Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


bwbw jugqw jIau jugh jug jogI prm qMq mih jogM ] (360-1)
baabaa jugtaa jee-o jugah jug jogee param tant meh jogaN.
O father, the soul which is united in union as a Yogi, remains united in the supreme essence throughout the ages.

AMimRqu nwmu inrMjn pwieAw igAwn kwieAw rs BogM ]1] rhwau ] (360-1)
amrit naam niranjan paa-i-aa gi-aan kaa-i-aa ras bhogaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who has obtained the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Immaculate Lord - his body enjoys the pleasure of spiritual wisdom. ||1||Pause||

isv ngrI mih Awsix bYsau klp iqAwgI bwdM ] (360-2)
siv nagree meh aasan baisa-o kalap ti-aagee baadaN.
In the Lord's City, he sits in his Yogic posture, and he forsakes his desires and conflicts.

isM|I sbdu sdw Duin sohY Aihinis pUrY nwdM ]2] (360-2)
sinyee sabad sadaa Dhun sohai ahinis poorai naadaN. ||2||
The sound of the horn ever rings out its beautiful melody, and day and night, he is filled with the sound current of the Naad. ||2||

pqu vIcwru igAwn miq fMfw vrqmwn ibBUqM ] (360-3)
pat veechaar gi-aan mat dandaa varatmaan bibhootaN.
My cup is reflective meditation, and spiritual wisdom is my walking stick; to dwell in the Lord's Presence is the ashes I apply to my body.

hir kIriq rhrwis hmwrI gurmuiK pMQu AqIqM ]3] (360-3)
har keerat rahraas hamaaree gurmukh panth ateetaN. ||3||
The Praise of the Lord is my occupation; and to live as Gurmukh is my pure religion. ||3||

sglI joiq hmwrI sMimAw nwnw vrn AnykM ] (360-4)
saglee jot hamaaree sammi-aa naanaa varan anaykaN.
My arm-rest is to see the Lord's Light in all, although their forms and colors are so numerous.

khu nwnk suix BrQir jogI pwrbRhm ilv eykM ]4]3]37] (360-5)
kaho naanak sun bharthar jogee paarbarahm liv aykaN. ||4||3||37||
Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: love only the Supreme Lord God. ||4||3||37||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (360-5)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

guVu kir igAwnu iDAwnu kir DwvY kir krxI ksu pweIAY ] (360-5)
gurh kar gi-aan Dhi-aan kar Dhaavai kar karnee kas paa-ee-ai.
Make spiritual wisdom your molasses, and meditation your scented flowers; let good deeds be the herbs.

BwTI Bvnu pRym kw pocw iequ ris Aimau cuAweIAY ]1] (360-6)
bhaathee bhavan paraym kaa pochaa it ras ami-o chu-aa-ee-ai. ||1||
Let devotional faith be the distilling fire, and your love the ceramic cup. Thus the sweet nectar of life is distilled. ||1||

bwbw mnu mqvwro nwm rsu pIvY shj rMg ric rihAw ] (360-7)
baabaa man matvaaro naam ras peevai sahj rang rach rahi-aa.
O Baba, the mind is intoxicated with the Naam, drinking in its Nectar. It remains absorbed in the Lord's Love.

Aihinis bnI pRym ilv lwgI sbdu Anwhd gihAw ]1] rhwau ] (360-7)
ahinis banee paraym liv laagee sabad anaahad gahi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Night and day, remaining attached to the Love of the Lord, the celestial music of the Shabad resounds. ||1||Pause||

pUrw swcu ipAwlw shjy iqsih pIAwey jw kau ndir kry ] (360-8)
pooraa saach pi-aalaa sehjay tiseh pee-aa-ay jaa ka-o nadar karay.
The Perfect Lord naturally gives the cup of Truth, to the one upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace.

AMimRq kw vwpwrI hovY ikAw mid CUCY Bwau Dry ]2] (360-9)
amrit kaa vaapaaree hovai ki-aa mad chhoochhai bhaa-o Dharay. ||2||
One who trades in this Nectar - how could he ever love the wine of the world? ||2||

gur kI swKI AMimRq bwxI pIvq hI prvwxu BieAw ] (360-9)
gur kee saakhee amrit banee peevat hee parvaan bha-i-aa.
The Teachings of the Guru, the Ambrosial Bani - drinking them in, one becomes acceptable and renowned.

dr drsn kw pRIqmu hovY mukiq bYkuMTY krY ikAw ]3] (360-10)
dar darsan kaa pareetam hovai mukat baikunthay karai ki-aa. ||3||
Unto the one who loves the Lord's Court, and the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, of what use is liberation or paradise? ||3||

isPqI rqw sd bYrwgI jUAY jnmu n hwrY ] (360-10)
siftee rataa sad bairaagee joo-ai janam na haarai.
Imbued with the Lord's Praises, one is forever a Bairaagee, a renunciate, and one's life is not lost in the gamble.

khu nwnk suix BrQir jogI KIvw AMimRq DwrY ]4]4]38] (360-11)
kaho naanak sun bharthar jogee kheevaa amrit Dhaarai. ||4||4||38||
Says Nanak, listen, O Bharthari Yogi: drink in the intoxicating nectar of the Lord. ||4||4||38||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (360-12)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

Kurwswn Ksmwnw kIAw ihMdusqwnu frwieAw ] (360-12)
khuraasaan khasmaanaa kee-aa hindusataan daraa-i-aa.
Having attacked Khuraasaan, Baabar terrified Hindustan.

AwpY dosu n dyeI krqw jmu kir muglu cVwieAw ] (360-12)
aapai dos na day-ee kartaa jam kar mugal charhaa-i-aa.
The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mugal as the messenger of death.

eyqI mwr peI krlwxy qYN kI drdu n AwieAw ]1] (360-13)
aytee maar pa-ee karlaanay taiN kee darad na aa-i-aa. ||1||
There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. Didn't You feel compassion, Lord? ||1||

krqw qUM sBnw kw soeI ] (360-13)
kartaa tooN sabhnaa kaa so-ee.
O Creator Lord, You are the Master of all.

jy skqw skqy kau mwry qw min rosu n hoeI ]1] rhwau ] (360-14)
jay saktaa saktay ka-o maaray taa man ros na ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If some powerful man strikes out against another man, then no one feels any grief in their mind. ||1||Pause||

skqw sIhu mwry pY vgY KsmY sw pursweI ] (360-14)
saktaa seehu maaray pai vagai khasmai saa pursaa-ee.
But if a powerful tiger attacks a flock of sheep and kills them, then its master must answer for it.

rqn ivgwiV ivgoey kuqˆØI muieAw swr n kweI ] (360-15)
ratan vigaarh vigo-ay kuteeN mu-i-aa saar na kaa-ee.
This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs, and no one pays any attention to the dead.

Awpy joiV ivCoVy Awpy vyKu qyrI vifAweI ]2] (360-15)
aapay jorh vichhorhay aapay vaykh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate; I gaze upon Your Glorious Greatness. ||2||

jy ko nwau Drwey vfw swd kry min Bwxy ] (360-16)
jay ko naa-o Dharaa-ay vadaa saad karay man bhaanay.
One may give himself a great name, and revel in the pleasures of the mind,

KsmY ndrI kIVw AwvY jyqy cugY dwxy ] (360-16)
khasmai nadree keerhaa aavai jaytay chugai daanay.
but in the Eyes of the Lord and Master, he is just a worm, for all the corn that he eats.

mir mir jIvY qw ikCu pwey nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]3]5]39] (360-17)
mar mar jeevai taa kichh paa-ay naanak naam vakhaanay. ||3||5||39||
Only one who dies to his ego while yet alive, obtains the blessings, O Nanak, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||3||5||39||

rwgu Awsw Gru 2 mhlw 3 (360-18)
raag aasaa ghar 2 mehlaa 3
Raag Aasaa, Second House, Third Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (360-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir drsnu pwvY vfBwig ] (360-19)
har darsan paavai vadbhaag.
The Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan is obtained by great good fortune.

gur kY sbid scY bYrwig ] (360-19)
gur kai sabad sachai bairaag.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, true detachment is obtained.

Ktu drsnu vrqY vrqwrw ] (360-19)
khat darsan vartai vartaaraa.
The six systems of philosophy are pervasive,


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD