Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qnu mnu Arpy siqgur srxweI ] (363-1)
tan man arpay satgur sarnaa-ee.
He dedicates his mind and body to the True Guru, and seeks His Sanctuary.

ihrdY nwmu vfI vifAweI ] (363-1)
hirdai naam vadee vadi-aa-ee.
His greatest greatness is that the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is in his heart.

sdw pRIqmu pRBu hoie sKweI ]1] (363-1)
sadaa pareetam parabh ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||1||
The Beloved Lord God is his constant companion. ||1||

so lwlw jIvqu mrY ] (363-2)
so laalaa jeevat marai.
He alone is the Lord's slave, who remains dead while yet alive.

sogu hrKu duie sm kir jwxY gur prswdI sbid auDrY ]1] rhwau ] (363-2)
sog harakh du-ay sam kar jaanai gur parsaadee sabad uDhrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He looks upon pleasure and pain alike; by Guru's Grace, he is saved through the Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

krxI kwr Durhu PurmweI ] (363-3)
karnee kaar Dharahu furmaa-ee.
He does his deeds according to the Lord's Primal Command.

ibnu sbdY ko Qwie n pweI ] (363-3)
bin sabdai ko thaa-ay na paa-ee.
Without the Shabad, no one is approved.

krxI kIriq nwmu vsweI ] (363-3)
karnee keerat naam vasaa-ee.
Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, the Naam abides within the mind.

Awpy dyvY iFl n pweI ]2] (363-4)
aapay dayvai dhil na paa-ee. ||2||
He Himself gives His gifts, without hesitation. ||2||

mnmuiK Brim BulY sMswru ] (363-4)
manmukh bharam bhulai sansaar.
The self-willed manmukh wanders around the world in doubt.

ibnu rwsI kUVw kry vwpwru ] (363-4)
bin raasee koorhaa karay vaapaar.
Without any capital, he makes false transactions.

ivxu rwsI vKru plY n pwie ] (363-4)
vin raasee vakhar palai na paa-ay.
Without any capital, he does not obtain any merchandise.

mnmuiK Bulw jnmu gvwie ]3] (363-5)
manmukh bhulaa janam gavaa-ay. ||3||
The mistaken manmukh wastes away his life. ||3||

siqguru syvy su lwlw hoie ] (363-5)
satgur sayvay so laalaa ho-ay.
One who serves the True Guru is the Lord's slave.

aUqm jwqI aUqmu soie ] (363-5)
ootam jaatee ootam so-ay.
His social status is exalted, and his reputation is exalted.

gur pauVI sB dU aUcw hoie ] (363-6)
gur pa-orhee sabh doo oochaa ho-ay.
Climbing the Guru's Ladder, he becomes the most exalted of all.

nwnk nwim vfweI hoie ]4]7]46] (363-6)
naanak naam vadaa-ee ho-ay. ||4||7||46||
O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, greatness is obtained. ||4||7||46||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (363-6)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

mnmuiK JUTo JUTu kmwvY ] (363-7)
manmukh jhootho jhooth kamaavai.
The self-willed manmukh practices falsehood, only falsehood.

KsmY kw mhlu kdy n pwvY ] (363-7)
khasmai kaa mahal kaday na paavai.
He never attains the Mansion of the Lord Presence.

dUjY lgI Brim BulwvY ] (363-7)
doojai lagee bharam bhulaavai.
Attached to duality, he wanders, deluded by doubt.

mmqw bwDw AwvY jwvY ]1] (363-7)
mamtaa baaDhaa aavai jaavai. ||1||
Entangled in worldly attachments, he comes and goes. ||1||

dohwgxI kw mn dyKu sIgwru ] (363-8)
duhaaganee kaa man daykh seegaar.
Behold, the decorations of the discarded bride!

puqR kliq Din mwieAw icqu lwey JUTu mohu pwKMf ivkwru ] rhwau ]1] (363-8)
putar kalat Dhan maa-i-aa chit laa-ay jhooth moh pakhand vikaar. rahaa-o. ||1||
Her consciousness is attached to children, spouse, wealth, and Maya, falsehood, emotional attachment, hypocrisy and corruption. ||1||Pause||

sdw sohwgix jo pRB BwvY ] (363-9)
sadaa sohagan jo parabh bhaavai.
She who is pleasing to God is forever a happy soul-bride.

gur sbdI sIgwru bxwvY ] (363-9)
gur sabdee seegaar banaavai.
She makes the Word of the Guru's Shabad her decoration.

syj suKwlI Anidnu hir rwvY ] (363-9)
sayj sukhaalee an-din har raavai.
Her bed is so comfortable; she enjoys her Lord, night and day.

imil pRIqm sdw suKu pwvY ]2] (363-10)
mil pareetam sadaa sukh paavai. ||2||
Meeting her Beloved, the obtains eternal peace. ||2||

sw sohwgix swcI ijsu swic ipAwru ] (363-10)
saa sohagan saachee jis saach pi-aar.
She is a true, virtuous soul-bride, who enshrines love for the True Lord.

Apxw ipru rwKY sdw aur Dwir ] (363-11)
apnaa pir raakhai sadaa ur Dhaar.
She keeps her Husband Lord always clasped to her heart.

nyVY vyKY sdw hdUir ] (363-11)
nayrhai vaykhai sadaa hadoor.
She sees Him near at hand, ever-present.

myrw pRBu srb rihAw BrpUir ]3] (363-11)
mayraa parabh sarab rahi-aa bharpoor. ||3||
My God is all-pervading everywhere. ||3||

AwgY jwiq rUpu n jwie ] (363-11)
aagai jaat roop na jaa-ay.
Social status and beauty will not go with you hereafter.

qyhw hovY jyhy krm kmwie ] (363-12)
tayhaa hovai jayhay karam kamaa-ay.
As are the deeds done here, so does one become.

sbdy aUco aUcw hoie ] (363-12)
sabday oocho oochaa ho-ay.
Through the Word of the Shabad, one becomes the highest of the high.

nwnk swic smwvY soie ]4]8]47] (363-12)
naanak saach samaavai so-ay. ||4||8||47||
O Nanak, he is absorbed in the True Lord. ||4||8||47||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (363-13)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

Bgiq rqw jnu shij suBwie ] (363-13)
bhagat rataa jan sahj subhaa-ay.
The Lord's humble servant is imbued with devotional love, effortlessly and spontaneously.

gur kY BY swcY swic smwie ] (363-13)
gur kai bhai saachai saach samaa-ay.
Through awe and fear of the Guru, he is truly absorbed in the True One.

ibnu gur pUry Bgiq n hoie ] (363-13)
bin gur pooray bhagat na ho-ay.
Without the Perfect Guru, devotional love is not obtained.

mnmuK ruMny ApnI piq Koie ]1] (363-14)
manmukh runnay apnee pat kho-ay. ||1||
The self-willed manmukhs lose their honor, and cry out in pain. ||1||

myry mn hir jip sdw iDAwie ] (363-14)
mayray man har jap sadaa Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, chant the Lord's Name, and meditate on Him forever.

sdw Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI jo ieCY soeI Plu pwie ]1] rhwau ] (363-14)
sadaa anand hovai din raatee jo ichhai so-ee fal paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall always be in ecstasy, day and night, and you shall obtain the fruits of your desires. ||1||Pause||

gur pUry qy pUrw pwey ] (363-15)
gur pooray tay pooraa paa-ay.
Through the Perfect Guru, the Perfect Lord is obtained,

ihrdY sbdu scu nwmu vswey ] (363-15)
hirdai sabad sach naam vasaa-ay.
and the Shabad, the True Name, is enshrined in the mind.

AMqru inrmlu AMimRq sir nwey ] (363-16)
antar nirmal amrit sar naa-ay.
One who bathes in the Pool of Ambrosial Nectar becomes immaculately pure within.

sdw sUcy swic smwey ]2] (363-16)
sadaa soochay saach samaa-ay. ||2||
He becomes forever sanctified, and is absorbed in the True Lord. ||2||

hir pRBu vyKY sdw hjUir ] (363-16)
har parabh vaykhai sadaa hajoor.
He sees the Lord God ever-present.

gur prswid rihAw BrpUir ] (363-17)
gur parsaad rahi-aa bharpoor.
By Guru's Grace, he sees the Lord permeating and pervading everywhere.

jhw jwau qh vyKw soie ] (363-17)
jahaa jaa-o tah vaykhaa so-ay.
Wherever I go, there I see Him.

gur ibnu dwqw Avru n koie ]3] (363-17)
gur bin daataa avar na ko-ay. ||3||
Without the Guru, there is no other Giver. ||3||

guru swgru pUrw BMfwr ] (363-18)
gur saagar pooraa bhandaar.
The Guru is the ocean, the perfect treasure,

aUqm rqn jvwhr Apwr ] (363-18)
ootam ratan javaahar apaar.
the most precious jewel and priceless ruby.

gur prswdI dyvxhwru ] (363-18)
gur parsaadee dayvanhaar.
By Guru's Grace, the Great Giver blesses us;

nwnk bKsy bKsxhwru ]4]9]48] (363-18)
naanak bakhsay bakhsanhaar. ||4||9||48||
O Nanak, the Forgiving Lord forgives us. ||4||9||48||

Awsw mhlw 3 ] (363-19)
aasaa mehlaa 3.
Aasaa, Third Mehl:

guru swieru siqguru scu soie ] (363-19)
gur saa-ir satgur sach so-ay.
The Guru is the Ocean; the True Guru is the Embodiment of Truth.

pUrY Bwig gur syvw hoie ] (363-19)
poorai bhaag gur sayvaa ho-ay.
Through perfect good destiny, one serves the Guru.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD