI syvk syv ]2] (396-10)
pooran ho-ee sayvak sayv. ||2||
The service of His servant has been fulfilled. ||2||

jIau ipMfu jobnu rwKY pRwn ] (396-10)
jee-o pind joban raakhai paraan.
He has preserved my soul, body, youth and breath of life.

khu nwnk gur kau kurbwn ]3]8]102] (396-11)
kaho naanak gur ka-o kurbaan. ||3||8||102||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru. ||3||8||102||

Awsw Gru 8 kwPI mhlw 5 (396-12)
aasaa ghar 8 kaafee mehlaa 5
Aasaa, Eighth House, Kaafee, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (396-12)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mY bMdw bY KrIdu scu swihbu myrw ] (396-13)
mai bandaa bai khareed sach saahib mayraa.
I am Your purchased slave, O True Lord Master.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw sBu ikCu hY qyrw ]1] (396-13)
jee-o pind sabh tis daa sabh kichh hai tayraa. ||1||
My soul and body, and all of this, everything is Yours. ||1||

mwxu inmwxy qUM DxI qyrw Brvwsw ] (396-13)
maan nimaanay tooN Dhanee tayraa bharvaasaa.
You are the honor of the dishonored. O Master, in You I place my trust.

ibnu swcy An tyk hY so jwxhu kwcw ]1] rhwau ] (396-14)
bin saachay an tayk hai so jaanhu kaachaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True One, any other support is false - know this well. ||1||Pause||

qyrw hukmu Apwr hY koeI AMqu n pwey ] (396-14)
tayraa hukam apaar hai ko-ee ant na paa-ay.
Your Command is infinite; no one can find its limit.

ijsu guru pUrw BytsI so clY rjwey ]2] (396-15)
jis gur pooraa bhaytsee so chalai rajaa-ay. ||2||
One who meets with the Perfect Guru, walks in the Way of the Lord's Will. ||2||

cqurweI isAwxpw ikqY kwim n AweIAY ] (396-15)
chaturaa-ee si-aanpaa kitai kaam na aa-ee-ai.
Cunning and cleverness are of no use.

quTw swihbu jo dyvY soeI suKu pweIAY ]3] (396-16)
tuthaa saahib jo dayvai so-ee sukh paa-ee-ai. ||3||
That which the Lord Master gives, by the Pleasure of His Will - that is pleasing to me. ||3||

jy lK krm kmweIAih ikCu pvY n bMDw ] (396-16)
jay lakh karam kamaa-ee-ahi kichh pavai na banDhaa.
One may perform tens of thousands of actions, but attachment to things is not satisfied.

jn nwnk kIqw nwmu Dr horu CoifAw DMDw ]4]1]103] (396-16)
jan naanak keetaa naam Dhar hor chhodi-aa DhanDhaa. ||4||1||103||
Servant Nanak has made the Naam his Support. He has renounced other entanglements. ||4||1||103||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (396-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

srb suKw mY BwilAw hir jyvfu n koeI ] (396-17)
sarab sukhaa mai bhaali-aa har jayvad na ko-ee.
I have pursued all pleasures, but none is as great as the Lord.

gur quTy qy pweIAY scu swihbu soeI ]1] (396-18)
gur tuthay tay paa-ee-ai sach saahib so-ee. ||1||
By the Pleasure of the Guru's Will, the True Lord Master is obtained. ||1||

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd sd kurbwnw ] (396-18)
balihaaree gur aapnay sad sad kurbaanaa.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever and ever a sacrifice to Him.

nwmu n ivsrau ieku iKnu csw iehu kIjY dwnw ]1] rhwau ] (396-18)
naam na visra-o ik khin chasaa ih keejai daanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please, grant me this one blessing, that I may never, even for an instant, forget Your Name. ||1||Pause||

BwgTu scw soie hY ijsu hir Dnu AMqir ] (396-19)
bhaagath sachaa so-ay hai jis har Dhan antar.
How very fortunate are those who have the wealth of the Lord deep within the heart.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD