Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kir ikrpw ApunY nwie lwey srb sUK pRB qumrI rjwie ] rhwau ] (395-1)
kar kirpaa apunai naa-ay laa-ay sarab sookh parabh tumree rajaa-ay. rahaa-o.
Bestowing Your Mercy, God, You attach us to Your Name; all peace comes by Your Will. ||Pause||

sMig hovq kau jwnq dUir ] so jnu mrqw inq inq JUir ]2] (395-1)
sang hovat ka-o jaanat door. so jan martaa nit nit jhoor. ||2||
The Lord is Ever-present; one who deems Him to be far away, dies again and again, repenting. ||2||

ijin sBu ikCu dIAw iqsu icqvq nwih ] (395-2)
jin sabh kichh dee-aa tis chitvat naahi.
The mortals do not remember the One, who has given them everything.

mhw ibiKAw mih idnu rYin jwih ]3] (395-2)
mahaa bikhi-aa meh din rain jaahi. ||3||
Engrossed in such terrible corruption, their days and nights waste away. ||3||

khu nwnk pRBu ismrhu eyk ] (395-3)
kaho naanak parabh simrahu ayk.
Says Nanak, meditate in remembrance of the One Lord God.

giq pweIAY gur pUry tyk ]4]3]97] (395-3)
gat paa-ee-ai gur pooray tayk. ||4||3||97||
Salvation is obtained, in the Shelter of the Perfect Guru. ||4||3||97||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (395-4)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

nwmu jpq mnu qnu sBu hirAw ] (395-4)
naam japat man tan sabh hari-aa.
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind and body are totally rejuvenated.

klml doK sgl prhirAw ]1] (395-4)
kalmal dokh sagal parhari-aa. ||1||
All sins and sorrows are washed away. ||1||

soeI idvsu Blw myry BweI ] (395-5)
so-ee divas bhalaa mayray bhaa-ee.
How blessed is that day, O my Siblings of Destiny,

hir gun gwie prm giq pweI ] rhwau ] (395-5)
har gun gaa-ay param gat paa-ee. rahaa-o.
when the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung, and the supreme status is obtained. ||Pause||

swD jnw ky pUjy pYr ] (395-5)
saaDh janaa kay poojay pair.
Worshipping the feet of the Holy Saints,

imty aupdRh mn qy bYr ]2] (395-6)
mitay updareh man tay bair. ||2||
troubles and hatred are eliminated from the mind. ||2||

gur pUry imil Jgru cukwieAw ] (395-6)
gur pooray mil jhagar chukaa-i-aa.
Meeting with the Perfect Guru, conflict is ended,

pMc dUq siB vsgiq AwieAw ]3] (395-6)
panch doot sabh vasgat aa-i-aa. ||3||
and the five demons are totally subdued. ||3||

ijsu min visAw hir kw nwmu ] (395-7)
jis man vasi-aa har kaa naam.
One whose mind is filled with the Name of the Lord,

nwnk iqsu aUpir kurbwn ]4]4]98] (395-7)
naanak tis oopar kurbaan. ||4||4||98||
O Nanak - I am a sacrifice to him. ||4||4||98||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (395-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

gwiv lyih qU gwvnhwry ] (395-8)
gaav layhi too gaavanhaaray.
O singer, sing of the One,

jIA ipMf ky pRwn ADwry ] (395-8)
jee-a pind kay paraan aDhaaray.
who is the Support of the soul, the body and the breath of life.

jw kI syvw srb suK pwvih ] (395-8)
jaa kee sayvaa sarab sukh paavahi.
Serving Him, all peace is obtained.

Avr kwhU pih bhuiV n jwvih ]1] (395-8)
avar kaahoo peh bahurh na jaaveh. ||1||
You shall no longer go to any other. ||1||

sdw Anµd AnµdI swihbu gun inDwn inq inq jwpIAY ] (395-9)
sadaa anand anandee saahib gun niDhaan nit nit jaapee-ai.
My Blissful Lord Master is forever in bliss; meditate continually and forever, on the Lord, the treasure of excellence.

bilhwrI iqsu sMq ipAwry ijsu pRswid pRBu min vwsIAY ] rhwau ] (395-9)
balihaaree tis sant pi-aaray jis parsaad parabh man vaasee-ai. rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to the Beloved Saints; by their kind favor, God comes to dwell in the mind. ||Pause||

jw kw dwnu inKUtY nwhI ] (395-10)
jaa kaa daan nikhootai naahee.
His gifts are never exhausted.

BlI Bwiq sB shij smwhI ] (395-10)
bhalee bhaat sabh sahj samaahee.
In His subtle way, He easily absorbs all.

jw kI bKs n mytY koeI ] (395-11)
jaa kee bakhas na maytai ko-ee.
His benevolence cannot be erased.

min vwsweIAY swcw soeI ]2] (395-11)
man vaasaa-ee-ai saachaa so-ee. ||2||
So enshrine that True Lord within your mind. ||2||

sgl smgRI igRh jw kY pUrn ] (395-11)
sagal samagree garih jaa kai pooran.
His house is filled with all sorts of articles;

pRB ky syvk dUK n JUrn ] (395-12)
parabh kay sayvak dookh na jhooran.
God's servants never suffer pain.

Eit ghI inrBau pdu pweIAY ] (395-12)
ot gahee nirbha-o pad paa-ee-ai.
Holding to His Support, the state of fearless dignity is obtained.

swis swis so gun iniD gweIAY ]3] (395-12)
saas saas so gun niDh gaa-ee-ai. ||3||
With each and every breath, sing of the Lord, the treasure of excellence. ||3||

dUir n hoeI kqhU jweIAY ] (395-13)
door na ho-ee kathoo jaa-ee-ai.
He is not far from us, wherever we go.

ndir kry qw hir hir pweIAY ] (395-13)
nadar karay taa har har paa-ee-ai.
When He shows His Mercy, we obtain the Lord, Har, Har.

Ardwis krI pUry gur pwis ] (395-13)
ardaas karee pooray gur paas.
I offer this prayer to the Perfect Guru.

nwnku mMgY hir Dnu rwis ]4]5]99] (395-14)
naanak mangai har Dhan raas. ||4||5||99||
Nanak begs for the treasure of the Lord's Name. ||4||5||99||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (395-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

pRQmy imitAw qn kw dUK ] (395-14)
parathmay miti-aa tan kaa dookh.
First, the pains of the body vanish;

mn sgl kau hoAw sUKu ] (395-15)
man sagal ka-o ho-aa sookh.
then, the mind becomes totally peaceful.

kir ikrpw gur dIno nwau ] (395-15)
kar kirpaa gur deeno naa-o.
In His Mercy, the Guru bestows the Lord's Name.

bil bil iqsu siqgur kau jwau ]1] (395-15)
bal bal tis satgur ka-o jaa-o. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to that True Guru. ||1||

guru pUrw pwieE myry BweI ] (395-16)
gur pooraa paa-i-o mayray bhaa-ee.
I have obtained the Perfect Guru, O my Siblings of Destiny.

rog sog sB dUK ibnwsy siqgur kI srxweI ] rhwau ] (395-16)
rog sog sabh dookh binaasay satgur kee sarnaa-ee. rahaa-o.
All illness, sorrows and sufferings are dispelled, in the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||Pause||

gur ky crn ihrdY vswey ] (395-17)
gur kay charan hirdai vasaa-ay.
The feet of the Guru abide within my heart;

mn icMqq sgly Pl pwey ] (395-17)
man chintat saglay fal paa-ay.
I have received all the fruits of my heart's desires.

Agin buJI sB hoeI sWiq ] (395-17)
agan bujhee sabh ho-ee saaNt.
The fire is extinguished, and I am totally peaceful.

kir ikrpw guir kInI dwiq ]2] (395-17)
kar kirpaa gur keenee daat. ||2||
Showering His Mercy, the Guru has given this gift. ||2||

inQwvy kau guir dIno Qwnu ] (395-18)
nithaavay ka-o gur deeno thaan.
The Guru has given shelter to the shelterless.

inmwny kau guir kIno mwnu ] (395-18)
nimaanay ka-o gur keeno maan.
The Guru has given honor to the dishonored.

bMDn kwit syvk kir rwKy ] (395-18)
banDhan kaat sayvak kar raakhay.
Shattering his bonds, the Guru has saved His servant.

AMimRq bwnI rsnw cwKy ]3] (395-19)
amrit baanee rasnaa chaakhay. ||3||
I taste with my tongue the Ambrosial Bani of His Word. ||3||

vfY Bwig pUj gur crnw ] (395-19)
vadai bhaag pooj gur charnaa.
By great good fortune, I worship the Guru's feet.

sgl iqAwig pweI pRB srnw ] (395-19)
sagal ti-aag paa-ee parabh sarnaa.
Forsaking everything, I have obtained God's Sanctuary.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD