Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


lwl jvyhr Bry BMfwr ] (394-1)
laal javayhar bharay bhandaar.
My treasure-house is overflowing with rubies and jewels;

qoit n AwvY jip inrMkwr ] (394-1)
tot na aavai jap nirankaar.
I meditate on the Formless Lord, and so they never run short.

AMimRq sbdu pIvY jnu koie ] (394-1)
amrit sabad peevai jan ko-ay.
How rare is that humble being, who drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Word of the Shabad.

nwnk qw kI prm giq hoie ]2]41]92] (394-1)
naanak taa kee param gat ho-ay. ||2||41||92||
O Nanak, he attains the state of highest dignity. ||2||41||92||

Awsw Gru 7 mhlw 5 ] (394-2)
aasaa ghar 7 mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Seventh House, Fifth Mehl:

hir kw nwmu irdY inq iDAweI ] (394-2)
har kaa naam ridai nit Dhi-aa-ee.
Meditate continually on the Name of the Lord within your heart.

sMgI swQI sgl qrWeI ]1] (394-2)
sangee saathee sagal taraaN-ee. ||1||
Thus you shall save all your companions and associates. ||1||

guru myrY sMig sdw hY nwly ] (394-3)
gur mayrai sang sadaa hai naalay.
My Guru is always with me, near at hand.

ismir ismir iqsu sdw sm@wly ]1] rhwau ] (394-3)
simar simar tis sadaa samHaalay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, I cherish Him forever. ||1||Pause||

qyrw kIAw mITw lwgY ] (394-4)
tayraa kee-aa meethaa laagai.
Your actions seem so sweet to me.

hir nwmu pdwrQu nwnku mWgY ]2]42]93] (394-4)
har naam padaarath naanak maaNgai. ||2||42||93||
Nanak begs for the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||42||93||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (394-4)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

swDU sMgiq qirAw sMswru ] (394-5)
saaDhoo sangat tari-aa sansaar.
The world is saved by the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir kw nwmu mnih AwDwru ]1] (394-5)
har kaa naam maneh aaDhaar. ||1||
The Name of the Lord is the Support of the mind. ||1||

crn kml gurdyv ipAwry ] (394-5)
charan kamal gurdayv pi-aaray.
The Saints worship and adore the Lotus Feet of the Divine Guru;

pUjih sMq hir pRIiq ipAwry ]1] rhwau ] (394-6)
poojeh sant har pareet pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
they love the Beloved Lord. ||1||Pause||

jw kY msqik iliKAw Bwgu ] (394-6)
jaa kai mastak likhi-aa bhaag.
She who has such good destiny written upon her forehead,

khu nwnk qw kw iQru sohwgu ]2]43]94] (394-6)
kaho naanak taa kaa thir sohaag. ||2||43||94||
says Nanak, is blessed with the eternal happy marriage with the Lord. ||2||43||94||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (394-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mITI AwigAw ipr kI lwgI ] (394-7)
meethee aagi-aa pir kee laagee.
The Order of my Husband Lord seems so sweet to me.

saukin Gr kI kMiq iqAwgI ] (394-7)
sa-ukan ghar kee kant ti-aagee.
My Husband Lord has driven out the one who was my rival.

ipRA sohwgin sIgwir krI ] (394-8)
pari-a sohaagan seegaar karee.
My Beloved Husband has decorated me, His happy soul-bride.

mn myry kI qpiq hrI ]1] (394-8)
man mayray kee tapat haree. ||1||
He has quieted the burning thirst of my mind. ||1||

Blo BieE ipRA kihAw mwinAw ] (394-8)
bhalo bha-i-o pari-a kahi-aa maani-aa.
It is good that I submitted to the Will of my Beloved Lord.

sUKu shju iesu Gr kw jwinAw ] rhwau ] (394-9)
sookh sahj is ghar kaa jaani-aa. rahaa-o.
I have realized celestial peace and poise within this home of mine. ||Pause||

hau bMdI ipRA iKjmqdwr ] (394-9)
ha-o bandee pari-a khijmatdaar.
I am the hand-maiden, the attendant of my Beloved Lord.

Ehu AibnwsI Agm Apwr ] (394-9)
oh abhinaasee agam apaar.
He is eternal and imperishable, inaccessible and infinite.

ly pKw ipRA Jlau pwey ] (394-10)
lay pakhaa pari-a jhala-o paa-ay.
Holding the fan, sitting at His Feet, I wave it over my Beloved.

Bwig gey pMc dUq lwvy ]2] (394-10)
bhaag ga-ay panch doot laavay. ||2||
The five demons who tortured me have run away. ||2||

nw mY kulu nw soBwvMq ] (394-10)
naa mai kul naa sobhaavant.
I am not from a noble family, and I am not beautiful.

ikAw jwnw ikau BwnI kMq ] (394-11)
ki-aa jaanaa ki-o bhaanee kant.
What do I know? Why am I pleasing to my Beloved?

moih AnwQ grIb inmwnI ] (394-11)
mohi anaath gareeb nimaanee.
I am a poor orphan, destitute and dishonored.

kMq pkir hm kInI rwnI ]3] (394-11)
kant pakar ham keenee raanee. ||3||
My Husband took me in, and made me His queen. ||3||

jb muiK pRIqmu swjnu lwgw ] (394-12)
jab mukh pareetam saajan laagaa.
When I saw my Beloved's face before me,

sUK shj myrw Dnu sohwgw ] (394-12)
sookh sahj mayraa Dhan sohaagaa.
I became so happy and peaceful; my married life was blessed.

khu nwnk morI pUrn Awsw ] (394-12)
kaho naanak moree pooran aasaa.
Says Nanak, my desires are fulfilled.

siqgur mylI pRB guxqwsw ]4]1]95] (394-13)
satgur maylee parabh guntaasaa. ||4||1||95||
The True Guru has united me with God, the treasure of excellence. ||4||1||95||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (394-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mwQY iqRkutI idRsit krUir ] (394-13)
maathai tarikutee darisat karoor.
A frown creases her forehead, and her look is evil.

bolY kauVw ijhbw kI PUiV ] (394-13)
bolai ka-urhaa jihbaa kee foorh.
Her speech is bitter, and her tongue is rude.

sdw BUKI ipru jwnY dUir ]1] (394-14)
sadaa bhookhee pir jaanai door. ||1||
She is always hungry, and she believes her Husband to be far away. ||1||

AYsI iesqRI iek rwim aupweI ] (394-14)
aisee istaree ik raam upaa-ee.
Such is Maya, the woman, which the One Lord has created.

auin sBu jgu KwieAw hm guir rwKy myry BweI ] rhwau ] (394-15)
un sabh jag khaa-i-aa ham gur raakhay mayray bhaa-ee. rahaa-o.
She is devouring the whole world, but the Guru has saved me, O my Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause||

pwie TgaulI sBu jgu joihAw ] (394-15)
paa-ay thag-ulee sabh jag johi-aa.
Administering her poisons, she has overcome the whole world.

bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau moihAw ] (394-16)
barahmaa bisan mahaaday-o mohi-aa.
She has bewitched Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

gurmuiK nwim lgy sy soihAw ]2] (394-16)
gurmukh naam lagay say sohi-aa. ||2||
Only those Gurmukhs who are attuned to the Naam are blessed. ||2||

vrq nym kir Qwky punhcrnw ] (394-16)
varat naym kar thaakay punharchanaa.
Performing fasts, religious observances and atonements, the mortals have grown weary.

qt qIrQ Bvy sB Drnw ] (394-17)
tat tirath bhavay sabh Dharnaa.
They wander over the entire planet, on pilgrimages to the banks of sacred rivers.

sy aubry ij siqgur kI srnw ]3] (394-17)
say ubray je satgur kee sarnaa. ||3||
But they alone are saved, who seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||3||

mwieAw moih sBo jgu bwDw ] (394-17)
maa-i-aa mohi sabho jag baaDhaa.
Attached to Maya, the whole world is in bondage.

haumY pcY mnmuK mUrwKw ] (394-18)
ha-umai pachai manmukh mooraakhaa.
The foolish self-willed manmukhs are consumed by their egotism.

gur nwnk bwh pkir hm rwKw ]4]2]96] (394-18)
gur naanak baah pakar ham raakhaa. ||4||2||96||
Taking me by the arm, Guru Nanak has saved me. ||4||2||96||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (394-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

srb dUK jb ibsrih suAwmI ] (394-19)
sarab dookh jab bisrahi su-aamee.
Everything is painful, when one forgets the Lord Master.

eIhw aUhw kwim n pRwnI ]1] (394-19)
eehaa oohaa kaam na paraanee. ||1||
Here and hereafter, such a mortal is useless. ||1||

sMq iqRpqwsy hir hir D´wie ] (394-19)
sant tariptaasay har har Dhayaa-ay.
The Saints are satisfied, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD