Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jij kwij prQwie suhweI ]1] rhwau ] (371-1)
jaj kaaj parthaa-ay suhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In worship, marriage and in the next world, such a soul-bride looks beautiful. ||1||Pause||

ijcru vsI ipqw kY swiQ ] (371-1)
jichar vasee pitaa kai saath.
As long as she lived with her father,

iqcru kMqu bhu iPrY audwis ] (371-1)
tichar kant baho firai udaas.
her Husband wandered around in sadness.

kir syvw sq purKu mnwieAw ] (371-2)
kar sayvaa sat purakh manaa-i-aa.
I served and surrendered to the Lord, the True Being;

guir AwxI Gr mih qw srb suK pwieAw ]2] (371-2)
gur aanee ghar meh taa sarab sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
the Guru brought my bride to my home, and I obtained total happiness. ||2||

bqIh sulKxI scu sMqiq pUq ] AwigAwkwrI suGV srUp ] (371-3)
bateeh sulakh-nee sach santat poot. aagi-aakaaree sugharh saroop.
She is blessed with all sublime attributes, and her generations are unblemished.

ieC pUry mn kMq suAwmI ] (371-3)
ichh pooray man kant su-aamee.
Her Husband, her Lord and Master, fulfills her heart's desires.

sgl sMqoKI dyr jyTwnI ]3] (371-4)
sagal santokhee dayr jaythaanee. ||3||
Hope and desire (my younger brother-in-law and sister-in-law) are now totally content. ||3||

sB prvwrY mwih sryst ] (371-4)
sabh parvaarai maahi saraysat.
She is the most noble of all the family.

mqI dyvI dyvr jyst ] (371-4)
matee dayvee dayvar jaysat.
She counsels and advises her hope and desire.

DMnu su igRhu ijqu pRgtI Awie ] (371-4)
Dhan so garihu jit pargatee aa-ay.
How blessed is that household, in which she has appeared.

jn nwnk suKy suiK ivhwie ]4]3] (371-5)
jan naanak sukhay sukh vihaa-ay. ||4||3||
O servant Nanak, she passes her time in perfect peace and comfort. ||4||3||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (371-5)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mqw krau so pkin n dyeI ] (371-5)
mataa kara-o so pakan na day-ee.
Whatever I resolve, she does not allow it to come to pass.

sIl sMjm kY inkit KloeI ] (371-6)
seel sanjam kai nikat khalo-ee.
She stands blocking the way of goodness and self-discipline.

vys kry bhu rUp idKwvY ] (371-6)
vays karay baho roop dikhaavai.
She wears many disguises, and assumes many forms,

igRih bsin n dyeI viK viK BrmwvY ]1] (371-6)
garihi basan na day-ee vakh vakh bharmaavai. ||1||
and she does not allow me to dwell in my own home. She forces me to wander around in different directions. ||1||

Gr kI nwieik Gr vwsu n dyvY ] (371-7)
ghar kee naa-ik ghar vaas na dayvai.
She has become the mistress of my home, and she does not allow me to live in it.

jqn krau aurJwie pryvY ]1] rhwau ] (371-7)
jatan kara-o urjhaa-ay parayvai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If I try, she fights with me. ||1||Pause||

Dur kI ByjI AweI Awmir ] (371-7)
Dhur kee bhayjee aa-ee aamar.
In the beginning, she was sent as a helper,

nau KMf jIqy siB Qwn Qnµqr ] (371-8)
na-o khand jeetay sabh thaan thanantar.
but she has overwhelmed the nine continents, all places and interspaces.

qit qIriQ n CofY jog sMinAws ] (371-8)
tat tirath na chhodai jog sanni-aas.
She has not spared even the river banks, the sacred shrines of pilgrimage, the Yogis and Sannyaasees,

piV Qwky isMimRiq byd AiBAws ]2] (371-8)
parh thaakay simrit bayd abhi-aas. ||2||
or those who tirelessly read the Simritees and study the Vedas. ||2||

jh bYsau qh nwly bYsY ] (371-9)
jah baisa-o tah naalay baisai.
Wherever I sit, she sits there with me.

sgl Bvn mih sbl pRvysY ] (371-9)
sagal bhavan meh sabal parvaysai.
She has imposed her power upon the whole world.

hoCI srix pieAw rhxu n pweI ] (371-9)
hochhee saran pa-i-aa rahan na paa-ee.
Seeking meager protection, I am not protected from her.

khu mIqw hau kY pih jweI ]3] (371-10)
kaho meetaa ha-o kai peh jaa-ee. ||3||
Tell me, O my friend: unto whom should I turn for protection? ||3||

suix aupdysu siqgur pih AwieAw ] (371-10)
sun updays satgur peh aa-i-aa.
I heard of His Teachings, and so I have come to the True Guru.

guir hir hir nwmu moih mMqRü idRVwieAw ] (371-11)
gur har har naam mohi mantar drirh-aa-i-aa.
The Guru has implanted the Mantra of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, within me.

inj Gir visAw gux gwie Anµqw ] (371-11)
nij ghar vasi-aa gun gaa-ay anantaa.
And now, I dwell in the home of my own inner self; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

pRBu imilE nwnk Bey AicMqw ]4] (371-11)
parabh mili-o naanak bha-ay achintaa. ||4||
I have met God, O Nanak, and I have become care-free. ||4||

Gru myrw ieh nwieik hmwrI ] (371-12)
ghar mayraa ih naa-ik hamaaree.
My home is now my own, and she is now my mistress.

ieh Awmir hm guir kIey drbwrI ]1] rhwau dUjw ]4]4] (371-12)
ih aamar ham gur kee-ay darbaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||4||4||
She is now my servant, and the Guru has made me intimate with the Lord. ||1||Second Pause||4||4||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (371-13)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

pRQmy mqw ij pqRI clwvau ] (371-13)
parathmay mataa je patree chalaava-o.
First, they advised me to send a letter.

duqIey mqw duie mwnuK phucwvau ] (371-13)
dutee-ay mataa du-ay maanukh pahuchaava-o.
Second, they advised me to send two men.

iqRqIey mqw ikCu krau aupwieAw ] (371-14)
taritee-ay mataa kichh kara-o upaa-i-aa.
Third, they advised me to make the effort and do something.

mY sBu ikCu Coif pRB quhI iDAwieAw ]1] (371-14)
mai sabh kichh chhod parabh tuhee Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||1||
But I have renounced everything, and I meditate only on You, God. ||1||

mhw Anµd AicMq shjwieAw ] (371-15)
mahaa anand achint sehjaa-i-aa.
Now, I am totally blissful, carefree and at ease.

dusmn dUq muey suKu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (371-15)
dusman doot mu-ay sukh paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The enemies and evil-doers have perished, and I have obtained peace. ||1||Pause||

siqguir mo kau dIAw aupdysu ] (371-16)
satgur mo ka-o dee-aa updays.
The True Guru has imparted the Teachings to me.

jIau ipMfu sBu hir kw dysu ] (371-16)
jee-o pind sabh har kaa days.
My soul, body and everything belong to the Lord.

jo ikCu krI su qyrw qwxu ] (371-16)
jo kichh karee so tayraa taan.
Whatever I do, is by Your Almighty Power.

qUM myrI Et qUMhY dIbwxu ]2] (371-16)
tooN mayree ot tooNhai deebaan. ||2||
You are my only Support, You are my only Court. ||2||

quDno Coif jweIAY pRB kYN Dir ] (371-17)
tuDhno chhod jaa-ee-ai parabh kaiN Dhar.
If I were to renounce You, God, unto whom could I turn?

Awn n bIAw qyrI smsir ] (371-17)
aan na bee-aa tayree samsar.
There is no other, comparable to You.

qyry syvk kau iks kI kwix ] (371-17)
tayray sayvak ka-o kis kee kaan.
Who else is Your servant to serve?

swkqu BUlw iPrY bybwix ]3] (371-18)
saakat bhoolaa firai baybaan. ||3||
The faithless cynics are deluded; they wander around in the wilderness. ||3||

qyrI vifAweI khI n jwie ] (371-18)
tayree vadi-aa-ee kahee na jaa-ay.
Your Glorious Greatness cannot be described.

jh kh rwiK lYih gil lwie ] (371-18)
jah kah raakh laihi gal laa-ay.
Wherever I am, you save me, hugging me close in Your embrace.

nwnk dws qyrI srxweI ] (371-19)
naanak daas tayree sarnaa-ee.
Nanak, Your slave, has entered Your Sanctuary.

pRiB rwKI pYj vjI vwDweI ]4]5] (371-19)
parabh raakhee paij vajee vaaDhaa-ee. ||4||5||
God has preserved his honor, and congratulations are pouring in. ||4||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD