Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur prswdI hir rsu pwieAw nwmu pdwrQu nau iniD pweI ]1] rhwau ] (353-1)
gur parsaadee har ras paa-i-aa naam padaarath na-o niDh paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I have obtained the sublime essence of the Lord; I have received the wealth of the Naam and the nine treasures. ||1||Pause||

krm Drm scu swcw nwau ] (353-1)
karam Dharam sach saachaa naa-o.
Those whose karma and Dharma - whose actions and faith - are in the True Name of the True Lord

qw kY sd bilhwrY jwau ] (353-2)
taa kai sad balihaarai jaa-o.
- I am forever a sacrifice to them.

jo hir rwqy sy jn prvwxu ] (353-2)
jo har raatay say jan parvaan.
Those who are imbued with the Lord are accepted and respected.

iqn kI sMgiq prm inDwnu ]2] (353-2)
tin kee sangat param niDhaan. ||2||
In their company, the supreme wealth is obtained. ||2||

hir vru ijin pwieAw Dn nwrI ] (353-3)
har var jin paa-i-aa Dhan naaree.
Blessed is that bride, who has obtained the Lord as her Husband.

hir isau rwqI sbdu vIcwrI ] (353-3)
har si-o raatee sabad veechaaree.
She is imbued with the Lord, and she reflects upon the Word of His Shabad.

Awip qrY sMgiq kul qwrY ] (353-3)
aap tarai sangat kul taarai.
She saves herself, and saves her family and friends as well.

siqguru syiv qqu vIcwrY ]3] (353-4)
satgur sayv tat veechaarai. ||3||
She serves the True Guru, and contemplates the essence of reality. ||3||

hmrI jwiq piq scu nwau ] (353-4)
hamree jaat pat sach naa-o.
The True Name is my social status and honor.

krm Drm sMjmu sq Bwau ] (353-4)
karam Dharam sanjam sat bhaa-o.
The love of the Truth is my karma and Dharma - my faith and my actions, and my self-control.

nwnk bKsy pUC n hoie ] (353-5)
naanak bakhsay poochh na ho-ay.
O Nanak, one who is forgiven by the Lord is not called to account.

dUjw myty eyko soie ]4]14] (353-5)
doojaa maytay ayko so-ay. ||4||14||
The One Lord erases duality. ||4||14||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (353-5)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

ieik Awvih ieik jwvih AweI ] (353-5)
ik aavahi ik jaaveh aa-ee.
Some come, and after they come, they go.

ieik hir rwqy rhih smweI ] (353-6)
ik har raatay raheh samaa-ee.
Some are imbued with the Lord; they remain absorbed in Him.

ieik Drin ggn mih Taur n pwvih ] (353-6)
ik Dharan gagan meh tha-ur na paavahi.
Some find no place of rest at all, on the earth or in the sky.

sy krmhIx hir nwmu n iDAwvih ]1] (353-6)
say karamheen har naam na Dhi-aavahi. ||1||
Those who do not meditate on the Name of the Lord are the most unfortunate. ||1||

gur pUry qy giq imiq pweI ] (353-7)
gur pooray tay gat mit paa-ee.
From the Perfect Guru, the way to salvation is obtained.

iehu sMswru ibKu vq Aiq Baujlu gur sbdI hir pwir lµGweI ]1] rhwau ] (353-7)
ih sansaar bikh vat at bha-ojal gur sabdee har paar langhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This world is a terrifying ocean of poison; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord helps us cross over. ||1||Pause||

ijn@ kau Awp ley pRBu myil ] (353-8)
jinH ka-o aap la-ay parabh mayl.
Those, whom God unites with Himself,

iqn kau kwlu n swkY pyil ] (353-8)
tin ka-o kaal na saakai payl.
cannot be crushed by death.

gurmuiK inrml rhih ipAwry ] (353-9)
gurmukh nirmal raheh pi-aaray.
The beloved Gurmukhs remain immaculately pure,

ijau jl AMB aUpir kml inrwry ]2] (353-9)
ji-o jal ambh oopar kamal niraaray. ||2||
like the lotus in the water, which remains untouched. ||2||

burw Blw khu iks no khIAY ] (353-10)
buraa bhalaa kaho kis no kahee-ai.
Tell me: who should we call good or bad?

dIsY bRhmu gurmuiK scu lhIAY ] (353-10)
deesai barahm gurmukh sach lahee-ai.
Behold the Lord God; the truth is revealed to the Gurmukh.

AkQu kQau gurmiq vIcwru ] (353-10)
akath katha-o gurmat veechaar.
I speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord, contemplating the Guru's Teachings.

imil gur sMgiq pwvau pwru ]3] (353-11)
mil gur sangat paava-o paar. ||3||
I join the Sangat, the Guru's Congregation, and I find God's limits. ||3||

swsq byd isMimRiq bhu Byd ] (353-11)
saasat bayd simrit baho bhayd.
The Shaastras, the Vedas, the Simritees and all their many secrets;

ATsiT mjnu hir rsu ryd ] (353-11)
athsath majan har ras rayd.
bathing at the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage - all this is found by enshrining the sublime essence of the Lord in the heart.

gurmuiK inrmlu mYlu n lwgY ] (353-12)
gurmukh nirmal mail na laagai.
The Gurmukhs are immaculately pure; no filth sticks to them.

nwnk ihrdY nwmu vfy Duir BwgY ]4]15] (353-12)
naanak hirdai naam vaday Dhur bhaagai. ||4||15||
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides in the heart, by the greatest pre-ordained destiny. ||4||15||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (353-12)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

iniv iniv pwie lgau gur Apuny Awqm rwmu inhwirAw ] (353-13)
niv niv paa-ay laga-o gur apunay aatam raam nihaari-aa.
Bowing down, again and again, I fall at the Feet of my Guru; through Him, I have seen the Lord, the Divine Self, within.

krq bIcwru ihrdY hir rivAw ihrdY dyiK bIcwirAw ]1] (353-13)
karat beechaar hirdai har ravi-aa hirdai daykh beechaari-aa. ||1||
Through contemplation and meditation, the Lord dwells within the heart; see this, and understand. ||1||

bolhu rwmu kry insqwrw ] (353-14)
bolhu raam karay nistaaraa.
So speak the Lord's Name, which shall emancipate you.

gur prswid rqnu hir lwBY imtY AigAwnu hoie aujIAwrw ]1] rhwau ] (353-14)
gur parsaad ratan har laabhai mitai agi-aan ho-ay ujee-aaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, the jewel of the Lord is found; ignorance is dispelled, and the Divine Light shines forth. ||1||Pause||

rvnI rvY bMDn nhI qUtih ivic haumY Brmu n jweI ] (353-15)
ravnee ravai banDhan nahee tooteh vich ha-umai bharam na jaa-ee.
By merely saying it with the tongue, one's bonds are not broken, and egotism and doubt do not depart from within.

siqguru imlY q haumY qUtY qw ko lyKY pweI ]2] (353-15)
satgur milai ta ha-umai tootai taa ko laykhai paa-ee. ||2||
But when one meets the True Guru, egotism departs, and then, one realizes his destiny. ||2||

hir hir nwmu Bgiq ipRA pRIqmu suK swgru aur Dwry ] (353-16)
har har naam bhagat pari-a pareetam sukh saagar ur Dhaaray.
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is sweet and dear to His devotees; it is the ocean of peace - enshrine it within the heart.

Bgiq vClu jgjIvnu dwqw miq gurmiq hir insqwry ]3] (353-16)
bhagat vachhal jagjeevan daataa mat gurmat har nistaaray. ||3||
The Lover of His devotees, the Life of the World, the Lord bestows the Guru's Teachings upon the intellect, and one is emancipated. ||3||

mn isau jUiJ mrY pRBu pwey mnsw mnih smwey ] (353-17)
man si-o joojh marai parabh paa-ay mansaa maneh samaa-ay.
One who dies fighting against his own stubborn mind finds God, and the desires of the mind are quieted.

nwnk ik®pw kry jgjIvnu shj Bwie ilv lwey ]4]16] (353-18)
naanak kirpaa karay jagjeevan sahj bhaa-ay liv laa-ay. ||4||16||
O Nanak, if the Life of the World bestows His Mercy, one is intuitively attuned to the Love of the Lord. ||4||16||

Awsw mhlw 1 ] (353-18)
aasaa mehlaa 1.
Aasaa, First Mehl:

iks kau khih suxwvih iks kau iksu smJwvih smiJ rhy ] (353-18)
kis ka-o kaheh sunaaveh kis ka-o kis samjhaavahi samajh rahay.
Unto whom do they speak? Unto whom do they preach? Who understands? Let them understand themselves.

iksY pVwvih piV guix bUJy siqgur sbid sMqoiK rhy ]1] (353-19)
kisai parhaaveh parh gun boojhay satgur sabad santokh rahay. ||1||
Who do they teach? Through study, they come to realize the Lord's Glorious Virtues. Through the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru, they come to dwell in contentment. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD