Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


AYsw gurmiq rmqu srIrw ] (354-1)
aisaa gurmat ramat sareeraa.
Through the Guru's Teachings, realize that He is pervading in all bodies;

hir Bju myry mn gihr gMBIrw ]1] rhwau ] (354-1)
har bhaj mayray man gahir gambheeraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O my soul, vibrate on the Profound, Unfathomable Lord. ||1||Pause||

Anq qrMg Bgiq hir rMgw ] (354-2)
anat tarang bhagat har rangaa.
Loving devotion to the Lord brings endless waves of joy and delight.

Anidnu sUcy hir gux sMgw ] (354-2)
an-din soochay har gun sangaa.
One who dwells with the Glorious Praises of the Lord, night and day, is sanctified.

imiQAw jnmu swkq sMswrw ] (354-2)
mithi-aa janam saakat sansaaraa.
The birth into the world of the faithless cynic is totally useless.

rwm Bgiq jnu rhY inrwrw ]2] (354-2)
raam bhagat jan rahai niraaraa. ||2||
The humble devotee of the Lord remains unattached. ||2||

sUcI kwieAw hir gux gwieAw ] (354-3)
soochee kaa-i-aa har gun gaa-i-aa.
The body which sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord is sanctified.

Awqmu cIin rhY ilv lwieAw ] (354-3)
aatam cheen rahai liv laa-i-aa.
The soul remains conscious of the Lord, absorbed in His Love.

Awid Apwru AprMpru hIrw ] (354-4)
aad apaar aprampar heeraa.
The Lord is the Infinite Primal Being, beyond the beyond, the priceless jewel.

lwil rqw myrw mnu DIrw ]3] (354-4)
laal rataa mayraa man Dheeraa. ||3||
My mind is totally content, imbued with my Beloved. ||3||

kQnI khih khih sy mUey ] (354-4)
kathnee kaheh kaheh say moo-ay.
Those who speak and babble on and on, are truly dead.

so pRBu dUir nwhI pRBu qUM hY ] (354-5)
so parabh door naahee parabh tooN hai.
God is not far away - O God, You are right here.

sBu jgu dyiKAw mwieAw CwieAw ] (354-5)
sabh jag daykhi-aa maa-i-aa chhaa-i-aa.
I have seen that the whole world is engrossed in Maya.

nwnk gurmiq nwmu iDAwieAw ]4]17] (354-5)
naanak gurmat naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||17||
O Nanak, through the Guru's Teachings, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||17||

Awsw mhlw 1 iqqukw ] (354-6)
aasaa mehlaa 1 titukaa.
Aasaa, First Mehl, Ti-Tukas:

koeI BIKku BIiKAw Kwie ] (354-6)
ko-ee bheekhak bheekhi-aa khaa-ay.
One is a beggar, living on charity;

koeI rwjw rihAw smwie ] (354-6)
ko-ee raajaa rahi-aa samaa-ay.
another is a king, absorbed in himself.

iks hI mwnu iksY Apmwnu ] (354-7)
kis hee maan kisai apmaan.
One receives honor, and another dishonor.

Fwih auswry Dry iDAwnu ] (354-7)
dhaahi usaaray Dharay Dhi-aan.
The Lord destroys and creates; He is enshrined in His meditation.

quJ qy vfw nwhI koie ] (354-7)
tujh tay vadaa naahee ko-ay.
There is no other as great as You.

iksu vyKwlI cMgw hoie ]1] (354-7)
kis vaykhaalee changa ho-ay. ||1||
So whom should I present to You? Who is good enough? ||1||

mY qW nwmu qyrw AwDwru ] (354-8)
mai taaN naam tayraa aaDhaar.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my only Support.

qUM dwqw krxhwru krqwru ]1] rhwau ] (354-8)
tooN daataa karanhaar kartaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Great Giver, the Doer, the Creator. ||1||Pause||

vwt n pwvau vIgw jwau ] (354-8)
vaat na paava-o veegaa jaa-o.
I have not walked on Your Path; I have followed the crooked path.

drgh bYsx nwhI Qwau ] (354-9)
dargeh baisan naahee thaa-o.
In the Court of the Lord, I find no place to sit.

mn kw AMDulw mwieAw kw bMDu ] (354-9)
man kaa anDhulaa maa-i-aa kaa banDh.
I am mentally blind, in the bondage of Maya.

KIn Krwbu hovY inq kMDu ] (354-9)
kheen kharaab hovai nit kanDh.
The wall of my body is breaking down, wearing away, growing weaker.

Kwx jIvx kI bhuqI Aws ] (354-10)
khaan jeevan kee bahutee aas.
You have such high hopes of eating and living

lyKY qyrY sws igrws ]2] (354-10)
laykhai tayrai saas giraas. ||2||
- your breaths and morsels of food are already counted! ||2||

Aihinis AMDuly dIpku dyie ] (354-10)
ahinis anDhulay deepak day-ay.
Night and day they are blind - please, bless them with Your Light.

Baujl fUbq icMq kryie ] (354-10)
bha-ojal doobat chint karay-i.
They are drowning in the terrifying world-ocean, crying out in pain.

khih suxih jo mwnih nwau ] hau bilhwrY qw kY jwau ] (354-11)
kaheh suneh jo maaneh naa-o. ha-o balihaarai taa kai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to those who chant, hear and believe in the Name.

nwnku eyk khY Ardwis ] (354-11)
naanak ayk kahai ardaas.
Nanak utters this one prayer;

jIau ipMfu sBu qyrY pwis ]3] (354-12)
jee-o pind sabh tayrai paas. ||3||
soul and body, all belong to You, Lord. ||3||

jW qUM dyih jpI qyrw nwau ] (354-12)
jaaN tooN deh japee tayraa naa-o.
When You bless me, I chant Your Name.

drgh bYsx hovY Qwau ] (354-12)
dargeh baisan hovai thaa-o.
Thus I find my seat in the Court of the Lord.

jW quDu BwvY qw durmiq jwie ] (354-12)
jaaN tuDh bhaavai taa durmat jaa-ay.
When it pleases You, evil-mindedness departs,

igAwn rqnu min vsY Awie ] (354-13)
gi-aan ratan man vasai aa-ay.
and the jewel of spiritual wisdom comes to dwell in the mind.

ndir kry qw siqguru imlY ] (354-13)
nadar karay taa satgur milai.
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then one comes to meet the True Guru.

pRxviq nwnku Bvjlu qrY ]4]18] (354-13)
paranvat naanak bhavjal tarai. ||4||18||
Prays Nanak, carry us across the terrifying world-ocean. ||4||18||

Awsw mhlw 1 pMcpdy ] (354-14)
aasaa mehlaa 1 panchpaday.
Aasaa, First Mehl, Panch-Padas:

duD ibnu Dynu pMK ibnu pMKI jl ibnu auqBuj kwim nwhI ] (354-14)
duDh bin Dhayn pankh bin pankhee jal bin ut-bhuj kaam naahee.
A cow without milk; a bird without wings; a garden without water - totally useless!

ikAw sulqwnu slwm ivhUxw AMDI koTI qyrw nwmu nwhI ]1] (354-15)
ki-aa sultaan salaam vihoonaa anDhee kothee tayraa naam naahee. ||1||
What is an emperor, without respect? The chamber of the soul is so dark, without the Name of the Lord. ||1||

kI ivsrih duKu bhuqw lwgY ] (354-15)
kee visrahi dukh bahutaa laagai.
How could I ever forget You? It would be so painful!

duKu lwgY qUM ivsru nwhI ]1] rhwau ] (354-16)
dukh laagai tooN visar naahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I would suffer such pain - no, I shall not forget You! ||1||Pause||

AKI AMDu jIB rsu nwhI kMnI pvxu n vwjY ] (354-16)
akhee anDh jeebh ras naahee kannee pavan na vaajai.
The eyes grow blind, the tongue does not taste, and the ears do not hear any sound.

crxI clY pjUqw AwgY ivxu syvw Pl lwgy ]2] (354-17)
charnee chalai pajootaa aagai vin sayvaa fal laagay. ||2||
He walks on his feet only when supported by someone else; without serving the Lord, such are the fruits of life. ||2||

AKr ibrK bwg Buie coKI isMicq Bwau kryhI ] (354-17)
akhar birakh baag bhu-ay chokhee sinchit bhaa-o karayhee.
The Word is the tree; the garden of the heart is the farm; tend it, and irrigate it with the Lord's Love.

sBnw Plu lwgY nwmu eyko ibnu krmw kYsy lyhI ]3] (354-18)
sabhnaa fal laagai naam ayko bin karmaa kaisay layhee. ||3||
All these trees bear the fruit of the Name of the One Lord; but without the karma of good actions, how can anyone obtain it? ||3||

jyqy jIA qyqy siB qyry ivxu syvw Plu iksY nwhI ] (354-18)
jaytay jee-a taytay sabh tayray vin sayvaa fal kisai naahee.
As many living beings are there are, they are all Yours. Without selfless service, no one obtains any reward.

duKu suKu Bwxw qyrw hovY ivxu nwvY jIau rhY nwhI ]4] (354-19)
dukh sukh bhaanaa tayraa hovai vin naavai jee-o rahai naahee. ||4||
Pain and pleasure come by Your Will; without the Name, the soul does not even exist. ||4||

miq ivic mrxu jIvxu horu kYsw jw jIvw qW jugiq nwhI ] (354-19)
mat vich maran jeevan hor kaisaa jaa jeevaa taaN jugat naahee.
To die in the Teachings is to live. Otherwise, what is life? That is not the way.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD