Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijsu Bytq lwgY pRB rMgu ]1] (393-1)
jis bhaytat laagai parabh rang. ||1||
Meeting with them, love for God is embraced. ||1||

gur pRswid Eie Awnµd pwvY ] (393-1)
gur parsaad o-ay aanand paavai.
By Guru's Grace, bliss is obtained.

ijsu ismrq min hoie pRgwsw qw kI giq imiq khnu n jwvY ]1] rhwau ] (393-1)
jis simrat man ho-ay pargaasaa taa kee gat mit kahan na jaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon Him in remembrance, the mind is illumined; his state and condition cannot be described. ||1||Pause||

vrq nym mjn iqsu pUjw ] (393-2)
varat naym majan tis poojaa.
Fasts, religious vows, cleansing baths, and worship to Him;

byd purwn iqin isMimRiq sunIjw ] (393-2)
bayd puraan tin simrit suneejaa.
listening to the Vedas, Puraanas, and Shaastras.

mhw punIq jw kw inrml Qwnu ] (393-3)
mahaa puneet jaa kaa nirmal thaan.
Extremely pure is he, and immaculate is his place,

swDsMgiq jw kY hir hir nwmu ]2] (393-3)
saaDhsangat jaa kai har har naam. ||2||
who meditates upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in the Saadh Sangat. ||2||

pRgitE so jnu sgly Bvn ] (393-4)
pargati-o so jan saglay bhavan.
That humble being becomes renowned all over the world.

piqq punIq qw kI pg ryn ] (393-4)
patit puneet taa kee pag rayn.
Even sinners are purified, by the dust of his feet.

jw kau ByitE hir hir rwie ] (393-4)
jaa ka-o bhayti-o har har raa-ay.
One who has met the Lord, the Lord our King,

qw kI giq imiq kQnu n jwie ]3] (393-4)
taa kee gat mit kathan na jaa-ay. ||3||
his condition and state cannot be described. ||3||

AwT phr kr joiV iDAwvau ] (393-5)
aath pahar kar jorh Dhi-aava-o.
Twenty-four hours a day, with palms pressed together, I meditate;

aun swDw kw drsnu pwvau ] (393-5)
un saaDhaa kaa darsan paava-o.
I yearn to obtain the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of those Holy Saints.

moih grIb kau lyhu rlwie ] (393-5)
mohi gareeb ka-o layho ralaa-ay.
Merge me, the poor one, with You, O Lord;

nwnk Awie pey srxwie ]4]38]89] (393-6)
naanak aa-ay pa-ay sarnaa-ay. ||4||38||89||
Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||38||89||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (393-6)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AwT phr audk iesnwnI ] (393-6)
aath pahar udak isnaanee.
Twenty-four hours a day, he takes his cleansing bath in water;

sd hI Bogu lgwie suigAwnI ] (393-7)
sad hee bhog lagaa-ay sugi-aanee.
he makes continual offerings to the Lord; he is a true man of wisdom.

ibrQw kwhU CofY nwhI ] (393-7)
birthaa kaahoo chhodai naahee.
He never leaves anything uselessly.

bhuir bhuir iqsu lwgh pweI ]1] (393-7)
bahur bahur tis laagah paa-ee. ||1||
Again and again, he falls at the Lord's Feet. ||1||

swligrwmu hmwrY syvw ] (393-8)
saalgiraam hamaarai sayvaa.
Such is the Saalagraam, the stone idol, which I serve;

pUjw Arcw bMdn dyvw ]1] rhwau ] (393-8)
poojaa archaa bandan dayvaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
such is my worship, flower-offerings and divine adoration as well. ||1||Pause||

GMtw jw kw sunIAY chu kuMt ] (393-8)
ghantaa jaa kaa sunee-ai chahu kunt.
His bell resounds to the four corners of the world.

Awsnu jw kw sdw bYkuMT ] (393-9)
aasan jaa kaa sadaa baikunth.
His seat is forever in heaven.

jw kw cvru sB aUpir JUlY ] (393-9)
jaa kaa chavar sabh oopar jhoolai.
His chauri, his fly-brush, waves over all.

qw kw DUpu sdw prPulY ]2] (393-9)
taa kaa Dhoop sadaa parfulai. ||2||
His incense is ever-fragrant. ||2||

Git Git sMptu hY ry jw kw ] (393-10)
ghat ghat sampat hai ray jaa kaa.
He is treasured in each and every heart.

ABg sBw sMig hY swDw ] (393-10)
abhag sabhaa sang hai saaDhaa.
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is His Eternal Court.

AwrqI kIrqnu sdw Anµd ] (393-10)
aartee keertan sadaa anand.
His Aartee, his lamp-lit worship service, is the Kirtan of His Praises, which brings lasting bliss.

mihmw suMdr sdw byAMq ]3] (393-10)
mahimaa sundar sadaa bay-ant. ||3||
His Greatness is so beautiful, and ever limitless. ||3||

ijsih prwpiq iqs hI lhnw ] (393-11)
jisahi paraapat tis hee lahnaa.
He alone obtains it, who is so pre-ordained;

sMq crn Ehu AwieE srnw ] (393-11)
sant charan oh aa-i-o sarnaa.
he takes to the Sanctuary of the Saints' Feet.

hwiQ ciVE hir swligrwmu ] (393-11)
haath charhi-o har saalgiraam.
I hold in my hands the Saalagraam of the Lord.

khu nwnk guir kIno dwnu ]4]39]90] (393-12)
kaho naanak gur keeno daan. ||4||39||90||
Says Nanak, the Guru has given me this Gift. ||4||39||90||

Awsw mhlw 5 pMcpdw ] (393-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5 panchpadaa.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Pada:

ijh pYfY lUtI pinhwrI ] (393-12)
jih paidai lootee panihaaree.
That highway, upon which the water-carrier is plundered

so mwrgu sMqn dUrwrI ]1] (393-13)
so maarag santan dooraaree. ||1||
- that way is far removed from the Saints. ||1||

siqgur pUrY swcu kihAw ] (393-13)
satgur poorai saach kahi-aa.
The True Guru has spoken the Truth.

nwm qyry kI mukqy bIQI jm kw mwrgu dUir rihAw ]1] rhwau ] (393-13)
naam tayray kee muktay beethee jam kaa maarag door rahi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Name, O Lord, is the Way to Salvation; the road of the Messenger of Death is far away. ||1||Pause||

jh lwlc jwgwqI Gwt ] (393-14)
jah laalach jaagaatee ghaat.
That place, where the greedy toll-collector dwells

dUir rhI auh jn qy bwt ]2] (393-14)
door rahee uh jan tay baat. ||2||
- that path remains far removed from the Lord's humble servant. ||2||

jh Awvty bhuq Gn swQ ] (393-15)
jah aavtay bahut ghan saath.
There, where so very many caravans of men are caught,

pwrbRhm ky sMgI swD ]3] (393-15)
paarbarahm kay sangee saaDh. ||3||
the Holy Saints remain with the Supreme Lord. ||3||

icqR gupqu sB ilKqy lyKw ] (393-15)
chitar gupat sabh likh-tay laykhaa.
Chitra and Gupat, the recording angels of the conscious and the unconscious, write the accounts of all mortal beings,

Bgq jnw kau idRsit n pyKw ]4] (393-16)
bhagat janaa ka-o darisat na paykhaa. ||4||
but they cannot even see the Lord's humble devotees. ||4||

khu nwnk ijsu siqguru pUrw ] (393-16)
kaho naanak jis satgur pooraa.
Says Nanak, one whose True Guru is Perfect

vwjy qw kY Anhd qUrw ]5]40]91] (393-16)
vaajay taa kai anhad tooraa. ||5||40||91||
- the unblown bugles of ecstasy vibrate for him. ||5||40||91||

Awsw mhlw 5 dupdw 1 ] (393-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5 dupdaa 1.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Du-Pada 1:

swDU sMig isKwieE nwmu ] (393-17)
saaDhoo sang sikhaa-i-o naam.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Naam is learned;

srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ] (393-17)
sarab manorath pooran kaam.
all desires and tasks are fulfilled.

buiJ geI iqRsnw hir jsih AGwny ] (393-18)
bujh ga-ee tarisnaa har jaseh aghaanay.
My thirst has been quenched, and I am satiated with the Lord's Praise.

jip jip jIvw swirgpwny ]1] (393-18)
jap jap jeevaa saarigpaanay. ||1||
I live by chanting and meditating upon the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. ||1||

krn krwvn srin pirAw ] (393-18)
karan karaavan saran pari-aa.
I have entered the Sanctuary of the Creator, the Cause of all causes.

gur prswid shj Gru pwieAw imitAw AMDyrw cMdu ciVAw ]1] rhwau ] (393-19)
gur parsaad sahj ghar paa-i-aa miti-aa anDhayraa chand charhi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I have entered the home of celestial bliss. Darkness is dispelled, and the moon of wisdom has risen. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD