Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awsw mhlw 5 ] (389-1)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

qU myrw qrMgu hm mIn qumwry ] (389-1)
too mayraa tarang ham meen tumaaray.
You are my waves, and I am Your fish.

qU myrw Twkuru hm qyrY duAwry ]1] (389-1)
too mayraa thaakur ham tayrai du-aaray. ||1||
You are my Lord and Master; I wait at Your Door. ||1||

qUM myrw krqw hau syvku qyrw ] (389-2)
tooN mayraa kartaa ha-o sayvak tayraa.
You are my Creator, and I am Your servant.

srix ghI pRB gunI ghyrw ]1] rhwau ] (389-2)
saran gahee parabh gunee gahayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have taken to Your Sanctuary, O God, most profound and excellent. ||1||Pause||

qU myrw jIvnu qU AwDwru ] (389-2)
too mayraa jeevan too aaDhaar.
You are my life, You are my Support.

quJih pyiK ibgsY kaulwru ]2] (389-3)
tujheh paykh bigsai ka-ulaar. ||2||
Beholding You, my heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||2||

qU myrI giq piq qU prvwnu ] (389-3)
too mayree gat pat too parvaan.
You are my salvation and honor; You make me acceptable.

qU smrQu mY qyrw qwxu ]3] (389-3)
too samrath mai tayraa taan. ||3||
You are All-powerful, You are my strength. ||3||

Anidnu jpau nwm guxqwis ] (389-4)
an-din japa-o naam guntaas.
Night and day, I chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the treasure of excellence.

nwnk kI pRB pih Ardwis ]4]23]74] (389-4)
naanak kee parabh peh ardaas. ||4||23||74||
This is Nanak's prayer to God. ||4||23||74||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (389-5)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

rovnhwrY JUTu kmwnw ] (389-5)
rovanhaarai jhooth kamaanaa.
The mourner practices falsehood;

his his sogu krq bygwnw ]1] (389-5)
has has sog karat baygaanaa. ||1||
he laughs with glee, while mourning for others. ||1||

ko mUAw kw kY Gir gwvnu ] (389-5)
ko moo-aa kaa kai ghar gaavan.
Someone has died, while there is singing in someone else's house.

ko rovY ko his his pwvnu ]1] rhwau ] (389-6)
ko rovai ko has has paavan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One mourns and bewails, while another laughs with glee. ||1||Pause||

bwl ibvsQw qy ibrDwnw ] (389-6)
baal bivasthaa tay birDhaanaa.
From childhood to old age,

phuic n mUkw iPir pCuqwnw ]2] (389-6)
pahuch na mookaa fir pachhutaanaa. ||2||
the mortal does not attain his goals, and he comes to regret in the end. ||2||

iqRhu gux mih vrqY sMswrw ] (389-7)
tarihu gun meh vartai sansaaraa.
The world is under the influence of the three qualities.

nrk surg iPir iPir Aauqwrw ]3] (389-7)
narak surag fir fir a-utaaraa. ||3||
The mortal is reincarnated, again and again, into heaven and hell. ||3||

khu nwnk jo lwieAw nwm ] (389-7)
kaho naanak jo laa-i-aa naam.
Says Nanak, one who is attached to the Naam, the Name of the Lord,

sPl jnmu qw kw prvwn ]4]24]75] (389-8)
safal janam taa kaa parvaan. ||4||24||75||
becomes acceptable, and his life becomes fruitful. ||4||24||75||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (389-8)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

soie rhI pRB Kbir n jwnI ] (389-8)
so-ay rahee parabh khabar na jaanee.
She remains asleep, and does not know the news of God.

Boru BieAw bhuir pCuqwnI ]1] (389-9)
bhor bha-i-aa bahur pachhutaanee. ||1||
The day dawns, and then, she regrets. ||1||

ipRA pRym shij min Andu Drau rI ] (389-9)
pari-a paraym sahj man anad Dhara-o ree.
Loving the Beloved, the mind is filled with celestial bliss.

pRB imlby kI lwlsw qw qy Awlsu khw krau rI ]1] rhwau ] (389-9)
parabh milbay kee laalsaa taa tay aalas kahaa kara-o ree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You yearn to meet with God, so why do you delay? ||1||Pause||

kr mih AMimRqu Awix inswirE ] (389-10)
kar meh amrit aan nisaari-o.
He came and poured His Ambrosial Nectar into your hands,

iKsir gieE BUm pir fwirE ]2] (389-11)
khisar ga-i-o bhoom par daari-o. ||2||
but it slipped through your fingers, and fell onto the ground. ||2||

swid moih lwdI AhMkwry ] (389-11)
saad mohi laadee ahaNkaaray.
You are burdened with desire, emotional attachment and egotism;

dosu nwhI pRB krxYhwry ]3] (389-11)
dos naahee parabh karnaihaaray. ||3||
it is not the fault of God the Creator. ||3||

swDsMig imty Brm AMDwry ] (389-12)
saaDhsang mitay bharam anDhaaray.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the darkness of doubt is dispelled.

nwnk mylI isrjxhwry ]4]25]76] (389-12)
naanak maylee sirjanhaaray. ||4||25||76||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord blends us with Himself. ||4||25||76||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (389-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

crn kml kI Aws ipAwry ] (389-13)
charan kamal kee aas pi-aaray.
I long for the Lotus Feet of my Beloved Lord.

jmkMkr nis gey ivcwry ]1] (389-13)
jamkankar nas ga-ay vichaaray. ||1||
The wretched Messenger of Death has run away from me. ||1||

qU iciq Awvih qyrI mieAw ] (389-13)
too chit aavahi tayree ma-i-aa.
You enter into my mind, by Your Kind Mercy.

ismrq nwm sgl rog KieAw ]1] rhwau ] (389-14)
simrat naam sagal rog kha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all diseases are destroyed. ||1||Pause||

Aink dUK dyvih Avrw kau ] (389-14)
anik dookh dayveh avraa ka-o.
Death gives so much pain to others,

phuic n swkih jn qyry kau ]2] (389-14)
pahuch na saakeh jan tayray ka-o. ||2||
but it cannot even come near Your slave. ||2||

drs qyry kI ipAws min lwgI ] (389-15)
daras tayray kee pi-aas man laagee.
My mind thirsts for Your Vision;

shj Anµd bsY bYrwgI ]3] (389-15)
sahj anand basai bairaagee. ||3||
in peaceful ease and bliss, I dwell in detachment. ||3||

nwnk kI Ardwis suxIjY ] (389-15)
naanak kee ardaas suneejai.
Hear this prayer of Nanak:

kyvl nwmu irdy mih dIjY ]4]26]77] (389-16)
kayval naam riday meh deejai. ||4||26||77||
please, infuse Your Name into his heart. ||4||26||77||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (389-16)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mnu iqRpqwno imty jMjwl ] (389-16)
man tariptaano mitay janjaal.
My mind is satisfied, and my entanglements have been dissolved.

pRBu Apunw hoieAw ikrpwl ]1] (389-17)
parabh apunaa ho-i-aa kirpaal. ||1||
God has become merciful to me. ||1||

sMq pRswid BlI bnI ] (389-17)
sant parsaad bhalee banee.
By the Grace of the Saints, everything has turned out well.

jw kY igRih sBu ikCu hY pUrnu so ByitAw inrBY DnI ]1] rhwau ] (389-17)
jaa kai garihi sabh kichh hai pooran so bhayti-aa nirbhai Dhanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His House is overflowing with all things; I have met Him, the Fearless Master. ||1||Pause||

nwmu idRVwieAw swD ik®pwl ] (389-18)
naam drirh-aa-i-aa saaDh kirpaal.
By the Kind Mercy of the Holy Saints, the Naam has been implanted within me.

imit geI BUK mhw ibkrwl ]2] (389-18)
mit ga-ee bhookh mahaa bikraal. ||2||
The most dreadful desires have been eliminated. ||2||

Twkuir ApunY kInI dwiq ] (389-19)
thaakur apunai keenee daat.
My Master has given me a gift;

jlin buJI min hoeI sWiq ]3] (389-19)
jalan bujhee man ho-ee saaNt. ||3||
the fire has been extinguished, and my mind is now at peace. ||3||

imit geI Bwl mnu shij smwnw ] (389-19)
mit ga-ee bhaal man sahj samaanaa.
My search has ended, and my mind is absorbed in celestial bliss.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD