Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Awpu bIcwir mwir mnu dyiKAw qum sw mIqu n Avru koeI ] (356-1)
aap beechaar maar man daykhi-aa tum saa meet na avar ko-ee.
Reflecting upon my self, and conquering my mind, I have seen that there is no other friend like You.

ijau qUM rwKih iqv hI rhxw duKu suKu dyvih krih soeI ]3] (356-2)
ji-o tooN raakhahi tiv hee rahnaa dukh sukh dayveh karahi so-ee. ||3||
As You keep me, so do I live. You are the Giver of peace and pleasure. Whatever You do, comes to pass. ||3||

Awsw mnsw doaU ibnwsq iqRhu gux Aws inrws BeI ] (356-2)
aasaa mansaa do-oo binaasat tarihu gun aas niraas bha-ee.
Hope and desire have both been dispelled; I have renounced my longing for the three qualities.

qurIAwvsQw gurmuiK pweIAY sMq sBw kI Et lhI ]4] (356-3)
turee-aavasthaa gurmukh paa-ee-ai sant sabhaa kee ot lahee. ||4||
The Gurmukh obtains the state of ecstasy, taking to the Shelter of the Saints' Congregation. ||4||

igAwn iDAwn sgly siB jp qp ijsu hir ihrdY AlK AByvw ] (356-4)
gi-aan Dhi-aan saglay sabh jap tap jis har hirdai alakh abhayvaa.
All wisdom and meditation, all chanting and penance, come to one whose heart is filled with the Invisible, Inscrutable Lord.

nwnk rwm nwim mnu rwqw gurmiq pwey shj syvw ]5]22] (356-4)
naanak raam naam man raataa gurmat paa-ay sahj sayvaa. ||5||22||
O Nanak, one whose mind is imbued with the Lord's Name, finds the Guru's Teachings, and intuitively serves. ||5||22||

Awsw mhlw 1 pMcpdy ] (356-5)
aasaa mehlaa 1 panchpaday.
Aasaa, First Mehl, Panch-Padas:

mohu kutMbu mohu sB kwr ] (356-5)
moh kutamb moh sabh kaar.
Your attachment to your family, your attachment to all your affairs

mohu qum qjhu sgl vykwr ]1] (356-5)
moh tum tajahu sagal vaykaar. ||1||
- renounce all your attachments, for they are all corrupt. ||1||

mohu Aru Brmu qjhu qum@ bIr ] (356-6)
moh ar bharam tajahu tumH beer.
Renounce your attachments and doubts, O brother,

swcu nwmu irdy rvY srIr ]1] rhwau ] (356-6)
saach naam riday ravai sareer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and dwell upon the True Name within your heart and body. ||1||Pause||

scu nwmu jw nv iniD pweI ] (356-7)
sach naam jaa nav niDh paa-ee.
When one receives the nine treasures of the True Name,

rovY pUqu n klpY mweI ]2] (356-7)
rovai poot na kalpai maa-ee. ||2||
his children do not weep, and his mother does not grieve. ||2||

eyqu moih fUbw sMswru ] (356-7)
ayt mohi doobaa sansaar.
In this attachment, the world is drowning.

gurmuiK koeI auqrY pwir ]3] (356-7)
gurmukh ko-ee utrai paar. ||3||
Few are the Gurmukhs who swim across. ||3||

eyqu moih iPir jUnI pwih ] (356-8)
ayt mohi fir joonee paahi.
In this attachment, people are reincarnated over and over again.

mohy lwgw jm puir jwih ]4] (356-8)
mohay laagaa jam pur jaahi. ||4||
Attached to emotional attachment, they go to the city of Death. ||4||

gur dIiKAw ly jpu qpu kmwih ] (356-8)
gur deekhi-aa lay jap tap kamaahi.
You have received the Guru's Teachings - now practice meditation and penance.

nw mohu qUtY nw Qwie pwih ]5] (356-9)
naa moh tootai naa thaa-ay paahi. ||5||
If attachment is not broken, no one is approved. ||5||

ndir kry qw eyhu mohu jwie ] (356-9)
nadar karay taa ayhu moh jaa-ay.
But if He bestows His Glance of Grace, then this attachment departs.

nwnk hir isau rhY smwie ]6]23] (356-9)
naanak har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||6||23||
O Nanak, then one remains merged in the Lord. ||6||23||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (356-10)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

Awip kry scu AlK Apwru ] (356-10)
aap karay sach alakh apaar.
He Himself does everything, the True, Invisible, Infinite Lord.

hau pwpI qUM bKsxhwru ]1] (356-10)
ha-o paapee tooN bakhsanhaar. ||1||
I am a sinner, You are the Forgiver. ||1||

qyrw Bwxw sBu ikCu hovY ] (356-11)
tayraa bhaanaa sabh kichh hovai.
By Your Will, everything comes to pass.

mnhiT kIcY AMiq ivgovY ]1] rhwau ] (356-11)
manhath keechai ant vigovai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who acts in stubborn-mindedness is ruined in the end. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK kI miq kUiV ivAwpI ] (356-11)
manmukh kee mat koorh vi-aapee.
The intellect of the self-willed manmukh is engrossed in falsehood.

ibnu hir ismrx pwip sMqwpI ]2] (356-12)
bin har simran paap santaapee. ||2||
Without the meditative remembrance of the Lord, it suffers in sin. ||2||

durmiq iqAwig lwhw ikCu lyvhu ] (356-12)
durmat ti-aag laahaa kichh layvhu.
Renounce evil-mindedness, and you shall reap the rewards.

jo aupjY so AlK AByvhu ]3] (356-12)
jo upjai so alakh abhayvhu. ||3||
Whoever is born, comes through the Unknowable and Mysterious Lord. ||3||

AYsw hmrw sKw shweI ] (356-13)
aisaa hamraa sakhaa sahaa-ee.
Such is my Friend and Companion;

gur hir imilAw Bgiq idRVweI ]4] (356-13)
gur har mili-aa bhagat darirhaa-ee. ||4||
meeting with the Guru, the Lord, devotion was implanted within me. ||4||

sglˆØI saudˆØI qotw AwvY ] (356-13)
sagleeN sa-odeeN totaa aavai.
In all other transactions, one suffers loss.

nwnk rwm nwmu min BwvY ]5]24] (356-14)
naanak raam naam man bhaavai. ||5||24||
The Name of the Lord is pleasing to Nanak's mind. ||5||24||

Awsw mhlw 1 caupdy ] (356-14)
aasaa mehlaa 1 cha-upday.
Aasaa, First Mehl, Chau-Padas:

ividAw vIcwrI qW praupkwrI ] (356-14)
vidi-aa veechaaree taaN par-upkaaree.
Contemplate and reflect upon knowledge, and you will become a benefactor to others.

jW pMc rwsI qW qIrQ vwsI ]1] (356-15)
jaaN panch raasee taaN tirath vaasee. ||1||
When you conquer the five passions, then you shall come to dwell at the sacred shrine of pilgrimage. ||1||

GuMGrU vwjY jy mnu lwgY ] (356-15)
ghunghroo vaajai jay man laagai.
You shall hear the vibrations of the tinkling bells, when your mind is held steady.

qau jmu khw kry mo isau AwgY ]1] rhwau ] (356-15)
ta-o jam kahaa karay mo si-o aagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So what can the Messenger of Death do to me hereafter? ||1||Pause||

Aws inrwsI qau sMinAwsI ] (356-16)
aas niraasee ta-o sani-aasee.
When you abandon hope and desire, then you become a true Sannyaasi.

jW jqu jogI qW kwieAw BogI ]2] (356-16)
jaaN jat jogee taaN kaa-i-aa bhogee. ||2||
When the Yogi practices abstinence, then he enjoys his body. ||2||

dieAw idgMbru dyh bIcwrI ] (356-16)
da-i-aa digambar dayh beechaaree.
Through compassion, the naked hermit reflects upon his inner self.

Awip mrY Avrw nh mwrI ]3] (356-17)
aap marai avraa nah maaree. ||3||
He slays his own self, instead of slaying others. ||3||

eyku qU hoir vys bhuqyry ] (356-17)
ayk too hor vays bahutayray.
You, O Lord, are the One, but You have so many Forms.

nwnku jwxY coj n qyry ]4]25] (356-17)
naanak jaanai choj na tayray. ||4||25||
Nanak does not know Your wondrous plays. ||4||25||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (356-18)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

eyk n BrIAw gux kir Dovw ] (356-18)
ayk na bharee-aa gun kar Dhovaa.
I am not stained by only one sin, that could be washed clean by virtue.

myrw shu jwgY hau inis Bir sovw ]1] (356-18)
mayraa saho jaagai ha-o nis bhar sovaa. ||1||
My Husband Lord is awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||

ieau ikau kMq ipAwrI hovw ] (356-19)
i-o ki-o kant pi-aaree hovaa.
In this way, how can I become dear to my Husband Lord?

shu jwgY hau ins Bir sovw ]1] rhwau ] (356-19)
saho jaagai ha-o nis bhar sovaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Husband Lord remains awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD