Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRQmy qyrI nIkI jwiq ] (374-1)
parathmay tayree neekee jaat.
First, your social status is high.

duqIAw qyrI mnIAY pWiq ] (374-1)
dutee-aa tayree manee-ai paaNt.
Second, you are honored in society.

iqRqIAw qyrw suMdr Qwnu ] (374-1)
taritee-aa tayraa sundar thaan.
Third, your home is beautiful.

ibgV rUpu mn mih AiBmwnu ]1] (374-1)
bigarh roop man meh abhimaan. ||1||
But you are so ugly, with self-conceit in your mind. ||1||

sohnI srUip sujwix ibcKin ] (374-2)
sohnee saroop sujaan bichkhan.
O beautiful, attractive, wise and clever woman:

Aiq grbY moih PwkI qUM ]1] rhwau ] (374-2)
at garbai mohi faakee tooN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
you have been trapped by your pride and attachment. ||1||Pause||

Aiq sUcI qyrI pwkswl ] (374-3)
at soochee tayree paaksaal.
Your kitchen is so clean.

kir iesnwnu pUjw iqlku lwl ] (374-3)
kar isnaan poojaa tilak laal.
You take your bath, and worship, and apply the crimson mark upon your forehead;

glI grbih muiK govih igAwn ] (374-3)
galee garbeh mukh goveh gi-aan.
with your mouth you speak wisdom, but you are destroyed by pride.

siB ibiD KoeI loiB suAwn ]2] (374-4)
sabh biDh kho-ee lobh su-aan. ||2||
The dog of greed has ruined you in every way. ||2||

kwpr pihrih Bogih Bog ] (374-4)
kaapar pahirahi bhogeh bhog.
You wear your robes and enjoy pleasures;

Awcwr krih soBw mih log ] (374-4)
aachaar karahi sobhaa meh log.
you practice good conduct to impress people;

coAw cMdn sugMD ibsQwr ] (374-4)
cho-aa chandan suganDh bisthaar.
you apply scented oils of sandalwood and musk,

sMgI Kotw k®oDu cMfwl ]3] (374-5)
sangee khotaa kroDh chandaal. ||3||
but your constant companion is the demon of anger. ||3||

Avr join qyrI pinhwrI ] (374-5)
avar jon tayree panihaaree.
Other people may be your water-carriers;

iesu DrqI mih qyrI iskdwrI ] (374-5)
is Dhartee meh tayree sikdaaree.
in this world, you may be a ruler.

suienw rUpw quJ pih dwm ] (374-6)
su-inaa roopaa tujh peh daam.
Gold, silver and wealth may be yours,

sIlu ibgwirE qyrw kwm ]4] (374-6)
seel bigaari-o tayraa kaam. ||4||
but the goodness of your conduct has been destroyed by sexual promiscuity. ||4||

jw kau idRsit mieAw hir rwie ] (374-6)
jaa ka-o darisat ma-i-aa har raa-ay.
That soul, upon whom the Lord has bestowed His Glance of Grace,

sw bMdI qy leI Cfwie ] (374-7)
saa bandee tay la-ee chhadaa-ay.
is delivered from bondage.

swDsMig imil hir rsu pwieAw ] (374-7)
saaDhsang mil har ras paa-i-aa.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord's sublime essence is obtained.

khu nwnk sPl Eh kwieAw ]5] (374-7)
kaho naanak safal oh kaa-i-aa. ||5||
Says Nanak, how fruitful is that body. ||5||

siB rUp siB suK bny suhwgin ] (374-8)
sabh roop sabh sukh banay suhaagan.
All graces and all comforts shall come to you, as the happy soul-bride;

Aiq suMdir ibcKin qUM ]1] rhwau dUjw ]12] (374-8)
at sundar bichkhan tooN. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||12||
you shall be supremely beautiful and wise. ||1||Second Pause||12||

Awsw mhlw 5 iekquky 2 ] (374-9)
aasaa mehlaa 5 iktukay 2.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ik-Tukas 2 :

jIvq dIsY iqsu srpr mrxw ] (374-9)
jeevat deesai tis sarpar marnaa.
One who is seen to be alive, shall surely die.

muAw hovY iqsu inhclu rhxw ]1] (374-9)
mu-aa hovai tis nihchal rahnaa. ||1||
But he who is dead shall remain ever-lasting. ||1||

jIvq muey muey sy jIvy ] (374-10)
jeevat mu-ay mu-ay say jeevay.
Those who die while yet alive, shall through this death, live on.

hir hir nwmu AvKDu muiK pwieAw gur sbdI rsu AMimRqu pIvy ]1] rhwau ] (374-10)
har har naam avkhaDh mukh paa-i-aa gur sabdee ras amrit peevay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They place the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, as medicine in their mouths, and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Pause||

kwcI mtukI ibnis ibnwsw ] (374-11)
kaachee matukee binas binaasaa.
The clay pot of the body shall be broken.

ijsu CUtY iqRkutI iqsu inj Gir vwsw ]2] (374-11)
jis chhootai tarikutee tis nij ghar vaasaa. ||2||
One who has eliminated the three qualities dwells in the home of his inner self. ||2||

aUcw cVY su pvY pieAwlw ] (374-11)
oochaa charhai so pavai pa-i-aalaa.
One who climbs high, shall fall into the nether regions of the underworld.

Drin pVY iqsu lgY n kwlw ]3] (374-12)
Dharan parhai tis lagai na kaalaa. ||3||
One who lies upon the ground, shall not be touched by death. ||3||

BRmq iPry iqn ikCU n pwieAw ] (374-12)
bharmat firay tin kichhoo na paa-i-aa.
Those who continue to wander around, achieve nothing.

sy AsiQr ijn gur sbdu kmwieAw ]4] (374-12)
say asthir jin gur sabad kamaa-i-aa. ||4||
Those who practice the Guru's Teachings, become steady and stable. ||4||

jIau ipMfu sBu hir kw mwlu ] (374-13)
jee-o pind sabh har kaa maal.
This body and soul all belong to the Lord.

nwnk gur imil Bey inhwl ]5]13] (374-13)
naanak gur mil bha-ay nihaal. ||5||13||
O Nanak, meeting the Guru, I am enraptured. ||5||13||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (374-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

puqrI qyrI ibiD kir QwtI ] (374-14)
putree tayree biDh kar thaatee.
The puppet of the body has been fashioned with great skill.

jwnu siq kir hoiegI mwtI ]1] (374-14)
jaan sat kar ho-igee maatee. ||1||
Know for sure that it shall turn to dust. ||1||

mUlu smwlhu Acyq gvwrw ] (374-14)
mool samaalahu achayt gavaaraa.
Remember your origins, O thoughtless fool.

ieqny kau qum@ ikAw grby ]1] rhwau ] (374-15)
itnay ka-o tumH ki-aa garbay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why are you so proud of yourself? ||1||Pause||

qIin syr kw idhwVI imhmwnu ] (374-15)
teen sayr kaa dihaarhee mihmaan.
You are a guest, given three meals a day;

Avr vsqu quJ pwih Amwn ]2] (374-15)
avar vasat tujh paahi amaan. ||2||
other things are entrusted to you. ||2||

ibstw Asq rkqu pryty cwm ] (374-16)
bistaa asat rakat paraytay chaam.
you are just excrement, bones and blood, wrapped up in skin

iesu aUpir ly rwiKE gumwn ]3] (374-16)
is oopar lay raakhi-o gumaan. ||3||
- this is what you are taking such pride in! ||3||

eyk vsqu bUJih qw hovih pwk ] (374-17)
ayk vasat boojheh taa hoveh paak.
If you could understand even one thing, then you would be pure.

ibnu bUJy qUM sdw nwpwk ]4] (374-17)
bin boojhay tooN sadaa naapaak. ||4||
Without understanding, you shall be forever impure. ||4||

khu nwnk gur kau kurbwnu ] (374-17)
kaho naanak gur ka-o kurbaan.
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru;

ijs qy pweIAY hir purKu sujwnu ]5]14] (374-18)
jis tay paa-ee-ai har purakh sujaan. ||5||14||
through Him, I obtain the Lord, the All-knowing Primal Being. ||5||14||

Awsw mhlw 5 iekquky caupdy ] (374-18)
aasaa mehlaa 5 iktukay cha-upday.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ik-Tukas, Chau-Padas:

iek GVI idnsu mo kau bhuqu idhwry ] (374-18)
ik gharhee dinas mo ka-o bahut dihaaray.
One moment, one day, is for me many days.

mnu n rhY kYsy imlau ipAwry ]1] (374-19)
man na rahai kaisay mila-o pi-aaray. ||1||
My mind cannot survive - how can I meet my Beloved? ||1||

ieku plu idnsu mo kau kbhu n ibhwvY ] (374-19)
ik pal dinas mo ka-o kabahu na bihaavai.
I cannot endure one day, even one instant without Him.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD