Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jIvn pdu inrbwxu ieko ismrIAY ] (322-1)
jeevan pad nirbaan iko simree-ai.
To obtain the state of life of Nirvaanaa, meditate in remembrance on the One Lord.

dUjI nwhI jwie ikin ibiD DIrIAY ] (322-1)
doojee naahee jaa-ay kin biDh Dheeree-ai.
There is no other place; how else can we be comforted?

ifTw sBu sMswru suKu n nwm ibnu ] (322-1)
dithaa sabh sansaar sukh na naam bin.
I have seen the whole world - without the Lord's Name, there is no peace at all.

qnu Dnu hosI Cwru jwxY koie jnu ] (322-2)
tan Dhan hosee chhaar jaanai ko-ay jan.
Body and wealth shall return to dust - hardly anyone realizes this.

rMg rUp rs bwid ik krih prwxIAw ] (322-2)
rang roop ras baad ke karahi paraanee-aa.
Pleasure, beauty and delicious tastes are useless; what are you doing, O mortal?

ijsu Bulwey Awip iqsu kl nhI jwxIAw ] (322-2)
jis bhulaa-ay aap tis kal nahee jaanee-aa.
One whom the Lord Himself misleads, does not understand His awesome power.

rMig rqy inrbwxu scw gwvhI ] (322-3)
rang ratay nirbaan sachaa gaavhee.
Those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord attain Nirvaanaa, singing the Praises of the True One.

nwnk srix duAwir jy quDu BwvhI ]2] (322-3)
naanak saran du-aar jay tuDh bhaavhee. ||2||
Nanak: those who are pleasing to Your Will, O Lord, seek Sanctuary at Your Door. ||2||

pauVI ] (322-4)

jMmxu mrxu n iqn@ kau jo hir liV lwgy ] (322-4)
jaman maran na tinH ka-o jo har larh laagay.
Those who are attached to the hem of the Lord's robe, do not suffer birth and death.

jIvq sy prvwxu hoey hir kIrqin jwgy ] (322-4)
jeevat say parvaan ho-ay har keertan jaagay.
Those who remain awake to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises - their lives are approved.

swDsMgu ijn pwieAw syeI vfBwgy ] (322-5)
saaDhsang jin paa-i-aa say-ee vadbhaagay.
Those who attain the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, are very fortunate.

nwie ivsirAY iDRgu jIvxw qUty kc Dwgy ] (322-5)
naa-ay visri-ai Dharig jeevnaa tootay kach Dhaagay.
But those who forget the Name - their lives are cursed, and broken like thin strands of thread.

nwnk DUiV punIq swD lK koit iprwgy ]16] (322-6)
naanak Dhoorh puneet saaDh lakh kot piraagay. ||16||
O Nanak, the dust of the feet of the Holy is more sacred than hundreds of thousands, even millions of cleansing baths at sacred shrines. ||16||

sloku mÚ 5 ] (322-6)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

Drix suvMnI KV rqn jVwvI hir pRym purKu min vuTw ] (322-6)
Dharan suvannee kharh ratan jarhaavee har paraym purakh man vuthaa.
Like the beautiful earth, adorned with jewels of grass - such is the mind, within which the Love of the Lord abides.

sBy kwj suhylVy QIey guru nwnku siqguru quTw ]1] (322-7)
sabhay kaaj suhaylrhay thee-ay gur naanak satgur tuthaa. ||1||
All one's affairs are easily resolved, O Nanak, when the Guru, the True Guru, is pleased. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (322-7)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

iPrdI iPrdI dh idsw jl prbq bnrwie ] (322-7)
firdee firdee dah disaa jal parbat banraa-ay.
Roaming and wandering in the ten directions, over water, mountains and forests

ijQY ifTw imrqko iel bihTI Awie ]2] (322-8)
jithai dithaa mirtako il bahithee aa-ay. ||2||
- wherever the vulture sees a dead body, he flies down and lands. ||2||

pauVI ] (322-8)

ijsu srb suKw Pl loVIAih so scu kmwvau ] (322-9)
jis sarab sukhaa fal lorhee-ah so sach kamaava-o.
One who longs for all comforts and rewards should practice Truth.

nyVY dyKau pwrbRhmu ieku nwmu iDAwvau ] (322-9)
nayrhai daykh-a-u paarbarahm ik naam Dhi-aava-o.
Behold the Supreme Lord God near you, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

hoie sgl kI ryxukw hir sMig smwvau ] (322-9)
ho-ay sagal kee raynukaa har sang samaava-o.
Become the dust of all men's feet, and so merge with the Lord.

dUKu n dyeI iksY jIA piq isau Gir jwvau ] (322-10)
dookh na day-ee kisai jee-a pat si-o ghar jaava-o.
Do not cause any being to suffer, and you shall go to your true home with honor.

piqq punIq krqw purKu nwnk suxwvau ]17] (322-10)
patit puneet kartaa purakh naanak sunaava-o. ||17||
Nanak speaks of the Purifier of sinners, the Creator, the Primal Being. ||17||

slok dohw mÚ 5 ] (322-11)
salok dohaa mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Dohaa, Fifth Mehl:

eyku ij swjnu mY kIAw srb klw smrQu ] (322-11)
ayk je saajan mai kee-aa sarab kalaa samrath.
I have made the One Lord my Friend; He is All-powerful to do everything.

jIau hmwrw KMnIAY hir mn qn sMdVI vQu ]1] (322-12)
jee-o hamaaraa khannee-ai har man tan sand-rhee vath. ||1||
My soul is a sacrifice to Him; the Lord is the treasure of my mind and body. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (322-12)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

jy kru ghih ipAwrVy quDu n Cofw mUil ] (322-12)
jay kar gaheh pi-aarrhay tuDh na chhodaa mool.
Take my hand, O my Beloved; I shall never forsake You.

hir Cofin sy durjnw pVih dojk kY sUil ]2] (322-13)
har chhodan say durjanaa parheh dojak kai sool. ||2||
Those who forsake the Lord, are the most evil people; they shall fall into the horrible pit of hell. ||2||

pauVI ] (322-13)

siB inDwn Gir ijs dY hir kry su hovY ] (322-13)
sabh niDhaan ghar jis dai har karay so hovai.
All treasures are in His Home; whatever the Lord does, comes to pass.

jip jip jIvih sMq jn pwpw mlu DovY ] (322-14)
jap jap jeeveh sant jan paapaa mal Dhovai.
The Saints live by chanting and meditating on the Lord, washing off the filth of their sins.

crn kml ihrdY vsih sMkt siB KovY ] (322-14)
charan kamal hirdai vaseh sankat sabh khovai.
With the Lotus Feet of the Lord dwelling within the heart, all misfortune is taken away.

guru pUrw ijsu BytIAY mir jnim n rovY ] (322-15)
gur pooraa jis bhaytee-ai mar janam na rovai.
One who meets the Perfect Guru, shall not have to suffer through birth and death.

pRB drs ipAws nwnk GxI ikrpw kir dyvY ]18] (322-15)
parabh daras pi-aas naanak ghanee kirpaa kar dayvai. ||18||
Nanak is thirsty for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan; by His Grace, He has bestowed it. ||18||

slok fKxw mÚ 5 ] (322-16)
salok dakh-naa mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Dakhanaa, Fifth Mehl:

BorI Brmu v\wie iprI muhbiq ihku qU ] (322-16)
bhoree bharam vanjaa-ay piree muhabat hik too.
If you can dispel your doubts, even for an instant, and love your only Beloved,

ijQhu vM\Y jwie iqQwaU maujUdu soie ]1] (322-16)
jithahu vanjai jaa-ay tithaa-oo ma-ujood so-ay. ||1||
then wherever you go, there you shall find Him. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (322-17)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

ciV kY GoVVY kuMdy pkVih KUMfI dI KyfwrI ] (322-17)
charh kai ghorh-rhai kunday pakrheh khoondee dee khaydaaree.
Can they mount horses and handle guns, if all they know is the game of polo?

hMsw syqI icqu aulwsih kukV dI EfwrI ]2] (322-17)
hansaa saytee chit ulaaseh kukarh dee odaaree. ||2||
Can they be swans, and fulfill their conscious desires, if they can only fly like chickens? ||2||

pauVI ] (322-18)

rsnw aucrY hir sRvxI suxY so auDrY imqw ] (322-18)
rasnaa uchrai har sarvanee sunai so uDhrai mitaa.
Those who chant the Lord's Name with their tongues and hear it with their ears are saved, O my friend.

hir jsu ilKih lwie BwvnI sy hsq pivqw ] (322-18)
har jas likheh laa-ay bhaavnee say hasat pavitaa.
Those hands which lovingly write the Praises of the Lord are pure.

ATsiT qIrQ mjnw siB puMn iqin ikqw ] (322-19)
athsath tirath majnaa sabh punn tin kitaa.
It is like performing all sorts of virtuous deeds, and bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

sMswr swgr qy auDry ibiKAw gVu ijqw ] (322-19)
sansaar saagar tay uDhray bikhi-aa garh jitaa.
They cross over the world-ocean, and conquer the fortress of corruption.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD