Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awsw Gru 5 mhlw 1 (359-1)
aasaa ghar 5 mehlaa 1
Aasaa, Fifth House, First Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (359-2)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

BIqir pMc gupq min vwsy ] (359-2)
bheetar panch gupat man vaasay.
The five evil passions dwell hidden within the mind.

iQru n rhih jYsy Bvih audwsy ]1] (359-2)
thir na raheh jaisay bhaveh udaasay. ||1||
They do not remain still, but move around like wanderers. ||1||

mnu myrw dieAwl syqI iQru n rhY ] (359-2)
man mayraa da-i-aal saytee thir na rahai.
My soul does not stay held by the Merciful Lord.

loBI kptI pwpI pwKMfI mwieAw AiDk lgY ]1] rhwau ] (359-3)
lobhee kaptee paapee paakhandee maa-i-aa aDhik lagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is greedy, deceitful, sinful and hypocritical, and totally attached to Maya. ||1||Pause||

PUl mwlw gil pihraugI hwro ] (359-4)
fool maalaa gal pahir-ugee haaro.
I will decorate my neck with garlands of flowers.

imlYgw pRIqmu qb kraugI sIgwro ]2] (359-4)
milaigaa pareetam tab kar-ugee seegaaro. ||2||
When I meet my Beloved, then I will put on my decorations. ||2||

pMc sKI hm eyku Bqwro ] (359-4)
panch sakhee ham ayk bhataaro.
I have five companions and one Spouse.

pyif lgI hY jIAVw cwlxhwro ]3] (359-5)
payd lagee hai jee-arhaa chaalanhaaro. ||3||
It is ordained from the very beginning, that the soul must ultimately depart. ||3||

pMc sKI imil rudnu kryhw ] (359-5)
panch sakhee mil rudan karayhaa.
The five companions will lament together.

swhu pjUqw pRxviq nwnk lyKw dyhw ]4]1]34] (359-5)
saahu pajootaa paranvat naanak laykhaa dayhaa. ||4||1||34||
When the soul is trapped, prays Nanak, it is called to account. ||4||1||34||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (359-7)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw Gru 6 mhlw 1 ] (359-8)
aasaa ghar 6 mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, Sixth House, First Mehl:

mnu moqI jy ghxw hovY pauxu hovY sUq DwrI ] (359-8)
man motee jay gahnaa hovai pa-un hovai soot Dhaaree.
If the pearl of the mind is strung like a jewel on the thread of the breath,

iKmw sIgwru kwmix qin pihrY rwvY lwl ipAwrI ]1] (359-8)
khimaa seegaar kaaman tan pahirai raavai laal pi-aaree. ||1||
and the soul-bride adorns her body with compassion, then the Beloved Lord will enjoy His lovely bride. ||1||

lwl bhu guix kwmix mohI ] (359-9)
laal baho gun kaaman mohee.
O my Love, I am fascinated by Your many glories;

qyry gux hoih n AvrI ]1] rhwau ] (359-9)
tayray gun hohi na avree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Glorious Virtues are not found in any other. ||1||Pause||

hir hir hwru kMiT ly pihrY dwmodru dMqu lyeI ] (359-10)
har har haar kanth lay pahirai daamodar dant lay-ee.
If the bride wears the garland of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, around her neck, and if she uses the toothbrush of the Lord;

kr kir krqw kMgn pihrY ien ibiD icqu DryeI ]2] (359-10)
kar kar kartaa kangan pahirai in biDh chit Dharay-ee. ||2||
and if she fashions and wears the bracelet of the Creator Lord around her wrist, then she shall hold her consciousness steady. ||2||

mDusUdnu kr muMdrI pihrY prmysru ptu lyeI ] (359-11)
maDhusoodan kar mundree pahirai parmaysar pat lay-ee.
She should make the Lord, the Slayer of demons, her ring, and take the Transcendent Lord as her silken clothes.

DIrju DVI bMDwvY kwmix sRIrMgu surmw dyeI ]3] (359-11)
Dheeraj Dharhee banDhaavai kaaman sareerang surmaa day-ee. ||3||
The soul-bride should weave patience into the braids of her hair, and apply the lotion of the Lord, the Great Lover. ||3||

mn mMdir jy dIpku jwly kwieAw syj kryeI ] (359-12)
man mandar jay deepak jaalay kaa-i-aa sayj karay-ee.
If she lights the lamp in the mansion of her mind, and makes her body the bed of the Lord,

igAwn rwau jb syjY AwvY q nwnk Bogu kryeI ]4]1]35] (359-12)
gi-aan raa-o jab sayjai aavai ta naanak bhog karay-ee. ||4||1||35||
then, when the King of spiritual wisdom comes to her bed, He shall take her, and enjoy her. ||4||1||35||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (359-13)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

kIqw hovY kry krwieAw iqsu ikAw khIAY BweI ] (359-13)
keetaa hovai karay karaa-i-aa tis ki-aa kahee-ai bhaa-ee.
The created being acts as he is made to act; what can be said to him, O Siblings of Destiny?

jo ikCu krxw so kir rihAw kIqy ikAw cqurweI ]1] (359-14)
jo kichh karnaa so kar rahi-aa keetay ki-aa chaturaa-ee. ||1||
Whatever the Lord is to do, He is doing; what cleverness could be used to affect Him? ||1||

qyrw hukmu Blw quDu BwvY ] (359-14)
tayraa hukam bhalaa tuDh bhaavai.
The Order of Your Will is so sweet, O Lord; this is pleasing to You.

nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI swcy nwim smwvY ]1] rhwau ] (359-14)
naanak taa ka-o milai vadaa-ee saachay naam samaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O Nanak, he alone is honored with greatness, who is absorbed in the True Name. ||1||Pause||

ikrqu pieAw prvwxw iliKAw bwhuiV hukmu n hoeI ] (359-15)
kirat pa-i-aa parvaanaa likhi-aa baahurh hukam na ho-ee.
The deeds are done according to pre-ordained destiny; no one can turn back this Order.

jYsw iliKAw qYsw piVAw myit n skY koeI ]2] (359-16)
jaisaa likhi-aa taisaa parhi-aa mayt na sakai ko-ee. ||2||
As it is written, so it comes to pass; no one can erase it. ||2||

jy ko drgh bhuqw bolY nwau pvY bwjwrI ] (359-16)
jay ko dargeh bahutaa bolai naa-o pavai baajaaree.
He who talks on and on in the Lord's Court is known as a joker.

sqrMj bwjI pkY nwhI kcI AwvY swrI ]3] (359-17)
satranj baajee pakai naahee kachee aavai saaree. ||3||
He is not successful in the game of chess, and his chessmen do not reach their goal. ||3||

nw ko piVAw pMifqu bInw nw ko mUrKu mMdw ] (359-17)
naa ko parhi-aa pandit beenaa naa ko moorakh mandaa.
By himself, no one is literate, learned or wise; no one is ignorant or evil.

bMdI AMdir isPiq krwey qw kau khIAY bMdw ]4]2]36] (359-18)
bandee andar sifat karaa-ay taa ka-o kahee-ai bandaa. ||4||2||36||
When, as a slave, one praises the Lord, only then is he known as a human being. ||4||2||36||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (359-18)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

gur kw sbdu mnY mih muMdRw iKMQw iKmw hFwvau ] (359-18)
gur kaa sabad manai meh mundraa khinthaa khimaa hadhaava-o.
Let the Word of the Guru's Shabad be the ear-rings in your mind, and wear the patched coat of tolerance.

jo ikCu krY Blw kir mwnau shj jog iniD pwvau ]1] (359-19)
jo kichh karai bhalaa kar maan-o sahj jog niDh paava-o. ||1||
Whatever the Lord does, look upon that as good; thus you shall obtain the treasure of Sehj Yoga. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD