Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


rwKu srix jgdIsur ipAwry moih srDw pUir hir gusweI ] (370-1)
raakh saran jagdeesur pi-aaray mohi sarDhaa poor har gusaa-ee.
Keep me under Your Protection, O Beloved Master of the Universe; fulfill my faith, O Lord of the World.

jn nwnk kY min Andu hoq hY hir drsnu inmK idKweI ]2]39]13]15]67] (370-2)
jan naanak kai man anad hot hai har darsan nimakh dikhaa-ee. ||2||39||13||15||67||
Servant Nanak's mind is filled with bliss, when he beholds the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, even for an instant. ||2||39||13||15||67||

rwgu Awsw Gru 2 mhlw 5 (370-4)
raag aasaa ghar 2 mehlaa 5
Raag Aasaa, Second House, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (370-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ijin lweI pRIiq soeI iPir KwieAw ] (370-5)
jin laa-ee pareet so-ee fir khaa-i-aa.
One who loves her, is ultimately devoured.

ijin suiK bYTwlI iqsu Bau bhuqu idKwieAw ] (370-5)
jin sukh baithaalee tis bha-o bahut dikhaa-i-aa.
One who seats her in comfort, is totally terrified by her.

BweI mIq kutMb dyiK ibbwdy ] (370-5)
bhaa-ee meet kutamb daykh bibaaday.
Siblings, friends and family, beholding her, argue.

hm AweI vsgiq gur prswdy ]1] (370-6)
ham aa-ee vasgat gur parsaaday. ||1||
But she has come under my control, by Guru's Grace. ||1||

AYsw dyiK ibmoihq hoey ] (370-6)
aisaa daykh bimohit ho-ay.
Beholding her, all are bewitched:

swiDk isD surdyv mnuKw ibnu swDU siB DRohin DRohy ]1] rhwau ] (370-6)
saaDhik siDh surdayv manukhaa bin saaDhoo sabh Dharohan Dharohay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
the strivers, the Siddhas, the demi-gods, angels and mortals. All, except the Saadhus, are deceived by her deception. ||1||Pause||

ieik iPrih audwsI iqn@ kwim ivAwpY ] (370-7)
ik fireh udaasee tinH kaam vi-aapai.
Some wander around as renunciates, but they are engrossed in sexual desire.

ieik sMcih igrhI iqn@ hoie n AwpY ] (370-8)
ik saNcheh girhee tinH ho-ay na aapai.
Some grow rich as householders, but she does not belong to them.

ieik sqI khwvih iqn@ bhuqu klpwvY ] (370-8)
ik satee kahaaveh tinH bahut kalpaapai.
Some call themselves men of charity, and she torments them terribly.

hm hir rwKy lig siqgur pwvY ]2] (370-8)
ham har raakhay lag satgur paavai. ||2||
The Lord has saved me, by attaching me to the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

qpu krqy qpsI BUlwey ] (370-9)
tap kartay tapsee bhoolaa-ay.
She leads astray the penitents who practice penance.

pMifq mohy loiB sbwey ] (370-9)
pandit mohay lobh sabaa-ay.
The scholarly Pandits are all seduced by greed.

qRY gux mohy moihAw Awkwsu ] (370-9)
tarai gun mohay mohi-aa aakaas.
The world of the three qualities is enticed, and the heavens are enticed.

hm siqgur rwKy dy kir hwQu ]3] (370-10)
ham satgur raakhay day kar haath. ||3||
The True Guru has saved me, by giving me His Hand. ||3||

igAwnI kI hoie vrqI dwis ] (370-10)
gi-aanee kee ho-ay vartee daas.
She is the slave of those who are spiritually wise.

kr joVy syvw kry Ardwis ] (370-10)
kar jorhay sayvaa karay ardaas.
With her palms pressed together, she serves them and offers her prayer:

jo qUM khih su kwr kmwvw ] (370-11)
jo tooN kaheh so kaar kamaavaa.
"Whatever you wish, that is what I shall do."

jn nwnk gurmuK nyiV n Awvw ]4]1] (370-11)
jan naanak gurmukh nayrh na aavaa. ||4||1||
O servant Nanak, she does not draw near to the Gurmukh. ||4||1||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (370-11)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ssU qy ipir kInI vwiK ] (370-12)
sasoo tay pir keenee vaakh.
I have been separated from my Beloved by Maya (my mother-in-law).

dyr ijTwxI mueI dUiK sMqwip ] (370-12)
dayr jithaanee mu-ee dookh santaap.
Hope and desire (my younger brother-in-law and sister-in-law) are dying of grief.

Gr ky ijTyry kI cUkI kwix ] (370-12)
ghar kay jithayray kee chookee kaan.
I am no longer swayed by the fear of Death (my elder brother-in-law).

ipir riKAw kInI suGV sujwix ]1] (370-12)
pir rakhi-aa keenee sugharh sujaan. ||1||
I am protected by my All-knowing, Wise Husband Lord. ||1||

sunhu lokw mY pRym rsu pwieAw ] (370-13)
sunhu lokaa mai paraym ras paa-i-aa.
Listen, O people: I have tasted the elixir of love.

durjn mwry vYrI sMGwry siqguir mo kau hir nwmu idvwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (370-13)
durjan maaray vairee sanghaaray satgur mo ka-o har naam divaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The evil ones are dead, and my enemies are destroyed. The True Guru has given me the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

pRQmy iqAwgI haumY pRIiq ] (370-14)
parathmay ti-aagee ha-umai pareet.
First, I renounced my egotistical love of myself.

duqIAw iqAwgI logw rIiq ] (370-14)
dutee-aa ti-aagee logaa reet.
Second, I renounced the ways of the world.

qRY gux iqAwig durjn mIq smwny ] (370-14)
tarai gun ti-aag durjan meet samaanay.
Renouncing the three qualities, I look alike upon friend and enemy.

qurIAw guxu imil swD pCwny ]2] (370-15)
turee-aa gun mil saaDh pachhaanay. ||2||
And then, the fourth state of bliss was revealed to me by the Holy One. ||2||

shj guPw mih Awsxu bwiDAw ] (370-15)
sahj gufaa meh aasan baaDhi-aa.
In the cave of celestial bliss, I have obtained a seat.

joiq srUp Anwhdu vwijAw ] (370-16)
jot saroop anaahad vaaji-aa.
The Lord of Light plays the unstruck melody of bliss.

mhw Anµdu gur sbdu vIcwir ] (370-16)
mahaa anand gur sabad veechaar.
I am in ecstasy, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ipRA isau rwqI Dn sohwgix nwir ]3] (370-16)
pari-a si-o raatee Dhan sohagan naar. ||3||
Imbued with my Beloved Husband Lord, I am the blessed, happy soul-bride. ||3||

jn nwnku boly bRhm bIcwru ] (370-17)
jan naanak bolay barahm beechaar.
Servant Nanak chants the wisdom of God;

jo suxy kmwvY su auqrY pwir ] (370-17)
jo sunay kamaavai so utrai paar.
one who listens and practices it, is carried across and saved.

jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ] (370-17)
janam na marai na aavai na jaa-ay.
He is not born, and he does not die; he does not come or go.

hir syqI Ehu rhY smwie ]4]2] (370-18)
har saytee oh rahai samaa-ay. ||4||2||
He remains blended with the Lord. ||4||2||

Awsw mhlw 5 ] (370-18)
aasaa mehlaa 5.
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

inj BgqI sIlvMqI nwir ] (370-18)
nij bhagtee seelvantee naar.
The bride shows such special devotion, and has such an agreeable disposition.

rUip AnUp pUrI Awcwir ] (370-18)
roop anoop pooree aachaar.
Her beauty is incomparable, and her character is perfect.

ijqu igRih vsY so igRhu soBwvMqw ] (370-19)
jit garihi vasai so garihu sobhaavantaa.
The house in which she dwells is such a praiseworthy house.

gurmuiK pweI iknY ivrlY jMqw ]1] (370-19)
gurmukh paa-ee kinai virlai jantaa. ||1||
But rare are those who, as Gurmukh, attain that state||1||

sukrxI kwmix gur imil hm pweI ] (370-19)
sukarnee kaaman gur mil ham paa-ee.
As the soul-bride of pure actions, I have met with the Guru.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD