Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


idnu rYix qyrw nwmu vKwnw ]1] (388-1)
din rain tayraa naam vakhaanaa. ||1||
Day and night, I chant Your Name. ||1||

mY inrgun guxu nwhI koie ] (388-1)
mai nirgun gun naahee ko-ay.
I am worthless; I have no virtue at all.

krn krwvnhwr pRB soie ]1] rhwau ] (388-1)
karan karaavanhaar parabh so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is the Creator, the Cause of all causes. ||1||Pause||

mUrK mugD AigAwn AvIcwrI ] (388-2)
moorakh mugaDh agi-aan aveechaaree.
I am foolish, stupid, ignorant and thoughtless;

nwm qyry kI Aws min DwrI ]2] (388-2)
naam tayray kee aas man Dhaaree. ||2||
Your Name is my mind's only hope. ||2||

jpu qpu sMjmu krm n swDw ] (388-2)
jap tap sanjam karam na saaDhaa.
I have not practiced chanting, deep meditation, self-discipline or good actions;

nwmu pRBU kw mnih ArwDw ]3] (388-3)
naam parabhoo kaa maneh araaDhaa. ||3||
but within my mind, I have worshipped God's Name. ||3||

ikCU n jwnw miq myrI QorI ] (388-3)
kichhoo na jaanaa mat mayree thoree.
I know nothing, and my intellect is inadequate.

ibnviq nwnk Et pRB qorI ]4]18]69] (388-3)
binvat naanak ot parabh toree. ||4||18||69||
Prays Nanak, O God, You are my only Support. ||4||18||69||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (388-4)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

hir hir AKr duie ieh mwlw ] (388-4)
har har akhar du-ay ih maalaa.
These two words, Har, Har, make up my maalaa.

jpq jpq Bey dIn dieAwlw ]1] (388-4)
japat japat bha-ay deen da-i-aalaa. ||1||
Continually chanting and reciting this rosary, God has become merciful to me, His humble servant. ||1||

krau bynqI siqgur ApunI ] (388-5)
kara-o bayntee satgur apunee.
I offer my prayer to the True Guru.

kir ikrpw rwKhu srxweI mo kau dyhu hry hir jpnI ]1] rhwau ] (388-5)
kar kirpaa raakho sarnaa-ee mo ka-o dayh haray har japnee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Shower Your Mercy upon me, and keep me safe in Your Sanctuary; please, give me the maalaa, the rosary of Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

hir mwlw aur AMqir DwrY ] (388-6)
har maalaa ur antar Dhaarai.
One who enshrines this rosary of the Lord's Name within his heart,

jnm mrx kw dUKu invwrY ]2] (388-6)
janam maran kaa dookh nivaarai. ||2||
is freed of the pains of birth and death. ||2||

ihrdY smwlY muiK hir hir bolY ] (388-6)
hirdai samaalai mukh har har bolai.
The humble being who contemplates the Lord within his heart, and chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har, with his mouth,

so jnu ieq auq kqih n folY ]3] (388-7)
so jan it ut kateh na dolai. ||3||
never wavers, here or hereafter. ||3||

khu nwnk jo rwcY nwie ] (388-7)
kaho naanak jo raachai naa-ay.
Says Nanak, one who is imbued with the Name,

hir mwlw qw kY sMig jwie ]4]19]70] (388-7)
har maalaa taa kai sang jaa-ay. ||4||19||70||
goes to the next world with the maalaa of the Lord's Name. ||4||19||70||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (388-8)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ijs kw sBu ikCu iqs kw hoie ] (388-8)
jis kaa sabh kichh tis kaa ho-ay.
All things belong to Him - let yourself belong to Him as well.

iqsu jn lypu n ibAwpY koie ]1] (388-8)
tis jan layp na bi-aapai ko-ay. ||1||
No stain clings to such a humble being. ||1||

hir kw syvku sd hI mukqw ] (388-9)
har kaa sayvak sad hee muktaa.
The Lord's servant is liberated forever.

jo ikCu krY soeI Bl jn kY Aiq inrml dws kI jugqw ]1] rhwau ] (388-9)
jo kichh karai so-ee bhal jan kai at nirmal daas kee jugtaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever He does, is pleasing to His servant; the way of life of His slave is immaculately pure. ||1||Pause||

sgl iqAwig hir srxI AwieAw ] (388-10)
sagal ti-aag har sarnee aa-i-aa.
One who renounces everything, and enters the Lord's Sanctuary

iqsu jn khw ibAwpY mwieAw ]2] (388-10)
tis jan kahaa bi-aapai maa-i-aa. ||2||
- how can Maya cling to him? ||2||

nwmu inDwnu jw ky mn mwih ] (388-11)
naam niDhaan jaa kay man maahi.
With the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his mind,

iqs kau icMqw supnY nwih ]3] (388-11)
tis ka-o chintaa supnai naahi. ||3||
he suffers no anxiety, even in dreams. ||3||

khu nwnk guru pUrw pwieAw ] (388-11)
kaho naanak gur pooraa paa-i-aa.
Says Nanak, I have found the Perfect Guru.

Brmu mohu sgl ibnswieAw ]4]20]71] (388-12)
bharam moh sagal binsaa-i-aa. ||4||20||71||
My doubts and attachments have been totally obliterated. ||4||20||71||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (388-12)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jau supRsMn hoieE pRBu myrw ] (388-12)
ja-o suparsan ho-i-o parabh mayraa.
When my God is totally pleased with me,

qW dUKu Brmu khu kYsy nyrw ]1] (388-13)
taaN dookh bharam kaho kaisay nayraa. ||1||
then, tell me, how can suffering or doubt draw near me? ||1||

suin suin jIvw soie qum@wrI ] (388-13)
sun sun jeevaa so-ay tumHaaree.
Continually listening to Your Glory, I live.

moih inrgun kau lyhu auDwrI ]1] rhwau ] (388-13)
mohi nirgun ka-o layho uDhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am worthless - save me, O Lord! ||1||Pause||

imit gieAw dUKu ibswrI icMqw ] (388-14)
mit ga-i-aa dookh bisaaree chintaa.
My suffering has been ended, and my anxiety is forgotten.

Plu pwieAw jip siqgur mMqw ]2] (388-14)
fal paa-i-aa jap satgur manntaa. ||2||
I have obtained my reward, chanting the Mantra of the True Guru. ||2||

soeI siq siq hY soie ] (388-15)
so-ee sat sat hai so-ay.
He is True, and True is His glory.

ismir ismir rKu kMiT proie ]3] (388-15)
simar simar rakh kanth paro-ay. ||3||
Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, keep Him clasped to your heart. ||3||

khu nwnk kaun auh krmw ] (388-15)
kaho naanak ka-un uh karmaa.
Says Nanak, what action is there left to do,

jw kY min visAw hir nwmw ]4]21]72] (388-16)
jaa kai man vasi-aa har naamaa. ||4||21||72||
by one whose mind is filled with the Lord's Name? ||4||21||72||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (388-16)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivgUqy ] (388-16)
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar vigootay.
Sexual desire, anger, and egotism lead to ruin.

hir ismrnu kir hir jn CUty ]1] (388-16)
har simran kar har jan chhootay. ||1||
Meditating on the Lord, the Lord's humble servants are redeemed. ||1||

soie rhy mwieAw md mwqy ] (388-17)
so-ay rahay maa-i-aa mad maatay.
The mortals are asleep, intoxicated with the wine of Maya.

jwgq Bgq ismrq hir rwqy ]1] rhwau ] (388-17)
jaagat bhagat simrat har raatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The devotees remain awake, imbued with the Lord's meditation. ||1||Pause||

moh Brim bhu join BvwieAw ] (388-18)
moh bharam baho jon bhavaa-i-aa.
In emotional attachment and doubt, the mortals wander through countless incarnations.

AsiQru Bgq hir crx iDAwieAw ]2] (388-18)
asthir bhagat har charan Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||2||
The devotees remain ever-stable, meditating on the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||2||

bMDn AMD kUp igRh myrw ] (388-18)
banDhan anDh koop garih mayraa.
Bound to household and possessions, the mortals are lost in the deep, dark pit.

mukqy sMq buJih hir nyrw ]3] (388-19)
muktay sant bujheh har nayraa. ||3||
The Saints are liberated, knowing the Lord to be near at hand. ||3||

khu nwnk jo pRB srxweI ] (388-19)
kaho naanak jo parabh sarnaa-ee.
Says Nanak, one who has taken to God's Sanctuary,

eIhw suKu AwgY giq pweI ]4]22]73] (388-19)
eehaa sukh aagai gat paa-ee. ||4||22||73||
obtains peace in this world, and salvation in the world hereafter. ||4||22||73||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD