Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swjn sMq hmwry mIqw ibnu hir hir AwnIqw ry ] (404-1)
saajan sant hamaaray meetaa bin har har aaneetaa ray.
O Saints, my friends and companions, without the Lord, Har, Har, you shall perish.

swDsMig imil hir gux gwey iehu jnmu pdwrQu jIqw ry ]1] rhwau ] (404-1)
saaDhsang mil har gun gaa-ay ih janam padaarath jeetaa ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and win this precious treasure of human life. ||1||Pause||

qRY gux mwieAw bRhm kI kIn@I khhu kvn ibiD qrIAY ry ] (404-2)
tarai gun maa-i-aa barahm kee keenHee kahhu kavan biDh taree-ai ray.
God has created Maya of the three qualities; tell me, how can it be crossed over?

GUmn Gyr Agwh gwKrI gur sbdI pwir auqrIAY ry ]2] (404-3)
ghooman ghayr agaah gaakhree gur sabdee paar utree-ai ray. ||2||
The whirlpool is awesome and unfathomable; only through the Word of the Guru's Shabad is one carried across. ||2||

Kojq Kojq Koij bIcwirE qqu nwnk iehu jwnw ry ] (404-3)
khojat khojat khoj beechaari-o tat naanak ih jaanaa ray.
Searching and searching endlessly, seeking and deliberating, Nanak has realized the true essence of reality.

ismrq nwmu inDwnu inrmolku mnu mwxku pqIAwnw ry ]3]1]130] (404-4)
simrat naam niDhaan nirmolak man maanak patee-aanaa ray. ||3||1||130||
Meditating on the invaluable treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the jewel of the mind is satisfied. ||3||1||130||

Awsw mhlw 5 dupdy ] (404-5)
aasaa mehlaa 5 dupday.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Dupadas:

gur prswid myrY min visAw jo mwgau so pwvau ry ] (404-5)
gur parsaad mayrai man vasi-aa jo maaga-o so paava-o ray.
By Guru's Grace, He dwells within my mind; whatever I ask for, I receive.

nwm rMig iehu mnu iqRpqwnw bhuir n kqhUM Dwvau ry ]1] (404-5)
naam rang ih man tariptaanaa bahur na katahooN Dhaava-o ray. ||1||
This mind is satisfied with the Love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; it does not go out, anywhere, anymore. ||1||

hmrw Twkuru sB qy aUcw rYix idnsu iqsu gwvau ry ] (404-6)
hamraa thaakur sabh tay oochaa rain dinas tis gaava-o ray.
My Lord and Master is the highest of all; night and day, I sing the Glories of His Praises.

iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw iqs qy quJih frwvau ry ]1] rhwau ] (404-6)
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa tis tay tujheh daraava-o ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; through Him, I frighten you. ||1||Pause||

jb dyKau pRBu Apunw suAwmI qau Avrih cIiq n pwvau ry ] (404-7)
jab daykh-a-u parabh apunaa su-aamee ta-o avrahi cheet na paava-o ray.
When I behold my God, my Lord and Master, I do not pay any attention to any other.

nwnku dwsu pRiB Awip pihrwieAw BRmu Bau myit ilKwvau ry ]2]2]131] (404-8)
naanak daas parabh aap pehraa-i-aa bharam bha-o mayt likhaava-o ray. ||2||2||131||
God Himself has adorned servant Nanak; his doubts and fears have been dispelled, and he writes the account of the Lord. ||2||2||131||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (404-9)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

cwir brn cauhw ky mrdn Ktu drsn kr qlI ry ] (404-9)
chaar baran cha-uhaa kay mardan khat darsan kar talee ray.
The four castes and social classes, and the preachers with the six Shaastras on their finger-tips,

suMdr suGr srUp isAwny pMchu hI moih ClI ry ]1] (404-9)
sundar sughar saroop si-aanay panchahu hee mohi chhalee ray. ||1||
the beautiful, the refined, the shapely and the wise - the five passions have enticed and beguiled them all. ||1||

ijin imil mwry pMc sUrbIr AYso kaunu blI ry ] (404-10)
jin mil maaray panch soorbeer aiso ka-un balee ray.
Who has seized and conquered the five powerful fighters? Is there anyone strong enough?

ijin pMc mwir ibdwir gudwry so pUrw ieh klI ry ]1] rhwau ] (404-11)
jin panch maar bidaar gudaaray so pooraa ih kalee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone, who conquers and defeats the five demons, is perfect in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause||

vfI kom vis Bwgih nwhI muhkm Pauj hTlI ry ] (404-11)
vadee kom vas bhaageh naahee muhkam fa-uj hathlee ray.
They are so awesome and great; they cannot be controlled, and they do not run away. Their army is mighty and unyielding.

khu nwnk iqin jin inrdilAw swDsMgiq kY JlI ry ]2]3]132] (404-12)
kaho naanak tin jan nirdali-aa saaDhsangat kai jhalee ray. ||2||3||132||
Says Nanak, that humble being who is under the protection of the Saadh Sangat, crushes those terrible demons. ||2||3||132||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (404-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

nIkI jIA kI hir kQw aUqm Awn sgl rs PIkI ry ]1] rhwau ] (404-13)
neekee jee-a kee har kathaa ootam aan sagal ras feekee ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Sublime Sermon of the Lord is the best thing for the soul. All other tastes are insipid. ||1||Pause||

bhu guin Duin muin jn Ktu byqy Avru n ikCu lweIkI ry ]1] (404-13)
baho gun Dhun mun jan khat baytay avar na kichh laa-eekee ray. ||1||
The worthy beings, heavenly singers, silent sages and the knowers of the six Shaastras proclaim that nothing else is worthy of consideration. ||1||

ibKwrI inrwrI ApwrI shjwrI swDsMig nwnk pIkI ry ]2]4]133] (404-14)
bikhaaree niraaree apaaree sehjaaree saaDhsang naanak peekee ray. ||2||4||133||
It is the cure for evil passions, unique, unequalled and peace-giving; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, drink it in. ||2||4||133||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (404-15)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

hmwrI ipAwrI AMimRq DwrI guir inmK n mn qy twrI ry ]1] rhwau ] (404-15)
hamaaree pi-aaree amrit Dhaaree gur nimakh na man tay taaree ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Beloved has brought forth a river of nectar. The Guru has not held it back from my mind, even for an instant. ||1||Pause||

drsn prsn srsn hrsn rMig rMgI krqwrI ry ]1] (404-16)
darsan parsan sarsan harsan rang rangee kartaaree ray. ||1||
Beholding it, and touching it, I am sweetened and delighted. It is imbued with the Creator's Love. ||1||

iKnu rm gur gm hir dm nh jm hir kMiT nwnk auir hwrI ry ]2]5]134] (404-16)
khin ram gur gam har dam nah jam har kanth naanak ur haaree ray. ||2||5||134||
Chanting it even for a moment, I rise to the Guru; meditating on it, one is not trapped by the Messenger of Death. The Lord has placed it as a garland around Nanak's neck, and within his heart. ||2||5||134||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (404-17)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

nIkI swD sMgwnI ] rhwau ] (404-17)
neekee saaDh sangaanee. rahaa-o.
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is exalted and sublime. ||Pause||

phr mUrq pl gwvq gwvq goivMd goivMd vKwnI ]1] (404-18)
pahar moorat pal gaavat gaavat govind govind vakhaanee. ||1||
Every day, hour and moment, I continually sing and speak of Govind, Govind, the Lord of the Universe. ||1||

cwlq bYsq sovq hir jsu min qin crn KtwnI ]2] (404-18)
chaalat baisat sovat har jas man tan charan khataanee. ||2||
Walking, sitting and sleeping, I chant the Lord's Praises; I treasure His Feet in my mind and body. ||2||

hNau hauro qU Twkuru gauro nwnk srin pCwnI ]3]6]135] (404-19)
haN-o ha-uro too thaakur ga-uro naanak saran pachhaanee. ||3||6||135||
I am so small, and You are so great, O Lord and Master; Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. ||3||6||135||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD