Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


<> siqgur pRswid ] (358-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw Gru 3 mhlw 1 ] (358-1)
aasaa ghar 3 mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, Third House, First Mehl:

lK lskr lK vwjy nyjy lK auiT krih slwmu ] (358-1)
lakh laskar lakh vaajay nayjay lakh uth karahi salaam.
You may have thousands of armies, thousands of marching bands and lances, and thousands of men to rise and salute you.

lKw aupir Purmwieis qyrI lK auiT rwKih mwnu ] (358-2)
lakhaa upar furmaa-is tayree lakh uth raakhahi maan.
Your rule may extend over thousands of miles, and thousands of men may rise to honor you.

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW siB inrwPl kwm ]1] (358-2)
jaaN pat laykhai naa pavai taaN sabh niraafal kaam. ||1||
But, if your honor is of no account to the Lord, then all of your ostentatious show is useless. ||1||

hir ky nwm ibnw jgu DMDw ] (358-3)
har kay naam binaa jag DhanDhaa.
Without the Name of the Lord, the world is in turmoil.

jy bhuqw smJweIAY Bolw BI so AMDo AMDw ]1] rhwau ] (358-3)
jay bahutaa samjaa-ee-ai bholaa bhee so anDho anDhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Even though the fool may be taught again and again, he remains the blindest of the blind. ||1||Pause||

lK KtIAih lK sMjIAih Kwjih lK Awvih lK jwih ] (358-3)
lakh khatee-ah lakh sanjee-ah khaajeh lakh aavahi lakh jaahi.
You may earn thousands, collect thousands, and spend thousands of dollars; thousands may come, and thousands may go.

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW jIA ikQY iPir pwih ]2] (358-4)
jaaN pat laykhai naa pavai taaN jee-a kithai fir paahi. ||2||
But, if your honor is of no account to the Lord, then where will you go to find a safe haven? ||2||

lK swsq smJwvxI lK pMifq pVih purwx ] (358-5)
lakh saasat samjhaavanee lakh pandit parheh puraan.
Thousands of Shaastras may be explained to the mortal, and thousands of Pandits may read the Puraanas to him;

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW sBy kuprvwx ]3] (358-5)
jaaN pat laykhai naa pavai taaN sabhay kuparvaan. ||3||
but, if his honor is of no account to the Lord, then all of this is unacceptable. ||3||

sc nwim piq aUpjY krim nwmu krqwru ] (358-6)
sach naam pat oopjai karam naam kartaar.
Honor comes from the True Name, the Name of the Merciful Creator.

Aihinis ihrdY jy vsY nwnk ndrI pwru ]4]1]31] (358-6)
ahinis hirdai jay vasai naanak nadree paar. ||4||1||31||
If it abides in the heart, day and night, O Nanak, then the mortal shall swim across, by His Grace. ||4||1||31||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (358-7)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

dIvw myrw eyku nwmu duKu ivic pwieAw qylu ] (358-7)
deevaa mayraa ayk naam dukh vich paa-i-aa tayl.
The One Name is my lamp; I have put the oil of suffering into it.

auin cwnix Ehu soiKAw cUkw jm isau mylu ]1] (358-7)
un chaanan oh sokhi-aa chookaa jam si-o mayl. ||1||
Its flame has dried up this oil, and I have escaped my meeting with the Messenger of Death. ||1||

lokw mq ko PkiV pwie ] (358-8)
lokaa mat ko fakarh paa-ay.
O people, do not make fun of me.

lK miVAw kir eykTy eyk rqI ly Bwih ]1] rhwau ] (358-8)
lakh marhi-aa kar aykthay ayk ratee lay bhaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Thousands of wooden logs, piled up together, need only a tiny flame to burn. ||1||Pause||

ipMfu pqil myrI kysau ikirAw scu nwmu krqwru ] (358-9)
pind patal mayree kaysa-o kiri-aa sach naam kartaar.
The Lord is my festive dish, of rice balls on leafy plates; the True Name of the Creator Lord is my funeral ceremony.

AYQY EQY AwgY pwCY eyhu myrw AwDwru ]2] (358-9)
aithai othai aagai paachhai ayhu mayraa aaDhaar. ||2||
Here and hereafter, in the past and in the future, this is my support. ||2||

gMg bnwris isPiq qumwrI nwvY Awqm rwau ] (358-9)
gang banaaras sifat tumaaree naavai aatam raa-o.
The Lord's Praise is my River Ganges and my city of Benares; my soul takes its sacred cleansing bath there.

scw nwvxu qW QIAY jW Aihinis lwgY Bwau ]3] (358-10)
sachaa naavan taaN thee-ai jaaN ahinis laagai bhaa-o. ||3||
That becomes my true cleansing bath, if night and day, I enshrine love for You. ||3||

iek lokI horu CimCrI bRwhmxu vit ipMfu Kwie ] (358-10)
ik lokee hor chhamichharee baraahman vat pind khaa-ay.
The rice balls are offered to the gods and the dead ancestors, but it is the Brahmins who eat them!

nwnk ipMfu bKsIs kw kbhUM inKUtis nwih ]4]2]32] (358-11)
naanak pind bakhsees kaa kabahooN nikhootas naahi. ||4||2||32||
O Nanak, the rice balls of the Lord are a gift which is never exhausted. ||4||2||32||

Awsw Gru 4 mhlw 1 (358-12)
aasaa ghar 4 mehlaa 1
Aasaa, Fourth House, First Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (358-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

dyviqAw drsn kY qweI dUK BUK qIrQ kIey ] (358-13)
dayviti-aa darsan kai taa-ee dookh bhookh tirath kee-ay.
The Gods, yearning for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, suffered through pain and hunger at the sacred shrines.

jogI jqI jugiq mih rhqy kir kir Bgvy ByK Bey ]1] (358-13)
jogee jatee jugat meh rahtay kar kar bhagvay bhaykh bha-ay. ||1||
The yogis and the celibates live their disciplined lifestyle, while others wear saffron robes and become hermits. ||1||

qau kwrix swihbw rMig rqy ] (358-14)
ta-o kaaran saahibaa rang ratay.
For Your sake, O Lord Master, they are imbued with love.

qyry nwm Anykw rUp Anµqw khxu n jwhI qyry gux kyqy ]1] rhwau ] (358-14)
tayray naam anaykaa roop anantaa kahan na jaahee tayray gun kaytay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Names are so many, and Your Forms are endless. No one can tell how may Glorious Virtues You have. ||1||Pause||

dr Gr mhlw hsqI GoVy Coif ivlwieiq dys gey ] (358-15)
dar ghar mehlaa hastee ghorhay chhod vilaa-it days ga-ay.
Leaving behind hearth and home, palaces, elephants, horses and native lands, mortals have journeyed to foreign lands.

pIr pykWbr swilk swidk CofI dunIAw Qwie pey ]2] (358-15)
peer paykaaNbar saalik saadik chhodee dunee-aa thaa-ay pa-ay. ||2||
The spiritual leaders, prophets, seers and men of faith renounced the world, and became acceptable. ||2||

swd shj suK rs ks qjIAly kwpV Cofy cmV lIey ] (358-16)
saad sahj sukh ras kas tajee-alay kaaparh chhoday chamarh lee-ay.
Renouncing tasty delicacies, comfort, happiness and pleasures, some have abandoned their clothes and now wear skins.

duKIey drdvMd dir qyrY nwim rqy drvys Bey ]3] (358-17)
dukhee-ay daradvand dar tayrai naam ratay darvays bha-ay. ||3||
Those who suffer in pain, imbued with Your Name, have become beggars at Your Door. ||3||

KlVI KprI lkVI cmVI isKw sUqu DoqI kIn@I ] (358-17)
khalrhee khapree lakrhee chamrhee sikhaa soot Dhotee keenHee.
Some wear skins, and carry begging bowls, bearing wooden staffs, and sitting on deer skins. Others raise their hair in tufts and wear sacred threads and loin-cloths.

qUM swihbu hau sWgI qyrw pRxvY nwnku jwiq kYsI ]4]1]33] (358-18)
tooN saahib ha-o saaNgee tayraa paranvai naanak jaat kaisee. ||4||1||33||
You are the Lord Master, I am just Your puppet. Prays Nanak, what is my social status to be? ||4||1||33||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD