Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awsw mhlw 5 ] (372-1)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

prdysu Jwig saudy kau AwieAw ] (372-1)
pardays jhaag sa-uday ka-o aa-i-aa.
Having wandered through foreign lands, I have come here to do business.

vsqu AnUp suxI lwBwieAw ] (372-1)
vasat anoop sunee laabhaa-i-aa.
I heard of the incomparable and profitable merchandise.

gux rwis bMin@ plY AwnI ] (372-1)
gun raas baneh palai aanee.
I have gathered in my pockets my capital of virtue, and I have brought it here with me.

dyiK rqnu iehu mnu lptwnI ]1] (372-2)
daykh ratan ih man laptaanee. ||1||
Beholding the jewel, this mind is fascinated. ||1||

swh vwpwrI duAwrY Awey ] (372-2)
saah vaapaaree du-aarai aa-ay.
I have come to the door of the Trader.

vKru kwFhu saudw krwey ]1] rhwau ] (372-2)
vakhar kaadhahu sa-udaa karaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please display the merchandise, so that the business may be transacted. ||1||Pause||

swih pTwieAw swhY pwis ] (372-3)
saahi pathaa-i-aa saahai paas.
The Trader has sent me to the Banker.

Amol rqn Amolw rwis ] (372-3)
amol ratan amolaa raas.
The jewel is priceless, and the capital is priceless.

ivstu suBweI pwieAw mIq ] (372-3)
visat subhaa-ee paa-i-aa meet.
O my gentle brother, mediator and friend

saudw imilAw inhcl cIq ]2] (372-4)
sa-udaa mili-aa nihchal cheet. ||2||
- I have obtained the merchandise, and my consciousness is now steady and stable. ||2||

Bau nhI qskr paux n pwnI ] (372-4)
bha-o nahee taskar pa-un na paanee.
I have no fear of thieves, of wind or water.

shij ivhwJI shij lY jwnI ] (372-4)
sahj vihaajee sahj lai jaanee.
I have easily made my purchase, and I easily take it away.

sq kY KitAY duKu nhI pwieAw ] (372-5)
sat kai khati-ai dukh nahee paa-i-aa.
I have earned Truth, and I shall have no pain.

shI slwmiq Gir lY AwieAw ]3] (372-5)
sahee salaamat ghar lai aa-i-aa. ||3||
I have brought this merchandise home, safe and sound. ||3||

imilAw lwhw Bey Anµd ] (372-5)
mili-aa laahaa bha-ay anand.
I have earned the profit, and I am happy.

DMnu swh pUry bKisMd ] (372-6)
Dhan saah pooray bakhsind.
Blessed is the Banker, the Perfect Bestower.

iehu saudw gurmuiK iknY ivrlY pwieAw ] (372-6)
ih sa-udaa gurmukh kinai virlai paa-i-aa.
How rare is the Gurmukh who obtains this merchandise;

shlI Kyp nwnku lY AwieAw ]4]6] (372-6)
sahlee khayp naanak lai aa-i-aa. ||4||6||
Nanak has brought this profitable merchandise home. ||4||6||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (372-7)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

gunu Avgnu myro kCu n bIcwro ] (372-7)
gun avgan mayro kachh na beechaaro.
He does not consider my merits or demerits.

nh dyiKE rUp rMg sˆØIgwro ] (372-7)
nah daykhi-o roop rang seeNgaaro.
He does not look at my beauty, color or decorations.

cj Acwr ikCu ibiD nhI jwnI ] (372-8)
chaj achaar kichh biDh nahee jaanee.
I do not know the ways of wisdom and good conduct.

bwh pkir ipRA syjY AwnI ]1] (372-8)
baah pakar pari-a sayjai aanee. ||1||
But taking me by the arm, my Husband Lord has led me to His Bed. ||1||

suinbo sKI kMiq hmwro kIAlo Ksmwnw ] (372-8)
sunibo sakhee kant hamaaro kee-alo khasmaanaa.
Hear, O my companions, my Husband, my Lord Master, possesses me.

kru msqik Dwir rwiKE kir Apunw ikAw jwnY iehu loku Ajwnw ]1] rhwau ] (372-9)
kar mastak Dhaar raakhi-o kar apunaa ki-aa jaanai ih lok ajaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Placing His Hand upon my forehead, He protects me as His Own. What do these ignorant people know? ||1||Pause||

suhwgu hmwro Ab huix soihE ] (372-10)
suhaag hamaaro ab hun sohi-o.
My married life now appears so beauteous;

kMqu imilE myro sBu duKu joihE ] (372-10)
kant mili-o mayro sabh dukh johi-o.
my Husband Lord has met me, and He sees all my pains.

AWgin myrY soBw cMd ] (372-10)
aaNgan mayrai sobhaa chand.
Within the courtyard of my heart, the glory of the moon shines.

inis bwsur ipRA sMig Anµd ]2] (372-11)
nis baasur pari-a sang anand. ||2||
Night and day, I have fun with my Beloved. ||2||

bsqR hmwry rMig clUl ] (372-11)
bastar hamaaray rang chalool.
My clothes are dyed the deep crimson color of the poppy.

sgl AwBrx soBw kMiT PUl ] (372-11)
sagal aabhran sobhaa kanth fool.
All the ornaments and garlands around my neck adorn me.

ipRA pyKI idRsit pwey sgl inDwn ] (372-12)
pari-a paykhee darisat paa-ay sagal niDhaan.
Gazing upon my Beloved with my eyes, I have obtained all treasures;

dust dUq kI cUkI kwin ]3] (372-12)
dusat doot kee chookee kaan. ||3||
I have shaken off the power of the evil demons. ||3||

sd KusIAw sdw rMg mwxy ] (372-12)
sad khusee-aa sadaa rang maanay.
I have obtained eternal bliss, and I constantly celebrate.

nau iniD nwmu igRh mih iqRpqwny ] (372-13)
na-o niDh naam garih meh tariptaanay.
With the nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I am satisfied in my own home.

khu nwnk jau iprih sIgwrI ] (372-13)
kaho naanak ja-o pireh seegaaree.
Says Nanak, when the happy soul-bride is adorned by her Beloved,

iQru sohwgin sMig BqwrI ]4]7] (372-13)
thir sohaagan sang bhataaree. ||4||7||
she is forever happy with her Husband Lord. ||4||7||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (372-14)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

dwnu dyie kir pUjw krnw ] (372-14)
daan day-ay kar poojaa karnaa.
They give you donations and worship you.

lYq dyq aun@ mUkir prnw ] (372-14)
lait dayt unH mookar parnaa.
You take from them, and then deny that they have given anything to you.

ijqu dir qum@ hY bRwhmx jwxw ] (372-14)
jit dar tumH hai baraahman jaanaa.
That door, through which you must ultimately go, O Brahmin

iqqu dir qUMhI hY pCuqwxw ]1] (372-15)
tit dar tooNhee hai pachhutaanaa. ||1||
- at that door, you will come to regret and repent. ||1||

AYsy bRwhmx fUby BweI ] (372-15)
aisay baraahman doobay bhaa-ee.
Such Brahmins shall drown, O Siblings of Destiny;

inrwprwD icqvih buirAweI ]1] rhwau ] (372-15)
niraapraaDh chitvahi buri-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
they think of doing evil to the innocent. ||1||Pause||

AMqir loBu iPrih hlkwey ] (372-16)
antar lobh fireh halkaa-ay.
Within them is greed, and they wander around like mad dogs.

inMdw krih isir Bwru auTwey ] (372-16)
nindaa karahi sir bhaar uthaa-ay.
They slander others and carry loads of sin upon their heads.

mwieAw mUTw cyqY nwhI ] (372-16)
maa-i-aa moothaa chaytai naahee.
Intoxicated by Maya, they do not think of the Lord.

Brmy BUlw bhuqI rwhI ]2] (372-17)
bharmay bhoolaa bahutee raahee. ||2||
Deluded by doubt, they wander off on many paths. ||2||

bwhir ByK krih Gnyry ] (372-17)
baahar bhaykh karahi ghanayray.
Outwardly, they wear various religious robes,

AMqir ibiKAw auqrI Gyry ] (372-17)
antar bikhi-aa utree ghayray.
but within, they are enveloped by poison.

Avr aupdysY Awip n bUJY ] (372-18)
avar updaysai aap na boojhai.
They instruct others, but do not understand themselves.

AYsw bRwhmxu khI n sIJY ]3] (372-18)
aisaa baraahman kahee na seejhai. ||3||
Such Brahmins will never be emancipated. ||3||

mUrK bwmx pRBU smwil ] (372-18)
moorakh baaman parabhoo samaal.
O foolish Brahmin, reflect upon God.

dyKq sunq qyrY hY nwil ] (372-18)
daykhat sunat tayrai hai naal.
He watches and hears, and is always with you.

khu nwnk jy hovI Bwgu ] (372-19)
kaho naanak jay hovee bhaag.
Says Nanak, if this is your destiny,

mwnu Coif gur crxI lwgu ]4]8] (372-19)
maan chhod gur charnee laag. ||4||8||
renounce your pride, and grasp the Guru's Feet. ||4||8||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (372-19)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD