Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nw Ehu mrqw nw hm firAw ] (391-1)
naa oh martaa naa ham dari-aa.
He does not die, so I do not fear.

nw Ehu ibnsY nw hm kiVAw ] (391-1)
naa oh binsai naa ham karhi-aa.
He does not perish, so I do not grieve.

nw Ehu inrDnu nw hm BUKy ] (391-1)
naa oh nirDhan naa ham bhookhay.
He is not poor, so I do not hunger.

nw Esu dUKu n hm kau dUKy ]1] (391-1)
naa os dookh na ham ka-o dookhay. ||1||
He is not in pain, so I do not suffer. ||1||

Avru n koaU mwrnvwrw ] (391-2)
avar na ko-oo maaranvaaraa.
There is no other Destroyer than Him.

jIAau hmwrw jIau dynhwrw ]1] rhwau ] (391-2)
jee-a-o hamaaraa jee-o daynhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is my very life, the Giver of life. ||1||Pause||

nw ausu bMDn nw hm bwDy ] (391-3)
naa us banDhan naa ham baaDhay.
He is not bound, so I am not in bondage.

nw ausu DMDw nw hm DwDy ] (391-3)
naa us DhanDhaa naa ham DhaaDhay.
He has no occupation, so I have no entanglements.

nw ausu mYlu n hm kau mYlw ] (391-3)
naa us mail na ham ka-o mailaa.
He has no impurities, so I have no impurities.

Esu Anµdu q hm sd kylw ]2] (391-3)
os anand ta ham sad kaylaa. ||2||
He is in ecstasy, so I am always happy. ||2||

nw ausu socu n hm kau socw ] (391-4)
naa us soch na ham ka-o sochaa.
He has no anxiety, so I have no cares.

nw ausu lypu n hm kau pocw ] (391-4)
naa us layp na ham ka-o pochaa.
He has no stain, so I have no pollution.

nw ausu BUK n hm kau iqRsnw ] (391-4)
naa us bhookh na ham ka-o tarisnaa.
He has no hunger, so I have no thirst.

jw auhu inrmlu qW hm jcnw ]3] (391-5)
jaa uho nirmal taaN ham jachnaa. ||3||
Since He is immaculately pure, I correspond to Him. ||3||

hm ikCu nwhI eykY EhI ] (391-5)
ham kichh naahee aykai ohee.
I am nothing; He is the One and only.

AwgY pwCY eyko soeI ] (391-5)
aagai paachhai ayko so-ee.
Before and after, He alone exists.

nwnk guir Koey BRm BMgw ] (391-6)
naanak gur kho-ay bharam bhangaa.
O Nanak, the Guru has taken away my doubts and mistakes;

hm Eie imil hoey iek rMgw ]4]32]83] (391-6)
ham o-ay mil ho-ay ik rangaa. ||4||32||83||
He and I, joining together, are of the same color. ||4||32||83||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (391-6)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Aink BWiq kir syvw krIAY ] (391-7)
anik bhaaNt kar sayvaa karee-ai.
Serve Him in many different ways;

jIau pRwn Dnu AwgY DrIAY ] (391-7)
jee-o paraan Dhan aagai Dharee-ai.
Dedicate your soul, your breath of life and your wealth to Him.

pwnI pKw krau qij AiBmwnu ] (391-7)
paanee pakhaa kara-o taj abhimaan.
Carry water for Him, and wave the fan over Him - renounce your ego.

Aink bwr jweIAY kurbwnu ]1] (391-8)
anik baar jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. ||1||
Make yourself a sacrifice to Him, time and time again. ||1||

sweI suhwgix jo pRB BweI ] (391-8)
saa-ee suhaagan jo parabh bhaa-ee.
She alone is the happy soul-bride, who is pleasing to God.

iqs kY sMig imlau myrI mweI ]1] rhwau ] (391-8)
tis kai sang mila-o mayree maa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In her company, I may meet Him, O my mother. ||1||Pause||

dwsin dwsI kI pinhwir ] (391-9)
daasan daasee kee panihaar.
I am the water-carrier of the slaves of His slaves.

aun@ kI ryxu bsY jIA nwil ] (391-9)
unH kee rayn basai jee-a naal.
I treasure in my soul the dust of their feet.

mwQY Bwgu q pwvau sMgu ] (391-9)
maathai bhaag ta paava-o sang.
By that good destiny inscribed upon my forehead, I obtain their society.

imlY suAwmI ApunY rMig ]2] (391-10)
milai su-aamee apunai rang. ||2||
Through His Love, the Lord Master meets me. ||2||

jwp qwp dyvau sB nymw ] (391-10)
jaap taap dayva-o sabh naymaa.
I dedicate all to Him - chanting and meditation, austerity and religious observances.

krm Drm Arpau sB homw ] (391-10)
karam Dharam arpa-o sabh homaa.
I offer all to Him - good actions, righteous conduct and incense burning.

grbu mohu qij hovau ryn ] (391-10)
garab moh taj hova-o rayn.
Renouncing pride and attachment, I become the dust of the feet of the Saints.

aun@ kY sMig dyKau pRBu nYn ]3] (391-11)
unH kai sang daykh-a-u parabh nain. ||3||
In their society, I behold God with my eyes. ||3||

inmK inmK eyhI AwrwDau ] (391-11)
nimakh nimakh ayhee aaraaDha-o.
Each and every moment, I contemplate and adore Him.

idnsu rYix eyh syvw swDau ] (391-11)
dinas rain ayh sayvaa saaDha-o.
Day and night, I serve Him like this.

Bey ik®pwl gupwl goibMd ] (391-12)
bha-ay kirpaal gupaal gobind.
The Lord of the Universe, the Cherisher of the World, has become merciful;

swDsMig nwnk bKisMd ]4]33]84] (391-12)
saaDhsang naanak bakhsind. ||4||33||84||
in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, He forgives us. ||4||33||84||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (391-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

pRB kI pRIiq sdw suKu hoie ] (391-13)
parabh kee pareet sadaa sukh ho-ay.
In the Love of God, eternal peace is obtained.

pRB kI pRIiq duKu lgY n koie ] (391-13)
parabh kee pareet dukh lagai na ko-ay.
In the Love of God, one is not touched by pain.

pRB kI pRIiq haumY mlu Koie ] (391-13)
parabh kee pareet ha-umai mal kho-ay.
In the Love of God, the filth of ego is washed away.

pRB kI pRIiq sd inrml hoie ]1] (391-14)
parabh kee pareet sad nirmal ho-ay. ||1||
In the Love of God, one becomes forever immaculate. ||1||

sunhu mIq AYsw pRym ipAwru ] (391-14)
sunhu meet aisaa paraym pi-aar.
Listen, O friend: show such love and affection to God,

jIA pRwn Gt Gt AwDwru ]1] rhwau ] (391-14)
jee-a paraan ghat ghat aaDhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
the Support of the soul, the breath of life, of each and every heart. ||1||Pause||

pRB kI pRIiq Bey sgl inDwn ] (391-15)
parabh kee pareet bha-ay sagal niDhaan.
In the Love of God, all treasures are obtained.

pRB kI pRIiq irdY inrml nwm ] (391-15)
parabh kee pareet ridai nirmal naam.
In the Love of God, the Immaculate Naam fills the heart.

pRB kI pRIiq sd soBwvMq ] (391-16)
parabh kee pareet sad sobhaavant.
In the Love of God, one is eternally embellished.

pRB kI pRIiq sB imtI hY icMq ]2] (391-16)
parabh kee pareet sabh mitee hai chint. ||2||
In the Love of God, all anxiety is ended. ||2||

pRB kI pRIiq iehu Bvjlu qrY ] (391-16)
parabh kee pareet ih bhavjal tarai.
In the Love of God, one crosses over this terrible world-ocean.

pRB kI pRIiq jm qy nhI frY ] (391-17)
parabh kee pareet jam tay nahee darai.
In the Love of God, one does not fear death.

pRB kI pRIiq sgl auDwrY ] (391-17)
parabh kee pareet sagal uDhaarai.
In the Love of God, all are saved.

pRB kI pRIiq clY sMgwrY ]3] (391-17)
parabh kee pareet chalai sangaaray. ||3||
The Love of God shall go along with you. ||3||

Awphu koeI imlY n BUlY ] (391-18)
aaphu ko-ee milai na bhoolai.
By himself, no one is united, and no one goes astray.

ijsu ik®pwlu iqsu swDsMig GUlY ] (391-18)
jis kirpaal tis saaDhsang ghoolai.
One who is blessed by God's Mercy, joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

khu nwnk qyrY kurbwxu ] (391-18)
kaho naanak tayrai kurbaan.
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to You.

sMq Et pRB qyrw qwxu ]4]34]85] (391-18)
sant ot parabh tayraa taan. ||4||34||85||
O God, You are the Support and the Strength of the Saints. ||4||34||85||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (391-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

BUpiq hoie kY rwju kmwieAw ] (391-19)
bhoopat ho-ay kai raaj kamaa-i-aa.
Becoming a king, the mortal wields his royal authority;

kir kir AnrQ ivhwJI mwieAw ] (391-19)
kar kar anrath vihaajee maa-i-aa.
oppressing the people, he gathers wealth.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD