Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk pwieAw nwm Kjwnw ]4]27]78] (390-1)
naanak paa-i-aa naam khajaanaa. ||4||27||78||
Nanak has obtained the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||27||78||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (390-1)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Twkur isau jw kI bin AweI ] (390-1)
thaakur si-o jaa kee ban aa-ee.
Those who are attuned to their Lord and Master

Bojn pUrn rhy AGweI ]1] (390-2)
bhojan pooran rahay aghaa-ee. ||1||
are satisfied and fulfilled with the perfect food. ||1||

kCU n Qorw hir Bgqn kau ] (390-2)
kachhoo na thoraa har bhagtan ka-o.
The Lord's devotees never run short of anything.

Kwq Krcq iblCq dyvn kau ]1] rhwau ] (390-2)
khaat kharchat bilchhat dayvan ka-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They have plenty to eat, spend, enjoy and give. ||1||Pause||

jw kw DnI Agm gusweI ] (390-3)
jaa kaa Dhanee agam gusaa-ee.
One who has the Unfathomable Lord of the Universe as his Master

mwnuK kI khu kyq clweI ]2] (390-3)
maanukh kee kaho kayt chalaa-ee. ||2||
- how can any mere mortal stand up to him? ||2||

jw kI syvw ds Ast isDweI ] (390-3)
jaa kee sayvaa das asat siDhaa-ee.
One who is served by the eighteen supernatural powers of the Siddhas

plk idsit qw kI lwghu pweI ]3] (390-4)
palak disat taa kee laagahu paa-ee. ||3||
- grasp his feet, even for an instant. ||3||

jw kau dieAw krhu myry suAwmI ] (390-4)
jaa ka-o da-i-aa karahu mayray su-aamee.
That one, upon whom You have showered Your Mercy, O my Lord Master

khu nwnk nwhI iqn kwmI ]4]28]79] (390-5)
kaho naanak naahee tin kaamee. ||4||28||79||
- says Nanak, he does not lack anything. ||4||28||79||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (390-5)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jau mY Apunw siqguru iDAwieAw ] (390-5)
ja-o mai apunaa satgur Dhi-aa-i-aa.
When I meditate on my True Guru,

qb myrY min mhw suKu pwieAw ]1] (390-6)
tab mayrai man mahaa sukh paa-i-aa. ||1||
my mind becomes supremely peaceful. ||1||

imit geI gxq ibnwisau sMsw ] (390-6)
mit ga-ee ganat binaasi-o sansaa.
The record of my account is erased, and my doubts are dispelled.

nwim rqy jn Bey BgvMqw ]1] rhwau ] (390-6)
naam ratay jan bha-ay bhagvantaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, His humble servant is blessed with good fortune. ||1||Pause||

jau mY Apunw swihbu cIiq ] (390-7)
ja-o mai apunaa saahib cheet.
When I remember my Lord and Master,

qau Bau imitE myry mIq ]2] (390-7)
ta-o bha-o miti-o mayray meet. ||2||
my fears are dispelled, O my friend. ||2||

jau mY Et ghI pRB qyrI ] (390-7)
ja-o mai ot gahee parabh tayree.
When I took to Your Protection, O God,

qW pUrn hoeI mnsw myrI ]3] (390-8)
taaN pooran ho-ee mansaa mayree. ||3||
my desires were fulfilled. ||3||

dyiK cilq min Bey idlwsw ] (390-8)
daykh chalit man bha-ay dilaasaa.
Gazing upon the wonder of Your play, my mind has become encouraged.

nwnk dws qyrw Brvwsw ]4]29]80] (390-8)
naanak daas tayraa bharvaasaa. ||4||29||80||
Servant Nanak relies on You alone. ||4||29||80||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (390-9)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Anidnu mUsw lwju tukweI ] (390-9)
an-din moosaa laaj tukaa-ee.
Night and day, the mouse of time gnaws away at the rope of life.

igrq kUp mih Kwih imTweI ]1] (390-9)
girat koop meh khaahi mithaa-ee. ||1||
Falling into the well, the mortal eats the sweet treats of Maya. ||1||

socq swcq rYin ibhwnI ] (390-10)
sochat saachat rain bihaanee.
Thinking and planning, the night of the life is passing away.

Aink rMg mwieAw ky icqvq kbhU n ismrY swirMgpwnI ]1] rhwau ] (390-10)
anik rang maa-i-aa kay chitvat kabhoo na simrai saringpaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Thinking of the many pleasures of Maya, the mortal never remembers the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. ||1||Pause||

dRüm kI CwieAw inhcl igRhu bWiDAw ] (390-11)
darum kee chhaa-i-aa nihchal garihu baaNDhi-aa.
Believing the shade of the tree to be permanent, he builds his house beneath it.

kwl kY PWis skq sru sWiDAw ]2] (390-11)
kaal kai faaNs sakat sar saaNDhi-aa. ||2||
But the noose of death is around his neck, and Shakti, the power of Maya, has aimed her arrows at him. ||2||

bwlU knwrw qrMg muiK AwieAw ] (390-12)
baaloo kanaaraa tarang mukh aa-i-aa.
The sandy shore is being washed away by the waves,

so Qwnu mUiV inhclu kir pwieAw ]3] (390-12)
so thaan moorh nihchal kar paa-i-aa. ||3||
but the fool still believes that place to be permanent. ||3||

swDsMig jipE hir rwie ] (390-12)
saaDhsang japi-o har raa-ay.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chant the Name of the Lord, the King.

nwnk jIvY hir gux gwie ]4]30]81] (390-13)
naanak jeevai har gun gaa-ay. ||4||30||81||
Nanak lives by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||30||81||

Awsw mhlw 5 duquky 9 ] (390-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5 dutukay 9.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Du-Tukas 9:

aun kY sMig qU krqI kyl ] (390-13)
un kai sang too kartee kayl.
With that, you are engaged in playful sport;

aun kY sMig hm qum sMig myl ] (390-14)
un kai sang ham tum sang mayl.
with that, I am joined to you.

aun@ kY sMig qum sBu koaU lorY ] (390-14)
unH kai sang tum sabh ko-oo lorai.
With that, everyone longs for you;

Esu ibnw koaU muKu nhI jorY ]1] (390-14)
os binaa ko-oo mukh nahee jorai. ||1||
without it, no one would even look at your face. ||1||

qy bYrwgI khw smwey ] (390-15)
tay bairaagee kahaa samaa-ay.
Where is that detached soul now contained?

iqsu ibnu quhI duhyrI rI ]1] rhwau ] (390-15)
tis bin tuhee duhayree ree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without it, you are miserable. ||1||Pause||

aun@ kY sMig qU igRh mih mwhir ] (390-15)
unH kai sang too garih meh maahar.
With that, you are the woman of the house;

aun@ kY sMig qU hoeI hY jwhir ] (390-16)
unH kai sang too ho-ee hai jaahar.
with that, you are respected.

aun@ kY sMig qU rKI ppoil ] (390-16)
unH kai sang too rakhee papol.
With that, you are caressed;

Esu ibnw qUM CutkI roil ]2] (390-16)
os binaa tooN chhutkee rol. ||2||
without it, you are reduced to dust. ||2||

aun@ kY sMig qyrw mwnu mhqu ] (390-17)
unH kai sang tayraa maan mahat.
With that, you have honor and respect;

aun@ kY sMig qum swku jgqu ] (390-17)
unH kai sang tum saak jagat.
with that, you have relatives in the world.

aun@ kY sMig qyrI sB ibiD QwtI ] (390-17)
unH kai sang tayree sabh biDh thaatee.
With that, you are adorned in every way;

Esu ibnw qUM hoeI hY mwtI ]3] (390-18)
os binaa tooN ho-ee hai maatee. ||3||
without it, you are reduced to dust. ||3||

Ehu bYrwgI mrY n jwie ] (390-18)
oh bairaagee marai na jaa-ay.
That detached soul is neither born, nor dies.

hukmy bwDw kwr kmwie ] (390-18)
hukmay baaDhaa kaar kamaa-ay.
It acts according to the Command of the Lord's Will.

joiV ivCoVy nwnk Qwip ] (390-19)
jorh vichhorhay naanak thaap.
O Nanak, having fashioned the body, the Lord unites the soul with it, and separates them again;

ApnI kudriq jwxY Awip ]4]31]82] (390-19)
apnee kudrat jaanai aap. ||4||31||82||
He alone knows His All-powerful creative nature. ||4||31||82||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (390-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD