Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


dUK rog Bey gqu qn qy mnu inrmlu hir hir gux gwie ] (373-1)
dookh rog bha-ay gat tan tay man nirmal har har gun gaa-ay.
Pain and disease have left my body, and my mind has become pure; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har.

Bey Anµd imil swDU sMig Ab myrw mnu kq hI n jwie ]1] (373-1)
bha-ay anand mil saaDhoo sang ab mayraa man kat hee na jaa-ay. ||1||
I am in bliss, meeting with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and now, my mind does not go wandering. ||1||

qpiq buJI gur sbdI mwie ] (373-2)
tapat bujhee gur sabdee maa-ay.
My burning desires are quenched, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, O mother.

ibnis gieE qwp sB shsw guru sIqlu imilE shij suBwie ]1] rhwau ] (373-2)
binas ga-i-o taap sabh sahsaa gur seetal mili-o sahj subhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The fever of doubt has been totally eliminated; meeting the Guru, I am cooled and soothed, with intuitive ease. ||1||Pause||

Dwvq rhy eyku ieku bUiJAw Awie bsy Ab inhclu Qwie ] (373-3)
Dhaavat rahay ayk ik boojhi-aa aa-ay basay ab nihchal thaa-ay.
My wandering has ended, since I have realized the One and Only Lord; now, I have come to dwell in the eternal place.

jgqu auDwrn sMq qumwry drsnu pyKq rhy AGwie ]2] (373-4)
jagat uDhaaran sant tumaaray darsan paykhat rahay aghaa-ay. ||2||
Your Saints are the Saving Grace of the world; beholding the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, I remain satisfied. ||2||

jnm doK pry myry pwCY Ab pkry inhclu swDU pwie ] (373-4)
janam dokh paray mayray paachhai ab pakray nihchal saaDhoo paa-ay.
I have left behind the sins of countless incarnations, now that I have grasped the feet of the eternal Holy Guru.

shj Duin gwvY mMgl mnUAw ] (373-5)
sahj Dhun gaavai mangal manoo-aa.
My mind sings the celestial melody of bliss,

Ab qw kau Puin kwlu n Kwie ]3] (373-5)
ab taa ka-o fun kaal na khaa-ay. ||3||
and death shall no longer consume it. ||3||

krn kwrn smrQ hmwry suKdweI myry hir hir rwie ] (373-5)
karan kaaran samrath hamaaray sukh-daa-ee mayray har har raa-ay.
My Lord, the Cause of all causes, is All-powerful, the Giver of peace; He is my Lord, my Lord King.

nwmu qyrw jip jIvY nwnku Eiq poiq myrY sMig shwie ]4]9] (373-6)
naam tayraa jap jeevai naanak ot pot mayrai sang sahaa-ay. ||4||9||
Nanak lives by chanting Your Name, O Lord; You are my helper, with me, through and through. ||4||9||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (373-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ArVwvY ibllwvY inMdku ] (373-7)
arrhaavai billaavai nindak.
The slanderer cries out and bewails.

pwrbRhmu prmysru ibsirAw Apxw kIqw pwvY inMdku ]1] rhwau ] (373-7)
paarbarahm parmaysar bisri-aa apnaa keetaa paavai nindak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has forgotten the Supreme Lord, the Transcendent Lord; the slanderer reaps the rewards of his own actions. ||1||Pause||

jy koeI aus kw sMgI hovY nwly ley isDwvY ] (373-8)
jay ko-ee us kaa sangee hovai naalay la-ay siDhaavai.
If someone is his companion, then he shall be taken along with him.

Axhodw Ajgru Bwru auTwey inMdku AgnI mwih jlwvY ]1] (373-8)
anhodaa ajgar bhaar uthaa-ay nindak agnee maahi jalaavai. ||1||
Like the dragon, the slanderer carries his huge, useless loads, and burns in his own fire. ||1||

prmysr kY duAwrY ij hoie ibqIqY su nwnku AwiK suxwvY ] (373-9)
parmaysar kai du-aarai je ho-ay biteetai so naanak aakh sunaavai.
Nanak proclaims and announces what happens at the Door of the Transcendent Lord.

Bgq jnw kau sdw Anµdu hY hir kIrqnu gwie ibgswvY ]2]10] (373-10)
bhagat janaa ka-o sadaa anand hai har keertan gaa-ay bigsaavai. ||2||10||
The humble devotees of the Lord are forever in bliss; singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, they blossom forth. ||2||10||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (373-10)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jau mY kIE sgl sIgwrw ] (373-11)
ja-o mai kee-o sagal seegaaraa.
Even though I totally decorated myself,

qau BI myrw mnu n pqIAwrw ] (373-11)
ta-o bhee mayraa man na patee-aaraa.
still, my mind was not satisfied.

Aink sugMDq qn mih lwvau ] (373-11)
anik suganDhat tan meh laava-o.
I applied various scented oils to my body,

Ehu suKu iqlu smwin nhI pwvau ] (373-12)
oh sukh til samaan nahee paava-o.
and yet, I did not obtain even a tiny bit of pleasure from this.

mn mih icqvau AYsI AwsweI ] (373-12)
man meh chitva-o aisee aasaa-ee.
Within my mind, I hold such a desire,

ipRA dyKq jIvau myrI mweI ]1] (373-12)
pari-a daykhat jeeva-o mayree maa-ee. ||1||
that I may live only to behold my Beloved, O my mother. ||1||

mweI khw krau iehu mnu n DIrY ] (373-13)
maa-ee kahaa kara-o ih man na Dheerai.
O mother, what should I do? This mind cannot rest.

ipRA pRIqm bYrwgu ihrY ]1] rhwau ] (373-13)
pari-a pareetam bairaag hirai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is bewitched by the tender love of my Beloved. ||1||Pause||

bsqR ibBUKn suK bhuq ibsyKY ] (373-13)
bastar bibhookhan sukh bahut bisaykhai.
Garments, ornaments, and such exquisite pleasures

Eie BI jwnau ikqY n lyKY ] (373-14)
o-ay bhee jaan-o kitai na laykhai.
- I look upon these as of no account.

piq soBw Aru mwnu mhqu ] (373-14)
pat sobhaa ar maan mahat.
Likewise, honor, fame, dignity and greatness,

AwigAwkwrI sgl jgqu ] (373-14)
aagi-aakaaree sagal jagat.
obedience by the whole world,

igRhu AYsw hY suMdr lwl ] (373-15)
garihu aisaa hai sundar laal.
and a household as beautiful as a jewel.

pRB Bwvw qw sdw inhwl ]2] (373-15)
parabh bhaavaa taa sadaa nihaal. ||2||
If I am pleasing to God's Will, then I shall be blessed, and forever in bliss. ||2||

ibMjn Bojn Aink prkwr ] (373-15)
binjan bhojan anik parkaar.
With foods and delicacies of so many different kinds,

rMg qmwsy bhuqu ibsQwr ] (373-15)
rang tamaasay bahut bisthaar.
and such abundant pleasures and entertainments,

rwj imlK Aru bhuqu Purmwieis ] (373-16)
raaj milakh ar bahut furmaa-is.
power and property and absolute command

mnu nhI DRwpY iqRsnw nw jwieis ] (373-16)
man nahee Dharaapai tarisnaa naa jaa-is.
- with these, the mind is not satisfied, and its thirst is not quenched.

ibnu imlby iehu idnu n ibhwvY ] (373-17)
bin milbay ih din na bihaavai.
Without meeting Him, this day does not pass.

imlY pRBU qw sB suK pwvY ]3] (373-17)
milai parabhoo taa sabh sukh paavai. ||3||
Meeting God, I find peace. ||3||

Kojq Kojq sunI ieh soie ] (373-17)
khojat khojat sunee ih so-ay.
By searching and seeking, I have heard this news,

swDsMgiq ibnu qirE n koie ] (373-18)
saaDhsangat bin tari-o na ko-ay.
that without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, no one swims across.

ijsu msqik Bwgu iqin siqguru pwieAw ] (373-18)
jis mastak bhaag tin satgur paa-i-aa.
One who has this good destiny written upon his forehead, finds the True Guru.

pUrI Awsw mnu iqRpqwieAw ] (373-18)
pooree aasaa man tariptaa-i-aa.
His hopes are fulfilled, and his mind is satisfied.

pRB imilAw qw cUkI fMJw ] (373-19)
parabh mili-aa taa chookee danjhaa.
When one meets God, then his thirst is quenched.

nwnk lDw mn qn mMJw ]4]11] (373-19)
naanak laDhaa man tan manjhaa. ||4||11||
Nanak has found the Lord, within his mind and body. ||4||11||

Awsw mhlw 5 pMcpdy ] (373-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5 panchpaday.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Padas:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD