Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sMcq sMcq QYlI kIn@I ] (392-1)
sanchat sanchat thailee keenHee.
Gathering it and collecting it, he fills his bags.

pRiB aus qy fwir Avr kau dIn@I ]1] (392-1)
parabh us tay daar avar ka-o deenHee. ||1||
But God takes it away from him, and gives it to another. ||1||

kwc ggrIAw AMB mJrIAw ] (392-1)
kaach gagree-aa ambh majhree-aa.
The mortal is like an unbaked clay pot in water;

grib grib auAwhU mih prIAw ]1] rhwau ] (392-2)
garab garab u-aahoo meh paree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
indulging in pride and egotism, he crumbles down and dissolves. ||1||Pause||

inrBau hoieE BieAw inhMgw ] (392-2)
nirbha-o ho-i-o bha-i-aa nihangaa.
Being fearless, he becomes unrestrained.

cIiq n AwieE krqw sMgw ] (392-3)
cheet na aa-i-o kartaa sangaa.
He does not think of the Creator, who is ever with him.

lskr joVy kIAw sMbwhw ] (392-3)
laskar jorhay kee-aa sambaahaa.
He raises armies, and collects arms.

inkisAw PUk q hoie gieE suAwhw ]2] (392-3)
niksi-aa fook ta ho-ay ga-i-o su-aahaa. ||2||
But when the breath leaves him, he turns to ashes. ||2||

aUcy mMdr mhl Aru rwnI ] (392-4)
oochay mandar mahal ar raanee.
He has lofty palaces, mansions and queens,

hsiq GoVy joVy min BwnI ] (392-4)
hasat ghorhay jorhay man bhaanee.
elephants and pairs of horses, delighting the mind;

vf prvwru pUq Aru DIAw ] (392-4)
vad parvaar poot ar Dhee-aa.
he is blessed with a great family of sons and daughters.

moih pcy pic AMDw mUAw ]3] (392-4)
mohi pachay pach anDhaa moo-aa. ||3||
But, engrossed in attachment, the blind fool wastes away to death. ||3||

ijnih aupwhw iqnih ibnwhw ] (392-5)
jineh upaahaa tineh binaahaa.
The One who created him destroys him.

rMg rsw jYsy supnwhw ] (392-5)
rang rasaa jaisay supnaahaa.
Enjoyments and pleasures are like just a dream.

soeI mukqw iqsu rwju mwlu ] (392-5)
so-ee muktaa tis raaj maal.
He alone is liberated, and possesses regal power and wealth,

nwnk dws ijsu Ksmu dieAwlu ]4]35]86] (392-6)
naanak daas jis khasam da-i-aal. ||4||35||86||
O Nanak, whom the Lord Master blesses with His Mercy. ||4||35||86||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (392-6)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ien@ isau pRIiq krI GnyrI ] (392-6)
inH si-o pareet karee ghanayree.
The mortal is in love with this,

jau imlIAY qau vDY vDyrI ] (392-7)
ja-o milee-ai ta-o vaDhai vaDhayree.
but the more he has, the more he longs for more.

gil cmVI jau CofY nwhI ] (392-7)
gal chamrhee ja-o chhodai naahee.
It hangs around his neck, and does not leave him.

lwig Cuto siqgur kI pweI ]1] (392-7)
laag chhuto satgur kee paa-ee. ||1||
But falling at the feet of the True Guru, he is saved. ||1||

jg mohnI hm iqAwig gvweI ] (392-8)
jag mohnee ham ti-aag gavaa-ee.
I have renounced and discarded Maya, the Enticer of the world.

inrgunu imilE vjI vDweI ]1] rhwau ] (392-8)
nirgun mili-o vajee vaDhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have met the Absolute Lord, and congratulations are pouring in. ||1||Pause||

AYsI suMdir mn kau mohY ] (392-8)
aisee sundar man ka-o mohai.
She is so beautiful, she captivates the mind.

bwit Gwit igRih bin bin johY ] (392-9)
baat ghaat garihi ban ban johai.
On the road, and the beach, at home, in the forest and in the wilderness, she touches us.

min qin lwgY hoie kY mITI ] (392-9)
man tan laagai ho-ay kai meethee.
She seems so sweet to the mind and body.

gur pRswid mY KotI fITI ]2] (392-9)
gur parsaad mai khotee deethee. ||2||
But by Guru's Grace, I have seen her to be deceptive. ||2||

Agrk aus ky vfy TgwaU ] (392-10)
agrak us kay vaday thagaa-oo.
Her courtiers are also great deceivers.

Cofih nwhI bwp n mwaU ] (392-10)
chhodeh naahee baap na maa-oo.
They do not spare even their fathers or mothers.

mylI Apny auin ly bWDy ] (392-10)
maylee apnay un lay baaNDhay.
They have enslaved their companions.

gur ikrpw qy mY sgly swDy ]3] (392-11)
gur kirpaa tay mai saglay saaDhay. ||3||
By Guru's Grace, I have subjugated them all. ||3||

Ab morY min BieAw Anµd ] (392-11)
ab morai man bha-i-aa anand.
Now, my mind is filled with bliss;

Bau cUkw tUty siB PMd ] (392-11)
bha-o chookaa tootay sabh fand.
my fear is gone, and the noose is cut away.

khu nwnk jw siqguru pwieAw ] (392-12)
kaho naanak jaa satgur paa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, when I met the True Guru,

Gru sglw mY suKI bswieAw ]4]36]87] (392-12)
ghar saglaa mai sukhee basaa-i-aa. ||4||36||87||
I came to dwell within my home in absolute peace. ||4||36||87||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (392-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AwT phr inkit kir jwnY ] (392-13)
aath pahar nikat kar jaanai.
Twenty-four hours a day, he knows the Lord to be near at hand;

pRB kw kIAw mITw mwnY ] (392-13)
parabh kaa kee-aa meethaa maanai.
he surrenders to the Sweet Will of God.

eyku nwmu sMqn AwDwru ] (392-13)
ayk naam santan aaDhaar.
The One Name is the Support of the Saints;

hoie rhy sB kI pg Cwru ]1] (392-13)
ho-ay rahay sabh kee pag chhaar. ||1||
they remain the dust of the feet of all. ||1||

sMq rhq sunhu myry BweI ] (392-14)
sant rahat sunhu mayray bhaa-ee.
Listen, to the way of life of the Saints, O my Siblings of Destiny;

auAw kI mihmw kQnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (392-14)
u-aa kee mahimaa kathan na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
their praises cannot be described. ||1||Pause||

vrqix jw kY kyvl nwm ] (392-15)
vartan jaa kai kayval naam.
Their occupation is the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

And rUp kIrqnu ibsRwm ] (392-15)
anad roop keertan bisraam.
The Kirtan, the Praise of the Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is their rest.

imqR sqRü jw kY eyk smwnY ] (392-15)
mitar satar jaa kai ayk samaanai.
Friends and enemies are one and the same to them.

pRB Apuny ibnu Avru n jwnY ]2] (392-15)
parabh apunay bin avar na jaanai. ||2||
They know of no other than God. ||2||

koit koit AG kwtnhwrw ] (392-16)
kot kot agh katanhaaraa.
They erase millions upon millions of sins.

duK dUir krn jIA ky dwqwrw ] (392-16)
dukh door karan jee-a kay daataaraa.
They dispel suffering; they are givers of the life of the soul.

sUrbIr bcn ky blI ] (392-16)
soorbeer bachan kay balee.
They are so brave; they are men of their word.

kaulw bpurI sMqI ClI ]3] (392-17)
ka-ulaa bapuree santee chhalee. ||3||
The Saints have enticed Maya herself. ||3||

qw kw sMgu bwCih surdyv ] (392-17)
taa kaa sang baachheh surdayv.
Their company is cherished even by the gods and the angels.

AmoG drsu sPl jw kI syv ] (392-17)
amogh daras safal jaa kee sayv.
Blessed is their Darshan, and fruitful is their service.

kr joiV nwnku kry Ardwis ] (392-18)
kar jorh naanak karay ardaas.
With his palms pressed together, Nanak offers his prayer:

moih sMqh thl dIjY guxqwis ]4]37]88] (392-18)
mohi santeh tahal deejai guntaas. ||4||37||88||
O Lord, Treasure of Excellence, please bless me with the service of the Saints. ||4||37||88||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (392-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

sgl sUK jip eykY nwm ] (392-19)
sagal sookh jap aykai naam.
All peace and comforts are in the meditation of the One Name.

sgl Drm hir ky gux gwm ] (392-19)
sagal Dharam har kay gun gaam.
All righteous actions of Dharma are in the singing of the Lord's Glorious Praises.

mhw pivqR swD kw sMgu ] (392-19)
mahaa pavitar saaDh kaa sang.
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is so very pure and sacred.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD